pents · 2 years
o naur i feel like a ton of headcanons and info for si-u and his character coming up on me. . . . my recent chara already got me ruminating on things ..... hrmrmrmrm.  would love to interact with more people but i am too nervous to follow anyone hhehhshsklfjs
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pents · 2 years
ghosting doesn’t work on me, i don‘t care if we never speak again
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pents · 2 years
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pents · 2 years
DURING  THE  DAYS  SI-U  WASN’T    wound-up,  a  tight  coil  on  the  brink  of  springing  into  madness,   he  was  a  heavy  cinderblock  that  takes  in  no lessons  &  is  only  heavy-limbed  movements  like  his  bones  were  filled  with  cement .   today  he’s  the  latter .   after  dragging  himself  to  class,  keeping  secluded  in  the  curtaining  backrows  of  desks,   &  out  of  the  attentive  eyes  of  his  professor,  @limbstitch​,  he  fell  asleep  during  the  whole  thing .   
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it  was  the  scrapes  of  desk  &  shuffling  papers  into  bookbags  that  wake  him  up .   it  takes  a  lot  of  will  but  approaches  the  front  where  the  professor  &   his  desk  sit,  eyes  never  fully  meeting  his .   “ um,  i---- uh,  can ..  can  i  just  take  your  classes  online?  f-for  the  rest  of  the  year?  “  
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pents · 2 years
IN  THE  SOLACE  OF  NIGHT    si-u  is  cloaked  by  darkness,   comfortable  enough  that  he  peers  out  his  curtains  that  have  just  been  disturbed  today .    his  eyes  trace  the  neighbors  through  their  windows   &   their  mindless  tasks,   noting  down  all   they  do,   timestamped .   excess  information  that  he  will  not  remember  but  does  it  all  anyway .  
the  source-less  din  around  the  monster  building  has  a  subtle  shift  -   the  echoes  of  distant,  sparse  traffic  turning  into  a  collision  (rare),  some  shouting  (doubly  rare),   &    @limbstitch​​   striding  within  the  'courtyard'   breaks  the  tranquil  of  monotonous  humdrum   (infinitely  out  of  the  norm) .
he  watches  him,   an  unfamiliar  face,   &  does  not  move  as  if  the  slightest  twitch  will  draw  focus .   a  blink  later  &   the  stranger's  face  turns  up  to  him .   si-u's  breath  catches  in  his  throat,  paralyzed;   did  he  see him ?   maybe  he's  looking  somewhere  else,  maybe -----     but  the  man  is  still  staring .   then,  they  run,  disappearing  from  his  view  above .   a  wink of  light  &  life  below  now  gone .
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thoughts  race  with  his  quickening  heartbeat .   his  throat  gets  too  tight  for  intake  of  breath .   with  his  window-side  station  abandoned,  he  checks  the  several  locks  on  his  door .   locked,  locked,  locked .   then,  surges  into  his  room,  shutting  the  door  &   kills  all   the  lights,  save  for  his  several-monitored  setup  glowing  &  humming  in  the  dark .   he  burrows  himself  into  the  corner  of  his  lightless  bedroom .    rationale  quells  his  building  fears:  maybe  he  was  looking  in  another  room,  maybe  he  isn't  going  to  find  his  place,  but  the  fates  of  his  family's  ghosts  haunt  him   &   si-u  fears  this  will  be  his  last  night  alive .  
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