pclarised-blog · 6 years
Breach in the wall!
Lorna ran towards the wall where she could feel the metal in the wall was broken. Who could’ve broken the wall? She got her answer when she felt the rumble of the ground under the behemouth. 
Two trios already seemed to have those down pact. But a horde of zombies was making their way into the compound. Lorna threw a machete, guiding it to slice through them, hold off as many as she could, looking for metal she could use to block them off. A fence, wire, something.
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
“Billy is a good boy.  While he was the first to arrive after me, I very much doubt that you will be the last.    Our family is strong Lorna.   Though I have not received word of them, they will come, sooner or later.”  Erik held on to that hope, a strong light that kept him on the path he choose when he came here. It helped him cope with the petty jealousy and yes the fear of the humans in Haven.  While most gotten used to his presence and grateful for his help there would always be those that feared mutants.   He simply hoped to build a world where they were a tiny minority and kept under control.  
He took a step closer to Lorna.  Erik did not expect the kind of greeting he received from Billy.   Enough that she truly did seem happy to see him here.  While she might have a point about the nature of his students, in some ways that made things easier.   “Yes but that simply means the baseline humans mixed into my classes have less tools to pull pranks on their teacher.” 
Lorna nodded, pensive. Times like these she wished Wanda or Jean were around; their powers would be far more useful for finding those missing. Like them. “They’ll come,” she repeated. Their family was strong. And so was her family from the Mutant Underground. They’d come.
She chuckled at his comment about pranks. “I guess that is true,” she replied. “You can strike that fear as Mr Lehnsherr then.” She paused. “You look different. Younger.” Simple, blunt. She wasn’t sure how else to say it.
like father like daughter
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
“I am afraid I haven’t.  Our only fugitive mutants are Scott and Erik,” she wished she had heard from others, she worried about so many people.  She led Lorna through to the kitchen, “Does that mean you have not seen any of them either?”  Had Lorna been all alone this whole time?
Lorna’s shoulders drooped as the hope she’d held out in coming here, that she’d find the people she’d been missing, faded. She swore quietly, mind already ticking. Already itching to get back out there and find them. “No, I was on my own when it happened. There was a couple people early on but not for long.”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
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#cute little moment
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
He nodded back, petting the dog he offered, “his bark is worse than his bite, I think he’s just been alone too long in the woods, he’s getting used to people again.” 
Looking at the woman, Bucky didn’t recognize her as he regarded her. “I’m Bucky.” He held out his real hand to her, figuring she didn’t know who he was. Or at least hoped that.
A small smile crept onto Lorna’s face. She could relate a bit to the poor dog; she was definitely getting used to more people again.
“Lorna,” she replied, taking his hand. Her eyes flicked from his arm to his face. “I just arrived.”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
In the early days of their relationship , the aurora borealis had been something they couldn’t quite control – which led to more than a couple awkward , eye averting explanations. As their relationship blossomed , they learned how to control it , control their reactions to one another. But now , there was no inhibitions , no need for control. The beautiful array of lights that radiated from them now was evidence of how long it had been , and how much he had missed her.
Of course , Marcos barely noticed the lights. As soon as he opened his eyes , pulling back ever so slightly , all he could see was her. Every day they’d been apart , he’d conjure her in his thoughts , but no image in his mind could ever match her now , in the flesh. Tears shimmered in his eyes , a couple escaping down his cheeks. One of his hands moved to cup her cheek , relishing the feel of her skin against his rough and calloused palm. “ I never stopped looking for you. ” His voice was rough , filled with the longing of all the time apart – and the relief that it was over. And then , because it had been so long and so uncertain , he pressed his forehead against hers and said the words he’d sworn he’d never stop saying if he saw her again. “ I love you , Lorna. I love you. ”
When Lorna saw the tears on Marcos’s face, she let out a small surprised laugh. She had missed him so much. So many times she had thought what she would say when she saw him-- admonish him for not answering his phone, find out where he’d been-- but right now all she could do was hold him. “Nor did I,” she admitted. “I was hoping you’d be here when I arrived.” She didn’t add that she’d thought once or twice about leaving here again to find him if she had to. “God, you’re here. You’re actually here.” It had been so long, finding him had begun to feel impossible. Especially in her darker days.
“I love you too, Marcos.” She kissed him, just for a moment, her hand coming up to cup his cheek, mirroring his on hers. “I’ve missed you.”
Reunited / Marcos & Lorna
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
he’d just begun to walk when he heard his name , the sound of it piercing right through him. he knew that voice – he’d know that voice anywhere. “ lorna ?!” frantically he began to look around , head turning in the direction of her voice. there she was , a splash of vibrant green in a world that had seemed so void of brightness for too long. “ lorna ! ” he could hear the roughness in his voice , the break of emotion as the weight of their separation finally lifted from his chest. without giving it a second thought , he sprinted towards her , not caring what anyone thought – and not stopping until his arms were around her. holding her. he needed the reassurance. she was here. she was real. she was alive.
