paranoiamanifest · 10 months
Here is a free pdf of the players handbook
Here is a free pdf of xanathars guide to everything
Here is a free pdf to monsters manual
Here is a free pdf to tashas cauldron of everything
Here is a free pdf to dungeon master’s guide
Here is a free pdf to volo’s guide to monsters
Here is a free pdf of mordenkainen’s tomb of foes
For all your dnd purposes
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paranoiamanifest · 1 year
I wrote,, a post about how all the "rip to Orpheus but I'm different" posts are valid but have we considered that they're valid because Jon isn't Orpheus he's Eurydice, but Tumblr ate it so I wrote a real weird angry monster boyfriend poem instead
They call me Orpheus, say I will not return
say you can't tame the devil with a song.
They call him Eurydice, say he's gone for good,
say love is not enough to turn him home.
And Orpheus is beautiful, and Orpheus is Love,
and Orpheus ran in without a plan
with a tune so sweet he nearly changed the tides-
but Orpheus' mistake was his blinded eyes
And me? Oh, I live to understand.
I am not Orpheus, I am Eurydice,
I will pull the my fool lover
from the Underworld where he
has fallen in line with the stillness
of ten thousand un-beating hearts
remind him of first love's music and
sonnets in the dark of a doorway
unknown to all but us.
Hades thinks he can claim him Persephone,
Hades thinks six months is enough to
blind him with the fog of the Lethe
but I am Eyes and Tongue and Knowing and
Hades is only lonely and
Hades thinks wrong.
I know Orpheus better, I know the way
he moves words through his teeth like
a siren's song, he can tame the seas
and where he stumbles I will hold
the melody.
I am not Orpheus, I am Eurydice,
and Orpheus is beautiful, and Orpheus is Love,
and Orpheus is the songbird that woke Death
with a tune so sweet a monster trailed behind-
but Orpheus' downfall was his doubting eyes
And me? Oh, I walk these tunnels blind.
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paranoiamanifest · 1 year
Hello Janort do you have a wiki or something for types of clowns like fools tea cup rodeo etc?
Hello epicsadman, unfortunately most wikis on clown husbandry are rather unhelpful, it’s difficult to find information on exotic pets like that, but I can guide you to some tumblr posts from sources I trust! (Sorry in advance if it looks bad!!! I am an idiot using mobile so I’m trying my best!)
Brief guide to clown breeds:
Info on teacups and cross breeds:
Guides to care:
I’ve tried to include only true information, feel free to correct me if anything’s wrong. I assume you’ve already browsed the clown husbandry wiki, which has little info on the breeds you mentioned, but just incase, here it is:
Hope this helps!
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paranoiamanifest · 2 years
The bots have returned with a vengeance. I must be more careful when I eradicate them this time
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paranoiamanifest · 2 years
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theres a snake in my boot!
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paranoiamanifest · 2 years
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transgendah swagness
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paranoiamanifest · 2 years
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the archivist gets top surgery <3
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paranoiamanifest · 3 years
My chaotic good barbarian from the Feywilds who has so far done nothing but accidentally intimidate townsfolk and murder enemies by literally cutting them in half just adopted a 2 day old half goblin half gnome baby because the goblins she was with were mistreating her and now he's bought her a tiny little princess dress, a crown, a custom made baby goblin sized great axe, and a dog. He has also given her a platinum piece and 4 gold pieces from his own stash to do whatever she wants with it and has vowed to take care of her with his life.
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paranoiamanifest · 3 years
Forgot to add, please dm me if you are interested. We can talk things out there
Okay so I normally wouldn't do this, but we've hit rough times and I really need money. I can't get a job anywhere I could get to because any location that would accept me is closed down due to Covid. I'm starting commissions! I'll do things for pretty cheap because I'm not that great at art yet, so if you like my art, there's a good chance you can get something you like from me. I'm not going to beg for likes and followers or for people to spread this because we can technically survive without anything extra, but I would appreciate a little help.
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paranoiamanifest · 3 years
Okay so I normally wouldn't do this, but we've hit rough times and I really need money. I can't get a job anywhere I could get to because any location that would accept me is closed down due to Covid. I'm starting commissions! I'll do things for pretty cheap because I'm not that great at art yet, so if you like my art, there's a good chance you can get something you like from me. I'm not going to beg for likes and followers or for people to spread this because we can technically survive without anything extra, but I would appreciate a little help.
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
Okay but once one of our dms saw a joke post on here and was inspired to create a homebrewed gaydar dagger called the gaydagger that counted as magical and looked and acted just like any other dagger, but glowed a special color as soon as it was within proximity of a person in the lgbt community specifically so that my tiny, very gay half elf Bard who was essentially druid kin (ie, a druid in every way except they were a bard) would point it at the high priest of a cult that hated anything that differed from the societal norm and it would just light up in a blinding rainbow, signifying him as, quote, the big gay, and sending his cult into absolute discord without us ever needing to fight. The priest was planned to, once realizing his internalized homophobia and learning to accept himself, ascend to become a god and help us along our journy, forever in our favor for opening his eyes to the walking rainbow he was truly meant to become. The campaign sadly never happened, but we joked about it a lot. Sometimes I wonder how bright the gaydagger would glow for me, a trans masc, gender fluid, pan romantic asexual, and smile. Maybe, just maybe, I too will one day ascend to become the almighty big gay.
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
I'm really mad because I typed up this big old thing explaining how in a d&d campaign two characters, mine included, were assumed by everyone to be in a gay relationship for some reason and they actually had a lot of evidence but it was all a huge misunderstanding and no one believes them now, but as I posted it Tumblr glitched and now it's not up and also not saved as a draft so I lost like 15 minutes of explaining and I am upset.
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
Hey everybody, blog creator here. I'm gonna be purging this blog of almost everything so I can restart anew. This is going to become a mainly writing, D&D, art, and support based place. To start us off, how about a taste of one of my newest pieces? Say hello to your local bisexual, transgender Mom friend, Maxine "Maxy" Blue! Local hyperactive fishy lady says Happy Pride everyone!
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
You... you redrew the goose from scratch almost every time...
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these and more can be found at the Instagram account teabag.cartoon
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
I needed this thank you so much
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the suffering never ends
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
Thank you so much! It's perfect! They'll love it!
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Bi and Demigirl moodboard! ^^ For @deus-in-perpetuum c: Hope you (and your friend) like it!!
Want one? Send an ask~ -mod Jay
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paranoiamanifest · 4 years
That's awesome! Good luck friend! You are at the beginning of a long journey for happiness.
I told my mom I thought I might be a boy and she’s still typing oh god oh fuck
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