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In another universe, someone will love me the way that I am and speak to me softly when I make a mistake.
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V tichom objatí noci sa ocitám uchvátená podstatou jeho bytia a s nežnou úctou sledujem kontúry jeho duše. Každá zašepkaná myšlienka naňho vo mne vyvolá búrku túžby, zapáli plamene vášne, ktoré tancujú pod mojou kožou. Jeho prítomnosť, symfónia zmyselnosti, rezonuje s pulzujúcimi rytmami mojej vlastnej túžby, pričom každý úder odráža kadenciu našej spoločnej intimity. Som k nemu priťahovaná s intenzitou, ktorá zatmí hviezdy, hypnotizovanś magnetickým ťahom jeho podstaty. S každým pohľadom odhaľujem vrstvy jeho zložitosti, každé odhalenie je posvätným odhalením túžby. A v nežnom šepotu nášho spojenia ma zožiera hlad, ktorý nepozná hraníc, oddávam sa omamnému lákadlu jeho dotykov. Keď nás mesačné svetlo kúpe vo svojej éterickej žiare, prepadne ma prvotné nutkanie úplne sa v ňom stratiť, nechať sa pohltiť ohnivou vášňou, ktorá medzi nami horí. Lebo som v ňom našla nielen milenca, ale aj múzu, ktorej podstata roznecuje najhlbšie túžby mojej duše.
#slovakia#myslienky#myslenky#life quotes#quotes#myšlenky#sadness#smutok#myslenkyo4rano#saddnes#sad#english
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Navigating the labyrinth of emotions, I find myself lost in the thorny maze of jealousy, tangled in the vines of insecurity. With each scroll through the digital landscape of my mind, I stumble upon images of his girl best friend, her laughter echoing through pixels, her presence casting shadows over my thoughts. I am haunted by the specter of comparison, plagued by the fear of inadequacy. Like a fragile glass figurine, I teeter on the edge of irrationality, as the whispers of doubt dance around me, taunting my fragile heart. In the fluorescent glow of my screen, I search for solace, seeking validation in the form of likes and reblogs, hoping to find solidarity in the hearts of strangers. Yet, in the echo chamber of Tumblr, my cries are drowned out by a chorus of curated perfection, leaving me stranded on the shores of my own insecurities. I am adrift in a sea of emotions, lost in the waves of my own making, desperately clinging to the raft of reason as it threatens to capsize beneath the weight of my jealousy. And so, I surrender to the tempest within, knowing that only by facing the storm head-on can I find the calm waters of acceptance and self-love.
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The intimacy of sitting together in silence
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can't remember the last time i didn't wish for love when i blew out candles, wished on shooting stars, or stray lashes, dandelions, just any opportunity i could get to make sure my desire was heard. oh well, here we are :)
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“It’s hard to see the people who hurt you happy.”
— people that shouldn’t matter anyways
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here’s your sign to do something kind for someone today, even if it’s just a little thing. even if it’s for yourself.
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Jedna z věcí, se kterou pořád vnitřně bojuju a musím ji plně zpracovat, pochopit a přijmout, je, že nejsem zodpovědná za špatnou náladu druhých, nejsem jejím původcem a nemusím se snažit a být pod tlakem, abych byla jejím řešením. V podstatě taková Druhá dohoda v praxi.
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in another universe, I got over you a long time ago.
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being in yr 20s is abt experiencing the worst thing you can imagine & then having to go to the grocery store
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you are important and special and loved even when your mind tells you you’re not
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“Sometimes when you meet someone, there’s a click. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I believe in that click.”
— Ann Aguirre
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“We often want it so badly that we ruin it before it begins. Overthinking. Fantasizing. Imagining. Expecting. Worrying. Doubting. Just let it naturally evolve”
— Unknown
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we don't talk about braiding someone's hair as a love language nearly often enough
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being each other’s safe space while dealing with life >>
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my five year plan? sit in the sun as long as possible. take millions of pictures of sunset. smile more :) hold doors open for people. take a selfie with a penguin. read 237362808 books watch 33563737 movies. be brave & be strong. befriend the neighborhood kids and tell them stories. dont worry about falling in love. FOLLOW JOY.
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