Bold Of You To Assume I’ve Reached Peak Anarchy
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Where I made my profile pictureWELCOME TO THE NORTH OF THE DREAM SMP!!!Where I post stuff people most likely don’t wanna see/read knowing I will regret it in the middle of the night for years to come thanks to my crippling self doubt! UPDATE: I no longer have crippling self doubt, just regular self doubt UPGRADES PEOPLE UPGRADES >:DNickname: Ally/peak-dumbass, she/her, child/under 18 (don’t be a creep)
Last active 60 minutes ago
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
in any case. im not really sure what to say so i'll say what i think i need to hear right now. other it's entirely okay to cry about this. it's entirely okay to be upset about techno's death and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. he was a great person who inspired a lot of people and it's a fucking tragedy that he's gone so soon. there's no shame in mourning him. take care of yourselves. stay safe
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
I haven’t seen anyone mention it but Technoblade’s merch website is still up. A portion of the proceeds from all online orders will be donated to curesarcoma. If you can, please consider donating or buying. Rest in peace, Techno.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
so I'm seeing people memeing about technoblade's newest video so i'm going to give you all a few words on what its about because it doesnt deserve to be memed. it's serious.
Technoblade has passed away. His father reads a note from him and talks about him with photos.
his real name was alex. His sibling(s) called him dave once as a joke and it stuck. He wanted to do a 'face reveal' but waited too long and was having a hard time with writing it. His father told him 'Alex, you dont have to do anything else. you've done so much for so many people... if you want to now, you can rest'. he wrote one last video on his father's laptop. His father says he lived about 8 hours after writing his last video.
I'll miss him a lot. I loved technoblade. I hope whatever the hell is after all this is good to him.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
i’m going to repeat what hunter said on his alt:
if you have any spare change, please consider donating to the Sarcoma Foundation. it’s the charity he raised so much money for. 
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
i just watched technos new video. i wish his family the best for their mental recovery, truly. and i hope they get the space and time they need.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
holy shit, man.
i don’t care how any of y’all feel about the dream smp, you better not utter a single disrespectful word about this.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
cphilza will be like, generally you should value other people's lives over items in response to ctommy telling him about a time where he almost chose the discs over saving tubbo's life and ceret will be like you should throw away a single block of the weapon you used to hurt people as a promise to me that you will change and in exchange i will throw away the crown that dream gave me to promise to you that i have changed and people with no media literacy act like they committed a hate crime and are the bourgeoisie
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
Ok but like imagine c!Wilbur has the red circle glasses, the ones that people give him in fanart, for the entire stream until c!Tommy tells him about what c!Dream almost made him do.
After that, he passes out and has that vivid dream-nightmare sequence, causing his glasses to fall off.
And when the sequence is done and he wakes up, he doesn’t put them back on. Those red glasses stay off and on the ground.
Because those aren’t just red-colored glasses, those are rose-tinted glasses.
c!Wilbur has been trying to see the best of c!Dream since he revived him, from calling him his hero to telling c!Tommy, after hearing how c!Dream destroyed his items daily during exile and later his whole home, that “maybe you deserved it?”
The moment c!Dream revived him, he saw the world through rose-tinted glasses that made c!Dream out to be a great guy, solely because he revived him. He believed in everything he saw from his perspective.
Until c!Tommy told him about the pole.
Until c!Tommy came over and tore the glasses off his face and threw them on the ground.
Until c!Tommy forced c!Wilbur to see c!Dream for what he is: a person who wants power.
Not his hero. Not a good guy. Not somebody who’s misunderstood.
But as a person who wants power and is willing to do anything for that power.
And so he decides with his revelation that he’ll do something better than simply killing him.
He’ll make c!Dream give up what little power he has left over c!Tommy. And make sure that if he doesn’t, he’ll still loose power in some way: by killing the one person who’s forever in his debt for bringing him back to life->himself.
c!Tommy helped c!Wilbur loose the rose-tinted glasses that c!Dream made him wear ever since he revived him and he couldn’t be more thankful.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
i want to say. first and foremost, his acting and delivery is absolutely amazing. the way he can just. exude sarcasm and exude sadness and softness and exude genuine joy and. WHEW HIS EMOTIONS ARE JUST SO PALPABLE. THE ABSOLUTE RANGE
and secondly. i want to say that this stream really was the culmination of every single ounce of effort fundy has placed in all his lore streams ever since 2020. fundy understands his character, has understood his character ever since the beginning, and i’m so happy that he gets this fucking hurrah moment. a moment to show his story is not done, that he does acknowledge all the shit he put effort to and wants to prove that he can make masterpieces like this.
