pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Do follow links
Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you. The best way to give someone dofollow love is allowing keyword in the anchor text. This means when you are linking to any website or page, use the targeted keyword as anchor text.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Growing popularity and links
For search engines that crawl the vast metropolis of the web, links are the streets between pages. Using sophisticated link analysis, the engines can discover how pages are related to each other and in what ways.
Since the late 1990s search engines have treated links as votes for popularity and importance in the ongoing democratic opinion poll of the web. The engines themselves have refined the use of link data to a fine art, and use complex algorithms to perform nuanced evaluations of sites and pages based on this information.
Links aren't everything in SEO, but search professionals attribute a large portion of the engines' algorithms to link-related factors (see Search Engine Ranking Factors). Through links, engines can not only analyze the popularity websites and pages based on the number and popularity of pages linking to them, but also metrics like trust, spam, and authority. Trustworthy sites tend to link to other trusted sites, while spammy sites receive very few links from trusted sources (see MozTrust). Authority models, like those postulated in the Hilltop Algorithm, suggest that links are a very good way of identifying expert documents on a given subject.
Link Signals
Used by search engines
How do search engines assign value to links? To answer this, we need to explore the individual elements of a link, and look at how the search engines assess these elements. We don't fully understand the proprietary metrics that search engines use, but through analysis of patent applications, years of experience, and hands-on testing, we can draw some intelligent assumptions that hold up in the real world. Below is a list of notable factors worthy of consideration. These signals, and many more, are considered by professional SEOs when measuring link value and a site's link profile. You may also enjoy some further on the Moz Blog reading about search engine valuation of links.
Global Popularity
The more popular and important a site is, the more links from that site matter. A site like Wikipedia has thousands of diverse sites linking to it, which means it's probably a popular and important site. To earn trust and authority with the engines, you'll need the help of other link partners. The more popular, the better.
Local/Topic-Specific Popularity
The concept of "local" popularity, first pioneered by the Teoma search engine, suggests that links from sites within a topic-specific community matter more than links from general or off-topic sites. For example, if your website sells dog houses, a link from the Society of Dog Breeders matters much more than one from a site about roller skating.
Anchor Text
One of the strongest signals the engines use in rankings is anchor text. If dozens of links point to a page with the right keywords, that page has a very good probability of ranking well for the targeted phrase in that anchor text. You can see examples of this in action with searches like "click here," where many results rank solely due to the anchor text of inbound links.
It's no surprise that the Internet contains massive amounts of spam. Some estimate as much as 60% of the web's pages are spam. In order to weed out this irrelevant content, search engines use systems for measuring trust, many of which are based on the link graph. Earning links from highly-trusted domains can result in a significant boost to this scoring metric. Universities, government websites and non-profit organizations represent examples of high-trust domains.
Link Neighborhood
Spam links often go both ways. A website that links to spam is likely spam itself, and in turn often has many spam sites linking back to it. By looking at these links in the aggregate, search engines can understand the "link neighborhood" in which your website exists. Thus, it's wise to choose those sites you link to carefully and be equally selective with the sites you attempt to earn links from.
Link signals tend to decay over time. Sites that were once popular often go stale, and eventually fail to earn new links. Thus, it's important to continue earning additional links over time. Commonly referred to as "FreshRank," search engines use the freshness signals of links to judge current popularity and relevance.
Social Sharing
The last few years have seen an explosion in the amount of content shared through social services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Although search engines treat socially shared links differently than other types of links, they notice them nonetheless. There is much debate among search professionals as to how exactly search engines factor social link signals into their algorithms, but there is no denying the rising importance of social channels.
Link Building Basics
Link building is an art. It's almost always the most challenging part of an SEO's job, but also the one most critical to success. Link building requires creativity, hustle, and often, a budget. No two link building campaigns are the same, and the way you choose to build links depends as much upon your website as it does your personality. Below are three basic types of link acquisition.
