pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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walking  down  grand  stone  steps,  smooth  crushed  velvet  gown  the  colour  of  rubies  hitched  up  to  prevent  her  from  falling.   an  exciting  event,  one  that  every  girl  dreams  of,  she  assures  herself  as  she  searches  for  her  date.   her  heart  flutters  unsteadily  until  she  locks  eyes  upon  an  impeccably  dressed  man,  just  as  he  had  promised.  she  prays  she  looks  somewhat  ethereal  as  she  glides  towards  him,  copper  halo  of  hair  softly  floating  around  her  shoulders,  chirping  out  his  name  for  attention.    ❝  sirius !  ❞  
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           he wasn't       NERVOUS,    why  should  he  be       ?      it  wasn't  as  if  his  heart  was  pounding  inside  his  chest  in  an  unhealthy rate,     nor  was  it  as  if  his  palms  were  sweating.     except  that  was       EXACTLY       how  it  was                        he  had  been  nervous  ever  since  waking  up  this  morning,     ever  since  he  remembered  what  was  going  to  happen  today,       and  with  whom.       sirius  felt       trapped      in  his  suit,  to  say  the  least        (       a  gift  from  the  potters',      kind  folk,    the  lot  of  them.      )       and  he  had  even  taken  the  time  to         TRY        and  manage  his  hair.      onyx  curls  had  been tamed  by  a  ponytail,     yet  a  few  had  dared  to  escape     ;      bouncing  around  his  face  as  he  snapped  his  neck  to  look  at  her.      she  was       BEAUTIFUL    !        "      hazel,      darling     !       look  at  you,    putting  every  woman  to  shame.    "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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           a hint of shock flashes through his face for no longer than a split of second, and then it’s gone as quickly as it came. the thing is, regulus isn’t sure what exactly he has expected ; it’s been a long time since he’s last seen his brother  ——  not face to face, nor close enough that they practically bump into each other like it’s some fatal comedy.  ❛  …sirius.  ❜  his back straightens, hand falling where his wand lies hidden beneath his coat.  ❛  what a surprise. i would love to catch up, but things are awaiting my undivided attention  ——  please move out of my way.  ❜ 
 @pawpriint  /  sc.
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      he  has  missed  his  brother.        he  knows  this  in  the  moment  he  gazes  into      FAMILIAR     eyes.    he  knows  this  in  the  moment  he  sees  the       FAMILIAR     features  in  the       boy       he  once  knew.       even  if  regulus  is  no  longer  a  boy      (       and  he  can't  exactly  be  sure  if  his  younger  brother  ever  was  to  begin  with.     )          "      regulus,    "       his  voice  is  stiff  as  his  hands  clench  themselves  into  fists  by  his  sides,      he  wants  to  shake  him,     scream  at  him  until  his  voice  breaks,       perhaps  he  wants  to  cry,     apologize  for  leaving  him  while  he  got      out.         "    is  that  all  you  have  to  say  to  your  own       BROTHER,       what  happened  to       family  value.    " 
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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                 “Stop that, you IDIOT.”
     James shook his head, a frownappearing on his face. He KNEW this side of Sirius, knew he could put himselfdown and paint the world black ( No pun intended this time ) and James HATEDit. He had seen this happen countless times and while he could often reverse itthere was nothing he could do to stop the other from thinking this way in the firstplace.
     “You know I can be an asshole, butnot like THAT.” He then added, reaching out to rest his hands on theother´s knees. “You made me feel free, yes. But not because you were stuck,because with you BY MY SIDE, I felt as if there was nothing I couldn´tdo. Everything was POSSIBLE, Pads.” He sighed, carefully unclawing theother´s fingers from his jeans.
                “Just let me HELP you?”
