#Andy Biersack short story
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xmads-omensx · 5 months ago
When We Were Young
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Word Count: 2,160
Pairing: Andy Biersack X Wife Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, kissing, getting lost in a large crowd, mentions of injury (bruising), references to smut (but no actual smut)
Summary: Y/N and Andy's son has a burning question that simply cannot go unanswered
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“Dad, can I ask you something?” Nick asked Andy.
“Of course you can bud, what’s up?” Andy replied, looking at his seven year old son with a smile on his face.
“How did you and mom meet?” Nick asked with a grin on his face. Andy caved to that adorable grin every single time and Nick knew it. Manipulative little angel.
Andy sat in silence. Thinking about how to go about answering the young boy’s question. “I’ll tell you what,” he began, “how about you wait for mom to get home from work and we will both tell you? Sound good bud?” Andy asked
Nick nodded his head rapidly as an excited grin lit up his features. Andy had no choice but to laugh at his son’s actions.
Nick was practically a photocopy of Andy, from his piercing blue eyes to his tall frame. He had even inherited his father’s natural blonde hair as opposed to his mother’s darker hair.
The two of them had been practically attached at the hip from the moment he was born. They did everything together and I loved it.
My two favourite boys were the best of friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Nick could hardly wait until I came home from work so that he could ask me his question. Andy wasn’t exactly sure what had sparked his son’s curiosity in the way his mom and dad met, but for one reason or another that boy was determined to find out.
Unfortunately for Andy, Nick had inherited my stubbornness and would not be budging until his question had been answered to his standard.
The moment I walked through the front door of our house, I was practically tackled to the ground my a very hyper and excited seven year old.
“Hello to you too honey. What’s with the enthusiastic welcome home?” I asked with a laugh.
“I have a question mommy. Dad said to wait until you were home so that both of you could tell me the answer.” He smiled up at me widely.
I looked at Andy with a puzzled and slightly worried expression. It was too early to have the good old ‘talk’ with Nick. Andy just smiled widely at me, looking genuinely happy about whatever crazed question our son was going to repeat to me.
“Okay honey, let me get changed and then you can ask your question.” I ruffled Nick’s blonde hair as I walked towards Andy and I’s shared bedroom.
I closed the door behind me and began to undress out of my work clothes. I pulled on a pair of black cycling shorts and one of Andy’s old batman hoodies. Then, I ventured into the bathroom and took off my makeup before doing my skincare routine. I always liked doing it after work as it helped me relax after a hectic day. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and returned back to the living room where my excited son and suspiciously happy husband sat and waited for me.
Upon entering the cosy space, I was once again tackled by Nick as he grabbed my hand, jumping up and down, and pulled me to the couch to sit me down next to Andy, before throwing himself onto my lap.
“Can I ask my question now mommy? I’ve been waiting soooooooo long.” Nick asked again with an exaggerated voice.
“Of course honey. What’s up?” I laughed at his theatrics.
“How did you and daddy meet?” He innocently asked.
“Oh?” I said, surprised at his curiosity. “You really wanna know?”
Nick nodded his head rapidly. “Uh huh.”
“Okay then.” I began. “So do you wanna tell him or should I?”
“I think you should start seeing as it was you who bumped into me.” Andy suggested.
“Hey! That’s not what happened and you know it!” I protested with a laugh.
“Ugh! Stop talking and just tell me the story!” Nick shouted in frustration, causing Andy and myself to laugh at his antics.
“Okay, okay.” I laughed. “So, your father and I met back in 2011, so thirteen years ago.”
“Gosh we’re getting old.” Andy laughed.
Nick cut him a glare for his rude interruption of his special answer to his burning question, causing the both of us to laugh once again.
“I had gone with my best friend, your aunt Taylor, to Warped Tour to see some bands that we liked. We were moving to go see a different band when we got separated…
“TAYLOR!” I shouted, trying to locate my friend, but to no avail. The crowd was too big for me to spot her familiar face. I had to face the fact that we had been separated. Her phone had died about twenty minutes prior, so calling her wasn’t an option.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, trying to see if there was anyone who I could contact to help me. Taylor’s boyfriend wouldn’t be able to help me as he had headed back to the hotel about an hour ago, claiming heatstroke.
I frantically looked around for some kind of help tent or any staff who could point me in a direction that might lead to me finding my friend.
Hoping she had been hungry, I looked around some of the nearby food stalls, but couldn’t find her there. She wasn’t at the Bring Me The Horizon tent, or the Sleeping With Sirens one. There was no way she would be in line for the Pierce The Veil tent, she would be too nervous meeting Vic.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
My mind and heart raced as I looked from left to right trying to spot that familiar blonde hair in the bustling crowd.
All of a sudden, I collided with something hard. I fell to the floor.
“Shit!” A deep voice cursed from above me. “You okay?”
Hands grabbed my biceps and began to pull me up so I was standing again.
“Yeah I think I’m fine.” I stuttered out.
I then looked up at the man who had both made me fall and picked me back up.
He was tall, thin and relatively heavily tattooed, however I couldn’t really tell because of the black body paint that covered a large portion of his skin. Long dark hair cascaded over his shoulders and spiked up at the top.
“I’m Andy.” The man offered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Y/N.” I replied with an equally awkward laugh.
My back and ass ached and I tried like hell to play it off, but I could only do so much before Andy noticed.
“You sure you’re okay? You kinda keep wincing?” He asked again with a voice full of concern.
“No really, I’m fine. Guess it will just be a bruise tomorrow.” I assured him.
“God I’m so sorry, I feel awful.” He went on.
“Honestly it’s fine.” I laughed.
“You’re sure?” He asked.
“Yep.” I smiled up at him as he towered over me.
He started patting the back pockets of his obnoxiously tight skinny jeans frantically as if he was looking for something. After thirty seconds or so, he produced a scrap of paper and a sharpie and began scrawling something on it before handing it back to me.
“Here’s my number. If you need anything while you’re at Warped, give me a call. Helping you out is the least I can do.” He gushed.
“No really it’s okay. If anything, I bumped into you. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I reassured him once again.
“Well, whatever happened, just take my number. Just in case.” He laughed.
“Sure. Okay.” I conceded and took the piece of paper. “See you around I guess.”
I then turned around and began to walk away, resuming my search for Taylor.
Thirty minutes had passed and I still hadn’t found her. I tried her phone again, but it was still dead. That meant she hadn’t gone back to the hotel, so I could rule that out.
Where could she possibly be?
I went back around the tents and food stalls but still couldn’t find her.
A large hand wrapped around my bicep, causing me to jump and yelp in shock. I whirled around just to be greeted by Andy once again.
“Are you here alone?” He asked, clearly concerned.
“No. I’m here with my friend but I cant find her.” I explained, slightly panicked still.
“Okay. Do you have a photo and I’ll help you look?” He suggested.
I pulled my phone out and showed him the selfie that we had taken together during the All Time Low set earlier in the day.
“This is the most recent one I have of her.” I said.
He didn’t reply, but nodded his head in acknowledgement before pulling his own phone out.
“What are you doing?” I asked, confused.
“I’m calling security so they can help find her.” He explained.
Soon after he ended the call, three intimidating men appeared and asked to see the photo. I showed them and they left in separate directions to find my friend.
My panic lessened ever so slightly as more people had joined my search.
“We’ll find her, don’t worry.” Andy reassured. Wrapping a long arm around my shoulder and squeezing gently.
“I hope so.” I replied.
Shortly after Andy and security joined the search, Taylor came rushing towards me and wrapped me in a tight hug after security found her by the Medical tent looking for help finding me.
“Holy shit I finally found you!” She gushed. Squeezing my body so tightly that I could barely breathe.
“Oh god I was so worried!” I replied, hugging her back.
We agreed to call it a day on the festival and head back to the hotel to have a calm rest of the day and watch trashy chick-flicks.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” A familiar deep voice called after me.
I turned around and was greeted with Andy running towards me, slightly awkwardly due to the tightness of his jeans.
“What’s up?” I smiled at him.
“I gave you my number earlier.” He stated, breathing heavily with his hands on his knees.
“Yep, you did.” I said slightly confused.
“Will you still use it?” He asked.
“What? Why would I use it? We found Taylor?” I replied, slightly confused.
“Well… I just thought… that maybe… um…” He began, stumbling over his words. “Maybe we could… you know… go on a date? Or something? We don’t have to! Just thought I’d ask.” He gushed.
“A date?” I asked.
“Yeah. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Maybe a coffee?” He said, not quite able to meet my eyes.
Taylor nudged me in the ribs causing me to yelp in pain. I shot her a confused look whilst she just vigorously nodded her head back at me, mouthing ‘say yes’.
“Ummm… Sure okay. Why not.” I replied.
His head shot up. “Really?”
“Yeah. When were you thinking?” I asked.
“Um… Well… I have an off day tomorrow? Maybe we could go then?” He offered.
“Sounds good.” I replied. “See you tomorrow I guess.” I turned to walk away with Taylor when he grabbed my arm again.
“Can I get your number though? So I can send you the details?” He asked.
“Yeah of course.” I took his phone from his outstretched hand and punched in my number. “See you tomorrow Andy.”
With that, Taylor and I walked back to our hotel, with Taylor gushing the entire way back about how I had managed to get a date with THE Andy Sixx, despite me not having any clue what that meant.
“… And then I walked your mom back to her hotel after our coffee date.” Andy finished the story.
I looked down at Nick who was still curled up on my lap, apparently having fallen asleep somewhere during the story.
“Let’s take him off to bed.” Andy whispered, lifting the sleeping seven year old off of my lap and into his arms.
We tucked him into bed and looked down at our son.
“We did good huh?” I looked up at my husband.
“We did amazing.” He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning down to plant a gentle and loving kiss on my lips.
“Almost makes me want another.” I whispered.
“Really?” Andy replied, slightly surprised at my statement.
“I said almost idiot. I am never doing that again.” I laughed and began walking back to our shared bedroom.
“Doesn’t mean we can’t practice.” Andy said, wiggling his eyebrows with a grin on his face.
I laughed in reply and playfully smacked his chest.
“You’re so weird.” I replied.
“So are you.” He raised his hands in defence.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, carrying me awkwardly into our room.
“Now shut up it’s bedtime, weirdo.” He said in a fake serious tone.
I laughed once again.
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pretty-but-dumb · 1 year ago
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[ andy biersack, cismale, he/him ] — PAOLO "PAULY" PARKER — 27 — Tattoo Artist
(jinx, 30+, cst, she/her/they/them)
Trigger warnings: 
Drug & alcohol use
juvenile detention
religious fanaticism
verbal abuse
"Paolo "Pauly" Parker began his life as Paolo Klein, born into a middle-class, observant Protestant household to Mr. and Mrs. Klein. His father was a pastor at a local Evangelical church, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom and wife. On the surface, the Klein family seemed nothing short of a beautiful hallmark family. However, beneath the smiles in photographs, the Kleins were riddled with unhappiness.
Mr. Klein was a man of control in his family; in his house, there was a place for everything, and everything was to be in its place, including his wife and children. Talking back or questioning authority was met with verbal berating, yelling, and being sat down to read scripture until they "found God" and behaved themselves. While the younger Klein children fell into the places their father deemed fit for them, Pauly was another story.
Pauly was a child whose first word might very well have been "why?" This question, loathed by his father, became a fundamental part of Pauly's vocabulary. Mr. Klein was convinced that enrolling him in a private Protestant school would straighten him out, but all Pauly did was engage in arguments with the teachers and the clergy. As Pauly grew older, these arguments with his father escalated into screaming matches, and Mr. Klein realized he was swiftly losing control of his son. No measure seemed effective in extinguishing Pauly's independent spirit – not Christian summer camps, not Wednesday evening Bible study, not even the removal of Pauly's "luxuries," which included his bedroom door and, at one point, his bed.
When Pauly began high school, he started socializing beyond his usual school circle and began attending parties, where he experimented with drugs and alcohol—anything that could ease his life and drown out the troubles with his father. It didn't take long for his father to catch wind of a party he attended, leading to his father calling the police and having Pauly arrested. Pauly spent six months in juvenile detention, and upon returning home, he found himself in a volatile household. Mrs. Klein was deeply troubled by how her husband had demeaned and devalued their son instead of offering support, reaching a point where she couldn't endure it any longer. She insisted on a divorce, a process that stretched over a year and ultimately resulted in Pauly and his mother leaving their home with nothing to their names.
Mrs. Klein (taking on her maiden name of Parker) and Pauly faced significant challenges for months after leaving their previous home. Their family refused to offer any assistance, leading them to a homeless camp near Griffith Park. Pauly dedicated himself to supporting his mother, abandoning his education and taking on various jobs to help her gather enough funds to purchase an RV and secure some form of shelter for the two of them. Once Pauly's mother secured employment, she urged Pauly to obtain his GED and build a better life for himself. Pauly fulfilled this promise shortly after turning 18, taking on different jobs and pursuing an apprenticeship at a local tattoo shop.
It became evident early on that Pauly possessed a talent for tattoo artistry, and he effortlessly navigated through his apprenticeship. At the age of 21, he was tattooing independently, and by 24, he had established a reputation in the shop where he began. His artistic endeavors became so profitable that he could quit his other jobs and commit entirely to tattooing, enabling him to earn enough money for an apartment for both himself and his mother.
However, the glow of his success was dimmed by persistent interference from their family, who were resolute in preventing Pauly and his mother from achieving any form of success. Shortly before Pauly's 27th birthday, he successfully persuaded his mother to relocate with him to New York, seeking refuge from the incessant prying of their family and their congregation. The duo packed up and started over in New York City, settling in a less-than-modest apartment in Bed Stuy. Pauly's exceptional work caught the attention of Concrete Jungle Ink, leading to a quick hiring, and he has been contributing his artistry there for the last six months.
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skulliecadaver-blog · 7 months ago
So I'm needing a little help.
So I'm wanting to write another short story maybe ten parts but, I'm debating on who I want to write about.
Chris Motionless x Female OC music student
Andy Biersack x Female OC band photographer
Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) x Female OC human student
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expiredmedication · 2 years ago
Liu walked into his older brother’s room, checking on him like he always does.
Jeff was laying on his stomach, looking at his phone. Liu raised an eyebrow and opened the door a bit more.
“What’re you doing, Jeff?” He asked. Jeff turned around and scrambled to shut off his phone. He chuckled nervously and set his phone down.
“Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jeff lied. Liu knew when his brother lied. He sighed and looked at his brother with a smirk.
“Were you reading an Andy Biersack X Reader fanfic again?” He asked. Jeff sighed.
“You got me.” He admitted. Liu smiled wide and pat his brother on the back.
“It’s better than catching you looking at the martirial status of Ch-“
“YOU SHUT UP… I was 13, you cannot bring that up like it’s new.”
“It is new. I saw you looking up the question last night.”
Jeff flushed slightly out of embarrassment.
“I’m sure you’d love it if I reminded you that you had a crush on Amy Lee and Lacey Sturm when you were 12.” He said. Liu scoffed.
“At least I was open about it. I still love those two.” Liu said. Jeff scoffed and smacked his brother in the back of the head.
Okay this was more of a shitpost story, but meh. Jeff is really emo..!!.!
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thedannyfinn · 5 years ago
The Story of Absolute Power, Deceit, and Manipulation
This is going to be quite an interesting read for many. I encourage bookmarking and taking breaks. It is out of the request of those involved to bring awareness of the patterns of manipulation, deceit, and absolute power that I delve into my knowledge on this subject as supported by the words of Ashley Purdy, backed by my own experiences and opinions. This will be a very important lesson for many younger musicians as well. This is in part based on my own personal experiences, opinions, and recollection. The sources of the information that will be detailed in this post will be coming from myself alone as an individual and my personal observations with supporting relevant media links.
