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peachtea-broski · 2 days ago
Buggy and Shamrock meet eachother
Shamrock is just in absolute awe when he sees a beautiful bluenette with ocean blue eyes, pretty lush lips and a cute nose. Cute ? No he has never thought anyone would be cute. Then why this certain clown ?
Was this infatuation? Or love at first sight?
Meanwhile buggy is just bamboozled . A man that looks just like shanks but fancier? Did shanks know about this brother? Did he hide this from buggy? Was buggy not important anymore? All these questions were strangling buggy's throat , he was choked , he couldn't ask questions.
"Oh, I've never seen such a beauty", shamrock asked buggy with such love ,"what's your name?"
Buggy couldn't answer his question , the man looked like shanks, his first and last love , but yet he is not the man buggy loved with all his heart ,filled with dismay he walks away.
Shamrock sighed as he watched the beautiful person walk away from him. He was more interested in this mysterious bluenette
Cue shanks getting the twin telepathy tingles and sensing that buggy was being perceived by his own brother.
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peachtea-broski · 2 days ago
Cats shuggy au
Shanks - floofy ginger with a scar on his eye
Buggy- even more floofy, white but with a blue hue and red nose ( due to a permanent injury)
The day was normal . Anon woke up to the sound of buggy screeching on top of his lungs as he tried his best to pry shanks away from his face. But the latter was busy showing love to his dear wifey. The lickings and the soft meows won't just stop. Shanks can't help himself, cmon even anon couldn't help themselves, buggy was just a fluffy and poofy cutie.
Buggy was tired from the attention ( he loves it , babe is such a tsundere) and pushes his darling away .
Shanks on the other hand is dumbstruck , how could his wifey push him away? What was more important than him ?
Well the most important thing to buggy issssssss , a beauty sleep and expensive food
Buggy lazily lied on his cushion and closed his eyes ( he had just woken up tho) and called shanks to cuddle with him. Shanks was just very happy to be loved by his wifey and happily plopped near him. And in just a few seconds, they had fallen asleep.
Anon's house was quiet again
(hey guys sorry my english is bad cuz it's not my first language)
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peachtea-broski · 2 days ago
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Domestic shuggy au
Shanks loving buggy
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peachtea-broski · 2 months ago
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Cabin boys buggy and shanks on the oro jackson
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peachtea-broski · 2 months ago
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Buggy to shanks after Christmas 🎁
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peachtea-broski · 2 months ago
Shuggy married au.
Buggy dresses up as Santa claus to give gifts to his children Uta and Luffy .
During midnight, the bluenette quickly and perfectly slips past his own house defences and stares at the huge decorated christmas tree which his children and his idiot husband had decorated. " Hmm where shall I place the presents, ooh this spot looks good", the blue santa thinks to himself as he places the presents. " Well well well, if it isn't santa himself , how must I ever thank him for the presents?", a familiar voice cooed seductively. The beautiful santa turns around dramatically to face his idiot husband who has a mischievous grin on his face. " Shanks it's past your bedtime, go to sleep, I'll join u in a jiffy", buggy says as he comes to eat cookies and drink milk. " Ehehehehehheeheehhe, wanna be my ho ho ho, babe?", shanks looks at buggy very suggestively. A flustered buggy catches himself throwing the empty glass at his husband which he tries to catch but fails, a crash and a boom, the glass is broken . The sound awakens the young ones who came in running to catch santa at the act. But santa being very skillful at escaping had already fled the scene after slapping his husband and scolding him for the expensive glass which clearly he broke. The little ones see their dad with a slap mark on his face and question him, their dad reassures them and sends them to sleep .
Next day the little ones wake up to find the most beautiful presents by Santa and a sulking shanks who really wished he did the deed with his pretty husband. And mama buggy was the proudest mom ever , nobody suspected him at all .
The end
(cue shanks tryna flirt with buggy again )
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peachtea-broski · 2 months ago
Another variation of my prince au. Part 1
Well here shanks is a cheeky and playful prince who is very kind to all the people. He has a lil friend group in his kingdom. And yes buggy is his best friend. Shanks loved teasing buggy a lot, when I say "a lot " I meant a hell lotta lot. Meanwhile buggy clearly has feelings for his stoopid prince but shanks is oblivious to the feelings.
All their bickering ends when two siblings enter their life Alora Mihawk ( an oc) and her younger brother Dracule Mihawk.
Shanks is very very infatuated with Alora , completely forgetting buggy and his other friends. He takes her on a tour as an escort with royal guards and literally guards her throughout their trip, leaving a dismayed buggy behind.
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peachtea-broski · 2 months ago
Prince and clown AU
In my au , shanks is a prince and buggy is a clown.
Once upon a time, there was a young prince named Shanks who was known for being serious yet kind. He was expected to follow in his father's footsteps and rule the kingdom with a firm hand. However, he felt trapped by his responsibilities and yearned for something more.
One day, while visiting the town square, Shanks stumbled upon a circus performance. Among the performers was a clown named Buggy, who stood out from the rest. His blue silky yet voluminous hair, colorful makeup, and daring acrobatic tricks immediately caught his eye.
From that moment on, Liam couldn't get Aria out of his mind. He would sneak out of the palace and visit the circus every chance he got, just to watch her perform. He was captivated by her carefree spirit and the way she could make everyone in the audience laugh and cheer.
