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So I painted this yesterday....
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So I painted this today...:-)
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A Pre-Geezer perspective on Charlottesville?  Is there such a thing?  I think so...and we bring both wisdom and foolishness with us. http://samplethislife.com/59-a-pre-geezer-thinks-about-charlottesville/
#retirement, #retirementtravel, #charlottesville
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Tell us which topics resonate with you using this survey. http://samplethislife.com/which-topics-resonate-with-you/ survey
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New Pre-Geezer:  It was dawning on us, a few months into retirement, and pondering  whether "to France, or not to France?" that in this chapter of life, and in some ways ONLY in this chapter, the Pre-Geezer chapter, do WE set the pace. http://samplethislife.com/58-2/#retirement, #retirementtravel
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New Pre-Geezer:  Historically,  two populations rather famously have migrated to the South of France (specifically Dordogne)  : cavemen and the Brits. Full comic strip here: http://samplethislife.com/56-2/ #retirement#retirementtravel
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New Pre-Geezer today: In which we reveal the secret weapon for making friends, should you move to France. http://samplethislife.com/55-2/ #retirement,#retirementtravel
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New Pre-Geezer ... finding the perfect spot mostly means finding what YOU like...easier said than done. 
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New Pre-Geezer: How To Move To France Edition: What makes a good "snowbird" spot, when you're not your average Joe? New comic at http://samplethislife.com/52-2/
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Retired? Considering a move but wondering where? Are you the “No golfy-Florida, please!” types like us?   New Pre-Geezer episode up at www.samplethislife.com #retirement#retirementtravel
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Why move to France? Or anywhere...you've got 1 place! The joys of geographical dabblings in your Pre-Geezer years .http://samplethislife.com/49-why-go-to-france-or-anywhere-for-that-matter-youve-got-one-place-already/
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New Pre-Geezer™ up:  So far the most relevant part of the phrase "moving to France" as we're using it ... are the quotes around it.  In other words, we're ditherers.  Read it all here: http://samplethislife.com/pre-geezer-1/
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Pre-Geezer is off in September.  We're off on an adventure to France; see you in October!
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Pre-Geezer takes a break from our heroes' story (Susan & Co.) to talk about... my mom and summer tomatoes, and how Pre-Geezerhood (ours) and Geezerhood (our parents) make for complicated territory.  And also, to remember my mom, and eating summer tomatoes.  
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New Pre-Geezer:  Is Susan’s dream of retiring in France gonna turn out to be a nightmare?  
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This week, Susan puts Millie's "science" into her real life...using the PERMA-gizmo to test out whether her notions of retirement happiness might result in ACTUAL happiness.
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“Men are like Dove Bars.  One is great.  Two make you throw up.”  How does this apply to the stories we tell ourselves about retirment? 
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