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         he      LAUGHS,       anger  and  bitterness  reside  in  the  sound  of  it,      broken  is  the  sound  that  passes  through  his  throat  but  then,      when  have  his  words  not  sounded      broken     ?       when  has  he  ever  done  a  good  job  at  keeping  up  the       ILLUSION       that  he  wasn't  completely  and  utterly  damnaged    ?        "     don't  give me  that  shit,    "      the  dog  in  him  wants  to  lash  out                         to  bare  its  teeth  and  retreat  to  lick  its  wounds  in  private      (        never  has  he  wanted  for  his  best  friend  to  see  him  like  this,     never  had  he  wanted  to  appear  as  if  he  was  as  broken  as  he  truly  was.     "            "       all  i  do  is      drag  people  down,      and  you  and  i  both  know  it.     i  have  made  so  many  mistakes  in  my  life  that  i  wonder  why  in  merlins'   name  you  keep  me  around.     "       another  laugh   echoing  through  the  silence,     another  horrible  attempt  at  trying  to  be  normal.          "      you  can't  help  me,   no  one  can.     "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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amber eyes turn on him in WONDER. his laugh, his laugh! rome could have been levelled with such a laugh, such beauty, such love. her smile slips into something gentler, something vulnerable & saccharine in nature. she touches his cheek with cool fingers, trails them along his cheekbones. LOVE. this house has not known it, & caelestis shall bring it in with him. if she could, she’d fill each corner of it with her devotion, her soul.   ❛    then let us plant FLOWERS on the windowsill, as well. many, many flowers.   ❜  it’s a whisper. a breath of summer in the growing autumn. her fingers drop, now warmed by his skin. she buries her head under his chin, sighs.  ❛    let us be happy, sirius. i want to be happy with you.   ❜
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           raw  and  pure  happiness  was  something  he  had  barely  known     ;      it  had  died  the  moment  he  had  sat  at  the  potter's  their  funeral       (       just  like  them,     his  happiness  had  been  given  to  the  earth,    laid  to  rest  underneath  layers  of  sand  and  stone,     until  he  could  no  longer  breathe.      )         and  yet,    with  her,    and  only  with  her,     he  could  feel  the      FLAME      of  happiness  rising  inside  his  chest,      pressing  against  his  lungs  until  he  felt  like  he  was  going  to  suffocate  from  the  force  of  it  alone.      "     if  you  want  flowers,    flowers  you  shall  get    !      pink  and  purple,     and  hints  of  yellows  as  well.   that  should  brighten  up  the  place,    don't  you  think   ?     "        her  words  leave  him  smiling      ;       muscles  stretching  until  he  is  sure  he  could  feel  the       BURN      of  it  in  his  cheeks  for  many  days  to  come.      "       happy  is  exactly  what  i  am,    cael.     i  have  rarely  ever  been  happier.     "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
“Oh,” Credence whispered, his voice still shaky - hell, all of him was shaky, he’d never thought that he’d share this sort of intimacy with someone, let alone someone as noble and kind and caring and trustworthy as Sirius had proven himself to be.  Sirius didn’t deserve that kind of hurt, and Credence nearly started tearing up thinking about how he must have gotten those scars.  His mother, too?  Credence thought back to Ma, to the belt that she would raise in the air and then bring down upon his shaking, outstretched palms while he tried his hardest not to show any expression because if he did then it would only make her angrier.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, because he truly did wish that he could do something to fix the pain - to reverse all of this awfulness that Sirius had been shoved through without justification.  But his words had almost immediately died on his lips when Sirius ghosted his fingers along his hollow cheek, when he tucked his head against Credence’s bony shoulder.  Credence shivered - although it wasn’t out of fear, not this time.
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        there  is  an  image  of  bright  flashes  of  green  dancing  through  his  mind,     lights  reflecting  off  of  mirrors  that  had  hung  in  their  living  room     ;     the  cool  kiss  of  their  surface  against  the  skin  of  his  cheek  in  the  moment  his  father  had  pressed  it  against  it.          '     a  shame  to  the  family.   '        hurtful  those  words  still  were,    even  when  they  had  been  spoken       YEARS      ago.       there  is  a       stone       resting  heavily  upon  his  tongue,      preventing  him  from  speaking  any  further  to  the  man  that  sat  next  to  him                         even  if  he  wanted  to       SCREAM,       to  trash  the  room  in  which  they  stayed  even  further         (       take  up  a knife  and  carve  your  adoration  into  the  walls  like  you  did  carve  your  sadness  into  your  skin.       )              "       don't  be  sorry.    "       his  voice  is  almost  hollow  when  he  presses  his  lips  against  the  pallid  skin  stretched  out  over  bones,      lips  ghosting  across  credence  his  shoulder,     a  touch  of       LOVE       to  erase  the  touches  of  violence.       if  only  he  could  do  that  much.        "     it  was  a  long  time  ago,     wasn't  it.     "  
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
I’ll get over it I just gotta be dramatic first
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
if anybody ever tells you that you suck, look them straight in the eyes and say “not for free”
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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         “Theoretically speaking this COULD be very dangerous — but it is worth trying, isn’t it?” And he sounded far too enthusiastic. He would never be able to convince somebody, that the idea wasn’t tempting. What was life without trying? Sneaking out of the school? Trying to tame a dragon or a werewolf? The corners of his lips were still curled into a wide grin.