Buggy, on the other hand, found the handsome prince quite amusing. He loved how he would sit in the front row, trying to keep a serious expression on his face, yet failing miserably every time he made a joke.
As Shanks continued to visit the circus, he started to let his guard down and open up to Buggy. He would buy him snacks and gifts, and they would talk for hours after the performances. Buggy was surprised to discover that beneath Shanks's stern exterior, he had a kind and compassionate heart.
Despite the fact that their backgrounds were vastly different, they quickly developed a strong bond. Shanks would share his woes about ruling the kingdom, and Buggy would listen intently, offering her unique perspective on life.
It wasn't long before their friendship turned into something more. They would spend every possible moment together, laughing, talking, and enjoying each other's company. Shanks found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Buggy, despite the fact that he knew his father would never approve of their relationship.
Buggy ,too, found himself falling for the prince. She loved how Shanks made him feel seen and appreciated, something he had never experienced before.
As the days went by, Shanks became more and more determined to be with Buggy. He realized that his responsibilities as a prince meant nothing if he couldn't be with the person he loved.
He worked up the courage to talk to his father and explain his feelings for Buggy. At first, his father was stunned and angered by the news, but after hearing Shanks's heartfelt argument, he softened his stance. He realized how happy Buggy made Shanks, and he understood that his son's happiness mattered more than tradition.
And yep , they got married and had kids.
Insert Rayleigh crying
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peachtea-broski · 8 months ago
Somebody write a story of this
Sooo what if when all the time shanks used to talk about buggy to Mihawk when they were young, Mihawk slowly fell in love with buggy? Unable to tell his friend that he likes buggy too? How did he react when the cross guild was established?
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
Bepo: And now for a gay update with Penguin and Shachi.
Penguin: Getting gayer.
Bepo: Thank you, Penguin.
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
Zosan being stoopid
Zoro: Sanji and I are no longer dating.
Sanji: Zoro, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Zoro: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Sanji: This is a lie.
Sanji: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Sanji, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
Zoro, confused: I mean, this is my house, so yeah.
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
Crocodile : Hey, Buggy, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Buggy: Yeah.
Crocodile : And you, Shanks?
Shanks: Umm... yes?
Crocodile : Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Shanks: Did they just-
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
More Lucci and Paulie headcannons
Paulie: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Lucci: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Paulie: Stop.
Lucci: My hands are cold.
Paulie: Here, let me hold them.
Lucci: My lips are cold too.
Paulie: *covers Lucci's mouth with their hand*
Paulie: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?
Lucci: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.
Paulie: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
Some Lucci , Kaku and Paulie headcannons
Lucci: Kaku, get that hidious thing out of the living room, would you?
Kaku: Paulie, Lucci wants you to get out of the house.
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peachtea-broski · 10 months ago
Baby Bugs and Baby Shanks ft Rayleigh
Third person pov
Baby buggy and baby shanks were playing with eachother.
Baby buggy: I wanna be the pwince ( prince).
Baby shanks : No I will be the prince.
Baby buggy : but I wanna be pwince.
Baby shanks: no, you are very stoopid. Stoopid babies cannot be a prince . Booo
Baby buggy: * starts crying and runs to Rayleigh* shanks called me stupid .
Rayleigh: cmon now don't fight. Just call him stupid once then this is over.
Baby buggy: You are stupid shanks.
Baby shanks: no u are .
Baby buggy : wahhhhhh Ray saaaaannnnn.
Rayleigh: Good lord...
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peachtea-broski · 1 year ago
Just a Lil bit of Buggy bugs being with the lesbians ( Boa + Uta +Alvida)
Alvida, trying to impress Boa: I re-initialized the entire command structure, retaining all programmed abilities but deleting the supplementary preference architecture.
Uta: They turned it off and back on again.
Boa: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Uta: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Buggy: A realist sees a freight train.
Alvida: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
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peachtea-broski · 1 year ago
Shanks x Buggy headcannons
When shanks gets jealous.
Shanks doesn’t get jealous, he actually finds it pretty funny and it honestly gives him pride knowing that his boyfriend is just that attractive
If guys come up to buggy flirting while shanks's with him, he’ll kind of just watch for a minute or so. Then he’ll pull him in by the waist and kiss him so hard that he’ll be seeing stars. This usually scares the guy away, and leaves shanks with his signature smirk
If he isn’t already at buggy's side and he sees some guy hitting on him he’ll casually come up behind him, grab his poor butt and kiss his poor neck. “Sorry I’m late babe. Who’s this?”
He does get jealous if it’s buggy who approached the guy. He’ll silently stand there as they two converse. When buggy introduce him to his friend he’ll just kind of grunt back in response.
He’ll later ask, “So, who was that guy?”
Even when buggy explains that he’s just an old friend he’s still bothered. “You two seem awfully close…”
If buggy accuses him of being jealous he’ll completely deny it, while blushing
Gets really cocky to hide his jealousy. “I have nothing to worry about. Why would you leave someone as sexy as me for that?”
Is secretly very afraid to lose buggy so when he gets jealous, there’s a short period of time afterwards that he becomes more affectionate and loving and kind of cools it with the teasing. Seeing another guy show buggy that kind of attention reminds him to show buggy that he appreciates him more often.
After buggy is gone he’ll find the guy and threaten him. “Flirt with my man again and I’ll snap your neck.”
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