She didn't want him to go. She desperately wanted him to stay. She wanted to kiss him again- she'd never felt like that before, never felt so cared for or so excited about being with a person in the same room.
And boy, was she excited to be with Flynn. She smiled at him, and sighed then, looking down. "Flynn I just... I just don't need to be looked after. I mean, I just don't want to be left alone again. And I mean- we've been inside all. Day. Long." She didn't know what to say to express how bad she wanted to go with him.
She sighed, looking at him. It was hard to say no to him. "Well if...if you have to go... If you have to HAVE TO go, I mean. Bring back mac and cheese. And ice cream. And I'm going to work tomorrow, because I can't stay inside forever. That is my deal."
A Literal Translation- Flynn and Percy
Rapunzel laughed when he seemed so confused, but not as big of a laugh as before. Just a small chuckle at him. “Woodchips! You said your first kiss was with woodchips! Well, I mean, not with woodchips- but you know what I mean.” She laughed and shook her head, thinking about how silly she must look. It wasn’t her fault! It was his fault! Him and his stupid, dumb, amazing kisses. 
"You underestimated yourself indeed," She agreed, ruffling his hair like he always did to her. Rapunzel was still a bit out of it all, after all that. Flynn seemed content with the kiss, though, so that was good. Maybe
maybe she wasn’t so bad at it after all- this whole
relationshipkissthing. If that was a thing.
When Flynn kissed her again, Rapunzel thought for a moment to hold on, make sure it was just like the first one only ten billion times better (if that were possible) but then quickly realized it was a shorter kiss. Even though it was shorter, it was still wonderful. She wanted to kiss him every day for the rest of her life, even if they were just little short ones. 
After the baby kiss, Rapunzel looked up at him, her hands going from his hair to rest between his neck and shoulders. She sighed, thinking. None of this was fair- especially now, since they’d just kissed. And even after their kiss, Flynn wanted to go and leave? Like
like it was no big deal? 
"I wish you would stay," Rapunzel whispered, looking away from him to the floor, their bodies in the way of the tiles. "It’s not something you have to do. You could just stay here, and kiss me, and everything will be perfect."
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"Wow, Flynn you look great! We should dress up and go somewhere fancy!"
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Joseph Fiennes
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Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom, there lived

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"It worries me how racist the Disney fandom is. Seriously, someone brings up the fact that Frozen has no POC and the racist people come out of the woodworks. It’s also upsetting that a lot of people don’t want more POC in the line up"
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Rapunzel + that cute thing when ending musical numbers ♬(ノ゜∇゜)ăƒŽâ™©
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I’m starting my positive reinforcement with Frozen. Seems appropriate. FYI, my hashtag for this is going to be #scattersunshine (if you want to block it or save it)
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Can you, if you've got time, do a drabble of Flynn and Rapunzel playing a game?
"So, wait, that Hans guy is supposed to be the prince?""Yep.""Like the one Anna falls in love with?""Yep.""With those sideburns?!""Yes, Flynn, that's the guy!""How can she marry a guy she just met with those sideburns?""Are you going  talk the whole movie?"They were sitting on Flynn's couch for their weekly movie night, and Rapunzel had suggested they watch Frozen, a movie she'd already seen and had been shocked to learn her boyfriend (yes, omg!) hadn't. So, with popcorn in hand, the two had sat down to watch the Disney 'Classic'."I don't know, he seems too clean for me," Flynn said, taking popcorn from the bowl in Rapunzel's lap. "Not that I'm heavily invested in a kid's movie, I mean."She laughed nodding and chewing on some candy. "Oh no of course not. That would ruin everything.""My whole reputation would be destroyed."Rapunzel laughed again as her phone rang in her pocket- "Hey, Shorty, is your phone tune the Snowman song from this movie? Oh great!"- and ignoring Flynn read a text she'd gotten from Hookhand. Her eyebrows creased together and she was silent long enough that Flynn looked over and asked what was up.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Rapunzel said, still looking at her phone. She finally sighed and stuck it on the coffee table in front of them.“Hookhand just sent me a message saying how he ‘totally truth or dared Big Nose to dance shirtless on a table’ during dinner rush at the Snuggly Duckling.” She turned and looked from her phone back to the movie, where Elsa was freezing everything. She also noticed Flynn laughed, and then said, “Well, that’s a sight I’d never want to see.”“What’s ‘truth or dared’ mean?” Rapunzel asked, since he didn’t even comment on it- which was weird, because she certainly didn’t understand the phrase (and she was getting better at those!).
Flynn raised an eyebrow at her for a moment, which made her stomach churn; another thing she didn’t understand, making Rapunzel again officially the worst teenager ever. But, he then calmly paused the movie- Rapunzel figured he didn’t want to miss anything while explaining- and said, “It’s a game that kids play, sometimes teenagers. Where one person gets asked ‘truth or dare’, and the other person either picks truth and answers a question, or dare and is dared something.”“What kind of dares? What kind of questions? Has anyone ever confessed to murder? Or killed someone? Or gotten killed?” This game sounded really tricky if you were playing with tricky people, Rapunzel decided. Flynn laughed, shaking his head. “Not that i know of. I’ve only played it a couple of times, when I was younger.”“What’s the worst thing you were ever dared?”He was silent for a moment, thinking. After a while, he answered, “Well, my dares weren’t bad- once I stole a pair of shoes off a rack in a mall, but most of them were to makeout with random girls.”
