pablothemush · 33 minutes
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Hey guys it's been exactly nine months since riptide's last episode
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pablothemush · 47 minutes
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For all your poems, morals, and crimes done in the name of it —
a heart is such a small thing, no?
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pablothemush · 48 minutes
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my entry for the @skywerse DTIYS!! i had sooo much fun with this one and am super proud of how it turned out :)
decided to add vtuber grizzly instead of dm grizzly because i needed an excuse to draw that absolutely gorgeous design again
the original post is absolutely gorgeous, i hope i did it justice!
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pablothemush · 49 minutes
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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pablothemush · 50 minutes
i hate how they market alexa as a ‘member of the family’ like that’s SO fucking blatantly insidious and terrifying also if i wanted an untrustworthy/cold/emotionless machine in my life i’d just talk to my fuckin father 
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pablothemush · 10 hours
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JRWI WIP 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ might maybe finish later
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pablothemush · 2 days
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Yippee ^ ^
@starsinoursystem @phantomedghost
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Hmmmmmm, should I do it
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pablothemush · 3 days
Fanart for @valeovalairs AU that hasn't left my brain it's so delicious go check it out right NOWW
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pablothemush · 3 days
A Riptide AU that I came up with
Some pretty big spoilers for Riptide Episode #109, please don’t read further you have been warned.
Okay, I know episode 109 JUST came out, and Niklaus is probably going to fix Chibo, -with a price and conditions blah blah blah most likely but like, hopefully he’ll be fine and get his heart back… hopefully, maybe, I hope he’ll be okay- but I had an idea. 
Or more like I came up with an entire AU in my head halfway through the episode as it really started to sink in that Chip is now undead (at least he’s not dead dead yk, thought he was for like two seconds). (Mind you I thought of this while things were really starting to seem hopeless and before Niklaus became a possibility.)
Okay first of all, Chip has a bandana that could change his appearance right? I’m pretty sure he still has that right? That’s going to be important later.
May I present to you: The Legend of the Immortal Riptide Pirate.
So say Chip never gets fixed. They’re able to successfully leave (idk how but they do) and eventually they escape the Black Sea (maybe they’ve fixed it, that would be great and ideal), but Chip is still undead, and for all they know they can’t heal him, he’s stuck like that forever. He begins to constantly use the disguise bandana to just look like himself. Alive. (So no one besides the crew knows he’s undead)
The Riptide Pirates keep going, but time passes. Everyone gets older, years go by, and Chip is still the same. He never will change. He’s 19 and he will always look 19. They live their lives. But eventually Chip is the last one (this gets a little sad I’M SORRY). He doesn’t take on another crew, and the Riptide Pirates become something of a legend. 
People begin to whisper about the Riptide Pirates, or Pirate. How he mans the ship alone, and some might even say he’s immortal, as people from decades ago remember hearing of him. And seeing him. He’s seen occasionally, docking the Albatross, and doing something piratey. Usually he helps people. (I just thought of this I don’t have specific details), usually he messes with the Navy and Raft (because they don’t die either apparently, so he’s made it his mission to screw them over as much as possible)
At this point where the AU really would kick off it’s been decades maybe even a whole century or more since the events of Riptide. There’s a Ferin descendant, and she’s heard stories of her ancestor Jay Ferin, who was apart of the original Riptide Pirates crew, back when there was a crew, and how she sailed with the Legendary Riptide Pirate. She’s her hero. Her family is trying to rope her into Raft, to send her off like to Navy school or whatever. She wants none of that but they aren’t really giving her a choice. So she’s there, probably in All-Port, and she’s trying to come up with a way to get out. She knows her ancestor used to be a Riptide Pirate, and she knows THE Riptide Pirate is still drifting around. So she has an idea. She wants to be a Riptide Pirate. She begins to plan her escape.
Meanwhile, the Undersea had a new Chosen One. She’s meant to do what the previous Champion didn’t do. She’s completely just for ceremonial purposes, and she isn’t actually THE chosen one, there was only one, but the Undersea pretends to have another one because they don’t know what else to do- the Elders keep this fact secret. She hates it, but she’s known nothing else. The Undersea decides to show her off, diplomatic stuff (what exactly, I’m not entirely sure atm). She’s in All-Port and above on land for the first time ever. It’s incredible. And for the first time ever, she sees a way out. 