"Natural" Editorial LinksLinks that are given naturally by sites and pages that want to link to your content or company. These links require no specific action from the SEO, other than the creation of worthy material (great content) and the ability to create awareness about it.
Manual "Outreach" Link BuildingThe SEO creates these links by emailing bloggers for links, submitting sites to directories, or paying for listings of any kind. The SEO often creates a value proposition by explaining to the link target why creating the link is in their best interest. Examples include filling out forms for submissions to a website award program or convincing a professor that your resource is worthy of inclusion on the public syllabus.
Self-Created, Non-EditorialHundreds of thousands of websites offer any visitor the opportunity to create links through guest book signings, forum signatures, blog comments, or user profiles. These links offer the lowest value, but can, in the aggregate, still have an impact for some sites. In general, search engines continue to devalue most of these types of links, and have been known to penalize sites that pursue these links aggressively. Today, these types of links are often considered spammy and should be pursued with caution.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Keyword research
It all begins with words typed into a search box.
Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website. By researching your market's keyword demand, you can not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.
It's not always about getting visitors to your site, but about getting the right kind of visitors. The usefulness of this intelligence cannot be overstated; with keyword research you can predict shifts in demand, respond to changing market conditions, and produce the products, services, and content that web searchers are actively seeking. In the history of marketing, there has never been such a low barrier to entry in understanding the motivations of consumers in virtually any niche.
How to Judge the Value of a Keyword
How much is a keyword worth to your website? If you own an online shoe store, do you make more sales from visitors searching for "brown shoes" or "black boots"? The keywords visitors type into search engines are often available to webmasters, and keyword research tools allow us to find this information. However, those tools cannot show us directly how valuable it is to receive traffic from those searches. To understand the value of a keyword, we need to understand our own websites, make some hypotheses, test, and repeat—the classic web marketing formula.
A basic process for assessing a keyword’s value
Ask yourself...
Is the keyword relevant to your website's content? Will searchers find what they are looking for on your site when they search using these keywords? Will they be happy with what they find? Will this traffic result in financial rewards or other organizational goals? If the answer to all of these questions is a clear "Yes!" then proceed ...
Search for the term/phrase in the major engines
Understanding which websites already rank for your keyword gives you valuable insight into the competition, and also how hard it will be to rank for the given term. Are there search advertisements running along the top and right-hand side of the organic results? Typically, many search ads means a high-value keyword, and multiple search ads above the organic results often means a highly lucrative and directly conversion-prone keyword.
Buy a sample campaign for the keyword at Google AdWords and/or Bing Adcenter
If your website doesn't rank for the keyword, you can nonetheless buy test traffic to see how well it converts. In Google Adwords, choose "exact match" and point the traffic to the relevant page on your website. Track impressions and conversion rate over the course of at least 200-300 clicks.
Using the data you’ve collected, determine the exact value of each keyword
For example, assume your search ad generated 5,000 impressions in one day, of which 100 visitors have come to your site, and three have converted for a total profit (not revenue!) of $300. In this case, a single visitor for that keyword is worth $3 to your business. Those 5,000 impressions in 24 hours could generate a click-through rate of between 18-36% with a #1 ranking (see the Slingshot SEO study for more on potential click-through rates), which would mean 900-1800 visits per day, at $3 each, or between 1 and 2 million dollars per year. No wonder businesses love search marketing!
Understanding the Long Tail of Keyword Demand
Going back to our online shoe store example, it would be great to rank #1 for the keyword "shoes" ... or would it?
It's wonderful to deal with keywords that have 5,000 searches a day, or even 500 searches a day, but in reality, these popular search terms actually make up less than 30% of the searches performed on the web. The remaining 70% lie in what's called the "long tail" of search. The long tail contains hundreds of millions of unique searches that might be conducted a few times in any given day, but, when taken together, comprise the majority of the world's search volume.
Another lesson search marketers have learned is that long tail keywords often convert better, because they catch people later in the buying/conversion cycle. A person searching for "shoes" is probably browsing, and not ready to buy. On the other hand, someone searching for "best price on Air Jordan size 12" practically has their wallet out!
