phd in curlyology
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
This is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
Imagine you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams, memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over. 🙏🏻🍉
even if i can’t donate myself due to my own financial situation, i will continue to share everyone’s gofundmes so they may reach people who can.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
Hello 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Aziz, and I’m reaching out with a heartfelt plea to help my family find safety and reunite with our mother. 😞
The ongoing war in Gaza has torn my family apart. My mother and newborn sister are stranded in Egypt, while I, along with the rest of my sex family members, am trapped in the midst of the genocide in Gaza. We have not only been separated but have also lost our home and are enduring unimaginable hardships. 💔
Your support can make a difference. Whether by reading our story, donating, or sharing our campaign with others, you can help us reunite, find safety, and start anew. 🙏🕊
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your kindness, compassion, and solidarity during this difficult time. ❤🍉 🔗
absolutely heartbreaking. i hope you reunite with your family safely.
in the meantime, to those who see this, let’s do our best to help them out!!! ↓
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i’ve made a decision to just not argue with anyone anymore because it stresses me out 🙏🏻 if anyone does have any arguments about curly to me, i will simply direct them to the post where i explain my side instead of repeating myself over and over and over again
i’m not wasting my breath on people who won’t look into a damn video game for more than two seconds and won’t take time out of their day to understand a video game character. “we want more morally gray characters!” until it’s fucking curly and he makes a mistake.
he fucking cared about anya. he wasn’t putting jimmy over her. i’m not typing this shit out again just for people to either disregard what i’m saying or just make shit up out of thin air.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i just got told that i need mental help because i told someone to stop harassing and insulting people for liking curly (a fictional fucking character)
just a friendly reminder btw:
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i’m gonna ask a genuine question because this has confused me for a little bit. this isn’t me saying i like jimmy, but it’s just a question.
why is it more acceptable to like characters who are serial killers and terrorists, but people will get told to die for liking jimmy’s character/how well written he is?
this is a genuine question but i’ve been scared to ask for a while because i don’t want people to get the wrong idea.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
when people say that curlanya is a good ship or that curly had a one-sided crush on anya (or vice versa) an angel loses its wings and its spinal cord.
people took the line where curly said “as long as i’m fit to fly in your eyes, anya” way too seriously 😭🙏🏻 that one line doesn’t automatically hint towards a relationship or a crush.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
forgot to share this here but my spotify wrapped goes so hard
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i’m still thinking about the person who said that my parents are genetically related because i said people who believe curly has a savior complex have the same mindset as jimmy
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
YES EXACTLY. “anya was pissed so she’s gonna intentionally get jimmy to abuse the quadriplegic ☺️” NO???
it makes me so mad when people say that anya only wanted jimmy to give curly his painkillers because she hated curly and wanted jimmy to hurt him.
guys for the love of GOD. anya most likely wanted jimmy to give him his painkillers because she doesn’t like forcing curly into something he doesn’t want like jimmy did to her. and the sound makes her nauseous. rightfully so too, because the noises curly makes when swallowing them is disgusting and makes me a little nauseous too. i don’t think she’s an “uwu softy quiet girl” but i don’t think she’d do something like that to curly, especially in the state he’s in after the crash.
a lot of people project how they’d react/feel about curly onto anya when it just feels SO out of character. something she lives by is “our worst moments don’t make us monsters.” why would she intentionally cause harm to curly for that one mistake?
she was most likely displeased with curly, and she definitely hated jimmy, but i don’t think she’d take all of that out on curly, especially after the crash.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
it makes me so mad when people say that anya only wanted jimmy to give curly his painkillers because she hated curly and wanted jimmy to hurt him.
guys for the love of GOD. anya most likely wanted jimmy to give him his painkillers because she doesn’t like forcing curly into something he doesn’t want like jimmy did to her. and the sound makes her nauseous. rightfully so too, because the noises curly makes when swallowing them is disgusting and makes me a little nauseous too. i don’t think she’s an “uwu softy quiet girl” but i don’t think she’d do something like that to curly, especially in the state he’s in after the crash.
a lot of people project how they’d react/feel about curly onto anya when it just feels SO out of character. something she lives by is “our worst moments don’t make us monsters.” why would she intentionally cause harm to curly for that one mistake?
she was most likely displeased with curly, and she definitely hated jimmy, but i don’t think she’d take all of that out on curly, especially after the crash.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
“why would you compare a person to a character who is a rapist!!! (said as if thats jimmys only fucking trait)” mf as they imply youre a fucking incest baby??
like i thought it was fucking obvious i wasn’t comparing someone to jimmy because he’s a rapist. it’s the thought process.
if you tell me “if i was the captain i would do this so much better” or “curly just has a savior complex” (which are things that jimmy has said and made completely clear that he believes) then i’m going to tell you that you’re thinking like him.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
are your parents like genetically related if you compare someone irl to a fictional character whose reputation is solely 50% the fact hes a rapist of course theyre gonna complain holy shit terminally online maggot
the fucking problem is that i’m not comparing them to him because he raped someone. i’m comparing them to him because their thought process is similar.
don’t wanna be compared to him? don’t think like him. simple as that. if you tell me something that jimmy has said or think, i’m gonna tell you that you’re thinking like him.
and how about you ask me one more time without being a pussy and going anonymous, hm?
saying that curly has a savior complex is a jimmy thought and saying that you’d be a better captain than him is a jimmy thought. don’t insult me because of an observation.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
whenever i tell someone that their thought process is similar to jimmy’s, they always hit me with the “comparing me to a rapist is insane!!!”
brother, i’m not comparing you to him because he’s a rapist… i’m comparing you to him because what you just said was stupid as hell 😭🙏🏻
“curly has a savior complex” “i could be a better captain” are literally jimmy thoughts. when curly told everyone about pony express, jimmy literally said “you just couldn’t frame it to yourself in a way that kept you as the hero”
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i’ll always say something like “it’s okay to like a fictional character as long as you don’t support their actions ❤️” to jimmy fans… but then one of them has the fucking AUDACITY to say “people hate jimmy so much but they love curly when he…” then i’ll completely go back on my word and shit on them for liking jimmy because they pissed me off.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i’ve had crazy experiences in this fandom where i’ll briefly mention a bad experience i had without naming any names and then some random ass person about finds the post and puts me on full blast showing my username and all thinking it’s all about them 😒 second time this dumbass shit has happened dawg GET A JOB
so if the person who posted my posts and my username sees this: i was not talking about you. i was talking about someone i already discussed things with and they took their reblog down because theirs WAS snotty. i blocked a lot of people from that one post alone and to avoid conflict i just deleted everything related to it because i worded it hella wrong.
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
imagine being pissed at me and i’m just sitting here making the mouthwashing cast in the sims 4 because i’m goated
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paytenphobic · 3 months ago
i love when i say something that gets taken the completely wrong way
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what i MEANT to say in the last curly post, was that he couldn’t do anything DIRECTLY TO JIMMY because he’s the CO-PILOT. i have said MULTIPLE times elsewhere that i do think there were other little things he could’ve done, but he didn’t. i said this before, he’s a very morally gray character. he’s a good man with good intentions, but he fucked up.
there. everyone happy now that i’ve clarified? good.
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