i’m so happy for him. i just. thank you so much fundy, and big fucking kudoses on being able to keep this storyline running for almost 2 years now. it really, really was worth it, and i just. i’m so, so happy
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
also ‘c!fundy is self sabotaging himself and is unhealthily isolating and cutting himself off from the rest of the world including c!wilbur’ and ‘c!fundy doesn’t have to forgive c!wilbur nor did he ever have to forgive c!wilbur, no matter how good the apology was, and c!fundy doesn’t and shouldn’t have to interact with c!wilbur’ can and should coexist
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
watching a poor excuse for your remaining parent try to act like he has the right to reinsert himself into your life now that the dust from all the explosions has settled. he takes you fishing and nope and you play the worst game of catch ever and you watch him step too far back and disappear over the edge and for a second your heart lurches, and it's not fair that you still want his affection, but it'll never fix the holes he left behind so maybe the best option is to leave him the same way he left you. // it was all going so well you played together and talked about the old days and wanted to ask him about his future but it's looking less and less like any of you are going to get one because there he goes! and he tore out your heart and stomped on it and ripped it to pieces but he has every right to and he's tore away a part of you and you're watching it flutter in the wind as it descends to the depths of a crater like the tattered remains of a burnt flag in your coat pockets.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
no but actually i know some people won’t be happy but i need you guys to know how important stories where people aren’t forced to forgive people who hurt them on the basis of being family are. when we live in a world where that’s the fucking norm both irl and in fiction.
it’s genuinely so fucking refreshing to see, for once, a character stand their ground and go, no, i don’t care if we’re family, you hurt me and i don’t want you in my life
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
what the hell is with internet people and thinking they get to treat strangers any old way just because they made a funny post or video they liked… can we please not be creeps
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
Hot take but casual ageism is a huge thing in the mcyt fandom.
From the fact that Cubfan literally had to change his skin because people thought he was "too old" to the posts where people freak out because they just learned that Bdubs or Impulse or Martyn or someone are grown adults with spouses and families, people are constantly acting like it's a Huge Thing for mcyt ccs to like... not be children. Even the "old man Philza" jokes, while funny and (i think) all in good fun, fall into this.
Can we please start doing away with this idea that only teen boys can be gamers? Because that is exactly what's implied every time someone goes nuts that [insert cc here] ISN'T a teen boy.
I had thought this was something we were finally moving away from but I swear it feels like I see it more and more often -- and even if it's treated with humor ("ohmigosh this little block man is old enough to have three children???") it gets less funny every time I see it. Not every cc is under the age of 25. Actually, outside certain SMPs, most ccs aren't teens. That's an outlier and shouldn't be counted lol. /lh
Casual ageism is obnoxious and stupid and I'm cranky this morning so y'all get my rant about it.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 3 years ago
doomsday was not an action of the syndicate
the syndicate was formed after doomsday
when people claim that the syndicate are 'cops' or that they go around 'beating up' people who don't agree with them, they're fundamentally missing the timeline of when the syndicate was created and what the actual actions of the syndicate are.
the actions that the syndicate has taken are 1.) going to Snowchester and investigating once niki told them there was a nation, 2.) the red banquet and helping to defeat the egg (which i'm including because of niki and ranboo's presence) and 3.) the possible investigation into pandora's vault.
that's it. that's all that the syndicate has done.
while i understand why people take issue with the snowchester visit, what the syndicate did there wasn't bad. tubbo has every right to defend himself and to feel on edge with techno's presence, i'm not arguing that. but going into snowchester and asking whether or not they plan on acts of 'imperialism' isn't a negative act. it was merely checking that someone, who apparently had a strong weapon, wasn't going to cause harm.
and the other two actions are more good than neutral, especially the red banquet. if the syndicate is planning on investigating pandora's vault, that's also a good thing because there are clear human rights' violations and abuse going on.
the syndicate isn't just techno and phil. the syndicate is ranboo and niki as well. the syndicate is an anarchist group that's focused on community and making sure that no power is able to control people again. other than the red banquet, the syndicate itself has committed no large act of violence.
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peak-technoblade-dumbass · 4 years ago
most of the posts i’m seeing going around don’t have any credit so if you didn’t know this is your reminder that phil’s new skin is by carrot_gardens on twitter! it’s a sad-ist inspired skin! please give credit where credit is due; skin artists are artists and should be credited!
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