His voice destroyed any doubts she had, confirming it’s him. A grin broke out on her face and she ran to meet him halfway. Reaching him, she threw her arms around him. “You’re here. You’re here,” she murmured. When she looked up, she could see a small aurora borealis forming around them. She laughed, relieved to have yet more proof that it was him.
Reunited / Marcos & Lorna
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
Lorna had hoped when she’d arrived at Haven that she would find those she’d lost here. Sonya, John, Marcos. Marcos especially. But to no avail; she was still alone. Not as alone as before--she had her father and one of her nephews, and there was others she knew--but she longed to know that they were safe. She hadn’t been there long, a week or two maybe, but she found her eyes often being drawn to the entrance where newly cleared residents would emerge. Where she might see him.
Finally, when she looked up (expecting to be disappointed again), she felt her heart leap. “Marcos!” 
Reunited / Marcos & Lorna
all he had to his name as he finally freely stepped out into haven was a half filled backpack , the clothes he was wearing , and now a clean bandage to cover the gnarly looking wound on his neck. wasn’t much , but marcos was used to living without. at least here , he wouldn’t have to keep looking over his shoulder. hopefully. calloused fingers lightly touched the bandage , thinking of the close call beneath it. for a couple seconds , he just stood there and watched the people. living people. he knew some were mutants ( some may have even been x-men ! ) but right now , they were all survivors. lorna’s a survivor. he clung to the thought , heart aching at the desire to sustain hope.
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
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“Look, we’re hiding fugitives, not hosting garden parties.”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
“Well, I assumed that the hair was natural, I just didn’t think it was as worthy of commenting on as the power itself,” she smiled awkwardly, hoping her bluntness wasn’t offensive.  Her demeanour didn’t change when Lorna confirmed that Magneto was her father.  “It’s interesting how some powers match a parent, where others have something entirely different.” This woman’s siblings were a case in point.  Laura held out her hand, “I’m Laura.”
“You’d be surprised what people assume.” Lorna took no offense in the bluntness. Under normal circumstances, it was easier when people were bluntly honest. Right now, it would feel like lying to be otherwise. She shrugged. “Genetics, I guess.” She took Laura’s hand. “Lorna.”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
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Meaghan Rath as Sally Malik on Being Human US, Season 1; 1.07 “I See Your True Colors… And That’s Why I Hate You”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
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make me choose ↳ delicatelyatomicdaze asked Sally in Season 1 or Season 4
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
Well, one mutant to another, and all that.  “You know, evil scientists and all that.”  She decided to reward the curiosity by releasing the claws of one hand, two knife-like claws, just a little shorter than Laura’s forearm.  “I’m sure in some circles that’s an alarming statement, but meanwhile on our end it’s an easy leap.”  She withdrew the claws with a wry smile.  
“What about you?”  She asked, “Not the hair, but uh, the magnetic field you’re generating.  Any relation to a certain dramatic gentleman with a helmet?”
Lorna nodded, knowing how true that was. “Unfortunately common.”
“The hair’s linked really,” she admitted. “Side effect of that magnetic field.” Side effect of her powers coming in as a young child, when she was quite distressed. She certainly wasn’t carrying around hair dye in the apocalypse to colour like this. Nor to hide it. “Yes, he’s my father.”
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
Laura froze for the slightest moment, made herself relax so quickly that the untrained eye would not have noticed.  She turned, and in a blithe tone she answered, “Nice hair,” in response.  
She felt the slight thrum of her claws against her bones that usually meant Magneto was nearby.  Unless Erik Lehnsherr had picked up another new look, this was not him.  But the other woman clearly had some kind of magnetic power, and while their colouring was different, there were some aspects of facial features that might have been similarly shaped.  A relative, probably.  Her latent lack of social skills rose up in her, and Laura was unsure of what else to say from here.
Lorna was used to looking for signs of changing mood, in case things were about to go sour, but she missed the way the woman froze, cringing at her own faux pas. But she smiled wryly as the other woman replied. “Thanks.”
Metal in her presence tended to react slightly to her. She could feel the thrum of Laura’s claws, similar to Wolverine’s did. Was this a relative of his? “How’d they become metal?” she asked finally.
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
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14/? edits of Lorna Dane
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
“Jean?” Lorna grinned, thinking from behind that she’d spotted her friend. But the second the girl turned, it was clear that wasn’t the case. “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Disappointment settled in her chest. Still, most of the people she had hoped most to find here were missing. Possibly dead. Potentially infected. It wasn’t this young woman’s fault that Lorna had hoped she was someone else, but it was hard not to feel stung.
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pclarised-blog · 6 years
“Nice claws.”
Even though she couldn’t see them, Lorna could feel the claws on the girl. Made of-- no covered in metal. Interesting. She had to wonder how the young woman ended up like that. Nothing good, she was sure. She knew there were those who hurt mutants, tried to shape them for their use. Lorna had met someone years ago who’d escaped somewhere like that. Not many managed it though.
It was possibly not the best opening for a conversation, but she said it without thinking until after she’d said it. Oh well.
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