The Lives I've Lived In My Mind
29 posts
Multi Fandom writer. I use (Y/N). When I write romance between characters please keep in mind that the real world age gap doesn't exist! I don't own any of the photos or GIFS that I use.
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ourmixedrealities · 11 months ago
This is my DARK account. Stories that are very mature! This current one is told from the point of view of a little girls diary as she grows up. Long story short, Her son Jasper ends up with it and his stories unfold.
Dear Diary (Entry One)
Dear Diary, I’m so sorry that this is how our adventures together start
 my dad found my old journal and burned it in our fireplace. I tried to stay strong but I have to admit I cried, of course I didn’t let him see
 or else
 well you know what would have happened. On a bright side my 15th birthday is coming up and my boyfriend said he has something BIG planned for us I’m really excited! That’s it for now! Just wanted to say Hi!
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ourmixedrealities · 2 years ago
Touch Me (A list of things that make me go AHHHH)
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This is most literally just a list of actions etc involving Andy that make me feel things. Let's begin! (If you'd like any of these to become a story/Short I am down!) Also, No doubt I will be adding to this list frequently.
Pleasing Andy in such a way that you can hear his breath catch. (Gasps) This also includes breathless "fuck"s
His fingers gliding across your body effortlessly/Mindlessly.
Andy grinning while kissing
Hip kisses.
Lightly strokes your bottom lip with his thumb while his other fingers caress your bottom jaw, So softly it almost tickles.
Collarbone kisses
Pulling you closer while he's sound asleep.
"You feel so fucking good."
Looking back at photos and videos of you two together and easily seeing how in love he is with you.
Hearing him say "I love you" and knowing he means it with every ounce of his being.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
My newest account dedicated to Colby Brock
Secret Whispers (Short Story)
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(A/N) I would love to make this into a full-blown story if anyone is interested.
I could see Sam roll his eyes at me as Colby gave me the rundown of today's video. "Aye, Colby... I left the good camera in my room. Do you mind grabbing it?" Sam requested. Colby obliged. Instantly Sam's attention turned to me. "You need to tell him..." He began instantly. I looked at him feeling dumbfounded but before I could speak he continued. "Don't give me that look..."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I concluded. "(Y/N)... I promise you, If you listen to me right now everything will turn out exactly how you want it to... If you wait you will regret not saying anything." He reasoned. I nodded knowing he was right.
Colby wandered back into the kitchen causing Sam and I to go quiet. "Did I interrupt something?" He questioned with a smirk. "No. No... We were just talking about today's video." I answered quickly.
The boys and I played a few rounds until Sam informed the viewers that Colby and I would be playing the final round. In return that was my cue to conjure up all of my bravery. Sam could see the look of concern on my face, So he sent me a quick heartfelt smile.
Colby placed the headphones over his ears as I placed myself in front of him. Sam was in charge of making sure the music continued to play as well as the volume of the music. Once we got the thumbs up I began.
"I like you..." I admitted quietly feeling my heart rate increase. "White milk?" Colby announced loudly. Sam began to laugh as I shook my head no. "I... Like... You..." I tried again feeling my body begin to shake. I looked at Sam who could see my nerves begin to take over. He quickly gave the signal of "deep breaths" I nodded understandingly. "I like glue?" Colby tried again. After a few deep breaths, I stated a little louder. "I like you." This time I allowed myself to use some gestures so all he really had to do was put everything together... and he did. "Oh! I like you!?" He exclaimed. My eyes grew wide, I knew Colby would eventually guess correctly, But I didn't plan what I would do or say after that. At this point, Colby took off his headphones and was looking at me for confirmation. "I... Uhm... Yeah." I murmured unable to keep eye contact with him.
"Is this a part of the game? Or?" He questioned as he looked from me to Sam then back to me. I shook my head as I fiddled with my thumbs, My head tilted down towards my feet. "I'm confused... I thought you liked Sam?" He admitted. I finally looked up at Colby confused. "Why would you think that?" I pondered back. "Because I always catch you two whispering." He returned quickly. "The only time we whisper is when we are talking about you..." I admitted. Colby stated a simple "Oh." which in return caused me to spiral. "It's okay that you don't feel the same way... I just figured you should know." I quickly jumped out of my seat and ran into my room. I couldn't think clearly. It was fine that he didn't like me back, I knew that.
I continued to pace the floor of my room until the sound of a knock broke me from my trance. "Hello?" I asked, Not fully believing what I had heard. "Can I come in?" The voice requested. I could barely decipher whose voice it was over the sound of my beating heart. "Yeah..." I murmured.
Within seconds of the door opening, they admitted. "I like you too." It was Colby and he was quickly coming my way. I froze it was now my turn to not know how to react. His hand quickly found the nape of my neck which he used to pull me closer to him, His free hand was placed carefully onto the side of my face our lips connected for what felt like not long enough, To be fair eternity wouldn't be long enough. "I am so sorry for not reacting the way I am sure you would have preferred... I was afraid... I thought that was a prank." He explained. "I'm not a part of the prank wars though." I vocalized. "No, I know that... I thought Sam put you up to this. He's known I have had feelings for you since the first day we met." Colby admitted. "Wait... How did you figure out it wasn't a prank?" I wondered out loud. "Sam... I would have been up here sooner but between talking to him and trying to figure out my next step... It took me a while to figure things out." He concluded. "I think you reacted perfectly." I admitted as I pulled him in for another kiss.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
Breathe!! (Part One)
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(A/N) This story is from my old Tumblr account that I deleted, But I loved this story so much I felt like I needed to fix it up and re-share it! I hope You all enjoy it!