Understanding the search demand curve is critical. To the right we've included a sample keyword demand curve, illustrating the small number of queries sending larger amounts of traffic alongside the volume of less-searched terms and phrases that bring the bulk of our search referrals.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
The basics of search engine friendly design and development
Search engines are limited in how they crawl the web and interpret content. A webpage doesn't always look the same to you and me as it looks to a search engine. In this section, we'll focus on specific technical aspects of building (or modifying) web pages so they are structured for both search engines and human visitors alike. Share this part of the guide with your programmers, information architects, and designers, so that all parties involved in a site's construction are on the same page.
Indexable Content
To perform better in search engine listings, your most important content should be in HTML text format. Images, Flash files, Java applets, and other non-text content are often ignored or devalued by search engine crawlers, despite advances in crawling technology. The easiest way to ensure that the words and phrases you display to your visitors are visible to search engines is to place them in the HTML text on the page. However, more advanced methods are available for those who demand greater formatting or visual display styles:
Provide alt text for images. Assign images in gif, jpg, or png format "alt attributes" in HTML to give search engines a text description of the visual content.
Supplement search boxes with navigation and crawlable links.
Supplement Flash or Java plug-inswith text on the page.
Provide a transcript for video and audio content if the words and phrases used are meant to be indexed by the engines.
Many websites have significant problems with indexable content, so double-checking is worthwhile. By using tools like Google's cache, SEO-browser.com, and the MozBar you can see what elements of your content are visible and indexable to the engines. Take a look at Google's text cache of this page you are reading now. 
Using the Google cache feature, we can see that to a search engine, JugglingPandas.com's homepage doesn't contain all the rich information that we see. This makes it difficult for search engines to interpret relevancy.
Hey, where did the fun go?
Uh oh ... via Google cache, we can see that the page is a barren wasteland. There's not even text telling us that the page contains the Axe Battling Monkeys. The site is built entirely in Flash, but sadly, this means that search engines cannot index any of the text content, or even the links to the individual games. Without any HTML text, this page would have a very hard time ranking in search results.
It's wise to not only check for text content but to also use SEO tools to double-check that the pages you're building are visible to the engines. This applies to your images, and as we see below, to your links as well.
Rel="nofollow" can be used with the following syntax:
<a href="https://moz.com" rel="nofollow">Lousy Punks!</a>
Links can have lots of attributes. The engines ignore nearly all of them, with the important exception of the rel="nofollow" attribute. In the example above, adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to the link tag tells the search engines that the site owners do not want this link to be interpreted as an endorsement of the target page.
Nofollow, taken literally, instructs search engines to not follow a link (although some do). The nofollow tag came about as a method to help stop automated blog comment, guest book, and link injection spam, but has morphed over time into a way of telling the engines to discount any link value that would ordinarily be passed. Links tagged with nofollow are interpreted slightly differently by each of the engines, but it is clear they do not pass as much weight as normal links.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Why is search engine marketing necessary
An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can't see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users.
A Common Argument Against SEO
We frequently hear statements like this:
"No smart engineer would ever build a search engine that requires websites to follow certain rules or principles in order to be ranked or indexed. Anyone with half a brain would want a system that can crawl through any architecture, parse any amount of complex or imperfect code, and still find a way to return the most relevant results, not the ones that have been 'optimized' by unlicensed search marketing experts."
But Wait ...
Imagine you posted online a picture of your family dog. A human might describe it as "a black, medium-sized dog, looks like a Lab, playing fetch in the park." On the other hand, the best search engine in the world would struggle to understand the photo at anywhere near that level of sophistication. How do you make a search engine understand a photograph? Fortunately, SEO allows webmasters to provide clues that the engines can use to understand content. In fact, adding proper structure to your content is essential to SEO.
Understanding both the abilities and limitations of search engines allows you to properly build, format, and annotate your web content in a way that search engines can digest. Without SEO, a website can be invisible to search engines.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
How people interact with search engines
One of the most important elements to building an online marketing strategy around SEO is empathy for your audience. Once you grasp what your target market is looking for, you can more effectively reach and keep those users.
