jimin imagines
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parkxjiminluv ¡ 3 years ago
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“Fine Without You” - Park Jimin
An imagine about the better part of a break up. A side we do not commonly see as it’s usually labeled as the faulty one and a moment in which one can discover true healing by breaking the anchor that’s been holding them down..
Me and the boys were heading to our favorite bar to enjoy some drinks. It had been a while since I went out and I really looked forward to it. I just wanted to let loose and let go of my thoughts that constantly creeped on me. 
I was wearing my simple black pants, boots, and a dark dress shirt. I let my hair loose in some simple waves while I put my favorite jewelry. Jungkook literally baptized me with all the perfume he put on me from his excitement that I agreed to go out with them.
On the car, Hoseok was driving while Yoongi stood on the passenger seat smoking a blunt quietly. Tupac echoed through the car speakers while me, Jungkook and Jin sat on the back. I kept looking at the sky getting dark through the window as the scenery kept ripping through the city lights.
"Do you think you will talk to Taehyung when we arrive? If you don't want to, I totally get it." Hoseok asked me and Yoongi looked at me through the window.
"We'll see. "I sighed.
The girls dragged me to this bar for a drink after all the mess in my life. I definitely wasn't very fond of the idea especially when they told me it was going to be a reggae dance bar.
Guilt kept eating me alive. The past two months I've been feeling horrible for what I did even though I could have handled things in a much better way. I do not justify myself in any way. I hurt someone who loved me endlessly for my own issues.
I wondered what he was doing, if he was okay.
My boyfriend then texted me he was also going out.
Second later, my friends calling to get out the car signaled our arrival.
The place had a burgundy like atmosphere with other lights like yellow and green giving it a more playful tone. As we moved further there were couches and the bar side where people had and a dance stage with stained glass over for lighting.
We were heading towards our table when I saw him.
I could not believe my luck had destined me to meet her today. I was standing holding my drink as Jin was telling me a dad joke and when my eyes met hers, I just froze.
I gave her a dark smirk. No extras.
I felt like laughing. The audacity.
It had been two months since I saw y/n. Since the day her and my best friend broke me. We were together for 3 years when at the time I was preparing my own album for the company, and I got a call from her telling me that she had lost her cousin in an accident very upset. I told her I would try to be next to her soon as the trip to home was long. I was so gullible. Y/n had been partying more at that period and we had grown distant, but I still made sure I was next to her. When I arrived at home, I felt my heart sinking to the sight of her kissing my best friend in the world, Taehyung. I felt everything shutter even though Taehyung pushed her away. It was enough for me to tell what was going on.
I isolated myself at home. I didn't want to see anyone. I worked from home and let myself sink in the abyss of my emotions. I cried, I drank, I smoked, I went through old memories, I did not eat and just kept feeling things until I did not cry anymore. But one thing I never did was hate them.  I was betrayed but I loved them. Funny.
Taehyung called me numerous times and left voicemails crying and explaining to me that she had approached him and told him that we broke up.  I knew Taehyung was not fully at fault, but I wanted him to learn his lesson.
I saw her slowly approaching me. She had changed. She was wearing a sparkly short dress and some earrings we had gotten together. She showed more skin and looked very scared. She was nothing like my confident and fierce y/n. 
"Y-you 're here. How are you doing?" She asked nervously.
I chuckled, "I'm very good, you?" She seemed surprised.
"Really, I was worried you wouldn't. I am fine but I wanted to tell you something" She exhaled.
"Shoot" I nodded.
"I am genuinely sorry about that day. I-I could have handled the situation so much better and just ended things between us instead of hurting you in that way. I want you to know that Taehyung is not at fault but I am. He also cut ties right away. My mental state and our situation made me desperate. That is unnecessary now, but I understand if you can't forgive me." She spoke with tears in her eyes.
"I already forgave you and Taehyung from that day because, unlike some people I cared and loved you. What you guys chose to do was not the nicest of things, but it definitely helped me realize a lot and see our story had reached an end. Now if you don't mind me Jungkook is calling me and I wish you all the best in life y/n, have fun" I told her and gave her a fake side hug before I left. She was shocked.
Her ego was crushed once she saw I knew my worth and hers. She stood there thinking I'd be on the floor begging or completely shattered but to her surprise I was not and that hurt her.
Why did my heart hurt at that? I cared and I always will but sometimes people take off their masks and reveal their true faces. And sometimes they hide the devil.
I wanted to grab a drink, so I went to the bar. It was self-serve so as I was pouring my drink and enjoying the nice groovy song that was playing, I felt someone coughing behind me.
"Jimin, can I talk to you for a sec?" He said.
Well, I guess everyone wants to talk today.
"Dodge." I am having so much fun today.
