toast's oc/wip/art acc
51 posts
i'll get around to making this nice later. oc archive, lore stuff, whatever for @instantpansies
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pansies-chronicles · 2 months ago
early beatles writing sessions
paul: okay, we have to come up with some ideas for the next album. so i was thinking—
john: i have an idea for a song about how im a piece of shit fat ugly bitch with no friends and is hated by everyone and should die. i’m going to call it Dumbfuck Asshole About To Kill Himself.
paul: ……right! cool! i was thinking more along the lines of “i love you girl and want to dance with you” but that’s really good too!
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pansies-chronicles · 2 months ago
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pansies-chronicles · 5 months ago
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✷ Heliophile ✷
[ID: A digital illustration of a trans masculine figure, cropped from the shoulders to the thigh. They are shirtless with top surgery scars, and wearing lacy briefs with a flower design. They have symmetrical leaf tattoos on their shoulders, and a star tattooed on their chest. There’s a rectangular decorative border framing the figure, with a flower stem on each side, a flame bladed dagger underneath, a small floral motif at the top, and a blue sawtooth star in each corner. The figure is colored in a warm golden yellow, and various warm greens in the border. /. End ID]
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pansies-chronicles · 5 months ago
Enemies to "I accidentally came across you while you were vulnerable and scared and I'm not a total asshole so I tried to help you" to "accidental mutual uncovering of softer sides and vulnerabilities" to "I can't be mean to you anymore, not out of pity but because it would feel weird betraying that brief truce we had" to "Fine I'll make an effort to be nice to you now I guess" to "actually now that we're not actively hating each other you're not so bad I guess" to "i think we're friends but I'm not going to say that because I'm afraid you're not gonna feel the same way" to "oh you also think we're friends? Great" to lovers
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pansies-chronicles · 7 months ago
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colored this in!!
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pansies-chronicles · 7 months ago
you and your dreadful little polycule haven't seen the last of me
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pansies-chronicles · 7 months ago
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pretty thing
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pansies-chronicles · 7 months ago
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FINALLY drew this meme with luka and rowan it's literally them
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pansies-chronicles · 7 months ago
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the polycule goes beekeeping
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pansies-chronicles · 8 months ago
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ooo he cute
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pansies-chronicles · 8 months ago
the hottest thing a man can have is a vaguely haunted look in his eyes like he had to confront an eldritch being a few years ago and the horror has mostly worn off but still sometimes sneaks up on him in quiet moments. the second hottest thing a man can have is a hoop earring.
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no no. I trust that this will find its target audience
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pansies-chronicles · 9 months ago
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New Meme Alignment Chart came to me in a fit of Mania this morning. Have fun kids!
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pansies-chronicles · 9 months ago
Character flaws for an anxious character
Constant worrying: Obsessively fretting over even the smallest details.
Overplanning: Creating elaborate contingency plans for every possible scenario.
Indecisiveness: Struggling to make decisions due to fear of making the wrong choice.
Social anxiety: Feeling extremely nervous or uncomfortable in social situations.
Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards for themselves and others.
Avoidance behavior: Dodging situations or responsibilities that trigger anxiety.
Overapologizing: Saying sorry for everything, even when it's not their fault.
Hyperawareness of physical sensations: Being overly sensitive to bodily sensations and interpreting them as signs of impending doom.
Catastrophizing: Jumping to the worst-case scenario in any given situation.
Need for reassurance: Constantly seeking validation or reassurance from others.
Rumination: Getting stuck in a loop of negative thoughts and overanalyzing past events.
Difficulty relaxing: Finding it hard to unwind and let go of stress.
Overthinking: Overanalyzing every word or action, leading to anxiety about social interactions.
Physical symptoms of anxiety: Experiencing symptoms like sweating, trembling, or rapid heartbeat in stressful situations.
Avoidance of confrontation: Going to great lengths to avoid conflict or uncomfortable conversations.
People-pleasing: Putting others' needs and desires above their own to avoid conflict.
Overpreparation: Spending excessive time and energy preparing for events or tasks.
Self-doubt: Second-guessing their abilities and decisions due to fear of failure.
Fear of the unknown: Feeling anxious about uncertain or unfamiliar situations.
Imposter syndrome: Believing they are not worthy of their achievements and fearing they will be exposed as a fraud.
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pansies-chronicles · 9 months ago
i looooove characters who are sacrificial lamb coded. characters who have never lived for themselves. characters born to be a tool, a weapon, a sacrifice, all of the above. a character raised by the heroes to save the world, at any expense, even their own health, even their own life. a character raised by the villains to end the world, at any expense, even their own health, even their own life. characters who are denied personhood so they can be used as tools instead. characters who never even had a chance to be people because they were shaped into something else from the moment they were born. characters who were born to die.
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pansies-chronicles · 10 months ago
THIS but also i am so obsessed with the other way around!!!! when devotion becomes dependence. when they've come back to each other over and over again out of love until they convince themselves no one else can do what they can. until that self-fulfilling prophecy leads to their own isolation. until there's nobody left but themselves. ougughugau this is about my increasingly codependent immortal ocs sunvoy and moonvoy btw im wild about them. theyre my roman empire.
the transition from people needing each other to wanting each other is literally one of my greatest weaknesses that shit makes me want to walk into the sea and sit on the ocean floor for a thousand years
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pansies-chronicles · 10 months ago
20 angsty romance prompts part 2
(feel free to use <33 tag me when yall writeeee)
crying in your lover's arms
^ face buried in their chest, while their heart breaks at your every sob :(
"i wish i loved you less." but it is spat at the other person angrily, immediately being regretted after the words leave their mouth.
watching them cry and not knowing what to do (ouch-)
"why do you love me when you know i can't- shouldn't love you back?"
"you messed me up, you fcked me over and what- how dare i? how dare fckn you!"
"i am sorry. i am so so.. so.. sorry. please.. let me go."
"don't you dare do this to me- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!"
"... why can't.. anybody see--that... I'm tired?... " (if written write, this wud traumatize me)
"I'm done waiting for you, [name]."
them literally on their knees, "please, please--just please trust me! Why is it so hard for you to believe me once?"
^ "how many times do i have to get hurt by trusting you!!?"
"i am not sorry that i don't love you. I'm sorry that you don't love yourself."
"i loved you, believe me. i did. then you turned into someone else, someone... scary."
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP HURTING ME? why--why am i the one.. always losing everything..?"
"listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there."
"so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]."
hands trembling while holding their pale, bloodied face, "k-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE-please please, talk to me."
"promise me you'll be okay, and that you'll keep living. moving on, even without me." "only if you do the same." (this happened irl yall)
"you saved me then killed me all over again."
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pansies-chronicles · 10 months ago
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