An Anonymous Warning
This story starts way back in 2012. I remember distinctly researching Black Veil Brides and the making of, when I came across a blog post from a third party detailing the band’s relocation to Los Angeles and its creation from a business perspective. This post which I cannot recall the source platform, nor whom had posted it, to my knowledge had been removed shortly after I had read it. In the post it detailed a young Andy Sixx, around the age of 16, visiting Los Angeles, most likely for acting / modeling where he first met Ashley Purdy. It was said that Andy and Ashley had remained in communication throughout Andy’s return home to Cincinnati, OH. Roughly two years later, shortly after turning 18 and relocating to Los Angeles, Andy had what was said to be a second run in with Ashley Purdy, who was around 31 at the time (yes, nearly twice Andy’s age). The Knives And Pens music video was already out and it had amassed an iconic acclaim overnight. During this time Ashley had used his tactics to manipulate the young Andy into signing away half of the rights to the name Black Veil Brides in a contract that he, and I would presume to be an attorney, had created behind the backs of the others involved. However, in this contract it was said that Ashley had made it so Black Veil were run more so like a business than a band, giving 50% of the creative direction and rights to the band name and brand as a whole to Ashley, but most importantly in this reallocation of power, it had made it near impossible for Andy Biersack to remove Ashley Purdy as a co-business owner for the band, regardless of circumstances. It was also said that this contract had a duration that was indefinite. What this means is that Ashley and Andy were both in equal power meaning no matter what, one could not remove the other and this contract would never expire. This contract were most likely signed by a young and naive Andy with false promises that Ashley had many resources that would help the band grow. At first I had considered this to be some strange fanfic from an anonymous source, nonetheless I had read this post myself and had always kept it in the back of my mind, questioning what level of validity it held.
Intent To Steal
In an interview (2014) with Ashley Purdy, he discusses how Andy Sixx and the Black Veil Brides already had debuted the Knives and Pens music video in 2009 (which had launched Andy and Sandra Alva into international fame nearly overnight) before Ashley had found out about Andy and the Black Veil Brides. Ashley discusses seeing an ad (most likely craigslist) where Andy had listed his influences and was looking to recruit more members. Here Ashley had noticed them being along similar to his and has verbatim said “I was actually looking to STEAL players from there to put in my band, you know?” His intentions most likely had changed into intent to infiltrate once he saw the success tied to Andy as a frontman as he admitted in this interview that he liked Andy as a frontman and was going to continue in the direction Andy and Black Veil Brides were currently on. In a conversation with an outside and anonymous individual whom was living with some of those involved at the time, I personally was told “Ashley didn’t play anything, it was just a given that he were to be in the band someway or another.” Another anonymous individual who was present around this time confirms this to be true.
The Victimizing Narrative of a Manipulator
Let’s fast forward to 2019. At the end of the year we see shockingly that Ashley Purdy and the Black Veil Brides have separated in a mutual agreement. It was said that this was beneficial for both parties and it was a positive thing. However, shortly after in the beginning of 2020 we start to see words from Ashley Purdy in an AltPress article saying “Technically, I didn’t leave; I’m just not in the band anymore. I have to talk in those terms right now” and “Black Veil Brides is a corporate business, and there are legal rules,” he explains. “It’s like a divorce, and we are working it all out.” What we know from this is that the terms of the separation are not yet 100% agreed upon and settled, however implying that there are legal rules and “having to talk in those terms” implies that there is indeed a nondisclosure agreement between the parties of Ashley Purdy and the Black Veil Brides. With that being said, he 100% admittedly shared that he was removed from the group as to be supported from the next time he goes on record with the press.
Following said AltPress article, we had seen a more honest article with the words of Ashley Purdy saying “I guess I can say this because it is the truth. On Feb. 26 [at] 1 p.m., I still currently own half of Black Veil Brides right now. The realization is like it’s a corporate buyout. It’s like me and Andy [Biersack] — 50% each. And they still have to compensate me for them wanting me to depart. But that hasn’t happened yet. And we’re still in negotiations about what that is. I don’t know how to approach it because it’s not finalized yet.” This right here is huge. This 100% backs the warning message that I had come across in 2012 in regards to a 50/50 corporate ownership split between Ashley Purdy and Andy Biersack. Here he also further admits. that not only was he removed from the group, but they actually wanted him to depart which in my opinion implies intent before the 2019 actions. This new narrative is 100% against the initial statements of a mutual parting by both parties and seems to be a direct violation of a rumored NDA as implied by Ashley and it also appears to be a blatant attempt of assuming the role of victim against Black Veil to any interested in the split.
Non-Disclosure / Non-Defamation Clause
During a controversial Crowdcast that Ashley Purdy had done himself on March 26, 2020 titled “Spring Fling” at the minute mark 31:59 Ashley discloses “It’s not like it’s a non-disclosure, it’s just a non-defamation clause..” Which both fall under the non-disparagement umbrella and are similar with a stark exception of non-defamation clauses protecting the entire history of the relationships in any way that could make either party look in any way negative. What this means is that in short, Andy nor anyone else in the band could make a single comment that would in any way show a lack of support of Ashley Purdy at any point in the entire relationship between Ashley Purdy and Black Veil Brides, regardless of validity. I would bet the one whom would want such a clause in place would be Ashley, protecting himself from Black Veil exposing him for his manipulative and deceitful ways which is assumed to have started since his days of first involvement.
At this point the truths according to statements made by Ashley Purdy goes as follows:
There had been a 50/50 split contract between Andy and Ashley
Black Veil had wanted Ashley out of the band
There is a NDA in place regarding the separation
There is a non-defamation clause regarding the relationship
Black Veil Memebers / Crew cannot legally comment in any way that would make Ashley look bad
Breaking The NDA / Non-Defamation Clause
Based on my own knowledge backed by research, in a similar scenario when a NDA or Non-Defamation Clause is broken, one party seeks grounds for lawsuit for the entire capital of the brand of the other party. What this means is that if Black Veil or any member of the Black Veil Brides Brand were to breach the NDA by sharing details of the separation or by making any statements that make Ashley Purdy appear in a negative light, whether true or false, Ashley Purdy would attempt to assume any and all financial capital of the brand and destroy the entire band as an entity. The band would completely cease to exist and Ashley would be in a financially advantages position to ruin the lives of all members under the Black Veil Brides umbrella, suing them for damages and voiding all future gains of profit from each member of involvement as well. This is what happens in cases similar to these where previous business owners insert on separation agreements of non-disclosure / non-defamation and when they are breached it is essentially a “Hail Mary” to reclaim future and previous profits made by the entire brand.
Ashley’s Intent to Manipulate, Groom, Profit
Now, at the time of the contract agreement as supported by the acknowledgement of its existence by Ashley’s statements in the press articles supplied above, it’s safe to assume that this contract were put in place back when the band first started their involvement with Ashley. Ashley would have been 31 years old and Andy would have been 18 at the time where the creative direction of the band would legally rest between two parties for the first time in the band’s history. As proud of a person as Andy is, I can’t help to believe wholeheartedly that Andy as a teen was persuaded and manipulated into signing away half of the rights of the name Black Veil Brides to a man nearly double his age. This is how corporate splits typically occur as to restrict of the brand at its sole genesis, the name. By extension, one could assume that this manipulation had stemmed back from Andy’s first rumored run in with Ashley back at the age of 16 years old. If you had been following this band for awhile, you would have seen an extremely different atmosphere of the band in its early days in regards to the relationship of Andy and Ashley from its later days. I follow this up later with my own personal experiences as I had toured with them multiple times. The TLDR is I never once saw Ashley in the same room as a single other member of the band to my own observation, and it had appeared to me that the majority of the band were not even on speaking terms, nor wanted to associate with Ashley in the slightest and it would not have shocked me if that had been the case for awhile. My first time touring with them was in 2014, which suggests the dichotomy between Andy and Ashley had become apparent in the years prior.
What a 50/50 split means is that no matter what, there would be no way for Andy to remove Ashley at all unless there were some discovered loophole. Andy had committed legally and indefinitely that even if the two parties had hated each other completely, it would be near impossible for Andy to reclaim 100% of the rights to the brand Black Veil Brides and rid the project of Ashley. I strongly speculate based on tonality in interviews, live performances etc that there was a specific time where the manipulation and deceit of a teenaged Andy Biersack had turned into a matrimonial nightmare with no means of an end. It is of my opinion that I trace the flip of naivety to suffering back in 2012. At this time it has become extremely rare to find interviews shared between Andy and Ashley both. Also, this is the time that it had appeared obvious that Andy was severely suffering from a multitude of psychologically destructive antics. Now I by NO means am implying that Andy at this time was a weak person, I am insinuating that he however was another human being who is victim of manipulation, abuse, and with no escape has found himself in a world of suffering.
Andy Black- a Project Born Under Pressured Circumstances
With the assumed unescapable borderline abusive relationship between Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy, this would be the complete explanation for the existence of the side project, Andy Black and the side projects of the other members of the band. If Andy refused to continue working with Ashley Purdy, he could assume his own project and if the members were reliant on Andy to perform as Black Veil Brides the other members of the band hopefully would share the same ability without conflict of interest. 
Why Was Ashley Not Removed?
This is highly speculative however, with an ownership balance of 50/50 split over the name Black Veil Brides, the only events by which Andy could separate ways from Ashley would be if Andy were to surrender all current and future financial capital of the brand and ownership of the name to Ashley, find a loophole to default ownership back to Andy, or drive the entire brand into bankruptcy along with an indefinite hiatus and find a means of separation. What the last event means is that if there were no current capital (money in the bank) that the band possessed and no speculated future profits by means of indefinite hiatus, Ashley could not sue to take what isn’t there. It’s my guess that this is exactly what had happened and that the band cared so much to remove Ashley that they had driven themselves financially bankrupt. My guess is that the band assumed indefinite hiatus, had absolutely no capital or perhaps was even in debt, had no speculative future profit, and it was on its last leg that a strategy or loophole was discovered that provided means of creating a case for separation where the band would most likely refuse to be active and Ashley would no longer have any income unless he were removed from the band, where the band would then continue and Ashley would be entitled to a cut of profits and for future profits. This is directly supported by Ashley saying “And they still have to compensate me for them wanting me to depart.”
I Am Your Boss
With a 50/50 split of power between Ashley and Andy, this event would then place Ashley and Andy both to be the literal bosses of every single member in the band and every single member of crew as well. Management, Tour Managers, Security Guards, Performing Members, etc all are employed by those in power of the band; Ashley and Andy. What this means is that at any time, Ashley could fire any given member under the Black Veil Brides employment umbrella on the spot at any point with the exception of Andy. This is very important to note as per one of the victim’s case having taken place on the last tour that the band had ever performed in alongside Ashley Purdy. His claims against a proven 17 year old minor walking off of the tour bus late at night that he assumed complete ownership of, were as follows:
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There are many issues with this statement. Having toured with them, it is 100% false that Tour Managers and Security guards hold responsibility over band members for checking identification of the guests that the band members bring from the crowd, to back stage, and thusly on to the bus.
Even if in some arrangement Ashley claims that responsibility rests on the shoulders of Mr. Y**** (Andy’s long term personal security from threats of physical harm) and Mr. S******* (The tour manager of the resurrection tour whom held responsibility of resources, travel arrangements, finances etc) The Tour Manager and Security would be in employment positions UNDER Ashley Purdy, meaning they could be fired at any point for any reason and it would be absolutely likely that they would be removed on the spot had there been any confrontation at all for any reason. Based on this, I am absolutely confident that this deranged imposition of power would be held over the heads of all employees under Ashley Purdy which would speak as to the complete avoidance and disassociation that I had personally payed observation to on the multiple tours I had shared with Black Veil.
Another point of error in this statement, is that at this time Andy, head of Security Mr. Y**** and the Tour Manager Mr. S******* had all lived on a completely separate bus from Ashley Purdy at all times during this tour and all tours around this time. It would be extremely unlikely for Ashley Purdy to cross paths with any of these individuals with the exception of the show and sound check alone.
My Experiences
Below are a collection of experiences I had witnessed firsthand along with some backstory on my involvement and where the grounds for my opinions and speculation can be based on. I had only witnessed one event with Ashley that I consider to be inappropriate that took place before 3 years of hiatus from the band before they embarked on one final tour in 2018, the last tour before Ashley was removed from the band.
Black Mass Tour 2014
This is where my personal observations begin take place. I had been touring for a few years in many different roles and in 2014 I was invited to join alongside Black Veil brides mid-tour. When I had joined the tour, I was never approached to sign a NDA because the tour was already in progress, henceforth why I am able to come forth with my own observations. 
During this tour I spent many nights hanging out with various members of Black Veil with the exception of Ashley Purdy. Every night that we had gone out to bars, clubs, restaurants etc several of us would formulate a plan before our early morning bus call (often 4:00 am). Often we would make a group event out of it and invite several other musicians from other bands and/or friends. However, I remember finding it odd that Ashley never once came up in conversation and never was present at a single night out which is why I don’t have many shared experiences between Ashley and myself. Most of the nights I spent socially out at bars with Jinxx and CC heading out with some friends from another band. Some nights Andy had joined us along with a few other crew members where we would sit at a table in a quiet bar or hang out in the front lounge of the bus and often talk about wrestling and/or movies. Or he and I would talk outside the bus late at night, in the venue about Batman, Misfits etc. It was quite clear that Andy was not drinking often at this time and neither was Jake due to health reasons. I remember whenever I were with Jake it was always just for one drink of vodka as it was a “healthier” option to whisky and we never got more than a social buzz to help with out anxiety / social awkwardness. It was also my impression that Ashley would be off doing his own thing away from everybody before the show, and it was almost as if he had vanished after every show until bus call. Honestly, I had never seen anyone in the band talk to or about Ashley at all. It had seemed to me as though no one in the band had associated with him in the slightest bit and they didn’t seem to be on speaking terms at all aside from business obviously. It also would not surprise me if this had been the case for awhile. The only time this tour that I had ever seen Ashley present with any other members was on Thanksgiving day where we had all gone to Hometown Buffet (lol) where Ashley sat away from Andy and Jake near the other end of the table with crew and band members between himself and Andy.
Los Vegas, NV 10/30/14 The first night that I had gone out with other members of Black Veil where Andy, Myself, CC, Jinxx and I believe Jake all went to the Foundation Room with the band’s merchandise manager, various crew members, most other musicians on the tour, and a few friends of the band as well. While we were there, Ashley was somewhere else completely on what he considers to be a “Spring Break” when he tweeted a picture of himself sucking on the chest of a girl at another bar and appeared to be on a multitude of different substances. We had taken an entire group photo where Ashley is not present which I believe was taken on a friend to the band’s phone by another friend whom is a video director. 
Houston, TX 12/11/14 I watched this entire show side-stage. Earlier this Day Ashley was running around in his black boxer brief underwear mid afternoon clearly wasted throwing around a football. I was quite interested in how he were going to be able to perform. As the show were about to start, I stood side stage with Mr R**** (another musician present, not to drag you in my boy) when during the show, Ashley appeared immensely disheveled and sported stubble, no makeup, and a trucker hat and was having troubles walking about the stage. Throughout the show he slowly stumbled around, often missing his own bass when strumming. Early on my parter side stage pointed at Ashley and exclaimed “DUDE HE DOESN’T EVEN LOOK LIKE HE’S PLAYING!” by which I responded with a mere glare out of the corner of my eye. He then responded with “I know, I just wanted to see if you knew.”
Throughout this entire show Andy clearly was frustrated with Ashley and if I remember correctly, at one point Andy brought a barstool from side stage and sat in it during the performance, clearly frustrated. Towards the resolve of the show, Ashley could barely stand up on his own, where Andy held him upright for a moment.