We like to say, "Build for users, not for search engines." There are three types of search queries people generally make:
"Do" Transactional Queries: I want to do something, such as buy a plane ticket or listen to a song.
"Know" Informational Queries: I need information, such as the name of a band or the best restaurant in New York City.
"Go" Navigation Queries: I want to go to a particular place on the Internet, such as Facebook or the homepage of the NFL.
When visitors type a query into a search box and land on your site, will they be satisfied with what they find? This is the primary question that search engines try to answer billions of times each day. The search engines' primary responsibility is to serve relevant results to their users. So ask yourself what your target customers are looking for and make sure your site delivers it to them.
It all starts with words typed into a small box.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
How search engines operate
Search engines have two major functions: crawling and building an index, and providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they've determined are the most relevant.
Imagine the World Wide Web as a network of stops in a big city subway system.
Each stop is a unique document (usually a web page, but sometimes a PDF, JPG, or other file). The search engines need a way to “crawl” the entire city and find all the stops along the way, so they use the best path available—links.
search engines are answer machines. When a person performs an online search, the search engine scours its corpus of billions of documents and does two things: first, it returns only those results that are relevant or useful to the searcher's query; second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information. It is both relevance and popularity that the process of SEO is meant to influence.
How do search engines determine relevance and popularity?
To a search engine, relevance means more than finding a page with the right words. In the early days of the web, search engines didn’t go much further than this simplistic step, and search results were of limited value. Over the years, smart engineers have devised better ways to match results to searchers’ queries. Today, hundreds of factors influence relevance, and we’ll discuss the most important of these in this guide.
Search engines typically assume that the more popular a site, page, or document, the more valuable the information it contains must be. This assumption has proven fairly successful in terms of user satisfaction with search results.
Popularity and relevance aren’t determined manually. Instead, the engines employ mathematical equations (algorithms) to sort the wheat from the chaff (relevance), and then to rank the wheat in order of quality (popularity).
These algorithms often comprise hundreds of variables. In the search marketing field, we refer to them as “ranking factors.” Moz crafted a resource specifically on this subject: Search Engine Ranking Factors.
You can surmise that search engines believe that Ohio State is the most relevant and popular page for the query “Universities” while the page for Harvard is less relevant/popular.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
The beginner seo guide
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand. SEO isn't just about building search engine-friendly websites. It's about making your site better for people too. At Moz we believe these principles go hand-in-hand. This guide is designed to describe all areas of SEO—from finding the terms and phrases (keywords) that generate traffic to your website, to making your site friendly to search engines, to building links and marketing the unique value of your site. If you are confused about this stuff, you are not alone, and we're here to help.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
8 major Google algorithm updates, explained
Your ultimate cheat sheet to Google’s algorithmic changes and penalties 1. Panda Launch date: February 24, 2011 Hazards: Duplicate, plagiarized or thin content; user-generated spam; keyword stuffing How it works: Panda assigns a so-called “quality score” to web pages; this score is then used as a ranking factor. Initially, Panda was a filter rather than part of Google’s ranking algo, but in January 2016, it was officially incorporated into the core algorithm. Panda rollouts have become more frequent, so both penalties and recoveries now happen faster. 2. Penguin Launch date: April 24, 2012 Hazards: Spammy or irrelevant links; links with over-optimized anchor text How it works: Google Penguin’s objective is to down-rank sites whose links it deems manipulative. Since late 2016, Penguin has been part of Google’s core algorithm; unlike Panda, it works in real time. 3. Hummingbird Launch date: August 22, 2013 Hazards: Keyword stuffing; low-quality content How it works: Hummingbird helps Google better interpret search queries and provide results that match searcher intent (as opposed to the individual terms within the query). While keywords continue to be important, Hummingbird makes it possible for a page to rank for a query even if it doesn’t contain the exact words the searcher entered. This is achieved with the help of natural language processing that relies on latent semantic indexing, co-occurring terms and synonyms. 