Hey there! My name is Spade
 Well, Not really. My actual name is (Y/N). Spade is the name that Tony Stark gave me, My “Superhero” name. Coincidentally enough if it wasn’t for Tony Stark I wouldn’t have met Peter Parker, But before I get too ahead of myself I should explain, Peter and I have been going to school together since Pre K but seeing as we both are far too shy to properly function we barely if ever crossed paths. That was until Tony found me.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
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(A/N)- BIG warning! Attempted suicide, Abuse, And language 
This is another story from my old account. This was a requested story, The request was for “A suicidal (Y/N) to be saved by Andy” I hope you enjoy!
“You’re worthless.” My boyfriend scoffed. In this moment I wasn’t sure where my life went so wrong. Xavier and I used to be high school sweethearts, In fact our four year anniversary was right around the corner. 
I will admit that this behavior wasn’t anything new, He would scream in my face and then the next day we would be fine. It was a vicious cycle I felt like I couldn’t escape. He would apologize profusely afterwards and I stupidly would forgive him. I didn’t leave because I loved him and because I loved him I was blind to the abuse.
He revealed his true self about a year into our relationship, I had a best friend named Grayson. I had known him since first grade, But Xavier didn’t trust him he was convinced that Grayson liked me more then just as a friend. He believed that Grayson would act on his emotions and ruin everyone’s relationship, So the safest thing to do was to break things off with Gray.
Slowly I listened and began to distance myself, It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but I valued my relationship with Xavier to much to let being friends with Grayson break us up. I figured once I earned Xavier’s trust  I could hangout with Gray again. Things continued to go this way until Xavier was the only person I had left. My family and friends were chased out of my life

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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
Like a Virgin (Part One)
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(This story is from my old account, But I made some HUGE changes lol. The request for this story was originally the reader loses their virginity to Andy and that Ashley was her brother, I did trade Ashley in the story for Lonny.)
(A/N) SPOILER ALERT -  Reader does in fact lose their virginity (If you aren’t into smut I did put a warning right before)
My name is (Y/N) I am (Y/O) years old
 And I am a virgin.
Those words were never a problem for me to say, In fact, I’ve always been proud of myself for waiting. Ever since the day I learned what sex was I knew I wanted to wait until I was with the man I loved. I suppose it did also help that my brother would kill any man who tried to take it away from me
 let alone touch me.
But I can admit I have grown increasingly more curious about the act. Ever since Andy and I have gotten together
 The only issue is Andy and my brother are band mates
 And things are becoming problematic
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
Walking On Ice (Imagine)
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Andy brought you back to his home town of Cincinnati Ohio where he takes you on thee most amazing and unforgettable dinner date you’ve ever experienced. While inside the temperature drops and snow begins to fall, Neither of you are prepared for the sudden weather change and have no choice but to walk home.
“That’s going to be fun.” I comment as Andy and I stand in the entrance of the restaurant looking out. Andy let out a lighthearted chuckle. “We will be alright.” He reassured. I quickly looked him up and then at myself. “That’s cute coming from the man whose wearing jeans and a sweater.” I remarked back with a smirk. 
“Do you want it?” He questioned as his hands grasped the bottom of his sweater ready to remove it. I shook my head quickly. “No, No no
. The last thing I need is for you to turn into a 6 foot 2 popsicle.” I remarked. “6 foot 4
. But you’re right.” Andy corrected with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes as I hid my smile from him. “Let’s just go, Before things get worse out
 Alright?” I instructed knowing if we didn’t leave soon I would continue to procrastinate. Andy nodded as he took my hand and led the way into the cold. 
I looked down at my feet realizing that all I could see was my bare thighs in the snow, Even with my heels my feet were completely covered. “Do you want me to carry you?” Andy offered as he looked back at me. I shook my head. “No
 Because if you fall we are both going down.” I reasoned. Andy shot me a look. “I won’t fall, Look how stable I am.” Andy began wiggling his feet as if it proved something. “I’m okay, I promise.” I laughed. 
Andy pulled me in closer to his body as he used his hands to warm up my shoulders. “I can’t feel my toes
” I spoke through chattering teeth. Without hesitation Andy scooped me up into his arms, The sudden movement caught me off guard causing me to flail. Andy was able to take two solid steps forward before loosing his balance which in return knocked the both of us to  into the powdery snow. 
“What happened to being stable?” I joked as I wacked snow in his direction causing the both of us to laugh. Andy shrugged his shoulders all while letting out a chuckle. 
Thankfully at this point we were moment’s away from his house. 
Once inside Andy placed me onto his couch and wrapped me up in one of his blankets. I pulled my knees up to my chest after taking off my heels and warmed up my feet in my hands. 
I didn’t see Andy for a few moment’s until he came back holding a shirt and a pair of sweat pants. “If you want to take a warm shower while I make us something warm to drink, Please be my guest.” He offered as he handed me the clothes. I shook my head ultimately denying the offer for the simple fact that I wasn’t in the mood to dry off again, Also truth be told I would much rather be in his arms. 
Once I changed into my new clothes I handed Andy my skirt and blouse which he placed into the dryer. Moments later he handed me a warm cup of tea that I gladly drank, Whenever I placed the mug on his table he would take my hands in his and began to warm them up with his soft kisses.
We spent the rest of the night glued to one another thankfully feeling warm and dry.
This was certainly a date I would never forget.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
Our Dirty Little Secret (Part Two)
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Just like Claire had promised as soon as the clock struck noon she was outside of my house blasting her car’s horn, Even when she saw me she continued pressing the horn until I was at her door.
“Hi Claire.” I introduced sounding friendly but un-amused. I climbed into the passenger seat as I quickly rolled my eyes. Claire’s smile gleamed as she turned up the music.