Warped Tour 2015 - Second To Last Black Veil Tour Ever
I had caught a flight out last minute to start Warped Tour and was living with another band at the start. I believe, because of this I had also not been approached to sign an NDA. There was not one night that I recall Andy, Jake or Ashley in attendance to the Warped Tour BBQ, an event that happened every few evenings after the tour was broken down. Later on during the tour, it was 08-02 at the Denver show where the Warped Tour “Prom” was to be held. This is simply another Warped Tour BBQ except with a bit more festivities as usual and having a “date” is somewhat of a normal event.
It was this night where I was on another bus that Ashley was not living on where some important events occurred. I was inside the bathroom on the bus and our singer Zero was in the back lounge. The bus would have appeared empty and quiet to any outsiders. It was extremely unlikely that you would ever see any Black Veil crew member or band members on the bus unless I had brought CC on the bus to hang out with and play Superfight, a card game similar to Cards Against Humanity that Zero and I commonly played with other musicians. I was walking out of the bathroom when I saw Ashley walking on with two girls immediately making a reach for the alcohol on the bus until I had stepped in his way. Zero (whom was quietly working on his Macbook Pro in the back lounge) noticed the event and walked up to the front quickly. Zero who is bigger and older than I had yelled at Ashley to get off the bus and told me to stay back. It is my opinion that Ashley was attempting to sneak behind the backs of his own band and crew at this point.
Later that night I had heard from one of my crew guys that the girls were under the age of 21 and that Ashley had gotten in some serious trouble and the girls were sent home. There were only 4 days remaining on this tour.
This was also the second to last tour that Black Veil Brides had ever done. Between the dates of Warped Tour 2015 and today, Black Veil Brides had only embarked on The Resurrection Tour which had lasted a total of less than 5 months which is where the event’s regarding a minor on Ashley’s bus had taken place, very shortly before his removal from the band.
Closing Statement:
I consider this to be the most complete and detailed composition of relevant events and experiences and I truly believe this has been made in attempt to educate to the best of my ability. I have not posted here besides the typical share from IG in quite some time. This post by no means has been created with any aforementioned dialogue to any involved and is a collective of my sole efforts as an individual and my ability to research and speculate based on my own experiences. I believe with my given perspective, this is most accurate and I hope this can be referred to with intent to answer many questions regarding this troubling subject. I truly wish the best for all parties and victims along with the families affected by this decade long reign of manipulation and abuse. I hope the internal struggle of many that I’m seeing on various socials can be absolved. It is my intent that this will be my last public statement regarding these events and I truly hope I’ve done right by those I am attempting to answer to and have not belittled nor offended any in any way.
Suicide Prevention 800-273-8255
Substance Abuse/Mental Health Helpline 1-800-662-4357
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Thank you kindly for reading my post. Feel free to redirect / share as necessary.
Danny Finn
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liamtsullivan · 5 years ago
-- && guests may mistake me as ( andy biersack ), but really i am ( liam sullivan + cis male + he/him ) and my DOB is ( 12/28/93 ). i am applying for the ( banquet manager ) position as part of the EHP and would like to live in suite ( #203 ). i should be hired because i am ( + loyal, charismatic, driven ), but i can also be ( - distracted, opinionated, pushy ) at times. personally, i like to ( watch documentaries, play poker, get tattoos ) when off the clock, but that won’t interfere with work. thank you for your consideration!
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ooc;; it’s ya girl kay again, i’m so so sorry adfjlaksfj. this is liam, he’s a brain baby of mine that i played a little while ago and he’s been haunting me since i stopped playing him so here he is to be a part of y’all’s lives. hopefully you dig him, if not......... well that’s fine, too. can’t make you do anything, i’m not your mom unless you’re card; go to your room, card.
TW’s: Mentions of prostitution. Abortion. Drug use, drug addiction, drug overdose, & drug related death.
fast facts / personality details;;
( i put these first this time because the background is A Lot on this one okay )
has a rather protective and care-giving nature mixed in with his excellent work ethic and drive.
loves when guests ask for the manager and he gets to come out and see how much they didn’t expect the manager to be a 6′4″ beanpole with neck tattoos.
lives by the ideal “put your money where your mouth is” ; also just like, be genuine and up front with him in general, like he’s not an asshole, but also he knows how to deal with assholes, so let that be said
has a five year old german shepherd named Roxy that he rescued from shelter overflow when she was only a six month old puppy; Roxy still thinks that she is a small lap dog despite being a Big Girl
still wears the ring that his mom gave him for his eighteenth birthday every day, despite the issues that they had, and despite her being gone now.
has his nose pierced and his lip pierced, though the lip ring he takes out for stretches of time; the nose ring is always in, though.
absolutely covered in tattoos, in case that wasn’t already painfully obvious. he loves getting them and yes, still has room for more, will continue to get them probably forever.
prefers brown liquor over pretty much any other alcohol, though he’s not opposed to a good draft every once in a while
listens to more classical music than anyone would ever probably expect of him; that being said he also listens to a lot of classic rock and, naturally, a dose of pop punk, too, for fun.
he likes listening to true crime podcasts and watching various true crime / serial killer documentaries; criminal minds is also his favorite show. so like don’t piss him off, i guess ajdkfljasdklf
smokes cigarettes like he’s a motherfucking chimney; says he’s working on quitting, has yet to actually start that process.
generally just a supportive person; if Liam cares about you in any capacity - even if it’s just because you work together - you’ll know it. he likes to help the people around him, try to steer them in the right direction, offer them advice.
he’s not a shy person, in fact he’s rather social, and while there’s a dry humored joke or a sarcastic toy here and there, he’s a pretty genuinely nice dude. despite the things that he’s seen and been through in his life, he’s worked really hard to stay optimistic, and driven throughout and so far he’s been very successful at that.
dresses rather nice / got that business casual look down with the short-sleeved button ups or the long-sleeved ones with the sleeves rolled for work purposes. however, outside of work it's like a cat and his wardrobe were in a trash bag together. lots of black, and dark earthy colors, too. the duality of man.
background / life story;;
Liam Travis Sullivan was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, where his mother, Stephanie Sullivan, was an escort / call girl on The Strip.
Stephanie getting pregnant was a tremendous ‘oops,’ but she kept the baby anyway. The baby’s father was a client who had a wife and kids already, so he paid Stephanie a whole lot of money to stay quiet and out of contact with him. This money allowed for her to take time off from working to be able to have Liam and take care of him for a bit.
Liam really was Stephanie’s whole world once he was born; the best thing that she ever did, as she so often told him through the years.
Liam never knew his father, but he put two and two together once he was old enough to understand what it was that his mom did.
Liam was three years old when Stephanie finally returned to working on The Strip. He was left in the care of some of Steph’s other ‘working girl’ friends on the nights she happened to be working.
He got very accustomed to spending his time around females, having a heavy female influence in his life as he grew up -whether that particular female influence was always the best or not. It led to his respect for women, though, and his ability to feel very comfortable around them, even from a young age.
When Liam was six years old, Stephanie ended up pregnant again. However, this time she ended up actually having an abortion. Liam only knew about it because his mother rambled about it to him in an overemotional drunken state. She told him that “he was her good boy and all that she needed.”
Working The Strip -as notorious a place as it was- and making the money that she did left Steph open to a lot of drinking and drug use.
At eight years old, Liam found a stash of his mother’s cocaine in their bathroom. This earned a distressed meltdown from Steph about him staying away from that sort of stuff because it was bad. Though, as a developing child gaining understanding of the world around him, that proved to confuse Liam because he didn’t understand why his mommy had it and was doing it if it were so bad.
Liam was ten years old the first time that his mom overdosed. This instance just involved going to the hospital to get her stomach pumped and spend the night on a fluid IV, but it was still terrifying for the boy at the time.
Stephanie struggled with drug abuse for most of Liam’s life. Living where they did facilitated it so easily and also made any getting caught up in the law with it rare -it was Vegas, after all, not to mention Stephanie was in sex work, so the law wasn't always looking out for her anyway.
Right before Liam was about to start high school, the young teenager -already having had to do so much growing up so early and so fast- took it upon himself to give his mother an intervention of sorts. He told her that if she was going to keep taking time with her away from him that he was going to run away, figure life, out himself, even if he did end up in the foster system or something. He pleaded with her that he didn’t want to lose her, that he wanted her there for all the things his life could still have in store for him. Ultimately, after many tears and a lot of convincing, Steph let her fourteen year old son flush her drug stash and they made a very rushed plan to finally get out of Vegas.
Moving to California was really good for the both of them for a while. Being in a new place meant starting fresh, moving forward. Stephanie didn’t know anyone she could get drugs from; between that, the support of her son, and finding help at local NA meetings, she managed through the withdrawal and the struggling. She got a stable, more normal job, working at a sports bar -bartending and waiting tables.
Liam easily adjusted to the change of environment. He practically thrived in Los Angeles. Before he knew it, he had friends, got into playing football at his high school, was losing his virginity. Fast-paced and unconventional were ways that Liam was used to living his life, so getting into things like physical relationships with girls, despite how young he was in reality, felt normal to him in all his adjusting.
Things stayed going really well for pretty much the whole first year they were in LA. Liam did well in school, got a part time job to help his mom out. Steph ended up picking up a second job to stay busy and keep money coming in. They were good, they were better than they had been, and they had each other.
The summer before Liam’s junior year of high school, he caught his mom using again. Evidently it had been going on for a few months already at that point, and because of how busy he was with school, friends, and work, he had caught on late. Stephanie argued with him on the matter, told him that it wasn’t his business to worry about, among other unexpectedly harsh things. It was the first real, legitimate fight he ever really had with his mom, at least the first one that really mattered.
With too much riding on his focus on school and football -given he had since come up with the goal to go to a good college, to make something of himself and do good things- Liam shut himself off from his mom for a little while. They lived together, came and went about their lives, but they spoke minimally, Liam didn’t fight more with her despite knowing that she was still using at the time. It was very odd for him, to have any sort of bad energy between him and his mom -it was so rare, it had always been just the two of them. He decided, though, that he had to focus on himself and his future.
Senior year came with the promise of scholarships, multiple college scouts having their eyes on him, more than one girl interested in dating him, a wide friend circle, a basic car he had been able to buy for himself, and a growing savings account. Liam was doing great, he was on the right track, focused. Stephanie, however, had downward spiraled. Her using had gotten out of hand to the point of losing both of her jobs, having to get a new one in a setting that was dangerously close to the things she had been doing in Vegas -a strip club.
It wasn’t until Liam’s Winter Formal that year -Stephanie deep into her continued cocaine addiction- that something changed. He was in his suit, getting ready to leave to go pick up his date when his path crossed with Stephanie’s. Upon finding out where her son was heading, who he was going with, the friends he was meeting -details she hadn’t been knowledgeable on for some time at this point- the woman burst into tears. She sobbed apologies to her son, begged him to forgive her for missing out on his life, made promises to him that she would get better for him -promises Liam tried not to take to heart; he had learned.
They did get Stephanie into a rehabilitation clinic shortly after the holidays. She had to sober up a little bit and once again Liam shouldered the responsibility of getting rid of the drugs that she had in their apartment. He spent two months alone in their apartment while his mom worked through her issues, sobered up fully, came back to him. It was an exhausting couple of months for him, trying to be a self sufficient adult in an apartment that had to have things paid for in it, while also juggling school and football, but he managed.
Stephanie came home a different woman than she left, and upon getting a more functional version of his mother back, Liam had the tiniest glint of hope that maybe things would be okay again. Graduation was looming, and he had a few different schools that were more than willing to offer him full ride football scholarships to their universities. Notre Dame, Duke, UCLA, among other state-based colleges all had eyes on him. It was something he could finally talk to his mom about.
While Stephanie encouraged him to follow his heart, follow wherever his dreams were gonna take him, Liam couldn’t shake the idea of being far from home -or, in particular, being far from where she was. Things were so fragile with her and her addiction, it was so much more possible for something bad to happen and him to have absolutely no idea about it if he went far away. So despite the incredible opportunities he could have had elsewhere, he chose to accept to scholarship from UCLA out of all the schools who chose him.
Going to college, let alone such a prestigious and well known state school like UCLA was like something out of a fairytale for Liam. Looking back on what his life had been up to the point of graduating high school and moving on to bigger things, he was amazed at what he had accomplished. Given the healthy and sober way that his mother still was at the time of his high school graduation, she, too, made it a point to make sure he knew how amazed and proud she was of him.
College wasn’t quite as easy for him as high school was, but that just drove Liam to work even harder. He wasn’t going to waste the opportunity he was given. He was double majoring in business and marketing; even though he had little idea what sort of business he wanted to be a part of, he knew that he wanted something for himself, something that could do good, give back in some way shape or form. Those subjects would do a lot to help him get there, he knew that much.
Stephanie stayed sober for most of Liam’s college experience, after the help of going to rehab, and the continued going to NA meetings. He popped back to the apartment every now and again -having moved into campus living during the semesters- and that helped her, too. Things seemed really good for quite some time, but having the other shoe drop once again unfortunately didn’t come as too terribly much of a shock to Liam. She had been getting involved with some guy she knew from work, they’d been sleeping together, and what Liam didn’t know is that they frequently went out for drinks. Drinking slowly but surely progressed into getting high together; something easy for Stephanie to fall into, particularly because of her habit, but also because of the familiarity of the circumstances -it was awfully similar to when she was working on The Strip and would get wasted with clients.
Liam was in his last semester of college, just about three months shy of graduating with his bachelor’s degree. It was a huge deal for him, it was something that he wasn’t going to give up for anything in the world. Still, he made it a point to help his mother after she called him absolutely high out of her mind and apologizing to him while he was pulling an all-nighter on an assignment one night. He didn’t ask many questions, just the basics, and he looked into a place himself -a rehab center that was further away, lengthier and more in depth with their programs. Before, they had gone with what was convenient, facility-wise, but he wasn’t going to make that mistake twice. If his mother needed more special attention, he was going to get her to that.
Getting his degree was a gift, a blessing he in reality never thought would be his. While his mom was still in rehab at the time of his graduation -Liam insisted that she not leave treatment just to come to the ceremony- she still wrote to him consistently, sent him a congratulations card right around the day of the ceremony. Liam was in a position in his life that awed him in a way, ready to take on the world.
Pursuing the concept of his own business sort of took a back seat; having just gotten his degree, it wasn't like Liam could immediately leap into much, not to mention he didn't have the funds. He had been working and saving all through college - served, cooked, and bartended at a grand total of six different restaurants in Los Angeles by the time he graduated - but on top of any business itself being expensive, school itself was expensive, too.
By the time Liam was twenty-four years old, he was managing two bars, and co-managing a restaurant out in Los Angeles. He was living on his own, keeping tabs on his mother sporadically, but mostly working toward a goal for a business of his own. He was teetering between a pub of sorts, or a burlesque club - two wildly different ideas, but both with the same idea in mind; somewhere entertaining but somewhere that also provided a sense of community, somewhere he could give jobs to people that needed them - perhaps that was inclined to women, from his subconscious protection of his mother, but that was beside the point.
A coworker of his at one of the bars he was the bar manager of ended up being who presented a move out of Los Angeles to him. There was potentially more business opportunity somewhere out of that location, out of the state of California, even. Chicago was brought to the table, this friend having heard of a program that offered employee housing at a luxury hotel. Liam was apprehensive about the Malnati at first, given he didn't want to have to start on a bottom rung in terms of his job once again. As it turned out, however, there was a management position that was generally up his alley. Seeking opportunity and further growth wherever he could find it, Liam made the move to Chicago.
Things between him and his mom had been more distant over the year since he graduated college, and in his move to Chicago, he couldn't say he was surprised to end up hearing about things getting bad again for his mom. It was a moment of true growing up for Liam, realizing that he had to be responsible for himself, he had to do what he needed to do, he couldn't carry his mom anymore. If she didn't want to get better and stay better, he couldn't be the one derailing his life to continue to try to make her do so.