"I really am sorry about happened with y/n. She told me you guys had broken up and as you saw she grabbed me and kissed me. Once everything happened, I cut everything off. I'd rather lose her than lose my best brother. Plus, she found another guy anyway." He said.
His last words shook me off and I just had repainted my image of y/n in my head.
I turned to him and passed him the drink I was holding. 
I looked at him seriously and he did too in a puzzled expression.
Then, I busted laughing and him being my best friend laughed too.
"I have to say that was a d*ck move from you, but I knew you were not at fault. I already forgave you bro and I'm just dead how we both let ourselves be fooled by such a desperate ..."
We laughed and Taehyung engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you, bro, I would never risk our friendship for something like that."
"Welcome back hyung." I smiled as we headed to the others.
We danced and had a fun time.
I thought to myself that what happened to y/n was definitely painful especially due to the fact I loved her dearly, but it also gave me an important lesson. It made me realize that despite our long-term bond people change and stories end. Ours had to end there.  I cared about her, and I was hurt, but I know my worth enough that although I forgave her, I chose to not be with her anymore because we were both looking for something different and I deserved something better. I blamed myself but I realize that it's just a matter of feelings and change. Being faithful is a choice only few can survive through time. Losing y/n made me find myself.
After dancing, we sat to have some more drinks and then my favorite song currently began playing. I saw y/n looking at me with a pure look that made me just want to forget my memories with her. She wanted to be loved by others all the time but could not love herself.
Smiling, I moved my drink towards her direction making a toast as my favorite song's lyrics echoed 
"There's only one life, mami, enjoy it
Look, this world keeps on spinning
I hope you don't arrive at my door, cause I won't open
But, baby, enjoy it."
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parkxjiminluv ¡ 3 years ago
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“Stay Alive” - Jeon Jungkook
As you all can assume, this imagine is inspired by the song“Stay Alive” and its one of my most favorite imagines i have ever written. If you guys like it i may develop it into a reverse story later in time where you may know the ending but not the beginning because in every ending there’s a beginning. I hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it<3
In a land much further from the cement worlds and cities of smoke we live in, a kingdom was facing one of its greatest challenges. A once friend and partner became another Judas and stabbed the kingdom of Bangtan led by a strong, skilled king, Jeon Jungkook. Beside him, his most precious achievement of them all queen Jeon y/n. 
The Bangtan kingdom was part of a seven-kingdom empire led by his dear and brotherly friends whom he fought with for several years until their hard work was paid off. During their explorations the youngest met a young man named Blaise who he rescued from a defeated town. The two managed to develop a great bond and when Jungkook was given his place on the kingdom of Bangtan he declared Blaise as the second head of the army after him. He trusted him but he did not know that Blaise was not the person he showed the young king.
And y/n knew that.
    Jungkook met y/n through his best friend Jimin. During a mission, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook were seriously injured. Jimin alerted her as she was his cousin, and she brought her other friend who was a local doctor named y/f/n.  Y/n was very determined to help and Jungkook initially was not convinced by her. Y/n was a strong woman and knew her worth. She joined them in the fight, and she was like an amazon woman. Jungkook was fascinated by her strength and eventually saw the good in her. She reached his level and even higher when Namjoon the leader declared her as the strongest fighter of the group. She was incredible in archery. The two of them were paired and after a rollercoaster of challenges they confessed to each other a few steps away from death while holding on for their lives hiding in a forest as they were both injured. Each other's hands and love helped their wounds surrender until help arrived. They were part of each other. Jimin on the other hand, also found his soulmate y/f/n, when she saved him from an almost fatal shot when she shot the attacker from the back. The other members had set their lives with their partners too, but I'll save that for another story.
Blaise was always different when Jungkook was away, he degraded the girls and y/n despised him for his ungrateful attitude. She confronted him and Taehyung also happened to witness it, but Jungkook was very stubborn and refused to believe that.
After 7 years of friendship or what Jungkook thought it was, Blaise greedily partnered with the Akita kingdom, a sworn enemy of Bangtan from their younger years and declared war on them.
On a chilly day of November, before the sun had set, the white army of Akita was aligned at the borders of the kingdom of Bangtan all in white, their symbolic color except for one; Blaise was dressed in pitch black just like his soul.
Oppositely there stood Bangtan themselves. Jungkook with Y/n beside him, Jimin and y/f/n, Tae, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jčn and Namjoon. They were all there and were going to fight next to their brother. Their army was family, and they would all stand for each other.
"Jungkook! Are you ready to lose?" Akita's leader spat arrogantly.
Jungkook's eyes roamed until they met with a pair of dark orbs whom he burned with his stare. A friend, a brother, a traitor. He was angry but mainly for not believing his wife. He saved his rage for the one that deserved it and with a smirk said,
"Bring it on."