’Bottles smash, I raise my hand
How can you all even stand it
Why is there joy in this poison, oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can’t take anymore, oh’
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
“I’m Pregnant...” (Request)
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Requested by @spencharry “ dunno if you take request but can you do pete finding out your pregnant? :) “ 
*Brief Language*
I looked down at my collection of pregnancy tests that all read “Pregnant +” as my hand’s shakily held onto the most recent test.
Pete and I had talked a lot about having children one day but that was always hypothetical and taking place in the future. This was now and my reality. I couldn’t help but feel scared and overwhelmed
 But at the same time I will admit that underneath all of those feelings there was a sensation of excitement and a knowing that Pete would make an amazing father. 
“I got the job!” Pete cheered directly after throwing open the front door. My eyes grew wide while Pete’s grin grew. “You know!” He began. I stared at him dumbfounded, He quickly continued without skipping a beat. “Remember? About a month ago I was telling you how I might have a chance to have a comedy tour!? My OWN tour!” He informed. “It’s a full year of gigs! And you can come with me! My team helped me figure everything out. We are getting a tour bus!” He cheered. “That’s great hun
” I replied feeling my heart sink. “Baby
 I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. We can be together the whole time and we don’t have to leave here until five more months so you have plenty of time to plan and pack.” He concluded.
“Can you sit
 Please.” I requested as I also sat down across from Pete. He obliged while his cheerful expression faded. “Is everything okay?” He questioned as he slowly sat on the couch. I nodded beginning to feel the butterflies overwhelm my stomach. “Pete
 I’m pregnant.” I informed slowly, Knowing if I didn’t say it now I would push the news further away. 
“Fuck yeah you are!! Are you serious!? This is the best day of my life!” Pete jumped up as he rushed over to hug me. “How long have you known!?” He inquired. “A few hours.” I informed as tears finally broke free from my eyes. 
Pete kissed my face all over before putting me down and rushing over to his phone. The first words that escaped his lips were “Change in plans! You can’t tell anyone until my Love decides it’s time but we need to switch somethings around! I’m going to be a Dad!” Before I knew it I was back in the air having Pete repeatedly kiss my stomach causing me to giggle. 
 So, You’re not mad? Or disappointed?” I asked curiously. “Of course not! Why would I be? (Y/N) you have always been my number one priority and that will never change
 The only difference is now is I have two main priorities.” Pete informed. 
“I don’t want you missing out on this opportunity though
” I admitted. “Fuck th-” Pete cut himself off as he placed his hands on my stomach. “Sorry little one.” He whispered towards my stomach. “Forget about this opportunity. It can still happen, Just differently. We have internet for a reason.” He joked with a grin as he redirected his attention back at me. “I love you.” I voiced. Pete kissed my nose. “I love you, I love the both of you so much.”
Pete took my hands into his as he concluded. “The only opportunity that I refuse to miss is anything dealing with you or our baby. Everything else is temporary, You’re my future, My present
 And now because of you I will become the one thing I have always wanted to be
 A Dad, I don’t need anything else.”
Pete and I spent the rest of our night googling nursery room themes while thinking up baby names that neither of us agreed on.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
Endlessly Tired (Part One)
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*Warning* Graphic Drug/Alcohol abuse/addiction & language/ Attempted Suicide
Tonight was the night that Justin Foley was going to die. 
At least that was the plan.
He had called up his dealer and informed him that this would be their last meet up and that he was NEVER to reach out. He requested for the man to bring 300$ worth of heroin.
Meanwhile Justin was fully aware that this would mean spending every single penny that he had to his name, Ultimately he didn’t care since he wouldn't be around to spend it. More motivation to make sure he went through with his plan.
Justin wasn’t sure why but he waited until midnight to sit on the floor while loosely holding onto a bottle of Jameson in his lifeless arm that rested on the floor. Justin had wrapped the tourniquet tightly around his upper arm as he contemplated his next move, His teeth clenched as the Jameson hit the back of his throat.
 He watched as his blue finger tips slowly spread up his hand into his arm, His veins bulging as they begged for the next high. A chill ran up his spine as he thought about everything that led him up to this moment. 
Justin didn’t want to die, In fact he wanted to live, To truly feel alive. But now he feared that he had screwed up his life far to much for any hope of redemption. He was tired, Both in his mind and body.
He contemplated picking up the phone and calling for help, Hell he could of sworn the neighbors would of heard his sobs and called the police themselves.
 His body trembled as he placed the syringe’s needle onto his vein, All he had to do was push a little harder and inject the heroin into his bloodstream, To close his eyes and never have to open them again. 
He couldn’t help but think about the Jensen’s coming home and finding his lifeless body, They believed in him and to find him like that would have broke their hearts and he knew it. “Fuck!” Justin gasped as he slammed his head back into the wall that was keeping him upright. 
He ripped off the tourniquet and threw it onto the floor. 
Justin picked up the bottle of Jameson that had managed to roll across the room, He put it to his lips only to realize it was empty. “My fucking luck.” He stated as he slammed it down towards his feet, Glass scattered across the floor causing Justin to become strategic with every step.
“Fuck it.” Justin huffed in defeat as he walked towards the front door. He had a new mission and that was to find more alcohol. Justin threw the door open causing the girl in front of him to jump. 
“What are you doing here?” He questioned coldly, Mildly upset at the obstacle before him. “You must be Justin, Right?” I asked back oblivious. He remained silent as he looked me up and down. “I only ask because Clay told me he lives with a Justin...” I continued nervously. “Yeah, So? What do you want? Clay isn't here and I’m leaving.” Justin replied impatiently. “You are? But you aren't wearing any shoes...” I replied feeling confused, That’s when I noticed the broken glass on the floor.
