April 5th, 2021: Monday
Today I got my second COVID vaccine; Moderna. I figured I would document my reaction to it as A. It’s kind of a historical moment and B. I know a few of you might be curious as to what the symptoms are (I know not everyone experiences these).
I received the vaccine at around 10:30 AM, and I feel drowsy and have a headache. I can’t tell if it’s directly related to the vaccine but I didn’t feel this way before, so who knows. Here’s to a safer and healthier future.
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We’ve made a breakthrough in the case: it seems that I can’t have any kinds of greasy, oily, or even remotely acidic food or drink. So we know now that my triggers are not gluten or dairy. We are hopefully perhaps getting closer, it would be really nice if I could actually eat foods I like again
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*sidenote, my boyfriend has been spending 100’s of dollars on groceries just so that I can eat properly while I’m waiting to get paid. So, so supportive I can’t even handle it. Just wish that I felt remotely okay enough to function properly. Feeling like my old VHS player
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Having an undiagnosed invisible illnesses (IBS) is honestly the worst thing. I know something is wrong with my stomach, but we don’t know what it is exactly. Going through the diagnosis is super difficult because my body is randomly being really bossy. It’s calling all the shots and idk what to do to make it happy anymore. I have to eat very specifically to match with the time of my medication that’s supposed to be helping but isn’t, i can’t lay down for three hours after I eat, I’m on an extremely strict diet because we don’t know what’s causing all the problems, and I can’t have anything that makes life during quarantine enjoyable anymore. (Coffee, loads of tea, wine, tomatoes, a smoke, nothing) it’s hard going through life completely sober of any vices. I have constant migraines, I feel super weak all the time... Not to mention I’ve thrown up a few times because of how bad the stomach acid is, and all they can say is to take tums and not drink milk. If anyone has anything similar let me know what this sounds like because I feel like I’m dying.
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Well I just found out that my two best friends have COVID, from separate events. They are also the only people I hang out with. Fuck
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Soooo I crashed my car into a pole Saturday. It was an accident, of course, a freak accident imo, and truly terrifying. My boyfriend and I were going to have a nice quarantine-style meal at the park, and as I was trying to park, I somehow mananaged to hit the gas instead of the brake, sending us up over the sidewalk and into a pole, which if the pole hadn’t stopped us, we would have gone off the edge of a hill. I was pretty shaken up about it, and my body is still super sore and bruised, but I’m just happy the accident didn’t involve anyone else. The next day, I found out that a close famil friend just died. So I’m okay, but needless to say that 2020/2021 really sucks, BUT that I am super super grateful to be alive right now. Tell someone you love them and give them a hug, because litterally anything could happen to anyone at any moment.
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You look like a white Lin Manuel Miranda.
Turn off anon I just want to burn you to a crisp with hell fire
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"princess diana was a girlboss who was murdered. but she was murdered by queen elizabeth, who was also a girlboss. so it was still a win for feminism" are you ok
i can tell this was sent by someone with toxic masculinity. not answering it.
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Happy Valentine’s Day, to those of you who have lovers and to those of you who don’t; remember, platonic love is just as sweet and often even more deep and special than even romantic love can be. I spent the day with my significant other, but before him I don’t think I had had anyone “special” to spend the day with. It really makes me appreciate it all the more, and realize how important it is to remind the people who are close to you how much you love them on the daily. Bring back spreading love, light, and romance on the regular. For both friends and lovers alike.
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Also, I know it’s cringey to post twice in a day, but I will also be using this platform to talk about my health problems, as I struggle with IBS attacks and such, because I’m hoping I can use it to connect with other people who have invisible illnesses, because they really really suck and I hate feeling alone; I know other people struggle too. Today, by the way, is a really bad health day. Some days, I’m totally healthy, other days, it’s really hard to do anything at all. It really really sucks being constantly sick. While I know other people have it a lot worse, I still think it should be talked about.
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When I started using tumblr, it was at the tail end of tumblr being used seriously as a platform, as Instagram or Tik Tok is today. Idk what makes this different from Twitter, but I decided, as a writer, that I may as well try my hand at bringing tumblr back/making it popular for posting ramblings of a twenty-something that people MIGHT be interested in reading. Who knows. Maybe it’ll be fun. It’s a feeling stick? For the internet??
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
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make me choose: anonymous asked: floral or cosmic
and in the dark, i can hear your heartbeat i tried to find the sound but then it stopped, and i was in the darkness, so darkness I became
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hp characters: Andromeda Tonks
What happened to our daughter? Hagrid said you were ambushed; where is Nymphadora?
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“If the Dursleys were unhappy to have him back for the holidays, it was nothing to how Harry felt. He missed Hogwarts so much it was like having a constant stomachache.”
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@potterversenet members event: favourite characters ♥ harry potter
A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive, which lay silent and tidy under the inky sky, the very last place you would expect astonishing things to happen. Harry Potter rolled over inside his blankets without waking up. One small hand closed on the letter beside him and he slept on, not knowing he was special, not knowing he was famous, not knowing he would be woken in a few hours’ time by Mrs Dursley’s scream as she opened the front door to put out the milk bottles, nor that he would spend the next few weeks being prodded and pinched by his cousin Dudley…He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter - the boy who lived!”
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