Within seconds, the two armies began approaching each other and merged like pack flying birds eagerly devouring each other. Y/n held Jungkook's hand and told him "Kook, I love you." Jungkook smiled and kissed her "I love you, we got this y/n".
Akita was an easy kingdom to defeat however, with Blaise by their side they could easily know Bangtan's strategy. Jungkook was not sure what would really happen, but he was going to apply a strategy he had saved for the worst-case scenario shared only with his family.
A sudden rain of arrows began crashing and flying within the two parties and they soon started to spread with their horses. Jungkook then signaled to Bangtan by singing one of their most powerful anthems during battles. It was called "On".
Hoseok distracted foolish soldiers while Namjoon and Taehyung waited to approach their commanders to open the way for Jungkook to reach their leader and Blaise. Jimin and y/f/n fought together, next to each other. They served as a weapon against the soldiers making them collapse one by one. Yoongi a cold looking but very caring King was patrolling around Jungkook in order to approach the Akita leader and let the main target to Jungkook. His eyes glowed with anger. He despised traitors and this one had betrayed his little brother.
Unlike Jimin and his wife, Y/n and Jungkook followed a system of separating and attacking together. Jungkook headed right and y/n went left rounding small groups of soldiers. She quickly got rid of them as she planted arrows through their bodies. 
She had an odd sensation that something was off. For a second, she noticed Bangtan was fairly winning and defeating Akitas while their army was being swept off. She quickly came back to reality when she prevented the Akita queen from stabbing her backwards. Y/n used her sword against her leading to a fight between the two females.
Jungkook had just gotten rid of another soldier when he looked at his wife. Y/n looked as if she was drawn from an ancient Greek myth along the hunting goddesses and amazons fighting against the other woman with all she had as the wind blew through her hair. His eyes met hers after she had cut through the woman's heart, and she collapsed to the ground. They smiled at each other assuringly after a scream was heard.
Yoongi had defeated the Akita King. As y/n was letting everything sink in, she noticed Blaise seemed painfully calm as he was riding on his horse circularly until she realized his plan...
Blaise had used the Akitas as a distraction for his power thirsty self. S as they would be exhausting the Bangtan he would get the right moment to strike. His main target was Jungkook. But he only had one arrow in his bow, a silver one.
"Jungkook...this is for everything I was robbed from."
A scream was heard within a deadly silence. A horse's cry and the thump of a fall on the ground.
A heart was crushed by the evil's metal claw, and another was crushed by the sudden collapse of its half sinking pierced by eternal pain.
As Jungkook turned towards the voice moments flushed in seconds when y/n jumped, and the arrow pierced through her heart killing her instantly. Jungkook stood there feeling the same piercing pain grabbing his wife's lifeless body while tears ran through his eyes.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please...please stay alive..."  he begged breaking down.
As the Bangtan king rose his gaze to the person he hated the most, before he could form a word, an arrow pierced through his neck knocking him down to the ground.
On the left, a teary eyed Jimin still stood on his horse with his bow on his hand,
"This is for Y/n."
As the six kings rounded their brother and y/n's body along their partners they all cried their hearts out next to him. And as y/n's soul was being placed to rest, the most divine sunrise emerged with a colorful sky filled with glow just like her spirit.
4 Years later
It had been 4 years since the day y/n was taken away. Her memory was always celebrated, and she was never forgotten. Jungkook always had her in his heart.
Approaching a small hill by the palace, Bangtan approached her grave that Namjoon himself made a statue of her in her horse Zephyr smiling heavenly as the wind rushed through her. They paid their respects until Jungkook was left alone with Yoongi standing behind him.
The sun began to set and its light pierce through the statue giving it the divine glow shed like to send to her loved one.
"Jungkook, she wouldn't want you to rot in misery but stay strong for her. Y/n knew something was up that day and she told you farewell. She had told you goodbye and that was enough for her to save you. Be grateful you got to tell her you loved her." Yoongi patted his shoulder and left.
"My love, it's been four years.... since you left my side, but you're fixed to my heart. I hope heaven treats you better than this world. I'll be counting the days till we meet again y/n, I love you yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever" A tear slipped his eye as he smiled at her statue.
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parkxjiminluv ¡ 3 years ago
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“A Drink You Won’t Forget” - Park Jimin
P.s. This is the first smut I ever wrote so it needs a lot of improvement.
January 7th, 2021.
Today was a dreadful day for me, and I desperately needed to escape its unwanted feelings by distracting myself before it was too late. On this date eight years ago, I lost my family due to an airplane crash being left alone at the age of 18.I was the only one that survived.
Now, I am 26 and I have managed to move on with my life building a successful career for me working as a magazine editor at a popular company after years of struggling in part time jobs and managing school. I've grown very independent and usually the thought of being alone does not hurt me but today is different.