“Right... Well, I’m sorry but I have somewhere to be.” Justin responded calmly. “I understand... And I don’t mean to bother you but Clay said I could come over and grab his notes... We are doing a project together, I didn't realize he wouldn't be home...” I admitted. Justin began rubbing the nape of his neck as he backed away from the door. “I honestly don’t know where he left them but be my guest and have a look around.” He invited. “Thanks...” I murmured as I walked past the clearly intoxicated boy.
As I made my way around the room I could hear the glass crunch beneath my shoes. “Did I come at a bad time?” I pondered out loud, I had a bad habit of saying whatever was on my mind. “Nah. I figured since the Jensen’s wouldn't be home I might as well have some fun.” He lied as he hobbled over to his bed. Once he sat down he glared at the bottom of his foot.
“May I?” I offered as I kneeled down in front of him. Justin shrugged and that was the exact moment I realized things were a lot worse than they initially appeared to be. “So y-you didn’t go with the Jensen’s... Why is that?” I asked as my eyes locked onto a syringe that appeared to of rolled under the bed. “I had other plans tonight.” He admitted quietly. “Plus I didn’t want to ruin their plans...” He added under his breath. 
After a few minutes I was able to get all of the glass out of his foot. He sat there quietly as I wondered if I should bring up the syringe. I must of been obviously staring at it because Justin followed my eyes to the needle where he attempted to explain himself after kicking it fully under the bed. 
“It’s not what it look’s like... I swear... I- I have medical issues...” He stammered. “What kind of medical issues?” I questioned back testing him. “Uh... Diabetes.” He answered sounding unsure of himself. “Well then where’s your insulin?” I questioned back without hesitation. “I ran out...” He bluffed, As he spoke he refused to look at me, Almost as if he was embarrassed. 
“Listen... I know we don’t know each other, At least not well... But Clay is one of my closest friends and if you’re doing drugs in his house I think he deserves to know.” I asserted as I stood up. “No! Please don’t say anything.” Justin jumped up as he grabbed my wrist. “Then be honest with me, Because right now it looks like some guy broke into his house and decided to get drunk and do drugs in his bedroom...” I replied as I glanced around the dimly lit room. “I can’t tell you anything because then you’ll be obligated to stop me...” He admitted finally looking me in the eyes. That was the moment I finally caught on. “Please just leave...” He begged as his eyes grew visibly watery. I shook my head. “I can’t do that... I’m already in to deep, You’re stuck with me so you might as well let me help you...” I took Justin’s free hand into mine as I stated in an attempt to keep my composure.
He nodded and that was the start to a VERY long year.
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ourmixedrealities · 3 years ago
A Sneak Peak of Pete as a Dad
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(More stories of Pete as a Dad to come!)
Pete barged into the room breaking my thoughts as he swung an overflowing baby bag around making our daughter Fay giggle. “What are you doing?” I laughed as I looked at him feeling confused. “I packed a bag for the sitter.” He replied proudly. “I see that, But Honey
 We aren’t going to be gone that long.” I smiled as I informed him. Pete shrugged his shoulders clearly set in his decision. “What did you even pack?” I added feeling curious. 
Pete put Fay on the floor and watched her as she quickly waddled over to her toy pile. Pete opened the bag and began pulling out one toy after the other as well as her favorite blanket and snacks.
“What’s that?” I questioned as I spotted something familiar at the bottom of the bag. Pete proceeded to pull it out revealing one of his shirts. “It’s so she doesn’t forget me.” He replied then pulled out a photo of Pete and I. “My Love, I can promise you that without a doubt she will never forget about you, And after all
 She is such a Daddy’s girl
 Which by the way I will forever hate you for that.” I teased, Quickly shooting Pete a smirk and kissing his nose.
 “I logically know she won’t
 But I can’t help but think about how since she’s been born I have never been away from her for more than an hour
 And I know I’ve only known her for a year and a half but she’s known me her whole life, You know?” Pete noted. 
“She has you so wrapped around her little finger.” I smiled feeling proud of my little girl, I knew she would take after me. “You have no idea how much I love and admire you.” I confided. “I love you too.” He replied before kissing the top of my head and pulled me into a tight hug.
 “We should get going.” I informed not wanting to be late. Pete nodded with a slight frown.
I buckled once again. “Alright, You win
 Call the baby sitter and tell her we don’t need her tonight. I’ll call the restaurant and tell them we will be bringing our food home tonight.” I concluded with a roll of my eyes. Pete visibly cheered throwing his hands up into the air. “Yes!”
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
Tell Me The Truth (Part One)
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(A/N) - Slight language
“Will you marry me?” The words rang though my ears like a distant echo while I held onto Andy’s shirt revealing a single hair that clung onto it. 
The hair was visibly longer than my own and of a completely different color. 
At first I let it go assuming it must of been from one of his fans until I realized it was always the same colored hair of the same length every time 
There was also always a distinct undertone of a floral scent that didn’t match any cologne or deodorant that Andy had owned. 
Thing’s got worse for me when I realized all of this began right after Andy had told me that the band wanted to practice later so he wouldn’t be home at his usual time. 
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
Survivor (Part One?)
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(A/N) Language and domestic abuse (Not from Andy) Fair warning things do get pretty violent. (This is a remastered story that I wrote on a old profile years ago.)
“There he is! The Man! The Myth! The Legend!” I clapped obnoxiously as I rushed over to Andy. I watched as a smirk creeped onto his face. “You know what? You are a dork.” He remarked. “I can’t be proud of my best friend?” I questioned back. “Sure you can, But It was one gig, for free
 At a coffee shop.” Andy reminded. “I don’t care, You fucking rocked it! Please acknowledge that.” I urged. “Thank you
 And I hear you
 I just, You know how I get when it comes to these kind of things, Please know I appreciate your support and enthusiasm. I just
 I  know things could of went better.” He admitted quietly as he looped his arm around the back of my neck pulling me into his chest. I in return  wrapped my arms around his back. “You need to start seeing yourself as I see you, I know people are going to love you as much as I do.” I stated with a knowing smile. Andy hugged me tighter, His way of saying I love you too.