That first year of him living in Chicago, working as the banquet manager at the Malnati, his mom overdosed for the last time. It was unexpected in the same way that it wasn't; Liam went through a brief period of a numb sort of grieving - he was of course sad to have lost his mom, to have to come to terms with the fact that he'd never get to see or speak to her again. He also, though, had to face the fact that as dark and upsetting as the circumstances were, they were out of his hand, they were not his responsibility. He mourned his mother as she deserved, and he went on with his life; because deep down he knew that she would want that for him, anyway.
Liam has been living in Chicago and working as the Malnati's banquet manager for the last nearly-three years now. He oversees more than just a restaurant and a bar now, and it's expanded his career experience in ways that he is very thankful for. It's a little bit on the backburner once again, but definitely not forgotten, that he intends to have his own business some day. Perhaps more than one, even. He loves the organization and the hard work and dedication that go into leading - whether that be a kitchen or a bar or an event. He likes to be supportive as much as a leader - Liam wants to see his team succeed; if there's slack that needs to be picked up and he can help, he will. He's not going to bark orders and call it a day, that's not what he's about, that's not what he considers his job. He's got a good head on his shoulders, and a good work ethic, and he likes doing what he does.
wanted connections;;
Liam in his job oversees chefs, bartenders, servers, room service runners, and musicians, so like we got a whooooole lineup of connections to be had there; he’s their boss yeah, but as I’ve said like a million times now he’s really active in trying to help his team succeed. he’ll help out on the bar and running food and covering breaks or callouts or whatever, so like there’s a lot of good potential relationships to be had there.
other managers bc we love seniority adfjlkasdfjk no i’m just kidding, but still we love some manager pals why not
idk i think it’d be really funny to have someone who’s like intimidated by him simply because of the way that he looks and he’s like look i’m really not that bad i just like tattoos a lot okay lmAO
a casual hookup here or there is chill; he’s not super into the fwb thing? like he’ll stay friends after a hookup if the other person is cool with it, but as an ongoing thing it just gets too complicated for his liking.
pet parent friends; his girl Roxy is a friendly giant baby and he adores her, bring him some parent friends and her some dog friends
tattoo pals of some variety?? even if it’s just him constantly encouraging people to go get tattoos, or talking them through processes? going with them for moral support because he barely even feels it when he gets tattoos now?? who knows
honestly we been knew i’m up to just talking shit out and winging it a lot of the time too so just hit me up if you wanna figure some stuff out with this inked up beanpole okay? okay ily.
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howlingwind · 6 years ago
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01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
my name is jeff !! lmfao (i don’t let memes die) it’s not my real name but i’ve gone by cody on tumblr for a long time
02. what’s your age ??
twenty. jfc i’m old. but also apparently a fetus??
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
aries, which couldn’t feel further from correct lmfao
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
uhh mostly italian & sicilian, but you could probably point to any white place in europe and i’ll have a little bit of that in me. i’m also 1/16th native american but it’s such a small amount and sadly i don’t even know which tribe to learn more about them.
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
i’m super indecisive about everything, so it’s difficult for me to pick faves (as you’ll see in a sec) but… mac miller,  post malone, johnny cash, eminem, tenacious d, colter wall, kehlani, bruno mars, snoop dogg, elvis presley, justin timberlake, sublime, the rolling stones, etc etc there’s probably a lot i’m forgetting tho. i like most types of music except country. well, modern country anyway.
07. what’s your dream job ??
uh, i don’t have one? i mean yeah, i’d love to be a writer, or game dev, or a narrative director on a game, or direct, write, or act in movies or television, but like…i could live without any of that stuff. i just want to make a decent living, be able to own a house, not completely hate my job. yknow, not a glamorous life but a good one.
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
idk there’s a lot of places i’d like to go, but i’d most like to visit alpha centauri, even tho that’ll never happen lol
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
i can’t pick that! but i love a lot of shows. general hospital, lucifer, the 100, supernatural, stranger things, izombie, south park, legends of tomorrow, once upon a time, arrow (at times), dragon ball, big brother, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, that 70′s show, the ranch, umm… i could probably keep listing forever.
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
hmmmm, again i’ve got a list but… joe dirt, the new guy, why him, the waterboy, 50 first dates, all the spider-man movies, thor ragnarok, man of steel, 21 jump street, 22 jump street ,and a fuckton more lol 
11. what’s your favorite song ??
constantly in flux, but the current faves are — creep by radiohead, stay by post malone, no below by speedy ortiz, unshaken by d’angelo, cruel cruel world by willie nelson, wanksta by 50 cent, shooter by lil wayne & robin thicke, stressed out by 21 pilots, self care by mac miller (along with practically everything on his final album), and i will always, un-ironically love only in america by riff raff. he’s not the greatest ever but that song is hilarious and always puts me in a good mood.
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
can i say rocket league? lol
13. what’s your favorite food ??
pizza, unquestionably. cereal is a damn close second tho. or pot stickers. damn, i’m hungry… 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
typically, i’ve always really liked using paul wesley, chris wood, and matt daddario. i’m using lindsey morgan for the first time now though, and i really like her as an fc too.
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
to use?? um pretty much any singer or model just bc their resources aren’t too great. i really didn’t enjoy using pete davidson as much as i thought i would, either lol
to see… uh probs emma roberts or andy biersack. emma for obvs reasons but also bc i once had a really bad experience with people using those fcs. idm people using whoever they feel like using tho.
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
oh man, uhh i really enjoy writing chrissy & theo. they both speak to me. but tbh i’m not much like any of my characters? i’m boring af so i tend not to make any like me lol. i am kinda like theo in the sense that i’m quiet, and really just try to be a good person. other than that i’m most like jason solely based on the fact we’re both human lol
17. what’s your sexuality ??
danversexual. attracted only to fictional danvers women, examples including carol, kara, and alex danvers.
lmfao but nah i’m just a boring straight boy. well, like 99.9% straight. jensen ackles makes me question shit.
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
captain marvel (thanks to dani lol). only two months late but it was worth the experience haha.
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
thankfully i’ve never really hurt myself too terribly except for a broken wrist, but between the ages of 10-17 i’d occasionally hurt my back by sitting weird, usually in an attempt to play video games without the glasses i desperately needed lol. once when i was like 11 i laid belly down on the couch with my elbows up on the arm of it for like three hours, which messed me up for days, then a few other times i hurt myself, but another bad one when i was 17, i had my back curved while sitting and propping my laptop up on my knee, tried to move and literally just cried, crawled on the floor, and laid there all night until i forced myself to move in the morning. lol luckily it hasn’t happened since i lost a little weight.
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
uhm, nothing? i literally can’t think of one, i’m dull af. i uh.. i replaced my own cpu cooler once? lmfao
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
sometimes. a lot of time i just like the silence or ambient background noise, but if i’ve got a fitting playlist for the vibe of what i’m trying to write, i’ll use it!
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
i’m a never writer, apparently v___v but lol ideally a night writer, my best work is between the hours of 12am & 4am, but my sleeping schedule is so inconsistent, and so is my dad’s who spends literally every waking moment of his telling me different stuff he wants done, so it’s tough to hit that sweet spot. i write whenever i get a chance tho.
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
lol nah i’ve never even had a drink. like what teenager doesn’t have a drink at some point?? i told you i’m lame.
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
english, barely. and assassin’s creed 2 taught me some italian swears. and ac: odyssey has had me occasionally dropping “malaka” bombs since the day i first played it haha.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
officially, about 9 years. i started at 11 on myspace, rping dragon ball z stuff. but basically about 12 years, if you count how from the ages of 8-11 i’d put an anime pic up on my myspace, pretend i was older, and talk to roleplayers i didn’t realize were roleplayers lmfao.
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
i like pretty much anything, tbh. as long as it’s well thought out, has an interesting plot, or whatever. sometimes it doesn’t even need that, it just needs to catch my eye or line up with something i’m looking for. but yeah, supernatural, multi-fandom, sci-fi, romance, town rps, high school/college rps, anime rp (well, pokemon mostly), harry potter… i’ve done it all tbh and don’t particularly have a favorite.
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
the sound of cotton stretching is the absolute worst thing to me. or scratching cotton. idk, it just sends chills up and down my spine and makes my hands feel weak lmfao. i’m weird. i really love the sound of rain, or fire crackling, or like “ambient” harp or ukulele music.
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
short answer, yes. long answer… i’m pretty sure i was friends with a ghost girl as a kid?? like no joke, even looking back at it through rational “adult” eyes, i’m still convinced. my fam moved into a new apartment, and pretty much right after that i started having dreams about a girl my age at the time (11-12). i’d never seen her before but the dreams would be like just conversations, like i was visiting a friend or something. i don’t remember them much, but i do remember the feeling of someone else in my room all the time, like you know how if someone else is around you just know even if you’re not looking at them? like that. there was even one night i was getting in bed, laid there a minute, and then i could have absolutely sworn somebody came in the room and sat down next to me on the bed because i felt the bed sink a little under their weight, but i looked and no one was there. i had a really vivid conversation/dream/thing that night. then a few nights later, for the first time since moving there i didn’t have one. the next morning my dad was really freaked out and said he fell asleep in the chair, but woke up and couldn’t breathe, and felt cold little hands over his mouth. he rationalized it as just waking up from a nightmare but i didn’t think so, so that night when i went to sleep and saw her i got really upset, yelled at her for it, and woke up right after. then i never saw or heard anything even remotely similar again, like she left or disappeared or something. it’s so weird, and i know how crazy it sounds, but yeah. don’t get me started on the topic of ghosts lmfao. THEN AGAIN, like a year later we had a carbon monoxide scare, but i really doubt the two were related because that would mean there was an entire year that we were breathing it in and the monitor didn’t do anything lol
29. do you believe in aliens ??
no alien story, thankfully, but it just makes no sense not to believe in them to me. like, we probably don’t have them on earth, and we’ve probably never encountered any, but it’s as close as you can get to a mathematical certainty that there’s some other life out there in the universe.
30. do you believe in true love ??
like, people who are just meant for each other, like romantic soulmates? nah not really. but i believe that two people can grow to truly love one another. whether it’s based off an initial attraction/infatuation, or a friendship, or both. i’d actually argue that’s a simple explanation of the biological science behind the feeling of love, but that’s an essay i’m not gonna write lol. but there’s apparently a lot of different types of love, so i guess “true love” is suggestive? 
also slightly unrelated but i don’t-quite-believe-in-but-am-open-to-the-idea-of soulmates, not necessarily as two souls who are just meant for each other romantically and always end up together, but more as two or more souls that gravitate toward each other to make up the important people in each other’s lives, like family members, lovers, or close friends. but that’s more of a theoretical idea/possibility than an actual belief of mine.
31. do you hold grudges ??
um, yes. lol i try not to, and i really do want everyone to be their best/happiest selves, but some people man… some people can take a long walk off a short pier lmao
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
PO KE MON GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLL. also… life is strange (thanks dani lol). supernatural. stranger things (thanks dani & steph) the 100 / clexa / becho  (thanks steph). lucifer. captain marvel (thanks dani). the song “creep” by radiohead and all its covers (tom ellis, haley reinhart, etc). cyberpunk 2077 (thanks dani). as you can see, i’m easily influenced lmfao.
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
nope i don’t drive, precisely because i’d definitely end up in a crash lol
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
uh that’s a big fat no from me, chief
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
i like it all equally, i think. i just really like writing & rp in general. i did run a smut rp once in the past tho. it gets old quick tbh and is the one of the three i can live without lol
36. are you in a relationship ??
bahahahahahahaha no.
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
❝  “and why would that be?” kronos’s golden eyes glittered.  ❞
— the last olympian by rick riordan.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
1. season of the witch – donovan 2. riot van – arctic monkeys 3. busta rhymes – qveen herby 4. der kommissar – after the fire
also i gotta cheat because it’s too perfect that the next two are
5. stay – mac miller (one of my favorites ever that i forgot to mention above) 6. only in america – riff raff (i just love this ok. the video is hilarious but tw james franco for those that don’t like him)
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ihavenoconsistentname · 6 years ago
Formally introducing myself hella late?? Not really formally but giving you an idea of who my weird ass is
Because why not now you get to understand what a weird being I am
Probably would have done this earlier in my Tumblr life but eH
Here have basic but also random facts;
*My name is Alex- it's not short for Alexander it's just Alex
*I'm ftm trans if you haven't caught that yet (I've kind of made it known through other posts-)
*I dont have a favorite food because I'm too complicated
*My favorite band is probably MCR but I love multiple bands
*My religion is satanist but I dont really do much with religion tbh I do mentally repeat a satanic prayer thing instead of the pledge of allegiance in school though (we arent allowed to sit but if we could I would)
*I actually hate America a lot because it's been going downhill
*I live in Florida which sucks ass because it's super humid
*I actually do have fears; huge spiders, the dark but only after midnight because I see things, clowns tbh after all that killer clown shit i dont trust clowns, and this one is edgy and deep but I kind of fear dying and having to leave people I stay alive to protect from the hell that life is but I'm also kind of afraid of not being able to protect the few people I love
*I'm homoromantic asexual which isnt obvious since sometimes I make those weird sexual jokes but not a whole lot I dont really like sexual shiT tbH
Facts now getting more random;
*My favorite type of essay to write in school is argumentative (anything involving me giving my strong opinion on a topic is my strong point for writing because I get to express my feelings more, y'know)
*I dont usually care about people but if I do I get attached usually so I try not to do that
*I cut my hair myself slowly over a few days because my dad wouldnt let me go get it cut smh
*This is pretty edgy but sometimes I write in blood dont ask
*My favorite TV show is Impractical Jokers
*Typically I dont even like the thought of being kissed not even by Jamie but theres actually one person I would accept a kiss from (well two if you count Jamie I mean I would let him just eH)
*My idol is probably Andy Biersack
*My biggest dream is probably to get top surgery
*I would die for any of my friends as in the people I consider friends who also consider me a friend but not just like hey we talk sometimes- but theres only two people I'd die for without any hesitation as in I wouldnt try to find a way to avoid anyone dying yknow-
*My best friend is my buddy Shady even though we dont know each other hella personally (tbh I dont even know his age but today was his birthday-)
*My favorite anime obviously is Seven Deadly Sins but Soul Eater is my second
*I hated Soul Eater Not, Soul Eater was amazing but Soul Eater Not was just- ew- I couldn't even watch more than like 10 episodes
*My favorite kind of tea is either raspberry hibiscus or chai tea
*One language I really wanna learn is French
*I want to go to Canada so badly
*My dream job is to be a politician who actually makes differences in this hellhole of a nation
*My favorite comedian is John Mulaney, second favorite is Jeff Dunham, third favorite is probably Kevin Hart
*My favorite movie is probably The Bye Bye Man- I'm not sure pff
*My favorite book series will forever be Cirque du Freak
*My favorite book, however, is Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog
*My favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe
*My favorite poem is The Raven
*My favorite short story is The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe but I also love The Black Cat
*I'm actually from Ohio which is my favorite state its beautiful
*My least favorite state is California I'm sick of that place
This was also a way to kill boredom
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ao3feed-joshler · 7 years ago
Experiments || Kellic
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zYGtHm
by cosmictruce
After accidentally impregnating his short time girlfriend, Kellin Quinn is sent away to a prestigious boarding school in England by his parents in a desperate attempt to turn his life around before it's too late. Kellin immediately fits in with the popular kids but his new roommate Vic is the stereotypical good boy, the complete opposite of him. However Kellin's tough guy act is slowly cracking until one day he breaks down and tells Vic everything. From that moment on it became Vic's mission to show Kellin that he isn't as bad as he thinks. Vic shows Kellin the world in a new light and shows him things that he never knew existed - sexuality being one of them. As time continues and this unlikely friendship grew stronger all Kellin wants to do is experiment. Experiment with Vic. Because what happens at boarding school, stays at boarding school right?