4. Pigeon Launch date: July 24, 2014 (US); December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia) Hazards: Poor on- and off-page SEO How it works: Pigeon affects those searches in which the user’s location plays an important part. The update created closer ties between the local algorithm and the core algorithm: traditional SEO factors are now used to rank local results. 5. Mobile Launch date: April 21, 2015 Hazards: Lack of a mobile version of the page; poor mobile usability How it works: Google’s Mobile Update (aka Mobilegeddon) ensures that mobile-friendly pages rank at the top of mobile search, while pages not optimized for mobile are filtered out from the SERPs or seriously down-ranked. 6. RankBrain Launch date: October 26, 2015 Hazards: Lack of query-specific relevance features; shallow content; poor UX How it works: RankBrain is part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm. It is a machine learning system that helps Google understand the meaning behind queries, and serve best-matching search results in response to those queries. Google calls RankBrain the third most important ranking factor. While we don’t know the ins and outs of RankBrain, the general opinion is that it identifies relevance features for web pages ranking for a given query, which are basically query-specific ranking factors. 7. Possum Launch date: September 1, 2016 Hazards: Tense competition in your target location How it works: The Possum update ensured that local results vary more depending on the searcher’s location: the closer you are to a business’s address, the more likely you are to see it among local results. Possum also resulted in greater variety among results ranking for very similar queries, like “dentist denver” and “dentist denver co.” Interestingly, Possum also gave a boost to businesses located outside the physical city area. 8. Fred Launch date: March 8, 2017 Hazards: Thin, affiliate-heavy or ad-centered content How it works: The latest of Google’s confirmed updates, Fred targets websites that violate Google’s webmaster guidelines. The majority of affected sites are blogs with low-quality posts that appear to be created mostly for the purpose of generating ad revenue.
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Meta tags
eg. https://www.apexinfotechindia.com/ <head> <title>Web Designing and Web Development Company in Mumbai | Website Design In India</title> <meta name="keywords" content="Web design company, web development company in mumbai, web design company in Mumbai, website designing services in India, web designing company in India, web designing, website design in Mumbai, seo services, PPC services"/> <meta name="description" content="We are one of the best Website Designing and Web Development Company in India from Mumbai providing creative and customized online solutions including SEO, PPC and Web design Services."/>
meta name="description" content="We are one of the best Website Designing and Web Development Company in India from Mumbai providing creative and customized online solutions including SEO, PPC and Web design Services."/> <link rel="canonical" href="http://apexinfotechindia.com/" /> </head> The meta description length in 2019 It is from 120 to 158 characters, up to 920 pixels. The title length in 2019 It is from 60 to 70 characters, up to 600 pixels. Check your title and description length by using preview tool click on below link https://blog.spotibo.com/serp-preview-tool/  
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pavan030496-blog · 5 years
Live project training in .NET MVC, ASP.NET
.NET MVC is one of the well-known programming dialects behind the greater part of the dynamic sites grew today. The spot net framework gives a simple arrangement of development apparatuses to the clients permitting productive and straightforward application building thus the way toward making websites and applications ends up less demanding utilizing asp.net and moreover, it’s additionally simple to take in this programming dialect for web development.
There is an excellent interest for asp.net web development benefits in the market since it is fairly a savvy innovation and gives proficiency and speed required to the development procedure. Thus, learning asp.net in current period can give a considerable measure of extension to the IT wannabes hoping to manufacture a lucrative profession in the web development field. ASP.NET as a possibility for a profession is great and henceforth those ready to take in the subject in detail ought to go for asp.net training in light of live projects.
Join this beginner to pro training program course to start your bright future in the technology world. Today is the perfect time to join this movement and don’t waste your time anymore and enroll today.
Tumblr media
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan InfoTech digital marketing in thane
  In today's world  every person has a attraction of being popular and wants to make themselves a huge brand in the market, so social media is one of the essential things which is loved and with the new technology  along being enrolled with the Digital Marketing Training Institute in Thane , one can earn like a billionaire and can have the ability to fulfil their dreams.
