peragonsaysthings · 10 months
It's been a hot few hyperfixations since I last touched this bad boy, welcome to chapter 7: Genshin Impact
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peragonsaysthings · 1 year
Man the song Hero (Caleb Hyles) is such a strange amalgamation to my mind, like- It's not even a song I like, it just shows up on the wind and then I get a craving for toast.
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peragonsaysthings · 1 year
Trying to get into 'The Owlhouse.' I'm a sucker for Fantasy worlds but- Help-? It been five minutes of the first episode, cat hoddie, weird compund thingy break in, wizard police, prisoners that say they didn't do nothin' wrong, staff owl, broom stick, the owl door, fall aparty witch, transported into another world, banished giraffes, oblivious mc, more magic telporty doors, pupperzied demon overlord, only Mc can break some seal thing- Food fanfic writter-? Just please for the love of god slow down.
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peragonsaysthings · 1 year
Okay so, Hemlock, big bad evil man that yoinked our Crosshair.
What I'm intrested in about him, is the Gas that he used in Ep.14, Tipping point. Crosshairs already weak, we can see that, and Resonably so. Before he even gets in the room he's stumbling around, missing shots, he wouldn't have had a chance to handle any sort of Toxin.
Let alone hemlock, a deadly plant that can result in death. And I think that's what the gas is, hemlock.
So hemlock has alot of affects, ingesting it can leave someone experiencing central nervous system depression, respiratory failure, acute rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure and death. And even when it's just inhaled through a smoke form it can still give someone Central nervous system depression, and respiratory failure.
The symtoms of Hemlock poisoning? From the ones I could see in that animation, Which cannot display alot of the symptoms (High blood pressure, restlessness or confusion, dry mouth etc.) There were still some that Crosshair displayed.
-Mussel weakness, Barley moments into the toxins release Crosshair collapses, yes this could be a symptom of his previous weakness. But prior to the gases release nothing major happened that would have decreased his motor function so quickly, other than the toxins effects. Crosshair is also depicted not long after falling over, trying to push himself up but not having the core strength to do so, this could be argued as respiratory failure. Which he starts to experience, but it's to soon in the prosses to have that much of a hold on him.
-Dilated pupils, From the scene when the gas first entered the room, to the scene where Crosshair had collapsed his pupils had Dilated. (Dialate, for something to expand.)
-Rapid heartrate, even though we couldn't get a visual of this, before the Guard takes him away we can here his hearybeat, and we can here it start to pick up before he fall unconscious (Although the heartrate does slow down right before he loses consciousness, this can be explained by anouther symtom).
-Restlessness and Confusion, I put this down as one of the thing that couldn't be depicted in the visuals, because we can't know if Crosshair feels Confusion in the moment. But I believe a depiction of this, is the way he hears Hemlocks voice while he speaks, the effects on it could be the visual representation of Crosshairs Confusion.
Another thing I want to touch on, is the respiratory failure and central nervous system depression. Although they can't be shown to their full extent in the short time frame, they play a part in the scene.
-Respiratory failure, Very quickly it shows Crosshair struggling to breath, the coughing and short breaths is true to that. The coughing? Not so much, but how short, cut off and quick his breaths become shows a struggle. You can see this in his movements, how after he falls his chest will rapidly rise and fall through the majority the continuing scene, but slow down right before he loses consciousness.
-Central Nervous system depression, The central nervous system depression (CNSD) is a less likely part in how the scene plays out. CNSD is "a physiological state that can result in a decreased rate of breathing, decreased heart rate, and loss of consciousness, possibly leading to coma or death." We see this clearly in afew ways, the loss of consciousness happens quickly, both by his weakened state and by a decreased rate of breathing (Which was touched on in Respiratory failure). However it could also be cause by a decreased heartrate, yes, I had mentioned Crosshairs heartrate picking up during the scene, but I also mentioned how it slowed just before he lost consciousness. This skipping heatbeat could be a symptom of his heartrate decreasing, conflicting with the rapid heart rate symptom. While it could also just be a sign of his lose of consciousness, which is why I don't think the decreased heartrate plays a big role in the bigger picture.
If I could, I'd line up the treatments for Hemlock posioning with what we see of Crosshair in the final episode of S2, But I have no understanding on Starwars medical procedures and wouldn't have a hope of lining that up with the real world methods.
Uh, how do you even end this? It's like school speeches, just copy the introduction and change up the words- But that Dosn't really work when your Intro's 'Big bad evil man'.
