parodoxylorange · 3 years
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FELIX — kcon:tact 4u
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
*me at 176 years old*
“ Y'all just wait on my glo”
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
did dr. dre even attend medical school?
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
there are 7 main chakras, each one of them is connected to our body, mind and soul. each one of them is connected to a specific sound, color and element.
THE ROOT CHAKRA (muladhara)
'I am'
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it's situated at the base of our spine
the root chakra is what grounds you. it's about survival instincts, also called flight or fight response.
the root chakra is associated with our feelings of security and safety, such as food, home and emotional needs,
the root chakra helps us survive, is responsible for grounding ourselves, for safety, stability and strength.
the root chakra is the 1st chakra, it's important to keep it balanced, because an unbalanced root chakra can cause imbalance in the other six chakras. it has a masculine energy and it's associated with the Kundalini energy.
when the root chakra is unbalanced or blocked, we might worry a lot about everything, anxiety arises and problems with lower body parts such as legs and digestive system might occur.
when the root chakra is balanced, you feel safe and at peace, you feel fearless.
it's associated color is RED.
it's associated crystals are : obsidian, black tourmaline, red jasper, smoky quartz
how to heal the root chakra?
by doing specific meditations.
listening to reiki sounds or binaural beats.
using essential oils such as clove and cedar.
eating healthy red foods.
walking outside in nature, barefoot.
affirmations for the root chakra :
I am safe.
I am confident.
I am stable.
I am grounded.
I am exactly where I need to be.
I am successful.
I am abundant.
I love my body.
I am at peace.
I am protected.
I am strong.
THE SACRAL CHAKRA (svadhisthana)
'I feel'
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it's located in our lower abdomen
this chakra is the center of out creative and sexuality, our pleasures and passions.
an unbalance sacral chakra, we might have problems with fertility (such as irregolar and painful periods for the women), or lower back pain.
it's associated color is ORANGE
it's associated crystals are : orange calcite, carnelian, orange aventurine.
how to heal the sacral chakra?
by doing specific meditation.
listening to reiki sounds or binaural beats.
using essential oils such as ylang ylang and sandalwood.
by moving the body, exercising, dancing...
eating healthy orange foods
by doing something creative
affirmations for the sacral chakra :
I am creative.
my sexuality is sacred.
I am confident.
I am comfortable in my body.
I love my body.
I am peaceful.
I take care and I nourish my my body.
'I do'
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it's located in our upper belly / diaphragm
it's the center of our personal power, sense of inner strength and self, our willpower source comes from here. it's about confidence.
when the solar plexus chakra is unbalance we might feel negative, afraid of being alone. when this chakra is overactive we might feel stressed, there's a need to be in the center or attention, chronic fatigue may arise as well as stomach issues and anxiety.
it's associated color is YELLOW 💛
it's associated crystals are : amber, tiger eye, citrine
how to heal the solar plexus chakra?
by doing specific meditation.
listening to reiki sounds of binaural beats.
dancing and moving your body.
using essential oils such as chamomile and lemon (you can also drink chamomile or drink some lemon water).
by eating healthy yellow foods.
going outside, to the beach or even your garden, as long as you get some sun. ☀️
give yourself self care and don't do negative self talks.
laugh, laugh and laugh.
affirmations for the solar plexus chakra :
I am confident.
I am strong.
I am powerful.
I can achieve everything I want.
I am aligned with my purpose.
I am enough.
I am loved.
happiness is my birth right.
I am worthy.
I am courageous.
'I love'
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it's located at the center of our heart and lungs.
it's the center chakra, responsible for maintaining the balance between the other chakra.
this is the chakra of unconditional love, where we learn to love ourselves, others and everything around us.
when this chakra is blocked or unbalanced we might feel lonely and abandoned, jealous or even jealous. when it's overactive we might feel anxious or have back pain.
it's associated color is GREEN
it's associated crystals are : rose quartz, green aventurine, emerald, malachite.
how to heal the heart chakra?
by doing specific meditation.
by listening to reiki sounds or binaural beats.
using essential oils such as lavender, rose or bergamot.
spending time with family/loved ones.
spending time in nature, go in a forest, drink some water, hug a tree, talk to animals.
eating lots of green healthy foods.
by doing the things you love most.
affirmations for the heart chakra :
I love and accept myself.