                                   “I would still consider it possible. In some way.                                             — Are you just going to stand there or are you paying                                             for the book you’ve half read through already?” // @pawpriint LIKED
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         he  knew  that  he  should  have  dragged  james  into  the  shop,    made  the  other  boy  distract  the  owner  of  the  place  while  he      skipped      through  a  couple  of  books,      just  long  enough  until  he  had  finished  finding  the  information  he  was  looking  for        (       why  didn't  the  school's  library  contain  the  proper  books  they  needed      ?      why  bother  giving  education  if  you  weren't   equipt  to  answer     every  single  question     students  might  have                    it  honestly  shouldn't  even  matter  if  those  questions  might  end  up  getting  a  student     killed.      )           "    sorry  sir    !      i  was  just  trying  to  find  an  answer  to  a       school question.     the  teacher  must  have  asked      EVERYONE     the  same  one,    'cause  every  book  on  the  subject  has  been  borrowed  from  the  library.    "        weak     is  the  grin  as  he  looks  at  his  own  shoes,     trying  to  play  the  part  of  the       innocent      and        dedicated      schoolboy.        "      i      PROMISE    i  wasn't  going  to  try  something        dangerous,      i  wouldn't       dream     of  it.     "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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                             ‘ mature as always. ’    a pair of thick black eyebrows was raised as he brought delicate porcelain to his lips.  only severus snape would find in a gesture as ordinary as drinking tea a way to provoke others.  he lingered, making sure to keep eye contact with the other.    ‘ one would expect that spending over a decade in azkaban would minimally change someone’s world view. ’
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                '  mature as always  '         oh  how  strong  the  urge  was  to  repeat  those  words  right  back  at  the     BAT    ��who  was  currently  residing  in  his  kitchen,     and  to  make  a  face  at  him  too  for  good  measure.     "    if  anything,    "      he  started  his  sentence  but  found  that  the  anger       BREWING     inside  his  chest  made  it  nearly  impossible  to  answer,    venomous  words  lay  heavily  on  his  tongue  as  his  hands  turned  to  fists  against  his  sides.     "    a  decade  in  azkaban  has  only  assured  me  of  my     need      to   break  your     fucking      nose.    "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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                       you see,   i  was       no  one,      until  one  day                                       i  became       EVERYONE.        and  isn't  that  the  greatest       joke      of  them  all      ?        people  believed  me  when  i  told  them  i  had  done  all  those  things      ;       marvelous,       truly        MARVELOUS.                            movie,  book  and  heavily  headcanon  based
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
Hogwarts.  Not only was magic real, but Emma was having a hard time believing that there were people out there that cared about her accidental and magical outbursts - but wanted to see more of it.
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She was in the common room, visibly struggling with Potions homework and mumbling to herself as she read the passage out loud.  She could only hope that reading this would make it mean anything other than magical mumbo jumbo.