All I can think about is getting myself drunk so I forget about the loneliness and hurt today holds. Holidays had just ended, and my birthday passed a day ago. Although one may be surrounded by people nothing can fill the void of losing the ones that you love.
Our company was hosting a party for an employee, and I was more than down to go. My friend Storm was sitting on the passenger seat while I was driving us to our destination.
"So, what's the plan tonight bestie?" Storm asked while exhaling the smoke from her cigarette that was hanging with her hand outside the window.
"Having fun and getting wasted of course!" I said looking ahead.
A while later
We arrived at the luxurious loft filled with dimmed purple and hot neon lights giving it the perfect atmosphere for a drink accompanied by the heartfelt r&b tones in the background.
After greeting a couple friends, we went to get drinks at the bar. My coworker Namjoon was our barman tonight and I can say I was not used to this look of his. He's always preppy but those thick biceps and messy dress shirt accompanied by his black glasses was something else. I'm proud Storm likes him, and he likes her too.
The party was beginning to get livelier. As we were being served our drinks, Storm left my side and got behind the bar. Within seconds Namjoon had grabbed her waist and was kissing her hungrily as I stood there dumbfounded.
"When did this all start, and I had no idea?" I asked.
"Actually...Today" Storm replied.
"We wanted to surprise you" Namjoon said.
"I sure was surprised but have fun ya'll". I said trying to let them do their thing while sipping from my drink.
"We will but you should too, look that dude has been eyeing you since he came in" Namjoon gazed, and I turned my head to the direction he gestured.
I definitely was not expecting my eyes to meet with an extremely ethereally handsome man, but I sure do not complain.
He was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and his blonde hair was styled back showing his clean undercut accompanied by long earrings and numerous rings on his fingers.
I felt drawn to him, an unfamiliar heat surrounded me and whatever he was up for, I was open for it.
Before even making a comment, Storm and Joon had already disappeared, and I was left alone with my drink.
I tried to not seem weird and stare, so I focused on drinking but then a majestic smell entered my nose as a quick breeze surrounded me indicating someone moved next to me.
I knew it was him.
"May I share a drink with you tonight?" He asked with a raspy soft voice while sitting behind me. His perfume invaded my senses and I looked at him more closely.
He had a mysterious but soft look that really made me curious about his intentions. His plump lips looked so kissable as he was sipping drink searching from an answer in my eyes. It seemed unreal how someone this handsome would bother with me. He's too good looking to be good. Whatever this is and will be, I just wanna live it and enjoy it.
"Don't you see I am already drinking?" I said.
"Well, can I keep you company then?" He said with a little smile.
"I guess " I said trying to play hard to get and we both chuckled.
"I'm Jimin by the way" he said getting closer.
"I am y/n"
He slowly grabbed my hand and stood up.
"Nice to meet you y/n, do you want to dance?" He asked and I swear, he looks like a prince.
"Sure" I said letting him lead me to the dance floor.
A pop song was about to end leading into a sensual r&b mix as the lights dimmed, and more couples joined into a passionate sway.
Jimin pulled me rolling me in his embrace placing his hand on my lower back and the other a bit lower than my neck. I soon felt an inexplicable heat surround me while our bodies were glued to each other moving slowly to the song. I held the back of his neck and his arm and God, I wished that moment lasted forever. I looked at him and he was already looking at me.
I felt like melting to his touch and stare. It was so surprising to me how a complete stranger would have me get so impacted by slight gestures of theirs. As we were so close with our bodies touching the rhythm was intensifying and I was unsure about my movements until he told me "If you trust me in this dance, I promise it will be one you won't forget" he whispered in my ear sending warm shivers through my spine.
Jimin grabbed my waist making circular movements as our bodies followed the music and he twirled me so now my back was facing him, and I felt like I was on fire.
He guided me through every movement so methodically slow as I was against him, taking each step and us he would move through movements he would rub my skin with his fingers or just contact creating areas of heat wherever he had touched.
I felt so hypnotized. He was the predator, and I was the weak prey in his hands. I never felt this attracted or sensually aroused. I felt like I was in a dark gold bubble with no one watching us, I had nothing in mind but how badly I wanted to explore him bit by bit. Feeling his body and dancing in such manner had me thinking sinful things but it was worth risking it with him. Body contact is a thing for sure, but this was on a spiritual level no one can compare.
Although I was scared, I did something spontaneous once the song reached its end. He made me desire him in a way nobody had. Nothing was more attractive than that swaying spell he casted on me. The passion in his eyes and the mystery between us created such intrigue that once the song ended, I crushed my lips on his and it was the greatest decision I made.