Anyway I think that Toxin shown in Ep.14 is some modification of the alkaloid toxins found in actual hemlock plants.
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I can't keep this to myself anymore.
Their Literally the same thing
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
Holy SHIT guys I commissioned Kevan Brighting to say some comforting things as the narrator and it’s giving me LIFE. He did such an incredible job. Please give this a listen. AAAAAAAAAA
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I just heard someone refer to Barb Wire as a Harm Slinky and now I can't stop thinking about it
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
So, I'm not that confident with my Art but I wanted to draw something for @meatygutsy 's Lustale; So have Sans
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
About to catch up on 7 weeks worth of Civics Assessment in 2 days :)
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I kind of Want to Create an Au, Or more Alternate Multiverse than Au. It would deffenatly focus around Dreamtale- I have undying favouritism for them <3
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I want to imagine even after 500 years Dream and Nightmare don't know how to use their magic to the full extent; some of their abilities even being left unknown. Dream has and excuse, Being stone for so long. But Nightmare? He barely even knows how much magic he has, his abilities with emotions come naturally; Infact it more of a sense than magic, His teleportation. He only knew he had it after he corrupted, He honestly dosn't even know he dosn't need to travel through his corruption to use it. Any generic sans magic is also beyond him, honestly it only really looks like he knows magic well from his corruption. Which acts more like a limb to him then a force of magic.
Dreams bow, I feel like dream discovered that from training with Swap; Swap being the most similar creature to the twins in the multiverse he could guid Dream in a way Ink couldn't. Originaly, he was trying to guide Dreams magic alongside his own to form a bone attack; only after so many failed attempts did dreams magic shift into a bow instead. But of course, that was an accident; Swap has no real way on coaching etheir of the twins into learning their magic. Even if he is the only being who might be able to
Nightmare and Dream belong to @jokublog
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I think Kiler can't get over people who shun him, Along with the sense of pride he gets when he breaks down the wall they had up. The idea that he had managed to soften someone so cold- It's one of the reasons he was so persistent with the gang members when each of them joined, Especially with his Boss.
Killer belongs To @rahafwabas
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
The favourite thing I've found about this app is you can grab the little pencil and move it across the screen and all the options will start to follow it and it's different colours; It's great, My entertainment for the next hour.
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I Vaugly remember seeing somewhere Nightmare was afraid of cats; Which google has earsed the answer to my question on whether or not he actually is >:(
But, If he was. It would 100% happen around the same time he was first created; The first time he had left the tree to try and figure things out with what he had. He came across a stray, he could- Tell the cat was upset in someway, Sick. But he couldn't perceive it properly with so little understanding of his own magic and.. Honestly basic emotion. He felt compelled to help it, But it had gotten scared and had scratched him; The fear from the cat felt so real in Nightmares head it was almost like it was his own, in a way it had been. Since then everytime he sees a cat he gets that pit in his soul, of course it was his first experience feeling what fear and pain really felt like.
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
already got a blazed marvel post. the adpocalypse is closer than we think so heres your daily PSA
don't interact with corporate tumblr accounts
yes even to dunk on them. i don't care if you have the sickest burn of the century lined up, don't even give them the time of day
the eventual and inevitable fall of twitter marks a change in the advertising industry, and tumblr is unclaimed territory. if we want tumblr to remain the social media bastion it has become, it needs to remain as unappealing to corporations as possible. do not engage. in a marketing strategist's eyes, any kind of attention is good attention. don't "silence, brand" them. don't kungpowpenis them. don't send them hate anons. don't hate-follow them. corporate tumblrs are not a single entity and they will not be harassed off this site. we only have a shot at repelling them because of tumblr's lack of an algorithm. so turn off recommended posts on your dashboard, put it chronological order, and install an adblocker. if you don't seek out these blazed posts and actively ignore them when they happen upon you, the corporations will starve. in this case, the best kind of protest is a silent one
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
I'd like to imagine Nightmare didn't care about any of his crew when he first created the gang, Not even remotely. And for so long he never questioned that line of thought, never once thought that he could get attached to them. Someone like Killer might have noticed, Noticed before Nightmare even did; maybe he'd even feel proud he'd gotten through the cold shell his boss always put up. He'd keep it to himself, But Nightmare could always feel the spark of Pride and Joy in his emotions when he stuck around for just abit longer
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
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peragonsaysthings · 2 years
So, I refuse to belive Nightmare dosn't anything but adore the idea of getting getting piercings; Ear piercings specifically. But he never really got a chance to in his past and in his present he feels almost compelled to shame himself out of the idea.
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
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