So  the  Sriyaan Digital Marketing Training Institute in Navi Mumbai is the best firm which can give a dynamic opportunity to become one of the best digital marketer if they have a good strong handle over digital marketing. So this training  institute is a special excellence crafted for you to be the next marketer who can lead themselves  for being a good eligible person to lead the world in the better manner in digital marketing.
Thus join your hands and become a  creator in the  no 1 Sriyaan Digital Marketing  Training  Institute in Thane for the course and the bright future and become a immediate joiner of this training institute for a better life.
For more information  we  Sriyaan InfoTech Digital Marketing  Training  Institute in Mumbai are giving you the live  training project
1> Introduction to Digital Marketing.
2>  Search Engine Optimization < SEO>
3>  Social Media Marketing/ Social Media Optimization  < SMM> /< SMO>
4>   Google Adwords/Ads- Pay- Per Click.
5>  Google Analytics
6>  Email Marketing
7> Affiliate marketing
8> WhatsApp Marketing
9>  Search Consol < Google webmaster tool>
10>  Hash tag viral marketing
11> Lead generation
12>  Infographic - Content Marketing.
13>  Creating a blog
14 > Blogging & Adsense
15> Remarketing/ Conversion
16> Content Marketing
17> ORM- Online Reputation Management
18> Business Listings
19> Digital marketing Strategy
20>  Digital Career Preparation.
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan Infotech android development course in mumbai
A mobile application in today' s world is the best authentic resource a person likes to use. as the generation of a person's mindset  and technology is coming, so  Sriyaan InfoTech  Android Development course in Mumbai is putting tremendous efforts to review the information about the android development course  about what it is about, and a attentive human who tends to like and grasp information in a decent  mannerism will  sure gain 100%  become a rich person  and become his own  master in the world of Android .
So the Sriyaan InfoTech Android Development course in Thane is an ecstatic  firm which gives an opportunity to mould and become the only  attractive android developer of  the universe. But it can turn into a turnaround  positive side if one has a ability and also has a strong will power of handling the Android development. So this training institute is crafted in a very  special manner for you who can be a informative component intelligent Android application developer who can lead themselves for being a confidence human being for leading the world in the better ecstatic in the world of Android  Development.
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Thus join your hands with  Sriyaan Android Development course in  Thane and make a bright future.
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan Mvc training in thane
The MVC Training in Thane  provides  authentic websites which  is  being used for every  business resources in the market nowadays.  Microsoft also plays a special role for the full fledged complete tool for a beautiful understandable website. If you are a knowledgeable person who is  connected to the internet world then you are at right position as there is a huge demand for web development
The Net developer at any software house or a development firm can bring a MVC Training in Navi mumbai  as a essential goal resource which is needed to enroll you in this summer session. MVC stands for Model View Control , this programming way is an pathway which is used in a proper manner for the improvement of the code
In JAVA we also call MVC very common tool, MVC is not a programming  language, but a method for organizing a particular code and not a  particular thing like PHP, and JAVA . Thus join hands with Sriyaan InfoTech for the beginner  MVC Training in Mumbai  to start your instance bright future in the new technology world, thus do not waste your usefully good time and get enrolled in a immediate manner today.
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan Website design and development
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan e-commerce website design development service
Sriyaan Technology Ecommerce website design development service  is called as the titanic  service which is being given  to the clients.
 The  Ecommerce website  design development service is prepared in a sleek way, so that the clients can view their website in a authentically mannerism
Also various rainbow skills is being utilised while preparing  the Ecommerce website design  development service
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pavan030496-blog · 6 years
Sriyaan Social media
 Social media marketing is one of the essential things done by the Sriyaan Technology Rapid  fire social media marketing team plays a huge authentic role in fulfilling the dynamical approach for the daily based clients.
 The social media team builds a essential component grant in doing the social media marketing
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