I radiate love.
I lead with love.
my heart is open, pure and loving.
everyday I love myself a little more.
I am love.
I choose love.
I choose to be kind.
'I speak'
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it's located near the thyroid gland
the throat chakra is about how we communicate, about standing up for what's right. It's about our true authentic self.
when this chakra is unbalanced we might be afraid of speaking to people, being afraid of rejection, neck pain or having a sore throat.
it's associated color is BLUE
it's associated crystals are : turquoise, aquamarine, blue kyanite.
how to heal the throat chakra?
by doing specific meditations.
by listening to reiki sounds or binaural beats.
there aren't too many blue foods but eating lots of blueberries can help too.
drinking lots of water.
writing or singing.
going to the beach.
affirmations for the throat chakra :
I am calm.
I speak my truth.
I am confident.
I am safe.
I am courageous.
'I see'
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it's located in our forehead between the eyebrows
this chakra is all about seeing, it's about how we see the world.
when this chakra is open, we see the truth. when it's blocked, we might cut ourselves off the world, become paranoid and depressed.
ps. opening this chakra might be scary or uncomfortable for some people, know that when you do open your third eye the first time, there's no going back. your spiritual awakening might start after opening it. <3
it's associated color is dark blue
it's associated crystals are : amethyst, lapis lazuli, angelite.
how to heal the third eye chakra :
by doing specific meditations.
by listening to reiki sounds or binaural beats.
listen to others.
ask lots of question. do lot of research.
wear dark blue.
use essential oils such as rosemery or jasmine.
third eye chakra affirmations :
I see clearly.
my mind is strong.
I release any doubt.
I am in alignment with my purpose.
I surrender control.
I am intuitive.
my mind is open and clear.
THE CROWN CHAKRA (sahasrara)
'I understand'
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it's situated at the top of our head, near the pineal gland and brain.
this chakra is where the 'magic' is stored. our connection with spirit and the universe comes from here.
when the crown chakra is blocked, we might feel isolated and lonely, depressed, we might experience lots of migraines and insomnia. when it's overactive, we feel 'more powerful and better' than others, our ego might step in and we become critical and judgmental.
it's associated color is purple
it's associated crystals are : moonstone, selentine and quartz.
how to heal the crown chakra
meditation is the key for this chakra.
listening to binaural beats or reiki sounds.
connect to your spirit guides.
wear purple.
affirmation for this chakra :
I am pure.
I am a divine being.
I am safe and protected.
the universe has my back.
I am divinely guided.
I am love and light.
I trust my intuition.
if you have any question let me know 🖤
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
Everybody was konfu fighting.
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 3 years
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parodoxylorange · 4 years
logging onto tumblr
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parodoxylorange · 4 years
“Don’t ever think that everyone who leaves wants to.”
— Rachel Wolchin (via bnmxfld)
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parodoxylorange · 4 years
Understanding Your Chart Simplified:
Sun : Your Ego, Essence & Spirit
Moon : Your Deepest Feelings/Emotions, Your Automatic Response & Your Soul
Ascendant(Rising) : Your Outer Personality & How Others Perceive You/First Impression
Mercury : Your Intellect & The Way You Communicate With Others
Venus : Your Values, Romantic Attraction & Charm
Mars : Your Energy, Anger & Sexual Desires
Jupiter : Your Mental & Spiritual Growth/Wisdom
Saturn : Your Boundaries, Responsibilities & Commitments
Uranus : Any Sudden/Unpredictable Changes In Your Life & Innovation/Individuality
Neptune : Your Spirituality, Deceptions & Dreams
Pluto : Your Transformations, Obsessions & Destruction
Midheaven : Your Destined Path In Life
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parodoxylorange · 4 years
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illus. kawayoo “Gothorita” from Guardians Rising
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