[I'm really bad at descriptions so you'll have to read on to see what happens but you get the idea of it being a cliche boarding school badboy x goodboy au e.g hopefully its better than what my shitty description implies!]
Words: 2222, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pierce the Veil, All Time Low (Band), Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, Twenty One Pilots, Bandom, Panic! at the Disco, PVRIS (Band), Tonight Alive, You Me At Six, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Paramore, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Halsey (Musician), Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Vic Fuentes, Kellin Quinn, Josh Dun, Tyler Joseph, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Jenna Black, Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Lynn Gunn, Jenna McDougall, Josh Franceschi, Oliver Sykes, Jordan Fish, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Andy Biersack, Juliet Simms, Mike Fuentes, Tony Perry, Sarah Orzechowski, Breezy Weekes, Hayley Williams, Taylor York, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Katelynne Quinn, Danielle Victoria, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Copeland Quinn, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Taylor Jardine
Relationships: Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn, Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth, Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun & Tyler Joseph, Jenna Black/Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Jenna Black/Tyler Joseph, Lynn Gunn/Jenna McDougall, Josh Franceschi/Oliver Sykes, Rian Dawson/Zack Merrick, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Andy Biersack & Juliet Simms, Andy Biersack/Juliet Simms, Mike Fuentes/Tony Perry, Sarah Orzechowski/Breezy Weekes, Hayley Williams/Taylor York, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey/Melanie Martinez, Katelynne Quinn/Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes/Danielle Victoria, Andy Hurley/Joe Trohman, Dan Howell/Phil Lester, Frank Iero & Gerard Way
Additional Tags: badboy!kellin, mainly kellin, the other ships are side ships oops, goodboy!vic, no disrespect to anyone its just fanfiction dont kill me, might have smut idk, that one boarding school no one asked for, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Boarding School, Phanfiction, phan is included bite me, this is some gay shit, literally only have one straight couple, kellic isnt dead fight me, kellic sails on, please vaildate me, kellin is gonna be a daddy, vic is a good boi, kellin is a bad boi, Roomates, AND THEY WERE ROOMATES, i really dont know, this is my first story on here be soft, read meee, will probably have spelling mistakes, I Will Go Down With This Ship, I Ship It, otp, joshler - Freeform, top kellin, bottom vic, halsanie, Tysh, twenty one pilots - Freeform, Sleeping With Sirens - Freeform, Pierce The Veil - Freeform, bmth
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zYGtHm
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fanfiction-for-me · 6 years ago
More than Halfway There
Tour, how can I describe touring? It's more than awesome, it's a total experience. It's like being on a slumber party, combined with a party, combined with concerts, combined with people, combined with lots of dirt... and disaster. Yep, that part is not that awesome. But it is in general. And even more when a certain member of Big Time Rush keeps in touch with you.
James and I messaged almost everyday. The first time he did it, we had just arrived to Las Vegas, our first stop, and I had just posted that in twitter. Two minutes later, my phoned buzzed. It was James! I had been worried he had forgotten about me (ask Sass, she had heard me suffer about him not texting me: "What if I wrote my number wrong?" "What if he really didn't like me as much as I thought?"), but apparently he hadn't. I looked at my message.
"Hey, good luck on your first show! Break a leg, beautiful ;)".
That last part had me swooning. Davie got mad over it, and that was what confirmed to me that he was jealous... or protective; I don't know. Lila was happy for me, and told me she wouldn't have gotten so worked up about him not texting me in the last 2 days, but of course she would say that. Kendall texted her the afternoon after the party, and the next day… and every other day. Sass was also happy, but mostly relieved that I wouldn't be crying "over nothing" like she would say.
After that I could finally be at peace. James always texted me first (or DM'd me) and after that we stayed writing for hours. Our confidence with each other grew and soon we became really good friends, but I could still feel like there was something else in there, like he was fond of me or had a crush in me, and I'm being completely modest here. It was the way in which he called me names like ‘beautiful’ and stuff. He also did this thing in which he would playfully flirt with me and I would go with it, you know, just fooling around, right? Yeah, well not so much.
Also, there was this time when we did a video chat.
The tour had only one month left of it. I was exhausted, but still really happy. We were in Canada, playing two shows and we had one day free in between, so that night James and I agreed we would turn on our cameras and chat a little. I shared my room with the guys, but they were out at the moment, buying fifty liters of maple syrup and a canadian ranger hat for Davie (long story). When I was set with my laptop, I sent a message to James and five minutes later he was on.
"Whoa, Chelle" James made a surprised face.
"Is my camera playing with the image or are you hotter than the last time we video chatted?" I narrowed my eyes at his comment. I was wearing my pj's and my hair was uncombed. My makeup was a little smeared now that I saw my camera view. Why didn't I try to fix my appearance? I looked like I was about to go to sleep!
"That's the worst pickup line ever Jamie, even worse than the one from last time. How can I look hot in these?" I gestured to my loose Green Day t-shirt and my pink pajama shorts.
"You do. There's something hot about informality. Are you gonna tell me" and he started wiggling his fingers over his face, "that I don't look hot with what I'm wearing?" he finished cockily.
He did look hot, but that's off the point, because he is already hot. He could wear a diaper and look hot. It's not fair also, because I'd already told him that I thought that when he used that beanie and his glasses he looked better than even when he dressed up. He told me he didn't thought so, and I couldn't believe that. I was starting to see his point. Maybe seeing me on my pj's all untidy was the same for me to see him on his sweatpants and tank tops.
"Yeah, I guess you're right" I smirked defeated.
"I always am"
"Don't get so full of yourself Mr. Maslow."
"But why can you do that then?" he complained.
"Just because" I grinned.
"Not fair" James replied. Gosh, I really loved it when he wore glasses.
"No, you're right, it isn't... virtual kiss?" he nodded and I blew a kiss that he caught and "pasted" on his cheek. I giggled through all that. It was a cheesy little thing we improvised the first time we video chatted, when we were saying our goodbyes and I blew him a kiss.
We stayed silent for a small moment, smiling at each other and subduing our chuckles.
"How have you been hun?"
"I thought I told you yesterday I was a little worn out"
"Yeah, but I mean, do you want to come home?" he questioned seriously.
Thinking about it, I did want to get home. I missed my bed, even though I had just slept on it for a month. I also couldn't wait to see James in person and hug him. "I do."
"I want you to come home too"
"It's gonna sound crazy because I just got to meet you that one time, but I think I miss you"
It didn't sound crazy at all. You would've thought that the constant talking and messaging would cover it but it made it worse somehow. It kinda made the want stronger. "It's not. I miss you too."
"You do?" and he seemed surprised by that.
"Yeah, I do. Thank goodness it's only 23 more days and we'll be able to see each other. In person" I smiled at him.
"Yeah" and he grinned wide "no more Worldwide Girl" James chuckled.
"Aw, I've always wanted to be Worldwide Girl!" that was a true story. I remember how I would watch live BTR performances and wish I were the one they would sing that song to.
"You have been my Worldwide Girl for the past five months"
"You still haven't sang to me though" I said, claiming my serenade.
"Neither have you sang to me" he replied smugly.
"Aw, come on, please?"
"I'm kidding, you don't have to beg" and with that he reached for a bottle of water, sipped a drink, cleared his throat a little and cracked his knuckles.
I laughed at his meticulous preparation "Do you have to do all that? I'm the only one here"
"I want to do this right, and I'm not even playing" James said with a serious face and I reddened. He looked right into the camera, so it seemed like he were looking into my eyes, and started singing.
Wait a minute, before you tell me anything, how was your day? Cuz I've been missing you by my side. Did I awake you- He hadn't even gotten to finish the first verse when Davie came running into the room.
"Chelle! They want to kill me!"
Dammit! Damn Davie, he always seemed to interrupt James and me on our best moments!
"Davie! I'm chatting with James here and have no time to save you so die."
Davie just looked at me with an expression that was part annoyance, part anger "Do I look like I care? You're always speaking with him anyway"
"I don't care if you don't care and what I do is my business so get the fuck out now" I tried to reply as calmed as possible but the swear word came out. Oops.
"You like him don't you?" Davie asked accusingly.
"What if I do?"
After that there was an awkward silence. I had forgotten James was still on in my laptop, genius me. No one said a word, though Davie's expression looked like he wanted to say a thousand, and they were not going to be pretty words.
Thanks to the heavens that Sass and Lila came in before he could open his mouth.
"Davie! How dare you do that? You could've gotten us killed!" and with that, they threw themselves at Davie and proceeded to slap him and punch him hard.
"What did he do now?"
Sass was the one that answered "We were coming out if the market with the syrup when all of a sudden he grabbed our phones and threw them at some fans!"
"Do you know how hard it was to get our phones back?" added Lila. I can imagine it was very hard. They looked like a flock of hungry birds attacked them.
"Plus we had to leave the maple syrup!" Sass chimed in.
"Why did you do that Davie?"
"Their texting was annoying me" he replied coolly. I sighed. Sometimes he can get very childish.
"Um, excuse me? I think I should leave you guys so you can fix this, so..." James spoke from the laptop. I had forgotten again he was still on. He looked freaked out and sorry. I don't blame him.
"Yeah, do so" Davie answered him.
Before I could say anything to him for that snarky comment, James snapped in "Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
We all looked at him wide-eyed. It was the first time we had heard him say a swear word. Well, not really, but it was the first time we had seen him say it that angry.
"Did you just say that? To me? Who are you to say that to me?" Davie asked, full of himself.
"Who are you to tell Michelle what to do?" James replied smartly, still fuming.
"I'm his friend! Almost a big brother even! And I look up to her because I adore the fuck outta her. Same for these other girls" We all thought it was cute that he wanted to take care of us, and we appreciated that, but he sure was crossing the line lately.
"Well guess what? I'm her friend and I adore her too and there's nothing you can do about that because she probably likes me more than she likes you at the moment, so all I can say now is stop messing with us because nothing will stop what we already started!" James took a deep breath as we were all quiet with shock "I'll talk to you later hun" he smiled meekly at me, and with that, his camera went off.
Suddenly I forgot how angry I was at Davie. James had clearly stated we had something going on! I already suspected it, but hearing it come from his mouth gave me a certainty that gave my stomach butterflies. The way in which he had snapped at Davie too was really suspicious. He looked seriously worked up about it and oh, he mentioned he adored me! I was currently flying in delight, but before I could get too far up, I had to settle some things down.
"Davie, we need to talk. All of us with you. Not just me, right girls?" Lila and Sass nodded sternly.
We spent the rest of the night discussing with Davie his annoying jealous behavior. The talk was pretty deep, I'm not gonna lie, but we finally got to some resolutions. It turns out Davie didn't like any of our pursuers (except for Andy Biersack, of course) for no reason at all! His claim was that "they are way older that us and didn’t seem like the good guys they played out to be". He was also jealous for all of us, with no apparent reason, because we all know Davie doesn't like us in that way (I still have my doubts with Sass though). Anyway, Lila and I tried to convince him that James and Kendall were actually really nice, but he still said they irked him, and that he definitely didn't like James because of the way he snapped at him tonight. I told him it was mainly his fault, but stubborn Davie said he still should've kept his mouth shut. Finally, we agreed that he wouldn't bother us or anything until he saw something that proved that Kendall or James weren't nice guys, and also, the jealousy had to stop because even if we liked other guys we would still like him in his very special way because he was our Davie. With our deal sealed (Davie still a little reluctant), we said our apologies and went back to be friends as always. That night we slept in peace. I could finally go back to my happiness of being sure that James and I were already in that "more than friends" zone.
The tour had been a great first one. We played for up to 150,000 persons in huge arenas, did many interviews (although some went wrong), met many fans and many other bands (we caught up with Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides on Bamboozle Music Festival) and experienced the most random situations, like catching Sass and Davie kissing (twice!), getting banned from a fancy restaurant in Paris (for lots of swearing from Davie's part) and being seen in my underwear by Davie (that was very embarrassing). We ended up being more famous than we already were (how is that even possible?) and we had finished writing a new single on the road, which we would start to work on once we got home.
But mostly, I couldn't wait to be in LA so I could finally meet with James, and Lila wanted to see Kendall too. We decided we would throw another party to see the guys in there and have fun with them. Sass was hoping Andy would come, for he was still on tour.
So, one day after we arrived, we were ready for our second big party. Davie's cousin Natalie came all the way from Australia (she's sort of weird), we welcomed her and then went up to get ready. I put on a white dress that was divine on me; I wanted to look my best for James. I also tried to make Lila wear something girly for Kendall, but she wouldn't budge.
We had told Kendall and James to come early before the party started, so we could talk in peace or something like that, but the truth is we were dying to see them. We got out of our rooms looking stunning, and saw that Davie was on the living room tying his converse and fixing his tie. He told us we looked amazing and then the doorbell rang. Lila and I started running to go and get it because we knew who it was. Davie followed close behind, wondering why we were so excited to open the door.
"We're coming!" Lila yelled as she went down the stairs. I couldn't run so fast, because I had put on my high heels, but even though I was running, it wasn't me the one who fell.
I was trying to get to the doorstep before Lila when Sebastian (our butler) opened it, and just as he did so Lila somehow fell down the stairs "Oh my god, are you okay?" I cried from a few steps up. I had to laugh, I couldn't help it.
Davie helped her get up, but the door was already open, so that means that they had seen. Poor Lila. Luckily, she is not as easily embarrassed as me. "No wonder why you were in such hurry..." Davie muttered "Why are they here so early? It's two hours till the party"
"We told them to come early"
"Why not?"
"Cuz I say so!"
"Oh, and you are our father?"
"Oh my god, you look lovely..." I ignored Lila and Davie and looked at the door, where James was standing beside Kendall, looking very handsome as always, buy most importantly, very tangible. Our eyes met and James grinned wide as he ran up to where I was, trying to get down the stairs without killing myself like Lila just did. When he stood just a step below me, he opened his arms and I wrapped my own arms around his neck, throwing myself and lifting my feet above the ground as he hugged my waist and swung me.
We both laughed in enjoyment as we hugged, then broke apart and James held my hands "Hey beautiful" he crooned and kissed my cheek.
"Hey" I blushed, and then I hugged him hard again. James felt so warm. It was comfortable under his arms too; my head nestled perfectly on the base of his neck and he was hard and soft at the same time; I could stand there forever and apparently so could James, I could tell by the way he held me and stroked my hair. Our perfect moment was interrupted by Davie and Lila discussing again, and apparently Kendall was involved this time. It was something about going to get Lila fixed and who would take her. I then noticed she had opened her ankle and was gushing blood all over the carpet. My stomach felt uneasy; I wrinkled my nose. I hate blood.
"Do you want to go somewhere else where there's no blood?" James suggested, already knowing how I felt.
"Yeah, let's take off"
We went to the disco room (called party room from now on) and saw Sass was setting up the music. We helped her, and after it was all set we jammed some tracks as we laughed and talk. Soon it became time for the actual party to start, and the rest of the guests started coming. Lila and Kendall arrived from the clinic just in time the party started.
James and I were dancing and talking. I was usually a quiet girl, but I noticed that around James I could talk a lot. Maybe it was because he always started the conversations, and that kept me going. I loved how we could talk about literally anything.  As we started discussing the pattern of the lights above us, the song changed.
Your bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-boyfriend Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-boyfriend…
"Hey that's my song!"
"It is!" I giggled.
And that is when the mood flipped from friendly to romantic. I don't know about other girls, but if a guy started singing this song to me I would believe he means he wants to date me, and now James was singing it, with his eyes fixed on me! Should I take that as a proposal?
Have you ever had the feeling you're drawn to someone, and there isn't anything they could've said or done?
