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I'm, above all else, a tangentgirl. always saying shit like "sidenote," "oh also," "by the way,"
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This has been going around my work and friend group on other platforms, and I thought it deserved a place here too.
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make a minimum of 20 posts a day, be annoying as fuck, repeat things you said a few weeks ago, destroy your follower’s dashboards, never kill yourself
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The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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your regular reminder that "we protect the data we collect about you" will literally never be as safe as "we don't collect that data about you". If that information doesn't need to exist, then it shouldn't.
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Can you imagine suing Boeing and coming home to find Boeing's faulty plane parts washed up in your backyard?
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so i’m currently working at a law firm and the other day one of the attorneys was talking to me and he mentioned that he’s “not very confrontational” and i was like you are?? a lawyer???
and he said “yeah but in court there are rules. i can argue with some shmuck in a suit in front of a judge no problem, but when i leave the courthouse and go home i’m not gonna argue with my wife about dinner. there are no rules in our kitchen. i would die.”
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getting asked to do a sensitivity read and being confused after the first couple chapters because there aren't any visibly queer characters but as you read on it becomes apparent that the thing their getting your input on is that one of the characters is a NEET shut-in who gets into arguments on the internet
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conversations of amatonormativity and consent overlap a lot and should be discussed side by side more frequently. because when you live in a society that teaches you that you’re supposed to want sex and romance, that you may want to say no in the moment but you shouldn’t say no forever, any statements about consent get muddied. you cannot at once preach that consent is vital and “you can always say no” and also insist that people should give sex and romance a try, even when they express disinterest, telling them “eventually you’ll find the right person.”
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i know i'm preaching to the choir here but it really is very disturbing how so many people cling to "men's" vs "women's" clothes and shoes and hair products, etc.
i was talking to my coworker about shopping and how she enjoys shopping at a certain store that only does "women's" clothes, when I asked if she'd liked me to come (she's shopped with coworkers before) she went "oh haha nah there's nothing in there for men you wouldn't like it!"
there's a lot of clothes out there that the majority of people wouldn't be able to discern as "male" or "female" unless they really thought about it. almost all of my clothes are from the women's department despite appearing "masculine," i'm never misgendered, no one comments on it, i wouldn't count the jeans i got from the women's department as feminine in the slightest and neither does anyone else when they see me wearing it
in the same vein of recommending clothing or products to someone and getting a "oh but this is for women" do you think your hair is made of different material than a woman's hair by virtue of your gender? are your lips chapped differently because you're a man and can't use rose scented chapstick. is this lotion too feminine, is this electric razor too masculine, aren't you tired. aren't you so tired of every single product in your life being gendered
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*through gritted teeth* every day i choose to be kind *barely restraining myself from violence* i choose to have compassion *tamping down the vicious bloodlust inside me* i choose to care and to be kind and to love
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Types of brain fog:
Brain is primordial sludge & you are drowning in it
U are a ghost and nothing is real
Mental equivalent of attempting to stream some high-res video game when all you have is dial-up
The thing you want to articulate is *right there* but you're just scrabbling at it like a cat continually failing to catch the bird on the other side of the window
The Void
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"have some shame, you don't even have a boyfriend, even the loser and nerds do these days-"
i hope you give birth to a centipede and you have to spend the rest of your days slaving away to buy shoes for it.
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