He quickly responded to my gesture tightening his grip on me as we kissed, and he pressured his body against mine to the point I felt that I would collapse if he let me go. He kissed me hungrily and eagerly. He was aggressive and with his free hand he held my jaw softly, his plump lips were so soft, and he tasted like a bit of whiskey. Soon the kiss turned from eager to soft and passionate while we melted in each other's arms in the middle of a dark dancefloor filled with people we did not even notice.
"You tase so damn good" Jimin breathed on me as we both caught our breaths after that kiss.
I was embarrassed at my move and did not know what to say but he grabbed my head and made me look at him.
He looked hungry and lustful. So was I.
"I wish I could taste more of you" Jimin whispered giving me a peck.
I was burning everywhere, and I felt the warmth between m legs turn to despair.
"Then why don't you get it?" I tell him and turn walking towards the bathroom.
Once I enter a stall, few second later a flustered Jimin pinned me wildly against the wall.
"Can I really?" He said with a look filled with lust ready to explode.
"Yes, you can" I said and before I even finished Jimin had attacked my neck with eager kisses and bites that spread more shivers to my body.
I began unbuttoning a bit of his shirt to leave my mark on his heavenly smelling neck as my lower hand was moving lower down his body. His fingertips were tracing my silhouette making us both moan in despair.
Soon Jimin placed his hand under my underwear after he teased over the fabric, and I moved my hand feeling his erection.
"God, you're so wet" he said while he began moving his fingers in circles and I stroked his member.
"And you're so hard" I told him and looked up at him.
He quickly moved his fingers inside of me bringing me into complete insanity over his touch. He first moved slowly and made shapes inside me to then get violent to the pace I needed as I tried my best to stay quiet while I was stroking him hard.
As I was reaching my climax, I held on to him tight moaning "Ji-Jiminn" and gave him a kiss. Jimin looked at me with dark eyes while he teasingly licked his fingers looking at me and whispered
"I want to feel all of you, but do you?"
"I do" I breathed.
Jimin gave me an eager peck and without losing any time we fixed our clothing before we left our bathroom. Jimin held my wrist leading me somewhere while we walked through the people that were dancing.
I stopped shortly to send a text because I did not want to worry Storm nor get my car robbed while Jimin looked up at me with a look that screamed "I'm starving". His eyes glowed through the dark and his grip around my wrist tightened as if he was scared, I'd run away until I signaled him "One minute".
I texted Storm" Don't wait for me. Have fun and get home safe. If you could just tell Joon to look over my car, I'll appreciate that. I love you <3"
Then, I turned off my phone and let the handsome man lead me where he was planning to.
We got to the parking area and approached a luxuriously sexy black car with a "starlit" roof and drove quietly. As I stared through the window, I could feel the desire within me along with a tiny bit of fear, but I quickly told myself to chillout and have fun.
I peeked at Jimin while he was driving. His black suit was so classy even if it was messy. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned making him more attractive while his blonde hair was being blown by the breeze coming through the window. His rings were glowing around the steering wheel along his veiny hands making him look unbelievably hot.
As Jimin's sight had me roaming through a whole variety of sinful and not scenarios in my head, I felt his hand locking with mine while he said
"You like what you see, huh?" he kept his eyes on the road.
I love what I see but I won't give him the satisfaction to grow his ego.
"You are alright" I said, and he laughed so hard.
A while later
Jimin led us into a large apartment building and the elevator left us on the 13th floor.
The entire structure was so luxurious, but I paid no mind to it. Once Jimin opened the door, my body slammed the wall as Jimin hooked his arm over my waist kicking the door to close. It was pitch dark but one thing I could see clearly was the lust on his eyes.
I'd be lying if I said I did not want him too as every move of his made me almost drop to the ground from the intensity of the emotions he would make mee feel. My skin was burning, my heart was pounding.
"Right where we left of" Jimin whispered and rapidly attacked my lips which responded to him immediately giving him ultimate access.
Jimin was still holding my waist when he began moving us while kissing stepping towards his room while I stepped backwards. He never broke the kiss with me even though it got sloppy and unstable.
The only time Jimin stopped kissing me was to throw me over his soft bed while hovering above me. I began growing impatient. Tonight, had been so, so much to me and all I could think of was Jimin's body wrapped with mine.
I began unbuttoning his shirt while he threw his jacket, and while I was on the last button, Jimin stopped me and held my hand. "I just want to make sure this is consensual beautiful, are you sure about this?' Jimin asked "Yes." I answered surer than ever.
Jimin quickly kissed me and within a few seconds we were off our clothes touching each other in ways I never experienced. Jimin's body resembled a flawless statue sculptured by an ethereal artist with a tattoo on his ribs saying "nevermind".