“Do you wanna get some fresh air? I think the adrenalin rush is finally starting to wear off.” He admitted, I nodded. Andy’s arm remained on top of my shoulders as we left the building. 
The sound of someone harshly clearing their throat caused me to turn towards the sound.
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
For those who don’t know I have made separate accounts for my male leads and this is the 1st imagine off of the Andy Biersack one! I hope y’all enjoy!
Imagine - Andy Surprising You While Playing The Whisper Challenge
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Imagine playing The Whisper Challenge with Joe and Andy and after many rounds it’s time for one last round between Andy and yourself.
   “Okay my Love, Can you please put the silencing headphone’s on.” He smiles sweetly at me before glancing back at Joe nervously. I do exactly as he request’s still giggling over the fact that Andy got stuck on the word fondue. Once they’re over my ears Andy give’s me a thumb’s up and I nod indicating that I am in fact ready. 
“Okay, Will.” He starts. “Wool?” I question back loudly, He shakes his head as he  laughs which only caused me to laugh harder. “ILL? Pill!?” I continue guessing, Moving my lips as he did. “No babe, W I L L” Andy over emphasizes each letter. “Oh! Will!?” I shout. Andy excitedly throw’s his arms in the air nodding in approval. Andy takes a noticeably big deep breath before he begins again “You.” I squint my eyes at him as I take a moment to think before calling out “Oh! Okay! Will you!?” 
Andy nods, He suddenly bite’s his lower lip a telling sign that he is getting increasingly more nervous. “Marry me?” He breathes. My eyes grow wide as I read his lips. “God no!” I exclaimed before continuing  “I would never murder you.” I laugh as I put my hands on his legs. I can see Joe in the corner trying to cover his expression but his reddened face gave him away that something was up.  Andy closed his eyes for a moment in an attempt to compose himself.
Before I could warn Andy that the music had stopped he spoke once more “Will you marry me?” He placed his hands on top of mine. Tears began to flood my eyes as I realize what had just happened. Andy gently takes off the headphones off of my ears. “What’s wrong?” He asks sincerely as he wipes a tear off my cheek, I just nod my head as I try to catch my breath. “Yes of course I will marry you.” I informed as I sniffled wanting nothing more than to marry the love of my life. 
Andy slowly get’s on one knee looking up to me. “What are you doing?” I question now feeling confused. “I want to do this right.” He informed. “(Y/F/N) I have loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can’t think of anything I want more than to be able to call you my wife. So
 (Y/F/N) would you be interested in making me the luckiest man alive and saying yes to marrying me?” He reached into his pocket pulling out a little box that revealed the most beautiful ring, But in that moment I didn’t even care to see it I just wanted him. I left my seat, Quickly wrapping my arms around my future husband. “Yes, A million times yes.” I whispered. Andy tightly hugged me back as he admitted “Do you know how fast my heart dropped when you said ‘God no’ I swear our whole relationship flashed before my eyes.” Andy smirked realizing how ridiculous he was for panicking. I took the moment to look Andy in the eyes. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” I spoke softly.
 “Yeah? Well I will love you far after eternity.” 
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
Specific Blogs
Hey Everyone! Random update that I hope you all will enjoy, I took a lot of time to think before making this decision... But ultimately I have decided to make multiple side blogs so that if you are only interested in one of the male leads you can follow their specific blog.
This list will constantly be added to as I add more male leads and more accounts haha.
Andy Biersack - https://settlingdownwithandybiersack.tumblr.com/
Dylan O’Brien - https://livingwithdylan.tumblr.com/
Chris Wood - https://mycrazylifewithchriswood.tumblr.com/
Tom Holland -  https://mybeautifullifewithtomholland.tumblr.com/
Pete Davidson - https://laughingwithpetedavidson.tumblr.com/
Colby Brock - https://cuddlingwithcolbybrock.tumblr.com/
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
Our Dirty Little Secret (Part One)
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(Warning~ Of age drinking/Language)
It wasn’t like me to behave this way but there was something about this man that I found utterly irresistible. I had always been the girl who refused to use a public restroom unless it was an absolute emergency... I was the girl who didn’t care to have a meaningful conversation with someone unless I knew their name, Yet here I was, In a public bathroom making out with this husky voiced man whose name I didn’t know... And for some strange reason that felt completely right.
How did I get here?
My best friend Claire wanted to meet up since we had both had rough and interesting days at work. We agreed on meeting up at our favorite hole in the wall bar. I was the first to show up so I settled down at the bar counter, Without hesitation I ordered both Claire and I a shot. As time began to pass I ended up taking both shots, To be honest, I took a lot more shots.
I began to grab my belonging until my eyes were met with a man whose skin appeared to be flawless, His stride exuded confidence. Anyone would of thought I was crazy for falling for this man who wore a simple tee and skinny jeans. 
He found himself a comfortable seat that sat diagonally from me, I gave him a kind smile then quickly ordered another round of shots, I grew hopeful that Claire would arrive at any moment. One of our favorite things to do was to talk about attractive men since Claire was a bit boy crazy, No judgment though.