He pulled our bodies together, grabbing me tightly by the waist with one hand and placing his other on my hip.
And every day I see you on your own, and I can't believe that you're alone; but I've overheard your girls and this is what they say
He suddenly let go and spun me, only to pull me up against him waltz style., gripping my hand tight.
That you're looking for a boyfriend, I see that Give me time you know I'm gonna be that
I touched the back of his neck and brushed his soft hair; his hazel eyes had my gaze stuck on him and him only. It was as if we were the only ones in the room.
Don't be scared just come put your trust in me; can't you see? All I really wanna be is your boyfriend
James twirled me again and then pulled me back to him, so that my back was pressed up against his chest, crossing his arms over my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. He sang on my ear and his breath gave me goosebumps.
Can't fight that, let me down you know I'm coming right back I don't care at all what you've done before; all I really want is to be your...
I turned to face him. That move was really romantic, but I wanted to see his face; I needed to see his face. James looked at me with questioning eyes as I backed up from him, but I reassured him by grabbing his shoulders and pulling into him again.
Let me take a little moment to find the right words, so when I kick it to you it ain't something that you've heard,
He took hold of my hips, and we both moved in sync to the rhythm of the song. Our foreheads touched as he leaned closer.
I don't know what kinda guy that you prefer, but I know I gotta put myself for worse, see I think I got the kinda love that you deserve, and I heard that...
James' eyes were smoldering, he had stopped singing and our dance had receded.
He looked at me in such way that I couldn't hold my need to kiss him anymore. I was less than three inches apart from his perfect lips! With my eyes still locked on him, my hands lowered to his chest. I was going to do it! I tiptoed a little to grasp him, only to feel his lips on mine before I could reach them.
He kissed me first! And god, did his mouth feel soft and warm. I could sense a delicious dash of his breath, hot on my mouth and I wanted to keep on going forever, but he broke the kiss before it could get deeper.
We looked at each other and then broke eye contact as each of us flushed. The song was still playing and everyone was dancing, oblivious (I hope) to how James and I held each other, timidly after what had just happened.
Don't get me wrong, I was pretty happy that I had gotten kissed by James, thrilled if not! The deal was, I had just realized we were in the middle of the dance floor and I'm not really good at being affectionate in public, and I'm guessing James wasn't either because his cheeks were a soft pink that made him look even lovelier.
"That was... Whoa" James broke the silence. I looked up to see he was sweetly trying to contain a smile.
"I know" was all I could say, and with that I hugged him again because I just loved hugging him.
After that small exchange, not a word about the kiss was said the rest of the night, but definitely something had changed and I felt pretty good about that. We had obviously sensed something, both of us, sort of like the famous "fireworks and sparks" that people talk about when they kiss the one they love.
James and Kendall stayed the night with us, after most of the people left around 2 am. Sass went up to her room to get some sleep while Lila and I lied on our royal staircase with James and Kendall. We were all having a good time, just cuddling (as much as one can cuddle in a staircase) and flirting when Davie came up mad to tell the guys to go back to their houses and ordered us to go sleep. Lila and I of course, wouldn't let them do that, so we started to argue with Davie until it was four in the morning. The guys seemed pretty amused by our fighting, when Lila announced she was hungry. Davie went to get some milkshakes with James while Lila and I argued over Kendall going with the other boys. After another Davie-Lila argument about sleep time that ended up with Davie covered in milkshake, I fell asleep for a while on James' legs. I woke up to the sound of Davie's voice. He was talking with James and Kendall about us. When Davie found out we were not asleep he convinced the guys into talking with him in private. Lila and I followed them and tried to hear. We got something about Davie being like our brother, and breaking James' and Kendall's bodies into pieces if they did something to us. Gosh, how harsh.
Soon, it was 7 am, and we were up to some breakfast. Lila and Davie continued quarreling about whether we should go to McDonalds or not after Sass decided we would go. On my sleep-deprived state I had the stupid idea of walking to the restaurant (since it was only 3 blocks away). It was all going swell, until fans spot us. Great, how could I forget that?
We all started running for our lives. Apparently it was fan field trip day or something; there were like 50 people chasing us!
"Chelle! Be quiet!" James ordered as we ran as fast as we could. I was screaming my lungs out; the other guys followed behind us, Davie with Sass and Kendall with Lila, looking scared.
We were almost getting to McDonalds when I felt like if something small rasped the inside of my throat. I tried to shriek in pain this time, but the sound wouldn't come out, instead, trying to scream hurt a lot!
James and I were the first ones to go into the restaurant, earning odd faces from the customers, but most of them started swarming around us asking for autographs. James asked a policeman if he would please control the people and to please not let the crazy fans inside.
After what seemed an eternity (and was probably just one minute) Sass and Davie came in, looking hurt and tired. Davie had only half of his shirt on, because the rest of it was wrapped up around Sass' hand and around his own hand.
I was wishing I could speak or something, so I could ask them where Lila and Kendall were, but even trying to speak hurt. I hope it isn't something serious; I literally make a living out of my voice!
James, on the other hand, was okay, just worried about me. He asked me what was wrong but I couldn't answer so I gestured to my throat and made pained moans. He understood.
"I told you to stop screaming" he scolded. I rolled my eyes at him and pouted. "Aw, common, you'll be fine" and with a hug he pulled me down to sit on his lap.
After a while Kendall and Lila came in (thanks to the heavens!) but Lila had also gotten hurt in the way; she bent her wrist or something.
We didn't even eat in McDonalds because it was full with people (who were trying to get to us). It was a complete mayhem around us, Davie was shirtless and screaming at Lila, people were flashing photos of us and they were also yelling. We did get some photos with some fans, but after that we decided we needed to get to the hospital fast.
We were walking down the street, trying to find a cab (this time escorted by police) when I got thirsty. I pulled on James' sleeve and after a few tedious attempts to make him know what I wanted, he guessed.
"Yo, Davie?" James said
"What?" he answered like he was an authoritative father, pissed partly because all of us (except for James and Kendall) had gotten hurt. He was hurt too, but he tried to keep on a brave face, saying he only needed a Band-Aid when he obviously needed stitches on the whole palm of his hand. The cloth he had over his injury covered it a little, but I still wouldn't risk a look.
"I'm going to take Chelley to the hospital; she wants to get something to drink before"
"No. We are all going to the hospital right now. We'll buy you some coffee when we get there" Davie told me and I glared at him.
"No dude, chill, I promise I'll take her after she drinks something" and now James looked infuriated too. If you knew Davie, you would think James took a while to get mad. I would've punched him and left since the "what", just by the way he answered.
What happened after was unexpected. Davie had a fit because being the big superstar, he was used to no one (except us) contradicting him, and James just did that. In a flash, Davie reached out to pull some of James hair in fury. I was in silent shock when James' limp body almost crushed me when he fainted.
"DAVIE!" Lila, Sass and Kendall screamed, and then the three of us girls punched and slapped him.
Kendall and Davie helped put James in the cab. It was a silent ride to the hospital. Sass looked concerned for her broken finger, and was mostly worried that our manager Tom Kafer (who was in Hawaii) would find out about what happened, especially since people took pictures. Lila was trying to keep calm in her pain, squirming besides Kendall, who looked mad at Davie. He hadn't said anything when James and Davie were arguing but the look he had on his face now was deadly. I never thought I'd see such a cheery guy like Kendall that way. Davie just frowned at the floor, looking up to stare daggers at Kendall and a very knocked out James once in a while. He probably blamed all of this on them, when it had been my fault if you come to think about it. I just sighed and winced when I took breaths that were too long, because those stung my dry throat. I just hope they can fix us before we start recording.
What is worse, getting to the hospital didn't fix the drama or eased things up. We had all finished getting our exams taken and were sitting on different stretchers that were divided by curtains. I had James head on my lap, the rest of his body extended on the stretcher. I started caressing his hair absentmindedly, when I felt him starting to wake up.
His eyes opened to stare up at me. "Are we in the hospital?" he asked all woozy.
I nodded down at him and then started wondering why he was getting up. I followed him; he was looking behind the curtains for someone… maybe Kendall?
As James opened a curtain and glared down at Davie like he wanted to kill him, I knew what he was about to do but I was too late to stop him.
Davie stared up arrogantly at a very angry James "Oh, the princess wo-" and just before he could finish, James slammed his fist on Davie's face.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" no one had time to laugh because Davie was already throwing himself at James. If Davie didn't like James already, he had more reason not to do so now.
Lila and Sass were trying to control Davie while Kendall and I pulled James out of the small space before Davie broke his nose or something. I was a little shocked at James for what he just did; I didn't know he was that kind of guy. I guess his hair must be really important for him to react that way (first fainting and then punching someone?). One thing's for sure though, he looked really hot when he was angry.
The doctor came to take care of my bandmates’ wounds, and checked my throat before giving me my meds. We left the hospital, Radioactive Youth first and then Big Time Rush, because there were too many paparazzi outside and we didn't wanted to risk being seen together in the state we were.
We got home, tired, and to our horrible surprise, it was crowded with even more paparazzi. We got in the house only to have Natalie tell us we were all over the news and that there were rumors that Lila and I were dating Kendall and James which even though we wanted it to be true, it wasn't (yet).
After locking all of our doors and closing our windows, we went into a closed up room to play board games and stuff like that, trying to kill time so that the reporters and photographers went away.
I couldn't stop thinking about James last night, of how we had kissed, how everything changed after that; the way in which he always wanted to hold my hand, how good it felt to hug him, how un-awkward it was to flirt with each other... I missed him again already. I want nothing more than be by his side and it felt pretty good to know he wanted that too. This is the first time I've fallen in love with anyone and man, it feels awesome! I just hope these paparazzi go soon so I can finally be around his arms again...
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POZ Interview: Juliet Simms + Andy Biersack 
Posted July 22, 2013  
Senior Writer Jesse Richman sat down with Juliet Simms and Andy Biersack (Black Veil Brides) at Warped Tour a week or so ago for an incredibly in-depth interview. We spoke with Simms and Biersack about Warped Tour, The Voice, each of their careers in the music industry, the future for both, and so much more. Check out one of the most in-depthi interviews we’ve ever done on PropertyOfZack below!
How are you guys doing? Andy: I’m good. Juliet: I’m good. Definitely warped. I caught your set this afternoon, Juliet. First of all, it sounded great and the crowd seemed to be into it. How are you feeling about these dates? Juliet: Honestly, it was unexpected to arrive on this tour and have such an incredible response. I only came out here with a guitarist. Thankfully, Black Veil Brides have been more than accommodating and Warped Tour has been so accommodating in helping me so much. It’s been pretty crazy. POZ: I can only imagine! Juliet: Keep-A-Breast has been amazing too. As you mentioned on stage, today is your and Andy’s anniversary – you met here at the Long Island Warped Tour two years ago? Andy: We didn’t meet, but we officially started dating here. We’d been hanging out for a couple weeks at that point, but I guess we officially decided to call it what it is is here. Juliet: Yeah, we’re in love, and he… POZ: Was there any great romantic story to that? Juliet: There’s a couple! We were walking through bus world, and that’s where we screamed at the sky, like, “I love Andy” and “I love Juliet.” Andy: I was screaming that I love Andy. She was a little upset [Laughs]. Juliet: That’s where we “officiated” everything. Is it tough, with both of you being so in the middle of big points in your careers right now, to find the time? Andy: Yeah, but in a situation like this, it’s so nice to be on the same tour. Most of the year we don’t get to spend as much time together as we’d like to, because of tours and schedules. But actually, every tour that she’s done since The Voice I’ve been on. I just go out with her. On the last one I helped, I co-tour managed. POZ: Do you schedule it around each other? Andy: You can’t really. Black Veil is on tour like eight months out of the year. It’s hard, but fortunately the one time she had a long run I came out. Juliet: He’s being too humble. He’s been incredible. Seriously, he’s been helping me a lot with management, promotion, and anything I need to do, from “what shirt should we make?” to “this song” or “that set,” and setting up things for shows. He came out and was on tour with me in a van! No laying down or anything, and just helping me with everything. Andy: I get up every morning at the buttcrack of dawn and help her set up her merch, and… Juliet: Even on Warped Tour, where this amazing rockstar should be sleeping in bed until 3PM, he’s getting up in the morning and carrying things, finding people with me, helping out with street teamers, and doing everything with me. It’s absolutely incredible how much he’s been helping me. Andy: It’s not her fault, but there’s nobody stepping up to do it. She’s had a lot of mismanagement – people who have, in my opinion, not been there when needed over here career, so… POZ: I feel like that’s been a story since going back to the Automatic Loveletter days. Juliet: It’s an ongoing theme for sure, but the struggle, and the fight, and the working this hard is just going to make for a good story. Initially, you were only going to do a short run on Warped Tour. But you recently announced that you’ll be doing the full tour. Juliet: What happened was that I went and visited Andy during the California dates. And I basically just went up to Kevin [Lyman] and was like… It takes a lot of money to be on this tour, and I didn’t have the funds to be on it with a full band. So I told Kevin. Kevin has become… He’s family. Like he’s my uncle. He discovered me. He really was just like, “you’re going to be on here acoustic, you’re going to be on here for the full thing.” You’ve done Warped as a full band tour with Automatic Loveletter. Is it strange being up there solo instead of with a band? Absolutely not. Dave, my guitarist, has been incredible. He’s such a big help. Being up there is all about just connecting with the crowd, connecting with fans, giving your message, and it’s being received really well. Is Automatic Loveletter still a thing? Juliet: It’s completely not over. To be completely honest, Automatic Loveletter was me. I wrote every song. The reason that it’s Juliet Simms now is because I’m on the show [The Voice]. Andy: It’s called Semi-Automatic Loveletter now. [laughs] Juliet: What he said. [laughs] Ok, so let’s talk about that – you were on The Voice. One thing that we’ve seen a lot of over the past few years is people from the Warped Tour scene going onto The Voice. It seems like a lot are going there to try to escape from this world, to get into more mainstream territory, more radio territory. Juliet: Why? POZ: Well that’s what I was going to ask about! You’re back here on Warped, so that doesn’t seem to be your agenda. Juliet: I don’t have the mentality that The Voice is bigger than Warped Tour. I think that Warped Tour is such a great tour. Who wouldn’t kill to be on it? And that’s what I’ve been doing. Every day we wake up at 7:30am and we bust our asses because, shit man, you’re reaching so many people when you’re on this tour! Andy: It’s one of those things, you know? She went on a tour with an artist she had toured with in the past, and the tour was very poorly promoted. Most of her fans didn’t even know she was in the cities she was in. It was a poorly attended tour. This is a situation where her fans know that she’s here and she’s already at the show. They can walk up and go see their favorite singer. It’s a great situation for any band, and especially an artist that has some sort of appeal or has done something commercially. Are you seeing folks coming out to see you at Warped who clearly know you from The Voice and have never been to Warped Tour? Juliet: Definitely, for sure. I’ve totally seen that. POZ: I imagine they stick out like a sore thumb. Juliet: It’s crazy! I’ll see… Andy: They only know “Roxanne!” Juliet: Yeah! They start screaming when I sing “Roxanne” or “Man’s World.” I’ll see a 17 year old girl who knew me from Automatic Loveletter, but then I’ll also see people in their 50’s! Like screaming and stuff! They obviously saw me from the show. It’s crazy. Andy: It’s an interesting dynamic to observe. So many of the stagehands and people who work on my stage all have a different perspective on her; like “oh, my wife loves you from the show.” For somebody who’s been on Warped Tour for a hundred years to now be like “I watched you at home while you were on my TV.” Television has such an interesting impact. People feel like they know you more when you’re on TV, when you’re on a highly rated television show for a year almost… POZ: You’re in their living room every week. Andy: There are more people that say, “My wife said to say hello.” She doesn’t fuckin’ know their wife! But everybody thinks… It’s nice, because