papersquared · 3 years
🐉💝⚡️(hi emmas mom)
🐉Zodiac Sign?
Taurus, on the Aries cusp.
💝Favourite Colour(s)?
Black. Then, burgundy, mustard yellow, plum, and teal.
⚡️(see below)
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papersquared · 3 years
hello emmas mom (i feel weird calling i that im sorry) but i just think ur very cool ! i hope u have a good day :)
you can totally call me that! or you can call me carolyn. thank you! i hope you have a good day, too!
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papersquared · 3 years
⚡🎃🍺 For the asks please?
⚡Ever had a Greek Mythology phase?
Honestly, no. I knew about some from related readings (lots of literature classes in college) but was never interested enough to research it/pursue it.
🎃Favourite holiday?
Halloween, hands down.
🍺Favourite drink?
In the am, coffee (milk, no sugar). During the day, seltzer. In the pm, cocktails. Currently on a martini (gin, of course) kick. I also love love love Dr. Pepper but try to drink it sparingly.
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papersquared · 3 years
she is pretty amazing. i take only 5% credit.
Youre Emma’s mum? Congrats
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papersquared · 3 years
This isn't the best picture of my floof but it's the newest one I could find
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dis is good floof
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papersquared · 3 years
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Kitty has hunted down its prey
mighty hunter (huntress?)
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papersquared · 3 years
hi emmas mom i'm bella and you're literally like my favorite person
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papersquared · 3 years
it’s weird when you and your kid have some of the same crushes. #ilikedbillhaderfirst
👀Celebrity crush? 
-aubrey plaza -tessa thompson -john mulaney -finn wolfhard -brie larson -teyonah parris -bill hader -matthew gray gubler
to name a few
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papersquared · 3 years
Librarianing was sort of a second career. I started grad school when @incorrectgreekgods was 2 years old. I’ve been working in libraries since 2008 and have worked as a newspaper archivist (kind of), teen librarian, adult reference and readers advisory librarian, and community college instruction librarian.  When I started grad school, I wanted to be an archivist and work in a museum. As part of school, I did an internship at a public library and discovered I actually liked working with people. 
uhhmm,, so,,, firstly i Adore ur blog and secondly i,, think ur mom is very cool and would love to know about her experiences as a librarian if she would be willing to share (i would send this to her but i lost her url rip me </3)
omg, hi!!! 
@papersquared !!!!!!
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papersquared · 3 years
So @incorrectgreekgods redid my profile. I’m not sure about all of it...
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papersquared · 3 years
Youre Emma’s mum? Congrats
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papersquared · 3 years
A girl’s final for her sign language class (Unmute !)
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papersquared · 3 years
new year, new me
gonna ask @incorrectgreekgods to help me update my profile. suggestions?
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papersquared · 3 years
you, my darling. forever and ever.
i’m going to regret this
so. what do you want to know? 
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papersquared · 3 years
tell me about your favorite scent in the entire world
HMMMMMM... Probably the scent of desert sage and creosote after a summer monsoon storm in the desert. Also, Chris O’Dowd smelled pretty damn good when I met him.
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papersquared · 3 years
Rocky Road. But the kind with whole marshmallows and almonds. Not marshmallow ribbons or knock off nuts.
i’m going to regret this
so. what do you want to know? 
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papersquared · 3 years
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Alphonse Mucha / The Moon and the Stars series, 1902:
Clair du Lune (The Moon) Étoile Polaire (The Pole Star) Étoile du Matin (The Morning Star) Étoile du Soir (The Evening Star)
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