I couldn’t help myself but watch as this handsome stranger ordered a glass of water, My eyes quickly scanned all of his tattoos that scattered his arms . “Do you want a picture?” He asked with a smirk. “What? No?” I gave him a weird look and downed the next two shots, I could feel my cheeks grow warm. “Sorry, I just asked because I noticed you looking at me and I know some people are afraid to ask.” He replied. “That’s so weird... Do people ask you for photos a lot?” I questioned. The man shrugged his shoulders. “Sometimes.” He had a smirk on his face as he sipped his water. “I’ve never seen you around here.” I informed. “Yeah, No, You wouldn’t I’m not from here. I’m just here for work.” He answered quickly. “I’m sorry for staring by the way... It’s just, Your tattoos caught my eye.” I informed trying to save myself from further embarrassment. He chuckled. “No worries. Do you want a closer look?” He offered, I nodded.
Before I knew it I had taken roughly 6 shots and I was practically sitting in his lap. My right leg sat on top of his left leg as my body inched closer to his, I couldn’t even remember when he moved seats to be closer to me. I gulped down another shot when I asked. “You’re single right?” Our faces inches from one another, I would of been embarrassed that he could smell the alcohol on my breath but nothing seemed to matter at the moment. The man nodded and let out a soft chuckle. “Yes, I have been for sometime now.” He stated still smiling. “How!? I mean... Good. Me too.” I exclaimed, Feeling embarrassed I attempted to distract myself by softly tracing the tattoos that decorated his arm. I could tell he was trying to hold back laughter by the way his body moved.
“You said you’re here for work right?” I wondered out loud. He nodded remaining silent, Quickly turning his attention to his water. “How’d you find this bar then? Most locals don’t even know about this place.” I inquired. He smirked. “Ahh, Yes, See that’s one of my many secret talents, I’m exceptionally good at finding hidden gems in any city.” He admitted. I couldn’t help myself but let out a giggle. “Fair enough, So is today your day off? Or?” I asked shortly after ordering myself a glass of water. The man made a not so sure face which caused me to smile. “Not really to be honest, I’m actually supposed to be working right now... But I took it upon myself to get some fresh air. It was getting a bit intense.” He seemed to pick and choose his words wisely. I nodded acting like I understood when in reality I was lost. “Won’t you get fired?” I commented back. He chuckled and shook his head. “Nah, They need me.” He stated. 
I focused in on how the strangers hand left the small of my back, His fingers strategically made it’s way to the side of my face where he fixed a few stray hairs that attempted to hide my eyes. He ever so carefully placed them back behind my ear, He even took a moment to admire me, Causing me to grow shy. “Do you want to play some pool?” I offered noticing the empty table to the far left of us, I could feel myself growing nervous and I needed a distraction. He smirked and nodded, Like a perfect gentleman he took my hand helping me off the stool. 
We each grabbed our own pool cue and began setting the balls up. “Let’s make things interesting.” I offered, He looked back at me intrigued. “Let’s make a bet...” I suggested feeling less nervous. “Alright, If I win, You have to dance with me.” He stated. “Okay, And if I win you have to serenade me.” I replied. His eyes lit up. “I’m not much of a singer...” He confessed. “Then I guess you’d better win.” I joked, He smirked nervously but ultimately nodded in agreement.
I should of known that a man who agreed to a bet would be good at whatever the bet was about. One after the other the balls dropped into the pockets making him closer and closer to winning. 
“So, Will this be a solo dance or do I have the honor of dancing with you?” He asked, His face lit up feeling pleased with his successful game. I considered telling him he cheated, Since he did distract me from the game. I could still feel his finger tips glide against my waist, Or the way his fingers seemed to dance across my back. But I decided to let it go and accept my dance with this devilishly handsome stranger.
I grabbed his hand and headed straight to the jukebox. “Hmmm, Let’s see.” I mumbled checking the songs that the old machine carried. I was surprised to find some fairly recent options. I decided ‘Walk Me Home’ By P!nk was my best pick. 
I led the man onto the dance floor keeping him close to me. I wrapped his arms around my waist as we swayed to the music. I could feel his chest rise and fall with every move. My heart raced from the realization that this was actually happening. He was an amazing man who I wanted to make out with right here, Right now. I turned around as I looked up into his storm colored eyes...
My moment of bravery left as quickly as it came, I had every intention of taking his face in my hands and kissing him passionately  but all that happened was I looked into his beautiful eyes, Slowly moved in to kiss him and abruptly ran off to the bathroom.
 As I turned to lock the door I realized he had followed me.
 “I swear I’m not trying to be a creep, I just wanted to make sure you were okay... But now that I’m standing here I’m realizing this is weird... So I’m going to go... Somewhere.” He began to turn to walk away when I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, I’m still not sure what took over me but thankfully he grabbed my waist, after that I quickly locked the door behind us. 
Our lips touched as my hands felt up his chest to the back of his neck, Our height difference caused my body to morph into his as I stood on my toes. “Wait...” He breathed out as he reluctantly pulled back. “You’re drunk... And I really don’t want you to regret this later.” I pulled him back towards me. “I promise you I have honestly never felt more sober than I do right now.” I admitted, Craving his touch. 
Without hesitation he pulled me up by my thighs causing me to wrap my legs around him. My fingers ran through his jet black hair as he kissed my neck. He sat me onto the counter allowing his hands to wander. I let out a gasp as he found each and every single sensitive spot. 
“If you two come out right now I won’t kick you out...” 
I buried my head into the mans chest feeling embarrassed for being caught. He just smiled. “We’ll be right out!” He called back unable to hold in his chuckle. 
Thankfully for us we walked out hand in hand with no one around. I “I totally just realized that I don’t even know your name.” I informed with a smile. “Oh, Yeah... You’re right... Uh, My name is... A- Dennis.” He stated sounding unsure. I looked at him curiously but decided to let it go.
