papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
General information
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Papua new guinea is an island located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, its border by Indonesia and it also shares maritime borders with Australia, the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia(France).
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The flag was adopted on July 1971, on top part of the flag there is a bird of paradise that represents the natural wealth of the nation, while  on the bottom part there is the southern cross star constellation that represents the country’s position on the southern hemisphere, the colors red and black  were chosen because they have been used by many of the local tribes for centuries.
National Emblem
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The national emblem has birds of paradise standing above a traditional spear and Kundu drum, this emblem was adopted in 1975. The birds of paradise are considered national birds.
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Currently, there is a population of 8.251 people in Papua new guinea, the common way of transport for travel from one city to another is the plane, the most populated city is its capital called Port Moresby.
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The head of state is Queen Elizabeth the second, represented by a Governor. The country has a constitutional monarchy, this means that her power is limited by a constitution.
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Their currency is the Kina of Papua New Guinea and the Toea, the name Kina comes from the kina shells, that were used as coins. They introduced their own currency system in 1975.
Resources: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/constitutional%20monarchy
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
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Sports were introduced by the colonists, but people from new guinea have given them part of their own culture, they play sports such as rugby, cricket, football, basketball, and volleyball.
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Resources: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=608&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=cLf5XMmIGcud5OUP5oqKaA&q=png+rugby+team&oq=png+rugby+team&gs_l=img.3...2286.7138..8650...0.0..0.71.776.12......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i7i10i30j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i8i7i30.QAjoYhNLPQ8#imgrc=DGLH7q6Ixuai4M:
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Animal and wildlife
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The new guinea rainforest covers much of the island, it houses a large number of species such as birds of paradise and different species of frogs, trees such as oaks, beeches, red cedar and sand pines.
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National Flower and Animal
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The dugong is the national animal of Papua new guinea, they feed only of seagrass, the majority of their threats are from human activities such as incidental capture in fishing gear. They can weight between 230-360kg
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Lady Veronica Somare
Interesting Animals
New Guinea is well known because of the great variety of animals such as reptiles, marsupials (animals that carry their young in pouches), native freshwater fish, and birds such as the cassowaries and crocodiles.
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Cassowaries are considered one of the most dangerous birds on the planet, this flightless bird stands at just over one meter and weighs up to 18 kilograms.
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Wallabies are typically small to medium-sized mammals, they have powerful hind legs, When they feel threatened they use their legs to deliver powerful kicks.
resources: http://www.pngtours.com/wildlife.html
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
In 1883, the British colony of Queensland, now Australia, decided to take control of the southeastern sector of Nueva Ginea, and Germany would take control of the northeast sector until 1919, where Australia would take control of the entire territory by decision of the Society of Nations following the Treaty of Versailles of 1919. Papua was administered under the Papua Act until it was invaded by the Japanese in 1941, and the civil administration was suspended. During the war, Papua was ruled by a military administration from Port Moresby, where General Douglas MacArthur occasionally had his barracks. Thus, in 1949, civil control was restored, unifying Papua and New Guinea as a single nation, colonized by Australia known as Papua New Guinea. Then, in 1972, an election process took place, where Michael Somore was elected and declared himself under the administration of an autonomous government from December 1, 1973, this autonomy being recognized by Australia only on September 16, 1975, so that Michael Somore was the first head of Government of the independent Republic of Papua New Guinea.
In 1975, along with obtaining Independence from Papua New Guinea, another independence movement began to take shape in the province of Bougainville, where the independentistas would try to negotiate with the government of Papua New Guinea, and when the negotiations broke down, the war began. civil, with more than 20,000 dead and some call the war forgotten, already in 1998 a peace declaration is reached, in 2001 the peace agreement was signed giving provisional autonomy to the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, as early as June 2005 , the autonomy for said province is extended and it is proposed that in a maximum of 15 years the total self-determination be made.
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Some important events and dates in the Country 
Enjoy a holiday in Papua New Guinea is to enjoy an amazing holiday, with roads that are made to Kokoda, parties such as New Ireland Day, on the island of the same name, or the holiday of Kaveing, also here, the Day Provincial gold, folkloric events throughout the country ...
