pandora-noble · 3 years
“Oh, I would’ve been fine. I always am.” Mike shrugged as Pandora hugged him. He didn’t want him coming back to be a big deal. He hated that he hurt his friends. “I’m sorry Panda Bear.” @pandora-noble​
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“I know, but I still worry, Mike. Just because you’re nearly invincible doesn’t mean I don’t worry.” Pandora sighed. Mike was one of the only people that she didn’t have to worry about putting up a wall for. She could be vulnerable around him. He was family. “It’s okay. And stop calling me that.”
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pandora-noble · 3 years
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I Am What Was, What Is, What Will Be – 
The Black Angel, Chaos- Bringer!
I Am Power!
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pandora-noble · 3 years
       “Oh yeah?” He asked, mirroring the smirk laid across her features. “How’d you end this one? Poison?” He guessed, not acknowledging that she felt like a charity case. What did it matter? It was Jason’s money to spend and if he chose to spend it on the people around him then why did they have to feel bad about it? In reality he knew the answer though and he understood. He had been too young when Bruce adopted him for him to feel that way about it now, but in another life he was sure that he would have reacted the same as Pandora and Jax did. “I didn’t choose him in the beginning.” Jason said under his breath. It wasn’t something he was willing to argue about, especially now that the pair were back together. Pandora had been his first love and she would always have a part of him but Jax was his end all be all and they both knew it. “What kind of boundaries?”
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“Oh, no, it’s always death by fire, Jay. Their kind have always burned powerful women, now it’s my turn.” She said, a sort of sadistic smile playing on her lips. That was her way of feeding the flames inside of her, trying to please the Phoenix. But it always wanted more. Pandora gave him a look. “Yeah, when we were stupid teenagers. It’s been Jax ever since. And that’s fine.” She said. She didn’t really want to talk about this. “I just need to stop feeling like I might have a chance. You know? The flirting and smiles and your stupid face. It’s too much.” 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
“Hey, what’s up with you?” He asked all of a sudden, putting both of the jackets back. He’d assumed that the shopping trip would cheer her up. She’d always been into clothes and on several occasions had mentioned that she wanted to dress him. Which he always joked was weird. Most people wanted to undress him. “You’re acting kinda spacey. Which is super odd for you.” He commented, as lowkey as he was trying to be with her. He couldn’t help but let a little concern slip into the tone of his voice. He’d always liked Pandora like she was family. It was why he jumped on the chance to go out with her. He’d been missing his real family lately. 
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Pandora shook her head, as if that would clear her thoughts. She was doing her best to not set the shop on fire right now. She wondered if this was what a panic attack felt like. She had never been one to have anxiety, but she felt like she might have it now. Pandora tried a smile, but it faltered. “I don’t know. I can’t breathe.” She said, feeling like there was suddenly no air left in the world. She felt the flames rising in her like bile and closed her eyes tightly. “I need to go outside, I’m sorry for ruining our day.” She said quickly and sped out of the shop. 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
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Olivia Rodrigo // drivers license
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pandora-noble · 3 years
Lian watched with wide eyes as the flames began to get smaller. At first, she thought someone had set the poor woman on fire, but now she could see that it was some kind of super power. “It’s totally fine,” she said, still in awe. “Doesn’t it hurt when you do that?” Curiosity was getting the better of her, but she knew not to ask too many questions. People were unpredictable, especially in a place like Gotham. Too many questions could get you killed. “I thought I was gonna have to go and find a fire extinguisher. It looked really cool, though. Like a pyrotechnics show gone wrong.”
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Pandora looked down at her tattered, burned sleeves. “It doesn’t hurt my body, but it does hurt my heart when I ruin my designer clothes.” She sighed. She looked up at the girl with a bewildered look. Shouldn’t she be used to superpowers by now, living in Gotham? She let out a laugh, feeling oddly comfortable around the girl. Pan wasn’t one to take to strangers so quickly. “Well, I appreciate the fact that you wouldn’t have stood there and watched me burn. And thanks, I guess?” 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
        “I have talents you don’t know about.” He shrugged, masking his smirk by taking a sip from the mug of black coffee in his hand. “You had a heart that worked to begin with?” Jason asked, mock shock crossing his features, replacing the smirk that had previously occupied them. “Barold? You married a guy named Barold? Oh come on, Pan. I know you want money but there are rich guys who aren’t old as dirt and named Barold.” He gestured to himself not so subtly. 
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“I feel like I know about the most important talents.” She replied with a smirk, but quickly moved on from the subject for Jax’s sake. Pandora shrugged and laughed. “When they’re old and named Barold, it’s easier to kill them. Plus, this way I earn it and I don’t feel like a charity case.” She shook her head. “We all know you’ll always choose Jax, so stop teasing me” Pandora sighed. “I need some boundaries if we’re going to be friends, Jay.” She hated saying it, but it wasn’t fair to her or Jax for this to continue the way it had. 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
Pam frowned as Pandora spoke. “Which one?” she said. She would have to find it and fix it. The poor little flowers. “You look terrible,” she said, glancing Pandora over come. “Come along, then. We’ll get you cleaned up. We can’t have you standing here like some sad bedraggled Dickens orphan.”