“There you are!” A man shouted as he stormed into the bar. I quickly learned he was talking to Dennis since he turned his head seemingly recognizing the man’s voice. “Hey, You found me.” He joked. “Where have you been!?” The man questioned back loudly. “Relax, I’ve been here. I needed some fresh air.” Dennis admitted. “Well say goodbye to your friend, We need to go.” The man gestured my way before grabbing the blue eyed stranger from me. “What’s your name?” He asked back towards me as his friend pulled him out of the bar. “(Y/N)!” I yelled hoping he would hear me.
I couldn’t shake this overwhelming feeling that he really didn’t look like his name would be Dennis, But who was I to judge, Plus I assumed I would never see this man ever again anyway so why allow it to bother me. I checked my watch seeing that I had been here for way to long, And began my walk to my car to finally go home.
My phone began to ring as I pulled into my driveway. It was Claire. “Hey, Claire? Is everything okay? Where were you? I waited hours for you...”  I could tell she was excited about something. “You would not believe whose tickets I got.” She shrieked. “Whose?” I pondered back. “Andy Black’s I spent the whole day listening to his music and looking him up!” She rejoiced. “Whose that?” I questioned. “Okay so, My friend Maya bought tickets to see him but now she can’t go, She asked if I knew who he was and when I looked him up I noticed how hot he and his entire band is!!” Claire was practically shouting through the phone at this point. “Wait, So do you know this band or are you just going because you think he’s hot?” I wondered out loud. “ WE are going! But to answer your question a good mix of both, But I did buy two VIP tickets because he’s so hot.” She admitted. That was just like Claire, She was the type to drop everything for a guy. “That sound’s great Claire... But I have some news for you too!” I exclaimed remembering my encounter with Dennis. “It’ll have to wait, I’m busy at the moment, But I’ll pick you up tomorrow around noon. Talk to you later!” She cooed.
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ourmixedrealities · 4 years ago
Zombies, It had to be Zombies. (Part One)
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(My first attempt at a horror/thriller story. I hope you enjoy, Any feedback would be much appreciated!)
~Are you seeing this?~ My eyes left the TV screen just long enough for me to send a mass text. ~I’m already on my way over~ My long-term boyfriend Dylan replied first, Then shortly after friends and family began chiming in. All around the world reports were coming in of people attacking and eating other people. The news claimed it was the result of drugs while the internet said it was a cannibalistic cult that had taken over. Neither of these claims made much sense since it was spreading far to quickly and taking over people who would never participate in either acts, Not to mention the fact that there wasn’t a single part of the world that was safe.
My intercom buzzing was enough to cause me to nearly jump out of my skin. “Hello?” I questioned as I clicked the reply button partially scared at who would reply. “It’s Dylan. Can you let me in. Please!” He stated in a panic. I hit the button unlocking the downstairs door.
I stayed close to my front door, Occasionally peaking out through the peephole, I wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing a quiet hallway. That was until I noticed my panicked boyfriend running for my door as he sporadically looked back behind him. I unlocked the door allowing him to enter the safety of my apartment. “Did you run here?” I asked as I took notice of how sweaty and out of breath he was, All he did was shake his head no. Dylan locked all of my doors locks and checked through the peephole. “What’s going on?” I questioned once more. “They’re here... I drove past a group of them on my way here... I think I lost them but I can’t be a hundred percent sure.” Dylan took a moment to catch his breath. “You need to pack, We have to get out of here... Now.” He informed. “I don’t understand... Where would we even go..? And what are you wearing?” I questioned as I noticed a combat knife attached to his bullet proof vest. Dylan looked down at himself as if he was about to explain everything in detail, That was until he shook his head. “That doesn’t matter right now, And we will figure things out once we get on the road, What matters is getting you out of here quickly and safely.” He stated. “I can’t leave... Not until I know everyone here got out safely.” I thought back on how the community here relies on me for practically everything, I couldn’t leave them to fend for themselves. Dylan let out a nervous sigh. “Babe... Any minute now they could break down those doors.” He gestured towards the front and back door of the building. “Then we better get started.”
Dylan and I ran down the five flights of steps with his combat knife and my most used kitchen knife. By the time I was face to face with room 101 I was completely out of breath and praying to not get a reply from my knock. “I’ll handle this one, Start with 102.” I spoke loud enough for Dylan to hear but cautiously enough to make sure no outsiders could hear me. Dylan nodded. 
*Knock knock* 
I let out a sigh of relief once I realized that I couldn’t hear movement inside of the apartment. Dylan continued knocking on doors until he was met with Sadie room 103, A beautiful Grandma who I was hoping I wouldn’t see. Dylan gave me a look of confusion, We didn’t get a chance to talk about what we would do if we did happen to find people. “Hey Mrs. Harper...” I began. “(Y/N) I am only seventy two years old, You may call me Sadie, That is my name after all.” She smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back. Sadie was the first person I had the pleasure of meeting when I first moved into the building. She was so adamant about helping me move in so I asked her to make sure I didn’t get locked out, She took responsibility of that job as if I had offered her money. Since that day I had made it my duty to return the favor. “You’re right, Of course. Umm
 So Sadie did you hear about what’s been going on in the world? Is your family coming?” I questioned carefully. Sadie shook her head. “No Honey, They can’t. But I’ll be alright, You two go and find shelter. I’ll be fine here, I’m not even alone.” She smiled as her fur baby Milo greeted us. He weaved in and out of our legs as he softly purred. I shook my head knowing I wouldn’t and couldn’t leave them alone. “Come with us, Both of you... Please, It’s just me and Dylan and I have two spare bedrooms.” I explained. “Oh Darling, I can’t do that... I don’t want to burden either of you.” She spoke unable to look us in the eyes.