she’s such an amicable person anyway. Is it hard for you? Do you feel like you’re playing to two different audiences at once? Juliet: No, I mean… Honestly, when I’m performing I’m in my own world. When I’m performing to kids, people, grownups, or whatever; everyone has been there and everybody has the same things in their minds. It’s like we’re all one. When I’m performing or doing whatever I’m doing with an audience, I kind of just feel like “we are who we are, let’s all connect and be one right now.” Does performing feel different post-Voice than it did before? Juliet: Definitely! I would definitely say because of The Voice I’ve found my voice. Not to say that I didn’t know who I was in previous tours, but I just feel like this is who I am now. You’ve got your first single out from the post-Voice era called “Wild Child.” Can you talk about the song and how it came about? Juliet: The song was very much inspired by the fact that I’d have fans come to me in person or through Facebook, Twitter, fan letters, all of that, and I’d read them. Right now it’s such a controversial time right now – there’s bullying. People are weird, there are freaks and there are dorks and there are losers and that’s fucking awesome. It makes them different. It’s about you being confident about yourself and saying “fuck you” to the world and that this is who I am and I’m going to represent myself. That’s what that song is about. POZ: That sounds a lot like what Black Veil Brides have been singing about for a few years. Is that part of your bond? Juliet: Definitely. Andy has inspired me so, so much. I feel like one of the reasons why we’ve connected so much is that we have a lot of the same mentality. It just worked out perfectly. Andy: Plus I like her hair. POZ: It’s a new look! [Simms recently chopped off her lengthy tresses in favor of a bleach-blonde pixie cut]. Juliet: It’s a new look. It’s a “I don’t give a shit! I’m going to fucking take a shower and be done with it!” Andy: Good for Warped Tour. On The Voice you were coached by Cee-Lo Green and you’ve continued working with him afterwards. Can you talk a bit about what you guys are up to? Juliet: I performed with him a couple weeks ago on his new single. He’s definitely taken a good role in helping me creatively and talking about me in interviews. He’s been such a huge supporter. I’m sure we’ll be doing something together in the near future. You’ve got the one single out. What else is coming? Is there an album in the works? Juliet: Honestly, what’s happening right now is, I’m in negotiations with Universal Records. And whether or not we do an album together, I’m going to be… if it’s a Kickstarter, or if it’s another label… POZ: Do they have you locked into something through The Voice? Andy: They have an option. The single was released through a contractual option. The rest of it is up to whether they want to make a record or not. Juliet: And it doesn’t matter either way. I have so many studios, so many friends, so many musicians… I am going to get an album done this year for sure and out. POZ: Have you been writing in the meantime? Andy: She has, like, 100 songs. Juliet: So much. On The Voice, it seemed like you sang a lot of classic rock material, which is a different direction from your earlier work. Is that indicative of where the writing for the album is going? Juliet: Yes. On the show, I wanted to do something different that people haven’t done on singing shows before. And I feel like I did that. POZ: You definitely didn’t go the typical ballad, big singer route. You went the rock n’ roll route. Juliet: I wanted to sing songs that inspired me throughout my career and inspired me to sing and be in a band. I feel like that connected a lot. That’s why I got so far in the competition. I feel like what’s missing today in music is that kind of sound, that kind of music, and that kind of rock star. Where are our Debbie Harrys and Joan Jetts and Fiona Apples and Janice Joplins? Where are they? POZ: Are you concerned that maybe there’s not room for that kind of person in the musical world right now? Juliet: Oh not at all! I think there’s totally room. I think there’s one spot available, and it’s mine! And if I do what I did on the show in my own music, I feel like that will connect with my audience, because there’s a demand for it and it’s missing. And it needs to be there. One other thing I wanted to quickly ask you about. You have a bracelet company called Never Take It Off. Can you tell me how that came to be? Juliet: What’s really great about the company is that it started on 2011 on Warped Tour; it started with the record I released, The Kids Will Take Their Monsters On. And it’s all about making vows and promises – to yourself, or to somebody else. If you think about a friendship bracelet, it’s kind of like that. Andy: It’s a vow. She was talking about the concept behind her music and everything of kids fitting it, and having something they’re getting over or whatever… It’s vows. “I’m going to stop doing this thing that’s harmful to myself,” or “I’m going to be more outgoing” or “I’m going to do these things.” The bracelets all represent different vows. The kids get them and they put them on. [Points to wrist] That red one has been on me for three years. It’s a vow to yourself. Never Take It Off. I like it a lot. I got involved. I now have a line within it. Juliet: Andy is actually the first official, like, “Never Take It Off by Andy Biersack.” Andy: People tie things around their finger, to remember a date. It’s essentially the same concept, you know? Juliet: He designed his line, did came up with the names of the vows and bracelets, and necklaces. It’s really cool. So Andy, while I’ve got you here, do you mind if I ask you a couple questions? Andy: Alright. How are Black Veil Brides doing this year? You’ve done Warped before. Andy: It’s very different to be one of the headlining bands on the tour and to have that situation is very humbling. I went to Warped Tour every single year growing up and I got to see Dropkick Murphys, Rancid, and AFI and all my favorite bands that I’d stand and watch. I dunno, it’s cool to play on it. I say it on stage every day and I mean it: It really is an honor. All of the macho swagger of everyone being on stage, all the “get the fuck up” and shit, it’s fine. We all do it. But the one thing that should be said by every band – and I think most bands do – is that it is truly an honor  for anyone to be involved in this. It’s the 19th year of this. For any of our bands that are stylistically a departure from the core of bands the tour started with, like NOFX playing in front of a lake and trees, for us to be accepted onto something like this, and to be the people that are carrying the flag on Kevin’s tour, is a huge honor. The reception to us has been insane as well. I didn’t know what to expect. Going into the last Warped Tour we did, we just put out our first major label album. Our touring numbers were solid at clubs, but we hadn’t played big stages or whatver. We did pretty well, but this year is a whole different ball game. It’s crazy to see the number of people out there. You mentioned that you guys aren’t exactly where the tour started out. One thing I’ve noticed this year is that it seems like a very fractured tour. There are a lot of little scenes, but not one overriding scene anymore. And of all those little scenes, the biggest one is metal – whether it’s metalcore, or whatever little gradations you want to put on the term. Why do you think metal has become such a strong part of what started as a punk rock thing? Andy: You know, there are different divisions of punk rock, and people who believe “only this is punk rock” and “only this is punk rock.” And within that, bands started to tread that line. You go back even to the 80’s, when the glam rock stuff was going on, and that was “heavy metal.” These bands like GBH, all these bands that were teasing up their hair and doing glam rock albums, like TSOL that cross that line. You have these punk rock bands that crossed that line way back then. POZ: And then you could look at a band like Crüe or early Van Halen, they were coming out of that punk tradition as much as metal. Andy: Exactly. I think it dates back to a point even then that it’s such a crossover, that young fans don’t even know what a band like The Dead Boys or The Damned is, and they don’t know that Black Veil Brides is heavily influenced by that stuff. But they do know what Metallica is though, so they can associate with that part of our influence. A band like Bring Me The Horizon, they have a mosh-metal feeling to them. They’re very energetic on stage. There are always elements of punk rock in the whole festival, it’s just sometimes people can’t see it that way. And then the one thing that’s kept on, that I think is amazing, is ska has also had a very long history on this tour. With Reel Big Fish and Goldfinger and some smaller stage bands, there’s a lot of ska on this tour, and that hasn’t been around in a while. Maybe that’ll make a resurgence. POZ: Maybe it’s time for the fourth wave of ska! Andy: Yeah exactly! The new wave! Mosh ska. We’ll have kids with swoopy bands doing upstroke ska. [Laughs] I think there’s enough punk rock ethic in what metal currently is, or in what people call metal, that you’re not looking at… There’s only one band on this tour, and that’s Black Dahlia Murder, that you could probably classify as “metal” as it is. I greatly respect them. It’s not necessarily the type of music I buy and listen to, but I go by their stage and go, “Holy fuck, they’re playing guitars!” Not to dog any bands on the tour, but it’s nice to hear people playing the fucking guitar, not just hitting it over and over again while people jump. Since you went there, I have to ask about the amp controversy. Bands have been doing fake cabs since The Who in the 70’s. Andy: It’s as simple as this: Black Veil Brides is the band with the long hair and the body paint and the makeup. That’s the “faggy” band for that. And then Black Veil Brides stops wearing the makeup, cuts the hair, and it’s “the guy sounds like the guy from Nickelback” now. Okay, we come out and play new songs and they’re “oh, that’s different. But there has to be something!” So they go on stage and take a picture of our cabs and then say that they’re fake amplifiers. Which, by the way, is so incredibly ignorant, because cabinets are never amplifiers! You cannot play music out of a cab. Unless someone has figured out a way to plug directly into a cab! Machinehead came out last week and was defending us in a way. Robb Flynn was like, do people really think that like, Judas Priest and Slayer and all of those – the ones that are on fire in the background, that they’re working too? Do they have fucking cables going up to the ceiling? POZ: Slayer’s upside-down cross… Andy: Exactly! You look at pictures of Van Halen and shit, they’ve got stacks and stacks. How could they possibly maintain any amount of electricity in that venue with 9 million cabs. KISS has had cabs that shoot video out of them for years! Do they think those are working as well? So what we did was turn them around, and asked the audience “look how boring this is! See these pieces of wood? People online are saying this is a better way to do this, that we’re faking. Somehow we’re still making music, but would you prefer if we turned these around?” And of course, an audience wants to see a show. We’re Black Veil Brides; we make no bones, we’re not going out here to be the “artistic  cred” band. There’s a lot of bands I have great respect for…a band like letlive. is a way different band from Black Veil Brides. We might come from similar things, and we can talk about playing VFWs and what that shit was like, but when we’re on stage, we’re the band that has the smoke bombs and the fuckin’ theatricality. So why wouldn’t we take that step on Warped Tour and have some sort of staging? That’s just part of who we are. So we’ll keep ‘em turned around; if people want it, maybe we’ll do them sideways, do a triangle of them? [Laughs] But yeah, it was silly.  People always find something. I’m sure the next thing will be, like, someone in the band’ll grow a beard and then it will be “beards are gay.” I don’t know, but there will be something. You brought up KISS earlier. You guys lost a lot of the makeup and longhair that made your reputation in the beginning. Andy: We were described as the Walmart KISS, the shitty KISS. “Stole everything from KISS” POZ: So is this your KISS late-80’s/early-90’s “Unmasked” era? Andy: You become a caricature of yourself over time. We never sat down and said, “Hey, let’s all stop wearing makeup.” Over the years, you look in the mirror and you don’t want to do the thing as much, because the thing is becoming… You can’t dress up as the same thing for Halloween every year and not get bored of it. We love the theatricality and going on stage and having that presentation, but for the time being we’re enjoying a more raw, natural look. We’re still guys in fucking leather jackets and everything else. That’s still part of us. But I don’t think the band needs to go out there like that. And by the way, if you want to see a band that’s head to toe in paint and makeup, there’s about 30 bands that have come out in the last year and a half that are doing that. So the stripped-down look – is this a more “authentic” you, or is it another character that’s just the “stripped-down character” instead of the “makeup character?” Andy: I like to think that it’s just what Black Veil Brides currently is. And I don’t know if in six months we’ll be wearing gas masks and clown wigs. Who knows what the next thing is, what we’re going to feel? I don’t think that’s going to happen, but right now as it is we’re not sitting around going “man, I wish we were still wearing makeup” or “it’s great that we’re not doing this.” We’re just wanna go out there and perform. I think we’re a better band than we’ve ever been. The look fits well with that. Like you said, you don’t know what you’ll be in six months, but do you know where you’ll be? What’s coming after Warped Tour for BVB? Andy: We’re doing a co-headlining tour with Bullet From My Valentine in the States for the Monster Outbreak Tour. POZ: That’s an interesting older band / newer band mix. Andy: Yeah, it’s gonna be fun. They’re closing each night. A lot of the venues we’re playing are venues we just headlined. It’ll be cool to see not only our fans, but theirs. It’s funny, because I feel like Bullet For My Valentine started out in this Warped Tour scene when they were getting going, but now they almost seem like the furthest thing from it. They’re in a very different world. Andy: Same thing with Avenged Sevenfold. People forget that Avenged Sevenfold did Warped Tour in tents for years and years. Then they worked their way up to second stage, and main stage… POZ: I remember people saying that M. Shadows singing would never work! Andy: Exactly, yeah! I remember, I saw them in like 2004 at Warped Tour. They were on the second main stage. He sang all the fucking songs – this is before they released the singing record. So he comes out and sings the songs and I’m like “whoa! This is more up my alley!” On Waking The Fallen, I think everyone knew they were going to skyrocket. And thank god they’re nice guys. We toured with them last year and they were wonderful people. And obviously an influence on us. We try to look at that and take it a step further. We wanted to be that band where, if we’re going to be on Warped Tour, we want to give them a cool show. POZ: Is it your goal to have one foot in this Warped world and another in the mainstream rock world? Andy: Maybe. I would never want to abandon something that has been so kind to us. So many bands get too big for their britches, they’re like “oh, we’re too big for Warped Tour,” blah blah blah. Assumably we probably won’t do it again next year just because that’s the nature of the tour, but I think if Kevin invited us again, we would definitely do it. Juliet: I’ll always do it. Andy: She’ll always be here. They actually put her in one of the production trucks at the end of the tour. [Laughs] POZ: Just keep her ‘til next year! [Laughs]. Juliet; This tour has been so incredible. Today is our anniversary, and today they let me and Andy plan the whole menu for catering. POZ: What’s on the menu? Andy: At lunch we had chicken wings, this corn that I really love, and BLTs. For dinner we’re doing ribs and mac n’ cheese. We’re going to go get that right now!
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distracteddream · 8 years ago
Self Rec Challenge
“Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.”
The lovely @banana-ghoul tagged me. Thank you!
I think most people following me know about “Happiness is a Long Shot” (formerly “Save Me from the Dark”) so:
1. “Budapest Dance”(Explicit) - MCU; Clintasha; Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov; Complete
This is the first fic I posted on AO3. Not sure if my writing has improved since then, but it’s something I really loved writing. I could picture the opening of Clint in the rafters of the Parliament Building and Natasha dancing below. It’s something I’d love to have fanart of.
2. “Five Times Loki Invaded the Avengers’ Dream and the One Time He Didn’t” (Explicit) - MCU; Loki Laufeyson and all the Avengers; Complete
This fic languished in my writing folder for over a year. I finally pushed myself to finish it recently and it’s been really well received. It makes me want to explore the FrostHawk relationship more.
3. “No Rest for the Wicked” (General) - Loki Laufeyson; Complete
This was submitted for a contest. It’s a short character study of the impact The Void had on Loki at the end of “Thor”.
4. “Wretched Divinity” (Mature) - BVB/Legion of the Black; Andley; Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy; Incomplete
I read an unfinished fic of vamp!BVB and fell in love. With the original author’s permission, this is my retelling. I had intended to up the rating on this one, but it will probably stay at mature. I’m still working on it, though updates are slow.
5. “Nakht” (Teen+) - YGO; Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, and Thief King Bakura-ish (not shippy); Complete
This was a Halloween-inspired fic ghost story. And then it went all emotional and not scary at all. I didn’t tag it TKB, but since it deals with the part of Yami Bakura that is TKB, you could consider it that. It’s not shippy, though I’m not bothered if readers want to apply shippiness to it.
I’m tagging (and they’ve probably already done it or been tagged): @wolvesofegypt @texasdreamer01 @florence-midknight @dmbakura @veliseraptor
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vinnymauro-chenzomauro · 8 years ago
This is for the anon who said they wanted more of my writing. This scene took me a long time and I hope they enjoy it. I call this section “Questioning” and it will be under a cut because it’s really long. I drew from my own experiences as a gay, bigender, polyamorous man to write this section. I drew from some of my own insecurities as well, so please do not hate on me. Also, there is a war scene in italics, so if you want to skip past that part, you can and also some gay slurs. But enough rambling and let’s get on with the scene. 
