Extremely Exhausted Starters
“You. Rest. Now.”
“You took five steps and need to sit down again?”
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.”
“I just need to sit-what do you mean I’m already laying down?”
“Your eyes aren’t focusing. Just close them for ten minutes.”
“Write one sentence on this piece of paper, and then I’ll let you up.”
“I just need a breather, that’s all. Maybe ten. No fifteen.”
“We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted.”
“When I said I needed five more minutes I meant it more like hours.”
“… no… I’m tired… let me sleep… I don’t want to get up.”
“We need to get out of the heat, you’re starting to look sick.”
“You can’t hide those shaking hands from me. You need to stop.”
“I’m just a little cold, I’m okay, really. Let me sit with a blanket or something.”
“Moving…? No I’m good thanks.”
“Gravity has a hold on me of which I have not the strength to break.”
“Was… was that actually there? That wasn’t there was it?”
“I’ve had no energy for three days.”
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.”
“Listen I can… I can get up. It’s fine.”
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
“I have energy for exactly one more person of favourable standing, and going the hell to bed. With or without that person, bed is happening.”
“You’ve struggled to move anything for the last hour.”
“This is what happens when you over exert yourself.”
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
“I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
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Send a "✯”and I’ll randomly generate a number 1-20. My muse will react to your muse...
Use this website to generate a number between 1-20. Do not look ahead of time! Some are NSFW!
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* character headcanons
clothing style.
before - bed routine. 
eating habits.
concept of home and family. 
fighting style.
what calms your muse down after a bad day?
talk about one person your muse loves.
ways your muse says i love you.
describe your muse’s laugh. 
what items can be found in your muse’s pockets? 
talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s).
describe your muse’s walk. 
talk about your muse’s accent.
describe your muse’s smile. 
how often does your muse get sick?
does your muse know when to rest, or do they push themselves?
does your muse snore? sleeptalk? sleepwalk?
the thing(s) your muse thinks about before falling asleep.
is your muse a fitful or a quiet sleeper?
your muse’s thoughts on cops and other authority figures.
skills and special talents. 
disabilities or illnesses. 
habits and mannerisms.
introvert or extrovert.
religious or non - religious.
verbal or non - verbal communication.
something your muse could never forgive.
something that makes your muse smile.
something that scares your muse.
something that gives your muse hope.
how your muse responds to being helped / taken care of.
how your muse responds to unconditional love.
how your muse responds to danger.
how your muse responds to stress.  
how your muse responds to anger.
did your muse grow up too fast?
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● Starlight Express roleplay & ask blog ● NSFW allowed ● multiship ●
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sex+romance headcanons!
Send me a symbol. Please note that some answers may be NSFW.
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation? 💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity? 😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date? 😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date? 👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking? 😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks? 💬 When did my muse go on their first date? 💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? 💗 Has my muse ever been in love? 👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like? 👰 Would my muse ever get married? 🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding? 🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch? 🏩 What was my muse’s first time like? 🎆 Is my muse into monogamy? 💕 Would my muse ever be in a polyamorous relationship? 🔥 Would my muse ever be up for a threesome? 👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public? 💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak? 💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? 💋 How many people has my muse slept with? 👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around? 👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner? 😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship? 💲Would my muse ever date/marry/sleep with someone because they were rich? 👓 Would my muse ever lie for sex? 👿 Would my muse ever blackmail someone into sex? 🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush? 🎀 Who would my muse sleep with if nobody ever had to know? 💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand? 💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day? 💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
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Personality Starters
(as requested by anon)
❝Why do you have to be so stubborn?❞ 
❝I know you better than you know yourself.❞
❝You don’t have to be so rude.❞
❝You’re so dynamic, that’s what I love about you.❞
❝You need to learn to put yourself first.❞
❝Fuck love.❞
❝Well that was brutally honest.❞
❝Perfectionism only ends in disappointment.❞
❝I have to be perfect.❞
❝You don’t have to act so tough.❞
❝Why do you pretend not to care?❞
❝Don’t you believe in me?❞
❝I don’t think you’re as apathetic as you think you are.❞
❝I love your zest for life.❞
❝You’re really brave.❞
❝That took a lot of courage. Thanks.❞
❝Life really isn’t as great as you make it out to be.❞
❝Life really isn’t as bad as you make it out to be.❞
❝I don’t understand you.❞
❝You don’t understand me.❞
❝I know you’re only mean because people were mean to you but is this really what you want?❞
❝Your smile is contagious.❞
❝Why are you so self-critical?❞
❝Thanks for trusting me.❞
❝Of course I trust you.❞ 
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Send me ‘🎶’ and I’ll write a starter for our muses based on the next song on my playlist.