The door to 101 flung open as a grey haired man hobbled out with his walking stick. “Don’t you realize how loud you’re all being!? I’m trying to take a nap.” He scolded. “Mr. Craine! I’m so sorry, We thought you left.” I admitted startled. “Oh William, Be nice to these kids... They’re just trying to help.” Sadie cooed. “Leave me alone, And be quiet!” He announced as he closed the door behind him, Grumbling something. “Please Sadie, Come upstairs with us.” I turned my attention back to her. “Please? At least stay with us until we figure something else out.” Dylan added. Sadie looked apprehensive. I turned my head to look down the hall towards a sound that sounded similar to what I’d imagine it would sound like if someone had thrown a sack of dirt at the door. That scared Sadie enough to agree.
Milo followed us closely behind as we helped Sadie up the steps to the second floor. “Can you please check on my friends?” Sadie asked as she shakily held onto the staircase. “I promise you we are going to check every single room. If anyone is left here I will get them into my room.” I vowed knowing I would have my work cut out for me if I intended on getting Mr. Craine into my place.
Dylan helped Sadie up the rest of the steps as I knocked on every door waiting for any of them to reply. I could tell I was holding my breath wishing everyone got out and found shelter elsewhere, To my dismay two doors opened revealing Mrs. Hazel May of room 208 and Mrs. Ella Welch of room 205. They quickly glanced at each other then back at me. “(Y/N)? What’s going on?” Ella asked as she held her nightgown close to her. “I need to get you both upstairs and into my place where it’s safer.” I informed. “Is this about those kids who are attacking people?” Hazel questioned back. “Kind of.” I answered figuring it was best to get them someplace safe before giving them all the information and getting them worked up. 
After a few minutes of back and forth discussion they agreed. Dylan greeted us on the third floor where he took the ladies hands and led them up the rest of the way. I could hear Mrs. Hazel May flirt with Dylan as she complimented his eyes and how strong he was. I smirked it was moments like that, that took away from the horrors we could soon be facing. 
I once again headed down the hall knocking on doors. I was about to head up to the forth floor when room 307 slowly opened reveling Mr. and Mrs. Turner. an elderly couple that I frequently bought groceries for, It was our weekend routine. On the weekdays I would always ask them if they needed anything every time I would leave the place. I explained to them the situation Mr. Turner was apprehensive but Mrs. Turners stubbornness made him agree to follow me. Once again Dylan met us on the next floor and continued to take them the rest of the way up. 
This was one of those days I was cursing at the manager for not installing an elevator, I’m sure Dylan felt the same way.
Once I climbed the rest of the way up to floor four I began sprinting  to my best friends door. “Wesley!? Mr. Gray??” I banged on the door knowing he didn’t have any family left. He had to be home. “(Y/N) is that you?” He questioned, His voice shaken. “Yes! Yes! It’s me, Can you get to the door?” I asked feeling the panic begin to set in. “I’m almost there Darling.” He answered.
As soon as the door unlocked I helped him open it slowly. “I thought you left.” He stated eyes wide, Fully aware of the dangers waiting outside. “How could I ever leave without you?” I asked back with a smile. Wesley was the third person I met after Sadie and Mr. Craine. I couldn’t help myself but to give him a hug. “You need to come with me ok?” I stated, He nodded. 
I walked him directly to my door, Once inside I saw everyone panicked on my couch. “My boyfriend Dylan and I will explain everything once we see whose left on this floor, Okay?” I informed. They all began to chatter as Dylan and I scoped out the last floor. Every sound we heard from the lower floors caused us to freeze and listen more intently.
Dylan and I almost believed this floor was vacant until Emma and Henry walker walked out of their place, Room 502. They tried so hard to stay in their place but I couldn’t help but believe we could protect them better if they were physically with us. The four of us carefully walked back to my apartment and let them in.
 Once the door behind us closed we heard a car alarm blaring. Dylan ran to the window seeing two people hitting it and more in the distance coming towards the sound. He clicked his alarm turning it off in hopes that more wouldn't come. Whenever it sounded he would click it off, Over and over again.
I glanced around the room realizing that there were twelve mouths to feed including Milo’s and myself and possibly Mr. Craine’s if I could ever convince him to join us. I knew I couldn't live with myself if anything was to happen to him, Even if he was a grumpy old man.
Dylan and I excused ourselves from the group, I led him into the kitchen where I hugged him and buried my head into his chest. He could tell I was overwhelmed but he knew that my heart wouldn't let me quit. Dylan held me until I was ready to let go.
“I need to get to the office... It’s only three buildings away, I'm sure I can find a spare maintenance key in there and if we are able to get it and come back we can have access to everyone's apartment... If we plan everything correctly we won’t have to leave here for sometime... We could have all the supplies we’d ever need.” I reasoned. Dylan nodded clearly knowing I was right. “Fine, You can stay here with them and I’ll go to the office.” Dylan concluded. I looked back him confused. “No... You will stay here with them. If anything was to happen I know they’re safe with you. Please...” Dylan gave me an unsure look. “Please... Plus the sooner I get this done the less crazy people there will be out there... If we wait to long the streets could be swarming with them.” I added. “Fine, If you insist on being the one do this than at least let me try and attract them to my car first... The more that are by my car the less that will bother you... Hopefully” He offered. “Okay.” I replied knowing that was a good idea.
Dylan checked his phone as we walked into my bedroom. “I still have service, So you should too. I’ll keep my ringer on, Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need help... But make sure you keep your ringer completely off. Oh! And people online are calling these people ‘Feral’s’. Apparently they resemble zombies... So by that logic if you see anyone and I mean ANYONE out there... Don’t trust them... Please (Y/N) you can’t save everyone.” He enforced. 
Dylan and I took a moment to make sure I was as protected as possible, I felt ridiculous... Dylan gave me his bullet proof vest and forced me to wear elbow and knee pads. Once we finally got to my apartments front door he gave me a kiss. “Lock the door behind me.” 
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