Jimin kept tracing my skin slowly with his tong moving through every curve while my body was covered in shivers and so much heat. I kept brushing his soft hair while he would give me small kisses everywhere. I was hypnotized.
He was careful and slow in his every movement making sure I would feel his passion for me. It was a different feeling; he was claiming me in a way I could not describe better by giving me a comfort that would eventually turn into a fire.
Jimin quickly went lower on me making me feel so pleased before he connected our bodies as one. I felt completed, turned on, flustered and a variety of emotions. No ma was ever focused on pleasing me rather than their selves. But Jimin, made sure I enjoyed it that much I would praise his name all night. But the hotter thing was that he yelled mine too.
Flesh on flesh, waves crashing, voices echoing, breaths syncing and souls morphing into each other as one, Jimin and I created an inexplicable pleasure that could only be felt.
That following morning
I woke up next to a peacefully sleeping Jimin and the remembrance of the previous events hit me. I felt so light and happy. It was an experience I will never forget.
I looked at Jimin and for a second, I really felt I'd love to see his face every when I'd wake up. But I know that could never happen and that shows from the status he seems to have plus the fact it may just be a one-night stand for him. too.
I quietly got up and got dressed. I had to leave before he would wake up. And I did. I left the luxurious apartment finding my way to the bus and running away like I always do. Because I knew that what Jimin did to me, would get me attached. And I did not want that.
A couple weeks later
Author's POV
Y/N had no contact with Jimin, and things went just as she expected them to go. Or so she thought.
That day, Storm had barged in Y/N's room along her sister Ivy to know everything that happened and tell Y/N that she had not slept with a random guy. But Park Jimin, CEO of Park Inc. and Park Banks all over the city of Busan.
Y/N was surprised but was convinced she was just a one-night stand and that was it was nothing more than that. But it hurt her inside.
She spent the weeks working from home and isolated herself for a while. She was not feeling well and chose to take the time to rest. Until one day she received a call from an unknown number.
"Hey, it's me, Jimin" His voice heard from the phone.
"Hi" she replied.
"I just called you regarding um..what happened to us, if you can please keep it away from the press I would greatly appreciate it" He choked on his word.
Something sunk within Y/N but she was stronger than that.
"You don't have nothing to worry about from me, I was drunk. "she said coldly.
"Oh, yea me too but okay then thank you for your cooperation and..b-bye Y/N stay well" Jimin said and hung up.
But in reality, Jimin always questioned why she had left him that day and wanted to know if it meant anything to her as much as it did to him. But turns out he was wrong.
In reality, Y/N was completely sober that night and so was he. She remembered everything and wanted to call Jimin numerous times, but she knew she could never have a chance with someone like him and also had to stay away from him for because,
Y/N was pregnant.
Τhe magical night she had spent with Jimin was that magical that it gave her such a souvenir from him. Although y/n was on birth control and Jimin used protection, she assumed an accident may have occurred.
The past few weeks had been very different and tense for y/n. Her life was changing drastically all because of that handsome man she met. When she found out, she panicked and was petrified. She was unsure about what she was going to do with the baby. She was financially stable and employed but was she ready to be a mother?
Adding to that, a child requires two parents for a better life, and she knew that Jimin was a man that was not made for kids but his career and after his phone call she was determined to keep her pregnancy completely hidden from him. She was a burden for his reputation and a baby from a one-night stand would add up to that.
She felt hurt and alone. Y/n was deceived by a tiny bit of hope that she could have had a chance to know more of that man that made her feel so much. Despite the bitterness of the situation, she did not regret what had happened between the two of them. Within her fear she had considered abortion, but a thought always reminded her that that soul was created with love and passion and if it were the only thing that would link her to that man then she would savor and love it dearly.
After all those days she chose to stay off and let everything sink in, Storm decided to shake her up and get her outside the house.
"Y/n, he is the father, and he deserves to know." Storm said for the fourth time while sitting in y/n's living room.
"I know Storm, but you need to understand me as well, I still do not know what to do and he already didn't care" Y/n defended herself.
"What do you mean you don't know what you will do? "Storm asked.
"It means it is her body and she decides whatever she feels is right for her. You should not infringe your opinion on her when she's going through so much change in such short time. You can sure give her advice but definitely not tell her what do with her own life." Ivy corrected her sister and y/n felt so grateful that someone understood her.
"Alright, but Y/n can you at least try to get out? It will help you relax a bit mentally and move a bit to strengthen yourself after all." Storm asked me with genuine care in her eyes.
"Okay, you're right I will go out but where y/n asked.
"I got you, Namjoon has two invitations to his friend's party in a mansion tonight. It is going to be formal, and they have a variety of foods and drinks including nonalcoholic ones." Storm suggested.
"You won me once you said food but what will I wear?" Y/n smiled.