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♤Les Misérables Act One, pt. 1♤
[sentence starters]
" What have I done? Sweet jesus, what have I done? "
" I feel my shame inside me like a knife. "
" At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing. "
" Yes, it's true there's a child and the child is my daughter and her father abandoned us leaving us flat. "
" I dreamed, that love would never die. "
" He slept a summer by my side, he filled my days with endless wonder. "
" I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living. "
" Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. "
" Don't touch me, leave me alone! "
" You're no grander than the rest of us. "
" Don't they know they're making love to one already dead? "
" Let's have no more explanations, save your breath and save your tears. "
" Show me some way to help you! "
" Yes, you were there and turned aside. "
" I never did no wrong. "
" If there's a God above, he'd let me die instead. "
" If I speak, I am condemned... If I stay silent, I am damned! "
" Who am I? "
" How can I ever face myself again? "
" Come to me and rest against my shoulder! "
" There's a darkness which comes without a warning. "
" For God's sake, please stay 'till I am sleeping. "
" Men like you can never change. "
" I'm the price you had to pay. "
" My race is not yet run. "
" I swear to you, I will be there. "
" There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in my sleep. "
" Enough of that or I'll forget to be nice. "
" But nothing gets you nothing, everything has got a little price. "
" I used to dream that I would meet a prince but God Almighty have you seen what happened since? "
" Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there. "
" From now on I will always be there. "
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Send me ‘🎶’ and I’ll write a starter for our muses based on the next song on my playlist.
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Send a "✯”and I’ll randomly generate a number 1-20. My muse will react to your muse...
Use this website to generate a number between 1-20. Do not look ahead of time! Some are NSFW!
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Extremely Exhausted Starters
“You. Rest. Now.”
“You took five steps and need to sit down again?”
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.”
“I just need to sit-what do you mean I’m already laying down?”
“Your eyes aren’t focusing. Just close them for ten minutes.”
“Write one sentence on this piece of paper, and then I’ll let you up.”
“I just need a breather, that’s all. Maybe ten. No fifteen.”
“We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted.”
“When I said I needed five more minutes I meant it more like hours.���
“… no… I’m tired… let me sleep… I don’t want to get up.”
“We need to get out of the heat, you’re starting to look sick.”
“You can’t hide those shaking hands from me. You need to stop.”
“I’m just a little cold, I’m okay, really. Let me sit with a blanket or something.”
“Moving…? No I’m good thanks.”
“Gravity has a hold on me of which I have not the strength to break.”
“Was… was that actually there? That wasn’t there was it?”
“I’ve had no energy for three days.”
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.”
“Listen I can… I can get up. It’s fine.”
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
“I have energy for exactly one more person of favourable standing, and going the hell to bed. With or without that person, bed is happening.”
“You’ve struggled to move anything for the last hour.”
“This is what happens when you over exert yourself.”
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
“I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
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"No, you are, darling~" Pearl replied with a soft giggle and for a moment was lost in watching her friend again. She then crawled onto the bed aswell, soon straddling Dinah's hips. With an ongoing smile, the first class car quickly removed the first layer of her upper body's clothing as she thought that probably was the right thing to do considering their... situation. It was getting hot anyways!
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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The coach couldn't help but smile at that reaction. It somehow was a nice feeling that what she did was the reason for the other acting that way and with a soft hum Pearl backed away from Dinah's neck again to kiss her deeply. In that process she very carefully guided her towards her bed, gently pushing her down onto it afterwards.
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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Pearl absolutely enjoyed doing this to her friend and happily she kept on going. Soon her kisses were getting even more confident. The skin of Dinah's neck was very soft and warm and eventually.. yeah eventually the first class car left a small mark. It was so new to do this with a girl but also oh so good.
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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"Good~" Pearl pressed a gentle kiss to Dinah's cheek and happily continued admiring and caressing her face. "That's.. very good.." she spoke softly and pecked the dining car's lips. Then kissed the corner of her lips. She made a short pause but then leaned in to carefully place a sweet kiss to her jaw. And another one.
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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For some reason the usually rather shy carriage suddenly was full of confidence and gently she caressed the dining car's cheek with a sweet smile. "I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable..?" she mumbled carefully. It was clear to tell that Pearl was drunk. A little at least. But she really wanted this.
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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Never had the first class car expected this kiss to last as long as it did but she was nowhere near to complain. Not at all. Pearl's heart began beating faster and her body heated up, feeling Dinah so close to her and so intimate certainly being very special.
The first class car was happily sitting on the soft carpet in her bedroom right next to her dear friend Dinah the dining car. She took a sip from her glass filled with sparkling wine, the slightly bitter taste still making her frown a little but she still highly enjoyed it. It was sorta… special. Because she barely drinks and doing it together with Dinah was a lot of fun. They had planned on doing one of their usual sleep overs, watching movies, doing each other’s hair and simply chatting a lot. Pearl just loved that. With a satisfied sigh the coach carefully leaned on to her friend, a soft giggle emitting from her as she felt the alcohol slowly but surely kick in.
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