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The holidays of this country are January 1st, New Year, Good Friday, Easter Monday, June 13th is celebrated the day of the Queen, July 21th the day of remembrance, as well as the 16th of September the country's independence is commemorated. In addition, each province has its own festival, among which the aforementioned from New Ireland, the Yam Harvest Festival, in the Trobriand Islands, Port Moresby Show, all between June and August stand out ...
Also important is the Rabalul Frangipani Festival, which commemorates the growth of the first flowers after the eruption of the Matupit in 1937
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Other important appointments are the Goroka Show in September, the East Sepik the same month, or the October parties in New Britain or Enga.
- https://www.google.com/search?q=Yam+Harvest+Festival&rlz=1C1CHBF_esCL838CL838&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQ7LfGs9biAhWQKLkGHXzcD1cQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=576#imgrc=6oW_rag1cceN2M:
- https://www.google.com/search?q=Rabaul+Frangipani+Festival,&rlz=1C1CHBF_esCL838CL838&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjicSOs9biAhVQH7kGHZmTAsQQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=576#imgrc=FCotyq2kHMaJgM:
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Social Conditions
The country has immense natural resources not yet exploited, an economy that is beginning to flourish and its strategic geographical situation augur a prosperous future.
Papua New Guinea is classified as a developing economy by the International Monetary Fund. Strong growth in Papua New Guinea's mining and resource sector led to the country becoming the sixth-fastest-growing economy in the world in 2011.  In spite of that, many people live in extreme poverty, with approximately more than a third part of the country living with less than 1.25 daily.
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Most of the people still live in strong traditional social groups based on farming. Their social lives combine traditional religion with modern practices, including primary education. These societies and clans are explicitly acknowledged by the Papua New Guinea Constitution, which expresses the wish for "traditional villages and communities to remain as viable units of Papua New Guinean society" and protects their continuing importance to local and national community life. 
The native population is made up of hundreds of ethnic groups, most of which are Papuans or speakers of Papuan languages, who have inhabited the country for tens of thousands of years and are mainly in the mountainous area as the Baruyas, Korowai, Lak, Lesu, etc . The second group is formed by the speakers of the Austronesian oceanic languages, which have an origin in ancient Malaysian migrations and live mostly on the coasts. These two groups are quite mixed and form the basis of the Melanesian population. Other ethnic groups present in Papua New Guinea are Polynesians, Micronesians, Chinese, Filipinos, Europeans and Australians.
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Although the three official languages in Papua New Guinea (English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu); there can be observed more than 850 languages from which 830 are native of the country, became it in the most diverse country related to languages.
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-  https://www.google.com/search?q=pobreza+en+papua+nueva+guinea&rlz=1C1CHBF_esCL838CL838&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7wZ_7mNbiAhVALLkGHV1WBacQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=6IrBWviiAdvRqM
- https://www.google.com/search?q=grupos+etnicos+papua+nueva+guinea&rlz=1C1CHBF_esCL838CL838&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia146ul9biAhXHHLkGHVN5CKwQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=-Z537ktBvjt6CM:
- https://www.google.com/search?q=grupos+etnicos+papua+nueva+guinea&rlz=1C1CHBF_esCL838CL838&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia146ul9biAhXHHLkGHVN5CKwQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=625#imgdii=Mfp899C9nD4AjM:&imgrc=-Z537ktBvjt6CM
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Relation to Britain
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Both Papua New Guinea and the United Kingdom share Queen Elizabeth as their head of State. They have had relations since 1975 when Papua New Guinea gained independence from the British Dominion of Australia. Nowadays English is spoken by less than three percent of the population, it is mostly used in Schools and Government. The English language was brought by traders and missionaries in the 19th century.
