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nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque accumsan quam in nulla sollicitudin, eget accumsan lectus sollicitudin. Sample link. Quisque eget ipsum ipsum. Mauris sodales urna orci, non pharetra nisi mattis ut. Mauris tempus leo erat, id interdum purus posuere sit amet.
Proin scelerisque lectus nec nibh pharetra, eu feugiat neque malesuada. Vestibulum sed magna eu lorem pharetra ultricies ut ac dui. Morbi sem quam, interdum quis cursus id, luctus id mi. Sed lobortis lacus vel libero imperdiet tempor.
Proin condimentum, metus pellentesque tincidunt mattis, nibh magna pellentesque risus, nec suscipit elit quam at mi. Nam quis sollicitudin diam. Sed sodales quis mi sit amet dictum. Aenean risus turpis, tempus aliquam porttitor a, mollis quis libero. Aliquam sit amet volutpat lectus.
Big header
Donec quis ante elit. Nullam tincidunt augue sed nibh venenatis, et placerat metus facilisis.Curabitur eu mi lectus.
Duis lorem ligula
Gravida a vestibulum vitae
Convallis ac mauris
Etiam eu consectetur quam
Suspendisse potenti.
In dapibus sollicitudin iaculis. Quisque in felis vel diam aliquet bibendum sed sit amet est. Donec adipiscing dolor sit amet augue sollicitudin iaculis. Nam accumsan nisl id lorem rutrum, nec pulvinar sapien porttitor.
Smaller header
Morbi risus velit, volutpat posuere dolor hendrerit, faucibus ultrices nisl. Cras sem ante, ornare vel consectetur ut, sodales eget tellus.
Duis lorem ligula
Gravida a vestibulum vitae
Convallis ac mauris
Etiam eu consectetur quam
Suspendisse potenti.
Sed pellentesque sollicitudin dui ut tempor. Curabitur congue, risus sed gravida tincidunt, odio purus dictum justo, quis elementum ipsum eros nec ligula. Nullam sed porttitor nisi. Vivamus tristique lorem eu massa tristique.

Donec sed risus rutrum, varius massa id, vulputate ante. Morbi risus velit, volutpat posuere dolor hendrerit, faucibus ultrices nisl. Cras sem ante, ornare vel consectetur ut, sodales eget tellus.
Suspendisse quis elit vel tortor porta pharetra. Sed erat velit, auctor nec accumsan vel, hendrerit quis metus.
Praesent nec ligula risus. Sed cursus magna lacinia massa pellentesque, sed venenatis eros posuere. Donec condimentum porttitor dapibus. Nunc magna nibh, venenatis et mauris eu, congue adipiscing nibh. Nam vel suscipit mi. In sed urna ac sapien consequat cursus.
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The one who knocks
No speeches. Short speech. You lost your partner today. What's his name - Emilio? Emilio is going to prison. The DEA took all your money, your lab. You got nothing.
Square one. But you know the business and I know the chemistry. I'm thinking... maybe you and I could partner up. I'm sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes, that stupid plastic container I asked you to buy.
That is seventeen five - your half of the thirty-five thousand. Plus there's an extra fifteen in there, it's all yours, you've earned it. We made a deal. That's right. Because I think that we can do business together - we came to an understanding. Take a look at the money in your hand. Now just imagine making that every week. That's right. Two pounds a week, thirty-five thousand a pound.
Look... I feel like I'm running out of ways to explain this to you but once more, I shall try. This fly is a major problem for us. It will ruin our batch.
And we need to destroy it and every trace of it, so we can cook. Failing that, we're dead. There's no more room for error. Not with these people.
You asked me if we were in the meth business or the money business. Neither, I’m in the empire business. I was under the impression that you had this under control. Well, that's what this is - problem solving. Skyler this is a simple division of labor - I bring in the money, you launder the money. This is what you wanted.
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Cheetos or Fritos?
That's a recipe for vegan s'mores. There's all kinds of crazy crap in there. He had like a top ten recumbent bicycles, indoor composting tips, all right next to the mother of methamphetamine syntheses.
This guy was a uh, man he was a real character. Let me show you something. Right here, the top it says uh... 'to W.W. my star, my perfect silence.' W.W. who do you figure that is, you know? Woodrow Wilson, Willy Wonka... Walter White?
So... let me get this straight. You got this meth from 'some dude' wearing khaki pants, who - you're 80% sure - had a mustache. And that's it? That's your brain working at full capacity? It means I think your story's bullshit.
Marie, I said Cheetos, not Fritos. I must've said Cheetos like ten times. You need me to write it down for you? Well, I'm just saying, y'know, I said Cheetos. Ch-ch-ch sound. Virtually impossible to confuse Cheetos with Fritos it seems to me. Where are you going?
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It's not always about writing, is it? Sometimes one picture is worth a thousand words. That's why Paper theme supports both single photo posts as well as whole galleries.