The day the Champion is in All-Port coincides with the day the Ferin decides to make her break for it, there’s supposed to be a lot of commotion with the Chosen One and Undersea Elders which should help them get away and give them some time. The Ferin gets out and begins to weave her way through the city, heading for the docks. The Champion had got out too, but she hadn’t really thought that far ahead and doesn’t know where to go or what to do. She’s just wandering around late at night by herself, clearly lost and a little scared- because she can’t get caught she doesn’t want to go back. The Champion runs into the Ferin who instantly recognizes them as the Chosen One and is confused and panics a little because what is the chosen one doing here? The chosen one is supposed to be on the other side of the city and being the chosen one and distracting everyone not here. They both realize they’re trying to leave, and after a quick conversation the two of them run off together, because the Riptide Pirate had known the first Chosen One, they had been friends and co-captains. He could help her, help them both get away. He would understand. So they leave.
The Ferin has a small ship that she’d be able to handle herself, or maybe she steals it idk. They go off together. Eventually they dock at one port (I’m thinking Zero- they know from asking around that he frequents Zero) and then they wait. And once they know he’s there and docked, they sneak onto his ship.
Chip is very surprised to find the Champion of the Undersea and a Ferin together on the Albatross once again.
(That’s as far as i thought but I think it’s pretty cool- I may or may not work on this some more)
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pablothemush · 3 days
happy anniversary to chip dying <3
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pablothemush · 3 days
guess you could say his heart was in his throat lmao riptide more like RIPtide amiright
hopping aboard the angst train, holy shit this episode was fucked
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pablothemush · 3 days
Vague spoilers for ~98
I should probably sleep but. None of the riptide captains can perfectly fit into either one of the sun/moon trope.
chip is the moon that is seen as the sun. When you first meet him, he’s loud and bright, almost too much. He’s always got a trick up his sleeve and a smirk on his face but once you get to know him you know that’s not the only parts of him. Chip always feels he’s not good enough, like he doesn’t glow on his own(I SHINE ONLY WITH THE LIGHT YOU GIVE ME CRANE WIVES REFERENCE) Chip is surrounded by darkness, and the moon is usually associated with being cold and rocky. Chip has obviously gone through a lot through his life and it shows clear when he’s not doing the best. BUT it’s not all sad, the moon is a guiding light in the dark, and that’s what chip is to his friends. He brought Jay and Gill and all the rest of the riptide pirates together, guiding them together. This makes sense because of chip’s leadership.
Gill is the sun that’s seen as the moon. The moon is often seen as an important part of mythology, often worshipped and praised. It shines brighter than all the stars around it, glowing the brightest in the night sky. Gill is the chosen hero, he’s the glowing light in the night, probably worshipped on some point as the saviour or destroyer of the world. Gill, though, is the sun. He gives off warmth to people around him, and is generally optimistic. Gill burns like the sun but he is also burning himself out, like how the sun will inevitably burn out and explode and fade into a dwarf star or black hole. Gill already almost burnt himself away, in episode 98 when he almost dies from Kuba Kenta’s wounds. He is also as fierce as the fire that fuels the sun.
last but not least I think Jay Ferin would be an eclipse. She’s partly the sun because of her hair, and her spirit. Jay’s stubborn and fierce like fire. She’s also like the moon because she lights in the dark and helps all of them get out of bad situations. But mostly she is an eclipse because she should’ve have been the sun, in another life. But because of Ava’s death and Jay’s want for revenge, the light’s been dimmed and there’s a shadow cast across her flame. It’s still just burning as bright though. You see the shadow but still feel the warmth.
if you have had the patience to read through all of this rambling, thank you so much 💜💜
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pablothemush · 3 days
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"His gaze burns almost as much as the rotting flesh on your throat."
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pablothemush · 3 days
//Thinking ab that pannel that you did with the future Chip AU but his vision glitches and he sees Gill and Jay in them for a split second//
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Sometimes he thinks he sees them again, when he looks at them. He’s always said they haunt the Albatross, haunt him, but it feels more real now.
(also omg I can’t believe people think about my silly little AU sometimes that’s crazy… that panel specifically hurt so much to do but I was also grinning like an idiot because mmmm one sided fnc)
For anyone who doesn’t know this is from my legend of the riptide pirate AU- aka: Chip is undead and basically immortal- and a myth now. Two kids, the new “chosen one” and a Ferin both accidentally meet while simultaneously attempting to run away, and wind up meeting Chip more than a century down the line.
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pablothemush · 4 days
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fucking weird bunch of siblings if you ask me
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pablothemush · 4 days
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@t3rm1n0s yo this concert kind of ass
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pablothemush · 4 days
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have you heard the news that you’re dead?
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