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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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8k morning run in the rain. 34:26 6:30 AM It's probably a PR. At least at how early in the morning I reached max HR. 🤣😅🤣 Couldn't be more pleased of how the meds are responding. Felt I could easily gone 10k but the freakin' rain was too much. Really miss the barbells now when @crossfitgames is on the way. #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #run #cardio #fitness #fatbutfast (på/i Staffansgatan)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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Membership on the way, health declaration signed off. Maps studied and start confirmation received. On Saturday me and @hjelteofc are going to make history at #roslagsloppet to become the most handsome crew to ever win the race. EVER! 👬👨‍❤️‍👨🚤🚤🚤🏆 Nervous yes, but in an exciting way. A childhood dream coming true, to navigate Rosis. 🏁 🏁🏁 10:30 am is the scheduled starting time for the 3X class and we will put the hammer down! #roslagsloppet2017 #iwillnevergrowup #boyswillbeboys #deflectorracing #örk #putthefitnesstothetest #boatracing (på/i Edsätterfjärden)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Pure happiness. Boat felt solid, @hjelteofc is a monster behind the wheel. Can't wait to race. Now I'm heading back to the ❤️ #deflector #roslagsloppet #plattanimattan #offshore #evinrude #wallinare (på/i Bosö Båtklubb)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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1RM Bsq on the @builtbybergeron program today! Stoked! First a nice PR at 142,5 kg / 314 lbs. Probably had more but I stopped there, pleased af! 😉👌🏻Ripped my shorts on the warmup weight so I borrowed my girlfriend's. That's probably the cause of the sudden quad pump. Thank YOU @frknippertippan ♥️ ==============> Second, Heavy triples with power clean at 105 kg / 231 lbs. Next goal is to get TnG progress on the heavier weights Awesome evening at the box, summer has finally arrived and the company was a blast! #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #fitness #builtbybergeron #comptrain #movinghabit #backsquat #powerclean #PR #boxlife # (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Got a new Snatch PR at 86 kg today. A bit of a run and a bit quick, but it counts, end of discussion. Had to see if 87,5 was possible and it sure was close. 90 kg I'm coming for you! 🏋🏻💪🏻🔥🙏🏻 #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #fitness #comptrain #builtbybergeron #movinghabit #snatch #pr #progress #weightlifting (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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Today's cardio done. 1hr spinning with the most beautiful coach in the world. Avg 169 bpm and 1339 cal buuuuurn. I'm toast. 😂🚴🏻🔥🤢 #rawfitnesscf #fitness #cardio #burn #spinning #suunto #suuntosverige #ambit3 (på/i Korpen Gävle)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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Meal prep in 50 min. Chili seared chucked breast with rice, blanched veggies and feta cottage cheese. Yup, still king! #rawfitnesscf #fitness #healthyfood #mealprep #gainz
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
1. Clean & Jerk 60%/1 70%/1 75%/1 80%/1 85%/1 90%/1 (80%/1)2 Felt really good today. A little wobble on 90% but pretty solid all the way through. Even found a piece of "dark place" in the wod later on. I'll be damned to let the set back with my lunges defeat me. Bring it #rawfitnesscf #fitness #crossfit #cfswe #builtbybergeron #comptrain #movinghabit #2pood #osobarbellcollars #cleanandjerk #weightlifting (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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5 AM cardio with the dude 🐶 Didn't think he would be up for it but he kept up. Time to get the heart rate in check! #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #movinghabit #cardio #fitness #morningglory #bosvedjan #sweden (på/i Övre Bosvedjan)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Do You know that feeling when you set a decent PR on Fran with about 20 sec even though you rested ALOT through the 9 round because your lungs where exploding, BUT your conscience can't count it 'cause you can't count for shit and realize when you're watching the video you only did 8 pull-ups? This is the bitch I hate the most by far. Do you think this made our relationship better???? 😡😡😡😡 #builtbybergeron #movinghabit #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #fran #epicfail #aretousmarterthanafifthgrader (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Christine had me like 🤢😢 3rft: 500m row 21 deads BW 21 box jumps #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #comptrain #builtbybergeron #movinghabit #benchmark (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
"Grace" 30 C&J for time 3:22 Improved my PR with almost 2 minutes from last year. I still hate her though, bitch! #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #fitness #movinghabit #cfswe #grace #cleanandjerk #benchmark #builtbybergeron #comptrain (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Had some fun with my bae at @pangcrossfit today. Some climbing clusters, pull-ups with weight vest and just some goofing around. Thank you for the hospitality and letting me visit @mickesoderman75 Awesome box you guys have 👌🏻🏋🏻‍♀️💥 #rawfitnesscf #pangcrossfit #fitness #clusters #pullups #builtbybergeron #comptrain (på/i PANG CrossFit Korpen Gävle)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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Guest at Pang CrossFit today. Awesome Box with some serious athletes. RAW is represented on the walls!!!! Not motivated at all today. Hopefully the environment will change that! Kelly today. #rawfitnesscf #pangcrossfit #crossfit #fitness #builtbybergeron #comptrain #kelly #makeithurt (på/i PANG CrossFit Korpen Gävle)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
The champ!!! 🏅🏋🏻‍♀️🏆@mathewfras Oh yes he is getting his swag on. #rawfitnesscf #crossfit #crossfitregionals2017 #crossfiteast #fittestmanonearth (på/i Staffansgatan)
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
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And we're off!!!!! #crossfitgamesregionals #crossfitregionals2017 #fitness #sitterpåtågetmedasmycketsurfkvar
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paeran-blog · 8 years ago
Don't really know what I'm doing but damn what an ab burner. Thnx @andutt25 #rawfitnesscf #fitness #paralettes #lsit #orsomethinglikeit #nano6 #boxlife (på/i Raw Fitness CF)
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