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Naked in the supermarket
Chemotherapy and marijuana go together like apple pie and Chevrolet. Facing death changes a person, it has to, don't you think? You can do this, Hank. Come on. It's supposed to hurt.
Pain is weakness leaving your body. Hey, if you could get your leg up that high, I say go for it. Don't get me wrong. I think it's just great that he's, y'know, back and he's feeling better.
I just, I mean, he...naked. He was naked in a supermarket. It wasn't Whole Foods, was it? Oh, you're Ted! I've heard so much about you. Thank you for your gift basket. That was really thoughtful. You made one mistake.
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Today's your lucky day. Look around, kiddo - it's all yours. You are now the owner of this fine establishment.
Saul Goodman
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Flipped a coin
Don't talk to me about hours, what about sudo, man? How are we gonna get that? You think the meth fairy is gonna just bring it to us?
God it takes me a week to get this stuff. I'm driving all the way up to Las Cruces, two hundred miles each way to meet up with my Smurfs. The dudes who go to the drug stores and get a couple boxes at a time and then sell 'em to me.
Oh c'mon, this is bullshit! I mean look at this dude, alright? He doesn't even know what planet he's living on! You ever, have like a wild animal trapped in your house? Opossum - big, freaky, lookin' bitch. Hey, since when did they change it to opossum? What's up with that? When I was comin' up it was just possum. Opossum makes it sound like he's Irish or something. Why do they gotta go changing everything?
Oh well, heil Hitler, bitch! And let me tell you something else. So what're you saying? Like, I shot someone with, like, a gun? We flipped a coin, okay? You and me. You and me! Coin flip is sacred! Your job is waiting for you in that basement, as per the coin!
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There are over 150 milion tumblr blogs. More than 100 milion tumblr posts are published every day. And there are like 6 decent looking tumblr themes.
We're launching Pixel Revel to change it. We want to deliver versatile, clean, responsive and above all - beautiful themes for one of the best publishing platform out there.
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Epic Morgan Freeman
Rehabilitated? well, now let me see. you know, i don't have any idea what that means. it only took me six days. same time it took the lord to make the world.
I did the same thing to gandhi, he didn't eat for three weeks. I once heard a wise man say there are no perfect men. only perfect intentions. that tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. the man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks. boxing is about respect.
Circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave. I did the same thing to gandhi, he didn't eat for three weeks. I now issue a new commandment: thou shalt do the dance. Multiply your anger by about a hundred, kate, that's how much he thinks he loves you.
Circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave. Mister wayne, if you don't want to tell me exactly what you're doing, when i'm asked, i don't have to lie. but don't think of me as an idiot. cities fall but they are rebuilt.
Heroes die but they are remembered. let me tell you something my friend. hope is a dangerous thing. hope can drive a man insane. the man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks. i don't think they tried to market it to the billionaire, spelunking, base-jumping crowd.
You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. no, this is mount everest. you should flip on the discovery channel from time to time. but i guess you can't now, being dead and all.
It only took me six days. same time it took the lord to make the world. i did the same thing to gandhi, he didn't eat for three weeks. bruce... i'm god. you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.
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That's a good deal
That's, um... gosh, that's uh, wow. How is that even possible? Huh! I guess so. Um... is that yours, outside? Yeah, right. So the...
IRS stuff - that's resolved? So you paid them? When? There will never be a better deal, Ted. The deal is, you pay your back taxes, you pay your penalty and you don't go to prison. That's a good deal. So, let's keep our priorities straight here, right?
Ted this affects both of us. You need to use that money to pay your bill by the end of this month, which you promised the IRS in writing that you would do. It is, that simple. What does that mean.
Does that mean yes? Because I really need a yes here, Ted. From whom exactly do you think you got that six-hundred thousand, Ted? Great Aunt Bergen? Yeah.
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User: Do you provide support for your themes?
Support: Of course. You get an exclusive access to our support forums with every purchase.
User: Like a life-time support?
Support: Exactly.
User: How about customization? Can you do that too?
Support: That's another story. Currently, we don't offer customizations services, maybe in the future.
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I'm not following
I am very sorry. Is there anything I can do? I am on the board of this hospital. I can recommend doctors. Make sure he gets whatever he needs. The best treatment. How did that happen?
This current batch is surely ruined now, correct? Stay with the boy. Tyrus will dump what's there and clean the tanks. You will start a new batch when you are ready to return. Next week.
Can I help you sir? What can I do for you? I'm... sorry, I'm not following. I... think that you're confusing me for someone else. Sir, if you have a complaint, I suggest you submit it through our email system. I will be happy to refer you to our website.
I don't think we're alike at all, Mr. White. You are not a cautious man at all. Your partner was late and he was high. He's high often, isn't he? You have poor judgement. I can't work with someone with poor judgement. I've been told, it's excellent.