"You could wear that simple silver satin gown you have with a fluffy grey jacket over. I can lend mine to you" Ivy suggested and I smiled.
A few hours later
Namjoon was about to pick up Storm and Y/N when the two young women showed up.
"Woah Y/n pregnancy is giving you another type of glow!" Namjoon exclaimed.
"Haha, I'm glad to see you too Joon" Y/n just laughed.
Storm playfully slapped Namjoon before he sunk her body in a deep passionate kiss while his muscular arms enveloped her tiny body that was wearing a burgundy long dress.
On the ride, Namjoon explained "The party is hosted by my very good friend Jin, we used to have a band together along five other friends when we were teens just for fun, we didn't want to be famous. Jin is a handsome guy and confident, so he became a model. He's made a fortune of himself and enjoys hosting classy parties. He's way too comical you guys will be okay."
Y/n and Storm nodded while the rest of the ride was quiet.
When they arrived, the two girls were absolutely stunned by the enormous mansion they were entering. Everything was absolutely luxurious with unique items just how Jin liked it to be.
In the entrance they were welcomed by a tall man with dark hair and plump lips that was sipping his drink along a blonde shorter man.
"Namjoon! Ah welcome I see you brought two beautiful ladies with you" Jin greeted his friend with a warm hug.
He then gave the girls hugs as well while he introduced the other man beside him. His name was Yoongi, and he was more introverted but still very polite.
"Guys, me and Yoongi have to meet up with some other friends but feel free to roam as if it's you house, enjoy!" Jin left and Namjoon decided to dance with Storm.
After sitting for a while and meeting a nice man named Jungkook, he had to go see Jin so Y/n decided to go outside. To her surprise, the back of the house faced a gorgeous lake, and a tree was close to it with a large comfortable swing. Not many people were sitting outside so Y/n sat there and moved slowly letting all the glory of the moonlight mirroring in the lake surround her. 
As she was sunk in the dreamy atmosphere, she felt steps behind her.
"J-Jimin?!, What are you doing here?" y/n said surprised.
"I am invited here. I could ask the same about you" Jimin eyes were shining through the darkness and his brows were furrowed, the vein was popping through his neck showing he was tense.
"So am I. If that is all you wanted to say, I'd like to go." Y/n replied coldly. She was uncomfortable and wanted to be away from him. She was getting nervous and scared.
"Y/n, is there something YOU want to tell me?" Jimin pressed while he began approaching her making y/n panic.
"No, what are you even talking about?" Y/n began getting upset with his stance.
Jimin was angry. He grabbed y/n's arm tightly and made a left turn so he would be in front of hair mounting her with his figure.
"Are you sure y/n?" He whispered getting closer to her.
"I'm certain." 
His hostile breath was brushing hers while his eyes got darker.
He was holding himself so hard.
"Y/n, when were you planning to tell me you're pregnant?!"
I was frozen within time.
In what felt like minutes but was truly seconds, I kept wondering how he found out, I felt betrayed and uncovered. I built a shield to protect this and now I find out it was never there the whole time.
"What?!" I could barely have a voice come out.
"Y/n, please stop trying to lie. I know the truth. "Jimin said.
"Fine, but how?"
"Whoever genuinely wants to know, finds out. Even though You should have told me." He replied.
"Jimin, I know you are a person of a notable career and as you also told me on our phone call, your reputation would be at stake from a one-night stand imagine a pregnancy. Plus, I knew that it could not be something more than what it was regardless of what I felt. And also, I did not know what I was going to do with the baby..." 
"Y/n! You left me that morning wondering what I did wrong, and you are here assuming all that without even giving me a chance to know each other. I had never brought a girl in my house before you. I chose to spend my night with you because I wanted it to get further. Somehow you got my entire personality figured out based on your experiences but believe me when it comes to my responsibilities for our child my lifestyle comes last."
Jimin stopped to take a breath and collect himself as well as possible.
"...And y-y/n, you did not know what to do with our baby...were you going to abort without even talking to me?! Do you hate me that much? And the baby was made with much love and feelings at least fo-for me..." Jimin's eyes were glistening with tears while one escaped mine.
"I panicked! I felt completely scared and alone! Just like I do not know you, you do not know me. I have no family and my friends were also siding against me except one.. I never wanted things to be this way. That morning I woke up so happy and looked at you thinking how great it would be waking up next to you daily, but I could not allow myself to get attached to you because I'd be scared to lose you. When I found out who you were, I placed myself under the illusion you would be the same as everyone so I could distance myself easier, but it was more difficult especially when I found out about the baby. Our baby. I did not know if I was ready and when you called me, I was reminded of everything, so I isolated myself. The thought that it would be the only thing that could keep what we felt that night connected made me cherish it more than I already did..." I let it all out as she slowly got on my knees.