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“Uh, I don’t know. It had purple flowers in it.” She huffed, obviously miserable. When the redhead told her that she looked terrible, Pandora rolled her eyes. “Yes, thank you for the update. I was unaware.” She didn’t care that she was being a bitch, it made her feel better and that was all that mattered. “Fine. Thanks.” She said, following the woman with a limp because of her heel.
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pandora-noble · 3 years
Hela looked at the other before taking a sip of her drink “Pandora, I rather like the power behind such a name. The Greek Mythology version held a box with untold powers inside, tell me are you hiding something inside this gorgeous frame?” She questioned before smirking “My name is Hela, pleased to meet you Pandora.”
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Pandora nearly choked on her drink when the woman—Hela—asked if she was hiding something. Did she know, or was she just making conversation? Pan shook her head. “What you see is what you get with me.” She shrugged, hoping that the woman hadn’t caught her slip. “Hela, huh? Isn’t that teen slang?”
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pandora-noble · 3 years
‎Lilith rolled her eyes at Pandora, the corner of her lips twitching into a smirk. “I’ll never go soft, Pandora. You know that as well as I do. I was just stating a fact.” She crossed one leg over the other, twirling the knife in her hand. “I hear getting help can be quite therapeutic. Really takes a load off,” she teased. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never had to worry about pain. Physical pain, at least.” Grinning at Pandora, she raised an eyebrow and jumped up from her seat. “Why don’t we have some fun, Pan? It’s been years! We have a lot of lost time to make up for.” Seeing the other woman again had brightened Lilith’s week. Ever since she’d arrived back in Gotham, she’d just faced annoyance after annoyance. Pandora was a breath of fresh air.
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“I guess that’s why they call it therapy,” Pandora mused, teasing the other woman. When Lilith called her Pan, her cheeks flushed a little. It was strange, the way that hearing her name could have such a reaction. “You know I’m always up for a little fun,” She began, a smirk growing on her face. She felt the Phoenix drawing her into its dark desires and Pandora was too tired of fighting it to pull away. Maybe letting it have a little freedom would help it relax. Little did Pan know that once the doors were open, they would be nearly impossible to close again. “What did you have in mind?”
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@redarrowing​ sent: ​“  you scared me.  ”
“Sorry,” Pandora said, breathing hard as she tried to calm herself down. Her hands and arms were blazing fire, the sleeves of her Gucci shirt already reduced to ash. She closed her glowing eyes and forced herself to relax, telling the Phoenix to go back to sleep, for just a little bit longer. She opened her eyes again and gave the girl an apologetic smile. 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@ofqueenofasgard sent: “  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison.  ”
“Sounds about right,” Pandora said, taking a long sip of her drink. She knew that poison well. “I’m Pandora, by the way. My friends call me Pan. Actually, they call me something else, but I fucking hate it so I’m not telling you what they call me.” She said with a big sigh. She didn’t know what she did to deserve being nicknamed after a giant Asian bear. 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@fromregrets sent: “  i don’t think hearts break. shattered things can only be broken once. but torn things can be mended again and again until it’s all scars and stitching.  ”
“That was an oddly poetic way to describe your eternal, toxic, on-again off-again relationship with Jackson.” Pandora huffed. She would always hold a place in her heart for Jason, but she was beginning to think Jax would never let her have another shot. Perhaps it was finally time to move on. That thought wouldn’t stop her from being sour, though. “And I don’t agree, my heart is definitely shattered and who knows if it will ever work again.” She said, putting a flare of drama on her words. “Especially after poor, sweet... fuck, what was that guy’s name? Barold?” Pandora added, trying to lighten the mood by mentioning her latest rich old white man murder. 
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@pxisonkiss sent: “ what happened to you? “
Pan sighed. “You want the long version or the short version?” She asked. She knew that the redhead was referring to her mud-stained clothes... what else could she be talking about? “My heel snapped in the park and I fell into a flower bed.” She sighed. Plus, it had been raining, so now she was soaked as well. “Today is not my day.”
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pandora-noble · 3 years
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as Fallon Carrington in 4x01 of Dynasty
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@crimsonhourglass sent: “  the world isn’t made up of heroes and monsters. just broken people balancing between the two.  ”
Pandora resonated with the words, but she wouldn’t let the redhead know that. Instead, she rolled her eyes, keeping up her anti-social mask. “And what kind of fortune cookie did you pull that out of?” She asked. She had been enjoying her coffee before the woman pulled up a chair and started talking. Pan wondered if she should start wearing a sign that said: ‘not a fucking therapist’.
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pandora-noble · 3 years
@lilithgodfrey​ sent: “  being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.  ”
Pandora looked at the woman like she had just spoken a foreign language. “Oh, now who’s going soft?” She scoffed, trying to the avoid the subject. Since she had gotten back, Pan had gotten back in touch with only a few of her friends. She had always liked Lilith and couldn’t stay away now that she had seen the woman again. Even if the fire in her flared up, demanding to kill every time she was around the assassin. She was too enthralled to ignore the fact that Lil was a bad influence. 
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