That is not the only factor. I have to ask... why? Why him? How much product do you have on hand? I have your numbers. You can never trust a drug addict.
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The best treatment
Don Eladio, please. I didn't sell anything. I apologize if you are offended by my method of obtaining this meeting. I merely took the initiative.
I meant no insult. You are done. Fired. Do not show your face at the laundry again. Stay away from Pinkman. Do not go near him. Ever. Are you listening to me? What do you say?
Do you know what's happening upstairs? This is all a result of your former partner. Do you understand now? Do you see why this can't continue? There will be an appropriate response.
Tyrus told me what's happening - the sick child. I understand your preoccupation, but Jesse, I am running a business. I need you back at the lab to complete the cook. You can return when you're done. It is, as you must know, in both of our best interests. I... am very sorry. Is there anything I can do? I am on the board of this hospital. I can recommend doctors. Make sure he gets whatever he needs.
The best treatment. How did that happen? This current batch is surely ruined now, correct? Stay with the boy. Tyrus will dump what's there and clean the tanks. You will start a new batch when you are ready to return. Next week.
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I thought you was a player
Mr. Clean and his boy. I'm sorry that I had to tune you up. Respect, ese, you gotta give it to get it.
What are we doing way the hell out there, what they close the mall or something? Heisenberg come on break it out. That's it? That's all you got? I thought you was a player.
Look old bald motherfucker. Fifty-two and a half, twenty-five points dig. No... two pounds next Friday and no production problems. Listen old man, talk is talk, but owing me money? That's bad.
What did I say, man, this guy can COOK! You're all right, you're all right man... we're gonna make a looot of money together. What did you say? Like they don't already know that? Are you saying that they're stupid? Okay, so you're not saying that they're stupid.
So I don't understand are you saying that I'm stupid? No, you're just speaking for me! Like I ain't got the goddamn sense to speak for myself! Is that it? Is that what you're doing? Heisenberg says, 'Relax'!
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It’s not always about writing, is it? Sometimes one picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why Paper theme supports both single photo posts as well as whole galleries.
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You afraid you'll lose?
Maybe Walt's addicted to the pot and he owes his drug dealer a lot of money. These shoes make me look like I should be changing bedpans, like I should be squeaking around bringing soup to some disgusting old person — then take the bus home to my 16 cats.
Let me get this straight. You call in sick the day after receiving a long awaited, career boosting promotion so you can play Oktoberfest in your man cave? Please don't tell me to relax. You know I hate that.
It's time to go home, Hank. I'm just seeing. Seeing what I see. We'll see. I say it will. I dunno, I don't care if someone walks in. I tell you what, if I can get the groundhog to see his shadow... I'm betting it will... and if he does, you check out of here.
You afraid you'll lose? The point is, you're not completely hopeless. We have a bet? One minute? Alright, that's a cake walk! Nice, thank you. Stay classy. Well, I'll tell you one thing. Your Hardy Boys routine is over. No more asking him to drive you on stakeouts. It's too dangerous, you hear me? Chemotherapy and marijuana go together like apple pie and Chevrolet.
Facing death changes a person, it has to, don't you think? You can do this, Hank. Come on. It's supposed to hurt. Pain is weakness leaving your body. Hey, if you could get your leg up that high, I say go for it. Don't get me wrong. I think it's just great that he's, y'know, back and he's feeling better. I just, I mean, he...naked.
He was naked naked in a supermarket. It wasn't Whole Foods, was it? Oh, you're Ted! I've heard so much about you. Thank you for your gift basket. That was really thoughtful. You made one mistake.
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I haven't slept since Thursday
I need your full attention, Saul. Jesse Pinkman current whereabouts. The sooner you tell me, the sooner you can get back to whatever the hell this is exactly. Whoa, you are good right there.
Now lets both get comfortable. Now when I say I'm looking for Pinkman, we both know why, don't we. And you pretending otherwise only wastes my time and serves to annoy me. I trust the hole in the desert I'd leave you in. Don't make me beat you 'til your legs don't work.
You wanna put your arms out to the sides for me if you would? You know I haven't slept since Thursday? I was out all night cleaning up after you. I need my sleep. Mmm... yeah, funny how words can be so open to interpretation. You get your car fixed?
You're gonna want to get your car fixed. You... are trouble. I'm sorry the kid here doesn't see it, but I sure as hell do. You are a time bomb. Tick, tick, ticking. And I have no intention of being around for the boom. Well... you know how they say, it's been a pleasure? It hasn't. Well, I guess that's it. Parting thoughts of which I have two.
First: as I said I'll handle the legacy costs out of my end so you won't have to worry about my guys anymore. Second: the bug. The DEA will do a sweep can't say when, could be any time. But you need to get it out of there sooner rather than later. Alright. Just get the bug, Walter.
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