I felt weak.
Jimin followed my movement and held my hands.
"Y/n... You were never a random pick for me. Namjoon and I have known each other for a long time, I was part of the band he led, and I remember seeing you on a cold winter day on the first week of January. It was raining and you cried running to Joon for comfort. I happened to be sitting on the window that day trying to write a song, but words would not come to mind. Then my eyes laid on you and I always wanted to know what happened to you. I felt a bit jealous I'll admit. At the time I was very introverted and never found the guts to approach you. When Namjoon opened the bar, I always saw you silently. I did not want to be a creep and was scared so instead I chose the silent route until the day we spoke. I know my excuses are unacceptable and childish, but can we try for the sake of this baby and if you don't want to see me again, I will respect your decision, but I want to be next to our baby. "Jimin begged.
I was in complete shock. How did I not notice him? Jimin made me feel so many things in only a few days and I know my part was unfair to him as he deserves to be there too. I needed him to be there.
"Yes Jimin, we can try." I could not take all the emotions and just fell into his arms crying while he held me tightly.
Me and Jimin sat on the swing and let all our feeling pour out. I told him everything about that day of January, how I always felt alone and pushed everyone who cared away. Jimin sat and listened to me narrate while he took everything in.  He told me everything about his feelings, his dreams, how he got the career he was at but always was miserable. We cried on each other's shoulder while the sky cried with us. Jimin's jacket was like a dark blanket keeping me warm and his presence kept my heart warmer.
"Y/n I know I should not say this, but I am dying to kiss you" Jimin said making me smile.
I approached his face and with a smirk I said," And what's holding you back?" before our lips collided under the moonlight as the clouds crashed with each other and the raindrops poured in the lake. 
A month later
Me and Jimin have been spending a lot of time together meeting and getting to know each other. He respects my space whenever I feel like I need my own personal moments and we have discovered we share a lot in common. He treats me in the best way possible beating my expectation.
I figured out that the day we went to JÄŤn's party they had set me up to get to see Jimin and I gave a bit of a cold shoulder to Storm and Joon. Also, Jimin introduced me to the other boys that made up the band including JÄŤn, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung. Jimin was a bit jealous of Jungkook because ever since JÄŤn's party we had developed a beautiful friendship, but I know he likes Ivy, and he keeps asking me about her.
I work from home and Jimin takes care of his duties virtually sometimes, so we spend time together. He suggested we move in together in a couple months as he is having renovations right now for us. My relationship with him is blossoming and although I've been told he is a different person when it comes to his anger, I am more than grateful he rarely shows me that side when it's only for others.
Thinking about me and Jimin's timeline, I come to the realization we were never a random bond. We met on a certain time and got together when we needed each other the most. We were destined to become this way in order to find ourselves together. Jimin is not just a soulmate, but my precious angel sent from my other angels in heaven.
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parkxjiminluv ¡ 3 years ago
Here’s is my first Jimin fanfiction and I cherish this story so dearly because it’s meaning and overall setting evolves around a common “problem” society has normalized that I have struggled with as well, which is body image and insecurity. I really hope this book makes you feel better and you enjoy it. I am still working on it because its a much more serious work that I ve always dreamt of making. I am adding the story description on the post as well.In case no one told you today you’re beautiful💜
As everyone monitored how the advertisement's photos came through for the underwear campaign designs of that high couture brand, I stood still, gripping my robe tightly observing the screen. My eyes were moving through every single detail I happen to hate about myself.
"Your body does not need any filters, Scarlett; you happen to have the most captivating natural filter."He whispered in my ear making me shiver.
"And how do you know that?"
"I know that because you're my muse."
An aspiring and talented young woman that is also extremely self-conscious due to past trauma moves in South Korea chasing the opportunity to accomplish her dream of making her creativity alive in Big Hit design and marketing company where she meets Park Jimin, a confident and sometimes intimidating creative director that happens to be a passionate artist that's been missing something within the meaning of his craft...
A story about how sometimes someone's eyes see you can make you fall in love with your true self and not the version you create in your head.
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parkxjiminluv ¡ 3 years ago
Hello people!! I decided to make my writings more accessible to people through different platforms and tumblr is one of them. I will be sharing imagines I have already shared both on my instagram fan-page as well as my book on wattpad for anyone who likes my imagines. Although the account is dedicated to our sweet Jimin, I will also be making imagines about the other members too. I am open to many ideas including smut , sweet imagines and fantasy as well. Please do not copy or plagiarize my work or I will act as needed to protect my content. Im very open to requests and any new friendships. This a positive only space for everyone, thank you for reading and I appreciate anyone that will support 🤍✨💗✨🤍
Author Lexi
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