I used to live in Rotterdam for 10 years where I worked as a film director and editor. Next to that I've been riding around there as a bike courier since 2010. From April to October 2015 traveled Argentine, Bolivia and Paraguay by bike, back in Europe I stranded in Leipzig. Working as a courier again and started keeping bees. Over here I share the things I stumble upon that feed my brain while traveling around. Love, Jorrit
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The Road to Kegety Yesterday I left for something I didn't know, would be the toughest but also most rewarding climbs I have ever done. I left Ortok in the morning and followed the main road. In Djong Alysh, the last town, an old man asked me where I was going. I explained him i was going to cross Pereval Kegety. He told me better to turn around. "It is cold up there and there and it might be snowing!" I told him that I wanted to try it. The next 20km I passed many trucks with yurts on them and the shepherds with their flocks. Some told me there was another cyclist about 2hrs ahead of me. Two thoughts came up: If it is too hard I'll meet him on his way back, if not I won't. Than I finally had to turn right. 11km ahead of me was the pass. The Pereval Kegety is one of Kyrgyzstan highest mountain passes (3832m) and in these days hardly used. Most of it would be climbing so I wasn't expecting it to be over soon. The beginning was ok, slowly going up with some brakes to breath again. The first hairpins came up and I crossed the little stream twice where I filed up my bottles with this fresh water again. Than, at the last 3km I had to get of, the rocks on the road became more and bigger and bigger. At first I thought it was just a little push but from that moment on the cycling was over. I pushed and pushed my way up with the occasionally breaks in between. And than, about 4 hair pins before the top I saw another guy pushing his bike!??! With twice the luggage I carried, he was pushing his bike along. We said hello and kept on pushing. We had to cross a land slide where our job became a bit harder but finally made it trough the top. It was white! The snow filled up the last bit to the top and around the corner, the north side, most of it was covered with snow. It was a hard job, but once up there, it was one of the most amazing adventures of this trip! Thanks for sharing this with you Andy! .. #bikepacking #worldbybike #Worldtraveler #kyrgyzstan #bike #biketouring #travel #traveling #travelgram #endlessroads #dessert #cycling #bicycle #outsideisfree #kegety #kyrgyzstan🇰🇬rocks #Кыргызстан #mountains #mountain #hairpins #roadslikethese #perevalkegety #кегети
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I rode a bike in Kyrgyzstan the past weeks. Now I will ride the Pamir mountains in Tajikistan the next few weeks. Amazingly beautiful and friendly Kyrgyz people.
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Pause/Play is your edit tool.
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It just makes me so damn happy and relaxed!! .. .. #Bees #bienen #bijen #bee #bij #imker #imkern #beekeeper #savethebees #outsideisfree #pollen #pollinator #apiculture #blackview #bv7000pro
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I don't post a lot here these days... Well here is a little shot form yesterday in between some deliveries I made a stop at my bees. Always a good moment to slow down a bit. And even though they probably work way harder than I do. A bee works about 12 hours a day, 7 days a week
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I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have to learn from other people.
Eduardo Galeano
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Somehow I made an instagram account the other day and forgot about tumbler
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Dear Beekeepers, Please watch and share this video! And for those who do feed their hives with sugar. Please reconsider! The sugar feeds the varo as well!
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Bad. Ass.
Black and white motivation. First trip of the year planned for March. Pumped!
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Some things you plan to do take ages but happen at the right moment. Like this one. There was a bag of the bees wax in my room for ages planning to make candles out of them, finally bought some wick last week but no plans at all. Than unfortunately my grandma died yesterday and it felt good to make candles today. Decide the first ones are for the family. And without even thinking about the gesture I made by doing this I later realized when my dad replied on the picture I send him and telling him about it. Life is good, death seems to be a negative thing in the “western” society but over the years I see the beauty of it as well. Don’t take it as negative as you’ve might be brought up with. It’s a beautiful thing as well. Like the seasons in a year, we will grow, blossom but also go back to where we came from to create new life.
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Took a little look at the hives after the snow that fell the past few days. No opening up, no useless disturbing in these cold days.
#bees#save the bees#bij#bijen#bijenkorf#hive#hives#Bienen#Biene#leipzig#osten#snow#winter#hibernation#fingers corossed#beekeeping#honeybee#buckfast#cold
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Good days spent at the end of last year in Ruigoord and around there! We had a little beautiful visitor hibernating in Sieger’s tiny studio. Quite unexpected but so beautiful to have around in the mids of December. Hope this little one will survive and spread some more of his/her(?) beauty next spring!
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Another great week rolling the streets here. First I delivered a Christmas tree. I wanna do more of that! You should’ve seen all the folks looking at me on the street! Than at the end of that day my gear cable broke. Rolled tot Coco, dropped of my bike and did my last delivery on a Mifa (DDR) folding bike. Life’s fun!
#omnium#cargo bike#cargobike#leipzig#messlife#messenger#bike#courier#kurier#koerier#Fahrradkurier#fahrrad#fiets#fietskoerier#Velocity#Mifa#DDR#Christmas#tree#deliver#No Sleep Always Deliver#carryshitolympics
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Oooh yeah, that was loads of fun. Got my cyclo cross bike last week. It was a birthday present from friends and family. Rode it two times and decide Friday night I was gonna join the race yesterday. That stuff is hardcore! But I think I did pretty good for a first time. Time to clean the bike!
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Just some randomness from the past Month. Dragging a refrigerator on my bike to our garden. Harvesting “Membrillos/Quitte” in that garden and my shelf of marmalades, chutneys and honey.
#Membrillo#Quitte#kweepeer#cargo bike#Bakfiets#Lastenrad#Omnium#Cargo#homemade#DIY#Wallnuts#marmalade#chutney
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Scanned another film!! Been ages I took this shot. They are in such a different state right now with the temperature at least 20 degrees less and a lot of rain.
#Bee#beekeeping#Bees#Biene#Bienen#Imker#Imkern#Imkeren#Bij#Bijen#save the bees#leipzig#analog#film#photography#35mm#olympus mju-1
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At the start of this year when I entered the world of beekeeping my body had to get used to it. And this was not even the worst of the stings I received. The one next to my eye made me look like I was punched in the face big time. It’s been a wonderful experience so far and with the little magic creatures slowly going in to hibernation it will be the time where I’ll plan to read a lot to prepare myself for the next spring. There’s so many ways of beekeeping and I’m still searching for the most natural and therefor most bee friendly way of keeping them. Or I’d rather say, hosting them. They are not mine, they are free beings. I just help them out. Like I don’t say it is my honey or my wax. Yes I took it from them but from that moment on it’ll never be mine. I’ll always be thankful for using their produce that came out of so much hard work.
#Bees#Bee#beekeeping#Beekeper#save the bees#savetheplanet#Trade#thankful#imker#Imkern#imkerei#leipzig#Bijen#Bienen#honeybee#honey#Honing#honig#swolen#Hand#olympus mju-1#analog#photography#35mm#film#tattoo#the hellacopters
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