Paragliding Guide
216 posts
My name Anatolii Mykhailiuta. I live in the Caucasus mountains, in small country, Georgia 🇬🇪. I have a wife and two wonderful daughters. In winter I like to ski, go to ski tour, and backcountry. But my deepest dream is to be in the sky! Admire the sky, and everything related to flight! Flying xc, vol-biv, with my paraglider. I lives in the sky, and the rest of the time I am dreaming of return there again! When the weather doesn't let me to fly xc. I fly on my PPG or paratrike. I teach beginner pilots how to fly. As well as conduct continuing education (Basics - SIV - Advense - Acro - XC) courses. If you are planning paragliding trip to Georgia and have not tried ultralight aviationt, or have flown and want to learn how to do it by yourself. Welcome!!! I will help you to make a first step to become a pilot. If you don’t know what paragliding is, please visit our website: and learn more. Sharing the sky! Let's fly together!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
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Looking for a new and unforgettable experience? Look no further than a paragliding tour in Georgia with SkyAtlantida team in Gudauri. Our experienced pilots, Dmitry and Anatolii, will take you on a thrilling ride through the skies. We begin our tour at 7:30 am, leaving from Tbilisi and embarking on a scenic two-hour drive along the famous Georgian military road. Upon arrival in Gudauri at 10:00 am, you will have the pleasure of meeting our renowned pilots. Depending on the weather, we take off at 10:15 am in tandem with our instructor, allowing you to experience the real thrill of paragliding. We guarantee an unforgettable adventure that will leave you breathless. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, we will return you to Tbilisi, where you can reflect on your incredible experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to soar through the skies and book your adventure today by following the link in our profile description #paragliding #gudauriparagliding #paraglidinggudauri #paraglidingingudauri #georgiaparagliding #paraglidinggeorgia #tandemparaglidinggeorgia #georgiatandemparagliding #gudauritandemparagliding #tandemparaglidingingudauri #paraglidingincaucasus #caucasusparagliding #georgiagudauriparagliding #paraglidinggudaurigeorgia #paraglidinggeorgiagudauri #paraglidingcertifiedinstructor #certifiedparagliding #certifiedparaglidinggeorgia #certifiedparaglidinginstructor #tandemparagliding #paraglidingtour #paraglidingtourgeorgia #skyatlantida #skyatlantidaparagliding #skyatlantida_tours #gudauriadventure #paraglidingkazbegi #kazbegiparagliding #paraglidingstepantsminda #stepantsmindaparagliding (at Georgia Paragliding with SkyAtlantida Team)
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paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
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paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
Какой запасной парашют выбрать и какая между ними разница? | SkyAtlantida
В этом видео я расскажу как правильно выбрать запасной парашют и какая между ними разница. Приятного просмотра.
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paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
Какой запасной парашют использую я? | УЧИМСЯ ЛЕТАТЬ НА ПАРАПЛАНЕ 
В этом видео я отвечу на вопрос - какой запасной парашют я использую? Так как для разных типов полетов на параплане я использую разные запасные парашюты, я решил сделать еще одно видео, в котором подробно все расскажу!
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paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
Привет меня зовут Анатолий. Добро пожаловать на канал парапланерных онлайн курсов SkyAtlantida. В этом видео я покажу как бросить спасательный парашют, об устройстве спасательных систем и какие факторы влияют на исход внештатной сит��ации.
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paragliding-guide · 2 years ago
Спасательный‌ ‌парашют‌ для‌ параплана | ‌Применение хранение переукладк...
В данном видео я расскажу тебе о правильном хранении и переукладке спасательного парашюта, а также будет небольшой мастер класс о правильном применении спас системы в нештатных ситуациях.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Georgia Paragliding Expedition | Hike and Fly mt.Kazbek [5054m]
The idea to climb and take off on a paraglider from the highest point of the Eastern Caucasus was born in my head on August 16, 2014 at the time of my first solo marathon to the top. Enjoying the beauty of our planet from 5054 meters, I noticed the birds flying in the dynamic flow at the top. At that moment I thought, oh why is my paraglider not with me.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Georgia paragliding with SkyAtlantida Team
Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Everyone is free to dispose of his ass as he wants. Georgia Paragliding with SkyAtlantida Team
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Paragliding in Georgia Gudauri with SkyAtlantida
Sometimes a moment is enough to forget life, and sometimes life is not enough to forget a moment.
Book paragliding now with 5% discount +995 551 35 5000 WhatsApp Georgia Paragliding with SkyAtlantida Team​
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
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🪂Today is a rainy day⛈️ in Gudauri and it's time to prepare my paraglider Enzo for the next trip to the paragliding competitions, the qualifying stage of the World Cup (Pre PWC Fly Master open) will be held in Macedonia from June 4 to June 10. What I'm doing and why we need trim the glider, read below Trimming your paraglider: As your paraglider falls out of trim, certain performance characteristics important for safe flight are diminished. As the A’s & B’s stretch and the C’s & D’s shrink, your glider takes on a higher angle of attack. If you can picture how your speed bar decreases the AoA of your wing to increase its airspeed, an out of trim glider causes essentially the exact opposite effect. So the glider won’t inflate or kite like it should. It will also have diminshed performance in the air as it flies at a slower airspeed closer to the stall point. Bringing a paraglider back into trim allows it to fly as it was intended to. When to Trim: It’s recommended to get a paraglider trimmed after 100 hrs of flight time or two years, whichever comes first. The Process: Changes of a couple centimeters can affect the trim of a paraglider. Therefore, it’s crucial to be able to measure lines with accuracy down to the millimeter. All of the lines on your paraglider are measured using a laser device on a rail system with a 5 kg load for the most precise measurements possible. After measuring all of the lines, the results are analyzed in a spreadsheet. Check your gear on time and paragliding will be safe and enjoyable😉❤️ #Paragliding #paraglidingservice #georgiaparaglidingservice #paraglidingserviceingeorgia #skyatlantida #skyatlantidaparagliding #gudauri #gudauriparagliding #skyatlantidaparaglidingservice #georgiaparaglidingservice #paraglidingtrimgeorgia #trimparaglidergeorgia #paraglidertrimgeorgia #skyatlantidaparaglidertrim #trimparaglider #paraglidertuning (at Gudauri Ski Resort)
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Georgia paragliding in Gudauri with SkyAtlantida
There is something about music that cannot be recorded. Life cannot be written down, the heart cannot be written down... The moment of creation is elusive...
Love, create, enjoy the moment!
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Paragliding in Georgia with SkyAtlantida Team
All these things I'm willing to die for are nothing compared to the things I want to live for.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Gudauri Paragliding Georgia with SkyAtlantida
I prefer to do in my life what I love. And not what is fashionable, prestigious or necessary.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Always dreamed of paragliding, but your weight is over 110 kilos? It's easy with the SkyAtlantida team!Sometimes a moment is enough to forget life, and sometimes life is not enough to forget a moment.
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
Love is never wrong.
SkyAtlantida Paragliding in Georgia Gudauri Winter 2022
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paragliding-guide · 3 years ago
It is impossible not to grow old, but it is not necessary to become an old man - Tandem Paragliding in Gudauri Georgia with SkyAtlantida Team
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