The Marauders Fan Story
Sirius had decided to stay at James’s house for the summer, he was happy all year long thinking about the cool stuff he and James would do together. It was a week till summer, and suddenly he thought of something. What if Mr and Mrs Potter didn’t want him there, what if they didn’t like him and never let him be friends with James anymore. Of course he didn’t tell James about it. So he worried so much that he didn’t sleep. Don’t think that James didn’t notice, and don’t think that he didn’t do anything about it. He spent that week being close to Sirius and comfort him secretly, and it made Sirius feel a lot better.
The day had come, James and Sirius arrived at the train station, and waiting for them were Mr and Mrs Potter, holding a colorful sign, it said :”Welcome home boys!”. 
Sirius felt so happy, he nearly cried but didn’t let it show. The Potters treated him like his own son, and avoided calling them with heir full name, but always using words like “Boys” . Sirius knew enìverything and he loved it all.
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