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         by  his  fourth  year  on  hogwarts,     sirius  had  gotten  used  to  the       strange      looks  of  family  members  when  he  strutted  by                            especially  when  he  had  enchanted  the  golden  lion  stitched  on  his  robe  to       ROAR      whenever  one  with  whom  he  shared  blood  came  a  little      too  close.      he  was     proud    of  his  house,    if  anything,    he  was  even  prouder  of  being  a  gryffindor  than  his  family  could  ever  be  about  being  a  slytherin.          "     hey  there     doll,      looks  like  you're  struggling  there,    am  i  right   ?     "       he  hadn't  intended  to  offer  his  help  to  the  firstyear.      however,     he  had  intended  to  sit  on  the  sofa  she  was  occupying     ;     and  he  had  always  been  a      FAN      of  killing  two  birds  with  one  stone.         "    need  some  help  there   ?    "
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
non native english speaker culture is constantly switching between british and american spelling and writing words however you prefer without caring about consistency and you dont really always know which is which anyway
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
“SERIOUSLY?”eyebrows raised, almost a daze in looks. sometimes she questioned whether or not she wished to hear what siruis says, whether there was a truth or not to what he said.”because i don’t think that would happen..”a small sense of DOUBT filled her voice, arms folded loosely.”you wouldn’t LIE to me, now would you?”
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   @pawpriint· // ❤’d this a starter
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                 his  arms  are  crossed  behind  his  back  as  he  rocks  back  and  forth  on  his  feet,       NERVOUS     perhaps,     but  who  wouldn't  be  when  they  were       lying  through  their  teeth      to  the  famous   lily  evans.       "     of  course  not    !      bloody  hell  lily,    what  do  you  take  me  for,     do  i  look  like  the  lying  sort  to  you   ?     "       he  rolls  his  eyes,    hoping  that  the  move  will  be  enough  to  convince  the  other  that  he  is,     in  fact,      sincere.      "     i'm  telling  you,     that  there  are  certain  species  of  rats  who  naturally  have       BRIGHT  PINK       tails      !       they  live  in  the  amazon  and  they're      magical,     so  of  course  you  wouldn't  have  heard  of  them  before.      no  one  ever  told  you  dragons  where  real  before  you  came  to  hogwarts,     right   ?     " 
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
so i’m  at work for the next 9+ hours, and it looks like it's going to be a hella slow day              my internet connection is actually decent for once too,    so i think i might be able to finish all of my drafts today and do some inbox cleaning as well   !!    drafts might be iconless if my internet connection bums out, but they'll be put in the queue just like the ones i did last night. 
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
and i'll write a positive message to  or/and  about them.    send your own blogs as well i’ll gladly do the same.
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pawpriint-blog · 7 years
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          eyes  squint  in  sirius’s  direction  ,  shoulders  dropping  as  a  defeated  sigh  spills  out  of  his  lips  and  he  slumps  into  his  chair.  “  seriously ?  buttercup ?  that’s  your  brilliant  idea ?  ”  teddy  rolls  his  eyes  ,  fingers  starting  to  drum  on  the  table  before  he  returns  from  the  position  from  earlier  ,  shoving  any  thoughts  of  a  code  name  aside.  “  here’s  my  brilliant  idea  -  teach  me  how  to  turn  into  an  animagus.  dad  tells  me  you  and  harry’s  dad  figured  it  out  by  yourselves  which  means  that  you’re  the  best  at  that  ,  aren’t  you ?  ”
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            wolvish  is  the  grin  that  appears  on  his  lips  in  the  moment  his  nephew  sinks  back  into  the  chair    ;       to  be  defeated  by  an  adult  was  never  the      best     moment  of  any  young  adult,      and  it  was  only  a  shame  for  his  dearest  teddy  that  his  house  seemed  to  be        FILLED      with  adults  who  could  give  him  the  verbal       kick.      "    or     teddybear,      whatever  you  wish.    "      attention  is  drawn  from  the  smoke  billowing  from  the  tip  of  his  cigarette  when  teddy  speaks  again,    tongue  darting  out  to  lick  his  lips  in  the  moment  the  younger  man   mentions  the  particular  feat  that  got  him  and  james  to  be     LEGENDS      in  disguise  at  hogwarts        (        no  one  found  out  after  all,      but  the  pranks  they  played  with  a  little  help  of        four  legs       went  down  into  the  informal  history  books.       )        "     you  know  what,     why  don't  you  go  and       try  and  figure  it  out.      i'll  only  give  you  hints,     tell  you  if  you're      hot  or  cold.      " 
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