Rapunzel looked down, thinking about all the girls he’d kissed before her, and hoping she was good at it. Flynn was good at it, but he’d had a ton of practice. “And the truths?” She asked. He waved a hand in the air. “Either you get dared something really weird, or lame, and then you get asked who you like. There’s not much variety in the game, Shorty.”“Can we play? Now?” He looked surprised but not entirely against it, and nodded. “You wanna go first?” Of course she did.“Truth or dare!” She asked excitedly- it was like she was filling a hole from her childhood.“Truth.”“Do you like Frozen?”“I
...it’s growing on me. I have yet to decide.” He gave a smirk at the end. “Your turn: truth or dare?”“Dare!”“Wow, Shorty, going for the big leagues!” This made her laugh, anticipating the dare. What could it be? Running for president? Cooking a pie? Taking a shower?“Do
.12 jumping jacks.”“What?” That was kind of a let down. “Are you starting out easy or something?”“No, I’m just really bad at making up dares. Actually, I’m bad at the whole game.”Rapunzel sighed, then smiled- her first dare!- and stood. She spread her arms out, completed the jumping jacks, and then sat back down. “Your turn! Truth or dare!”“Dare.”Now she got to think of one! She tapped her finger to her chin, thinking. What to make him do? There were so many options. “Ummmm okay! Go to the fridge, get out an egg, and break it!”“Can I break it in the sink?” Hmmmm...a loophole. Rapunzel was wanting more of a challenge than that, but there would be cleaning otherwise. “That’s fine,” she decided, nodding. Flynn got up, Rapunzel right on his heels, and broke the egg in the sink as the dare instructed. When he’d finished cleaning out the sink, he turned. “Liking the game?” he asked and she nodded. “Even though it gets borning after a while- erm, Truth or Dare, Shorty.”“Truth!” He leaned on the counter and thought for a moment. Then, he smirked. “What’s the best thing about me?”Without missing a beat, Rapunzel said, “How much you care about the people you love, even though you don’t want to look like you care, you totally do. And it’s awesome.”Rapunzel hoped that was a good enough answer, and then asked Flynn truth or dare. “Dare.”“Kiss me.” Rapunzel felt tingly all over, having used a massive dare-chip. She’d skipped levels, she could tell by the look on Flynn’s face, however soon after his surprise he smiled, cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently. Rapunzel bounced a bit, as she felt with every one of his kisses. The world was such a wonderful thing.After he completed the dare, she smiled, dream-like, and then said “Dare,” even before he asked her. When he looked like he was about to lean in for another kiss, he bent close to her ear and whispered, “Let’s go finish Frozen.” “Okie dokie, I ran out of dares anyway, for now.” Rapunzel laughed, following him back to the couch, and snuggled up next to him, playing the movie. They watched in silence, Rapunzel running dares and truths all through her mind for later when suddenly:“Wait, who the hell is this Kristoff guy?”
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'You were my new dream.'
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"I took a picture of Flynn when he wasn't expecting it!"
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Butterbeer For Two. (Flynn and Rapunzel drabble)
"And then when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named showed up, it was like whoooosh! And then I was like ‘WHOAAAAA!’ and then we FLEW on the dragon!”
"Yeah, Shorty, I know- I was there," Flynn told her, nodding. Even though they’d waited for over two hours, he had to admit the ride through the wizard bank had been pretty cool. 
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slips in to whisper that i am literal fucking trash then slips out again
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I wanna be included! -Tiana
Tia: Okay I promise I won't say anything.
Tia: Yeah... I remember. Is everything okay?
Percy: Well- yes everything is okay- weeeelllllllll FLYNN AND I KISSED!
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Texting is fun- Naveen
Naveen [text]: Oh? People were talking about me? That is nice to hear! I do! Don't you remember? Oh...wait...I suppose you would not remember that party..
Percy: I mean I remember one where I left early with Flynn, but He also kissed a girl there soooooooooooooooooooooo
Percy: ANYWYAY! How are you?! How's the music going?
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I wanna be included! -Tiana
Percy [text]: Hey, Tiana? Can I tell you a secret?
TIa: of course! What it is?
Percy: Welll.....okay you CAN'T CAN'T TELL ANYONE!
Percy: Not even Naveen! I mean, if he doesn't know already, I mean...
Percy: You know how I'm staying at Flynn's house for a while?
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Texting is fun- Naveen
Percy {text}: Hey Naveen? Is it true you throw the 'most wild ever' parties? Some girls in my class were talking about you....
Percy {text}: In the best way!
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I wanna be included! -Tiana
Percy [text]: Hey, Tiana? Can I tell you a secret?
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