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This entire life is filled with art and poetry if you have a wider vision towards it.
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
உன் மீது காதல் கொண்ட மானுடன் தான் என்ன ஆகுவான்!! 🦋❤️
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
ஒரு பார்வை எப்படி மையல் ஆகிறது?
எவ்விடத்தில் மையல் காதலென பெயர் சூட்டுகிறது?
எங்கோ உள்ள கருந்துளைகளை
தேடும் அறிவியல்,
இங்கே உள்ள காதலெனும்
கருந்துளையை காணாதது ஏன்?
காதல் ஈர்ப்பதால் இயற்பியலா?
மாற்றுவதால் வேதியலா?
இதயத்தின் கணிதமா?
உயிரியலின் பொறியியலா?
எந்தக் கேள்விக்கும்
விடை இல்லாததால்தான்
காதல் என்பது காதல் மட்டுமே..
இருந்தாலும் பிரிந்தாலும்.. ❤️🌻
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
Lack of communication ruins everything because instead of knowing how the person is feeling, we just assume. 😇✨️
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
I know a lot of things are not going to stay for long. So whenever they end, I would try my best to make them as peaceful as a sunset. 💙✨️
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
Hold my playlist 💙🌈
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 2 years
ஒரு தனிமையும்
ஒரு தனிமையும்
இனி இனையுமே.. 🌻💕
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 3 years
Sometimes he is busy, or maybe handling many things. Don't let him down at any cost, you are his motivational wings.
He is rude at sometimes. But he loves you from the core. Don't misunderstand him like this, atleast listen to him before.
He thinks of you everytime, 'I hope she is doing well'. Don't ignore him in anyway. Make him feel special and tell.
He is managing alot, but his efforts are never seen. Don't make him feel bad, you are his only queen.
He misses you all the time, but somehow fails at expressing. Don't leave him in any condition, You are in his daily prayers, he counts you in his blessings.
He is also romantic, and wants to dance with you in monsoon. Don't loose him while chasing the stars, he tells about you to moon.
He is continuously running, need your lap to rest. Don't break his heart, trust him, he is doing his best.
He is loving you more than himself. He really need your lap, He really need your love, He really need your shoulder, He really need you. Don't break his heart. ❤
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 3 years
I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that. 😌🌻
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 3 years
... and how beautiful it is that there is a person who cares about you. 🌸❤
There is someone who always keeps checking on you. That person keeps noticing what you post, what you text in what mood you are in and even at a hint of any sadness, that person calls you and asks "What's wrong? What's bothering you?" 💘
You know, in this fast-paced world, nobody has time for nobody, so it's really special when someone takes out time for you, daily.
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 5 years
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 5 years
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Credit: by Victoria J Baxter
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 5 years
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 5 years
A year ago today I messaged a cute girl on tumblr, she quickly became my best friend, and the love of my life, thousands of kilometres apart we talked all day every day, falling asleep on FaceTime, In October I flew to Nova Scotia to meet her and for the best adventure in my life, in February she flew to Ontario and I showed her my home, now she is laying in bed beside me in our tiny apartment, with our two cats at our feet and I couldn’t be happier. She is the best thing in my world, love wins
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parithyilamvazhuthi · 5 years
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Yes but I love you more…
(tag someone you love to mildly inconvenience them)
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