Resources: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=uK_5XLecDsHU5OUPi5OdgA8&q=traders+19th+century+papua+new+guinea&oq=traders+19th+century+papua+new+guinea&gs_l=img.3...72287.77996..78277...0.0..0.116.1190.15j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.8MKDIuwTkXc#imgrc=XqoOihTHt5DydM:
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Festivities, celebrations and traditions
What is the country’s culture like? Papua New Guinea is a country with more than 7000 different cultural groups, each one has its own language, body paint, costume and weapons. It is a country with a rich culture, which has a great diversity of cultural expressions that even predominate more than the laws of the country
Food, music and traditions
It is a largely rural country, therefore much of its food is thanks to agriculture. The food is largely vegetarian and based on agricultural crops such as rice, sago, taro and yams. Also, in this country a great variety of fruits such as pawpaws, pineapples, passionfruit and mangoes are consumed.
Saksak is a traditional dessert from Papua New Guinea made from the starch ‘sago’. aksak, which is an integral part of the local diet in Papua New Guinean, is essentially a dumpling of sago, mashed bananas, and creamed coconut milk. Since the dumpling itself doesn’t taste too sweet, saksak is traditionally eaten drenched in coconut milk.
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The traditional Papua New Guinean cooking method. Mumu is a Papua New Guinean method for cooking food in large quantities for traditional celebrations. A typical mumu is a ground oven/pit containing fiery hot coals, on which banana leaves are placed. The food, which is the meat, starches, vegetables, and fruits, goes in last at the bottom. The whole lot is further in a banana leaf for the food to steam properly. buried for hours so it can cook
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MUSIC After 1872, immigrants introduced different types of music to the country, such as Christian hymns and all forms of Polynesian music, such as Anedia, Ute and Taibubu. Later, with the expansion and musical influences of other countries, Papua and new guinea began to produce music in other genres such as: pop, reggae music (in which Anslom Nakikus stands out) and also in hiphop/rap, which since 2013 has been growing, having many exponents of underground hiphop
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Sing-sing it is a ritual in which people of different tribes and traditions celebrate together. Sometimes, they start spontaneously and at other times they are planned and organized. One of the most important is the Mount Hagen Cultural Show, which is held once a year in the western highlands. The first time it was celebrated was in 1964, its purpose was to share cultural experiences and avoid conflicts with other tribes.
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The traditional attire of the Huli people is the one of the most colorful in the country. The Huli believe that they are descended from an ancestor named Huli, who was the first to cultivate the land on which they live. In this celebration, the Huli paint the upper part of their face in red, and the lower part in ocher. But, in addition to the body paint, the most colorful characteristic of Huli traditional costume are their wigs. The importance is so great that male are also known as "wigmen". Their unique initiation rite is: At the age of 14 or 15, Huli boys leave their families and are sent to live in a sort of "bachelor school" to learn their role in society. The most important activity during this time is taking care of the boys' hair, in order to produce ceremonial wigs
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Resources: https://trip101.com/article/traditional-food-in-papua-new-guinea https://www.zegrahm.com/blog/papua-new-guinea-culture-introduction-ancient-traditions
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
• Which language(s) do they use in this country?
They usually tend to use the English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu in their speaking
The English Language is the lowest used language by the population.
The Tok Pisin , known as Talk Pidgin is and English based Creole Language and is the most used language in this country 
The Hiri Motu, also known as Police Motu, Pidgin Motu or just Hiri is a simplified version of the Motu language , from the Austronesian language family
• Why do you think they are using these languages?
Because it is an important part of their history as much as their culture, and it must mean too much to be able to conserve and communicate with their mother tongue among them, and also conserving their language makes them feel really connected with their culture and were they really belong , the most used language from those to communicate with different backgrounds is the Tok Pisin and the English is used generally for business things
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papuaaaanewwguinea · 5 years
Interesting things about Papua New Guinea
-Papua new guinea is one of the few regions close to the equator that experience snowfall, which occurs in the most elevated parts of the mainland.
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-The world's only known poisonous bird, the hooded pitohui is native to Papua New Guinea.
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-The country is highly predisposed to natural disasters, as it is located on the point of collision of several major tectonic plates and the pacific ring of fire.
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-There have been reported cases of cannibalism, there has been found rests of body parts and Skrulls.
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