Each morning I wake up with her on my mind and pain in my heart. I told myself that I could not love more than one person. That was a next to impossible feat. I wanted to love Ghost so bad, but the confines of my labels were like chains. I wanted to stay very much monogamous to Vinny and I very much so knew that I was not straight. If I went against the labels I had finally settled on after years of searching, I was sure to be labeled a faker. I was sure to be scrutinized by my peers. I didn’t want to face more rejection than I had already experienced in my life. I just knew that I was going to try stick to my labels. That was the only part of society I clung onto. It was the last shred of humanity that I had left. I owed it to myself, and to Ashley, to cling onto what humanity I had left.
I was always questioning myself and it never seemed important until now. I knew for a fact that I was bigender. But lately, it felt like I was faking the whole experience. I wish I knew what I was or who I was. I thought I knew who I was, that was until I finally began to realize that I was comfortable where I was. I was comfortable as a person who was in the middle of transitioning fully. All of my experiences were now somehow being invalidated by those around me. I guess I shouldn’t let it stop me, but it did. It stopped me dead in my tracks every single fucking time.
I looked at myself in the mirror and studied my appearance. I had once been overweight for my height at one hundred and forty one pounds. Now I was mostly pure muscle and bone. My hair was dull and frizzy. My eyes showed a lifelessness that they had never before. Those hazel eyes had seen too many people die to even properly process the individual deaths. The expression on my face was emotionless. My skin was dry and cracking as it never seemed to retain the water I so desperately hoarded and put into my body. There were scars, cuts and bruises everywhere. Though, my back and arms held the highest count of scars than anywhere else on my body. They had carried water back and forth from the wells deep within the California desert. They had fought and given up in bloody battles. Yet, these scars were a reminder of those battles that I fought in.
There was once battle that had haunted my body the most though. I don’t know if I had imagined the whole battle or not, but I could picture the whole event quite clearly in my mind. I didn’t really care if my body had fought in this battle. My soul knew I had fought in this battle. It had clung onto that bit of memory like I did with the book I found in the cathedral. Like the book, my soul knew that there was a lesson to be learned from what it went through. There was a moral to the battle’s story and I knew it. I believe that my soul knew I would need the experience of that particular battle to get through the battles I was facing right now. There was some reason my subconscious pulled up that particular memory. The memory was so clear that it was if these events happened only a few hours prior.
I just thought that I would have to nurse people back to health. Even then I could not stomach what I saw. Men blown to smithereens by the blast, their guts flying and hitting a nearby woman who screams out in horror. Nurses covered in the blood of the wounded. Their once white uniforms now a dark reddish-brown. A man screams out as he looks at his blown off leg, the first time he’s noticed the pain. Another is screaming about how he can’t hear, his eardrums burst because he was so close to the blast. A man screams that he has to go back and fight, that this was his duty and he couldn’t leave others to fight without him. That he had to help his fellow man and protect the motherland. His words fell short though, the nurses were too busy caring to him. Another man screams in agony as he sees his best friend is taken away from him just before his eyes. He runs to shelter in the hospital, screaming and crying for someone to save his best friend. The nurses knew that the man’s friend had no chance. He had taken a bullet to the heart. He was gone as soon as the German pilot laid eyes on him. Another man replies in the same groan of agony as he sees his lover shot down by a Japanese pilot, who laughs as he passes overhead. His lover was pregnant, due to have twins. A little boy and girl ready to be born.
Nurses were running about the island like chickens without their heads. They were looking to help anyone that had survived the blasts. Able men waved their arms and shouted at them, drawing their attention to the injured. They moved as fast as their limbs could take them. Their nimble fingers helping to stitch close wounds and take out shrapnel. They moved faster than any strike of lightning. They knew that other people’s lives depended on how fast they could work. Nurses called for extra supplies, blood, stitches and gause. All while dodging bullets, blasts and shrapnel. They were clearly prepared for whatever happened in the field.
I, however, was not prepared for what happened to the men out in the field. People were dying and I could not just sit back anymore. That man was one of the men who died in the cold hard winter of Russia. I couldn’t bare the thought of someone having to tell his family how he died. He was digging a trench when he accidentally struck himself in the foot. This caused a new disease called tetanus to spread through his foot. He didn’t have a shot yet as the disease was still new and the shot was just being tested. He brushed off the infection and went out to fight. That was where I saw him die as I tended to another soldier as a field nurse.
I looked up into the sky and watched as bullets whizzed past my head. I watched as the man took the last step up the ladder to go over the top. I reached out to try and stop him as I had seen a cannon whizz past him. It landed just a few feet from where he was. I shot up in anticipation and tried to pull him back down. As he turned his head to look at me, a cannon ball zipped past and took his head clean off. Blood spurted in all directions as his body fell lifeless.
I stood up and picked up the body, nurses and doctors yelled at me to get back. They told me that it was not safe to leave my position. They screamed and screamed at me. Their voices were already hoarse. They had to scream over the sounds of bombs and the whir of planes. Their voices were drowned out by the sounds of bullets. The sounds of speech were lost under the sounds of ripping flesh. Words were even lost under the stench of death and smoke from the bombs. The smell of used ammunition even drowned out their words. Their words fell short though as I walked over to the headless body in a trance. The sounds of war seemed to dim as I looked at the corpse.
No longer were there the screams of terrified barrier troops. No longer were there the whir of airplanes. The stench of death had somehow escaped me. I could no longer hear the screams of men calling out for their motherland. The sounds of ripping flesh had also escaped my senses. I could no longer hear the doctors and nurses screaming at me to get back into position. The sound of bullets whizzing past had escaped my ears. The only sound that could be heard was the ringing of my own ears as I walked up next to the body.
The body was still warm as I bent down to touch the man’s hand. I looked him over and tried to locate his head, which was only a few feet away from where the body was. I smiled a bit and walked over, picking up the bloodied head. The man’s eyes were a bright baby blue and he had long black hair with dark purple streaks. He was quite handsome if you stared long enough. I’m sure he had someone-
“Hey, my love. Have you seen Andy walking around these halls by any chance? We were supposed to have that meeting you set up for us.” Vinny’s voice snapped me out of my memory and I growled lightly. Vinny took a step back in surprise, his smile fading.
“I’m not sure why you’d want to see Andy, hun. You two are in completely separate divisions and barely work together. The only reason I could think of you talking to him is to get a better ranking.” With those sentences, I realized exactly why Vinny wanted to see the all powerful Andy Biersack. I took a step back from the man I thought I knew and shook my head.
“Babe, you always knew you were just a toy, right? That you are nothing more than a way for me to get to Andy? That you are just a pawn in this big game,” Vinny took a step forward with each question and my body began to shake.
“No, you love me. Don’t you remember your dreams of me?” I shook my head wildly, hoping that this all was just another dream.
“Those were all made up, darling. I only wanted to get to Andy. With him, I could learn all of the Wild One’s secrets and give them to Master William. We will destroy you all.” I took another step back in shock and gasped.
“Vin look, I know you think that F.E.A.R is a good organization. I used to think the same as well. I was blindsided and brainwashed into thinking that they were the good guys. Look at them, they are literally for every and all religion. But they are not the good guys. All they do is destroy,” I looked at Vinny, tears forming in my eyes.
“They promised me riches beyond belief, you low life tranny faggot. All you were was dirt to me anyways. You were nothing more than a stepping stone to get to Andy,” Vinny sneered and looked at me, pure disgust filling his eyes.
“Then get out, you fucking monster! I can’t believe you just used me like that. I can’t believe you would betray the entire Wild Ones like that. Leave me the hell alone,” I snapped and looked at Vinny. His eyes were much darker than normal. He turned on his heels and walked away as I collapsed to my knees, crying.
“Ghost, what the hell are you doing here,” I asked through sniffles, wiping the tears away from my face as she moved closer to me. She smiled lightly and looked into my eyes as I looked up at her, my eyes swollen and possibly red from all the crying that I had done. She looked down and sat next to me.
“I’m here to help you stop crying. You’ve been doing this all fucking day. What happened to make such a strong man break down,” Ghost reached out a touched my hand lightly, sending a shiver down my back. I looked down and laid my head on her shoulder, craving intimacy, even in the smallest of ways.
“Vinny and I had a huge fight and now we’ve essentially broken up. He was truly the one I loved whole heartedly. I had this guard up and I let it down, just for him. He saw me in a state that no one else saw me in. Vinny just ended up using me to get to Andy’s knowledge. He just wanted to get higher up…,” I trailed off and looked up at her.
“Vinny loves you…he’s just sorta…ignorant…he doesn’t know how to treat someone in a relationship. He’s more worried about what to do that is is actually doing anything and by doing that you ruin the whole relationship. He’ll come back; just give him time to cool down. He’s Italian; they have the one of the most fiery damn tempers I know…,” Her eyes went big as she gestured wildly. “Like Chris…the man is basically a giant fucking teddy bear…but woooo he gets mad…that’s like…teddy bear with volcano head and it explodes and…just hide…”
“I guess that makes a little sense since Vinny is part dragon. But I feel as though I can’t make him happy. You know…sexually. I’ve never really achieved that famed orgasm by myself and no one wants me to lose my sight. But I’ve been doing some research. The books say that there were some oracles who had lost their virginity and still kept their sight. Plus, I haven’t used my sight in years. It’s obsolete now that we can see the “future” pretty easily now that we have the plans for what F.E.A.R will be up to,” I looked down at my hands and shook my head. “But that’s not what I mean. Ghosty, Vinny joined F.E.A.R and he’s planning on using Andy to get secrets to give to William, the voice of F.E.A.R. He betrayed our trusts.”
“Come on, you’ll reach once one day. Maybe even with me. I haven’t really gotten my downstairs area taken care of. That has been put off until we make the world a better place. But I could always teach you a few things about your little growth and how to please yourself and Vinny,” Ghost winked and I smiled, knowing exactly what she was talking about, forgetting about the bombshell I dropped on Ghost almost immediately.
“You’re horny, aren’t you?” Ghost tried holding back her smile as I beamed at her. She smiled and pushed me back lightly before she crawled over me.
“I am very, very horny and I am willing to help you out any way that I can,” She purred, the words dripping off her lips seductively.
“You know, I have grown more sexually attracted to you lately and I kept wondering how that could be since I was gay and you’re clearly a woman. Maybe my sexuality is more fluid than I thought,” I kept smiling and Ghost giggled a bit. She swayed her hips lightly as she went down to kiss my neck.
Her lips moved expertly to find an area on my neck that elicited a response. I moaned as soon as she found it. I felt her smile against my neck. She went in and kissed the area wetly. She moved her tongue and kept attacking this spot on my neck. I moaned loudly as she sucked on where her tongue previously was. Her hands moved down my body and rested on where my hips would be, if I had any.  She smiled as she came up and kissed my cheek. A blushed raised and reddened my cheeks.
“I tend to have that effect on people, babe,” She smiled and rubbed her hands up my sides slowly. I smiled and blushed even more, all of the sensations were new to me.
“What was that that you just did to me? I loved it,” I smiled and looked up at Ghost happily. She smiled coyly and giggled lightly as she pressed her body against mine.
“I just gave you a hickey, hun. Now stop talking, you’re ruining the mood.” Ghost pressed a kiss to my lips and I kissed back. This was one thing I knew how to do. I moaned a bit before pushing her off.
“This feels wrong on so many levels. I love Vinny with all of my heart. He’s the one I was meant to be with,” I stated with the tone of what you would use to state a fact.
“Of course, but I told you and I’ll tell you again, you ever gotta talk; especially about the trans world; call me. I’m just right down that hallway, in the women’s quarters. Though, I’m sure no one will let you in. Tell me to get my ass here and we’ll talk. I do understand a lot of what you’re going through Max. Trust me; we’re in a world where being trans is treated like a disease, a viral infection. Something that should be killed. We’re the ones that are truly different, and we’re the ones who get hurt the most. There’s nothing more we know about than being broken hearted or lonely or hurt so badly it took every last breath for us to get back up and keep going each day. We are the truthfully the strongest of the strong,” Ghost giggled and smiled at me.
“I guess I have to leave the couple’s quarters now that I’m down a significant other,” I sighed and looked at the wall across from me. I felt Ghost place her fingertips on the back of my hand, shockwaves moving through my hands.
“What’s the matter, love?” Her brows furrowed in concentration. She was trying to read my now emotionless face. I stared straight ahead and tried not to cry once again.
“You did hear me tell you about Vinny, right?” I turned my head towards her soft face and she nodded lightly, tears forming in her eyes.
“I knew one day he’d betray us all. Dragons only want what’s best for them. They’re selfish that way. I wish I could have saved you from all this mess, but I couldn’t. I do know that I will stay in here with you until you feel safe again,” Ghost wrapped an arm around me and I melted into her almost immediately.
She was the perfect person to cuddle with. Ghost had these special arms that were like a new form of magic. They weren’t muscular, but they weren’t chubby either. Her arms were a perfect mix between both. Ghost’s arms held so much pent up love that her magic arms made you feel like you were her only love in the world. Her arms were  very warm and comforting. It was like being wrapped in a fuzzy blanket on a cold winter day with a cup of hot chocolate in your hands.
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bandlovergirl98 · 8 years ago
This Or That Tag
“So I was tagged by @skyjane85 to do this ask, gonna get cracking on it then haha! *cracks knuckles to get ready*
1. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi  2. Disney or DreamWorks: Disney 3. Coffee or Tea: Both, Monster, and Rockstar 4. Books or Movies: Both 5. Windows or Mac: Windows 6. DC or Marvel: DC  7. Xbox or Playstation: Neither 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Idek what those are lol 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: both 10. Cards or Chess: Cards because I’m a fucking pro at The Resistance as an imperial spy hehehe!  11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Both 12. Vans or Converse: Both 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Idek what those are lmfao!  14. Fluff or Angst: Fluff  15. Beach or Forest: Beach  16. Dogs or Cats: Both , but I would love to own a cat more because I feel like almost every Filipino household owns a dog speaking from personal experience!  17. Clear Skies or Rain: Clear Skies and I easily get excited over hearing thunder crashing and seeing lightening lol! 18. Cooking or Eating Out: Both 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: I’d have Sriracha on anything from scrambled eggs to a hot bowl of pho with lime!  20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: I love em both!!  21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot : a little to cold cause more layers of blankets and sweaters the better! 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: I would say the ability to make and fight with any weapon and have blinding speed, basically be a mix of my favorites Hawkeye, Black Widow, The Flash, Speedy, and Batman haha!
  23. Animation or Live Action: Both
24. Paragon or Renegade: I have no idea man! 25. Baths or Showers: showers definitely   26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Cap! 27. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Both 28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? Oh my goodness, so many from my favorite band members, but here are a few that I love that are more than 3 or 4:
“Never give up. There is always hope, there is always life. You’ve just gotta open your heart to it. Live in love.”-Austin Carlile
“Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise.” - Mitch Lucker
“I will always encourage people to seek out the word of God, because I do believe that THAT is where truth really comes from. I believe that when things go wrong if you instead of looking at that as a negative, you choose to rejoice in all things. It’s the hardest thing in the world but I think that that is what ultimately leads to happiness.”- Matty Mullins
“Take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed.”- Andy Biersack
“Girls are like apples…the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree…”- Pete Wentz
“Be bold. You gotta be bold.”- Jaime Preciado
“Don’t get stressed over the little things and make sure you’re enjoying life to the fullest.”- Jack Barakat
“Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.” -Alex Gaskarth
“I don’t hang out with people that are gonna get me in trouble.”- Ronnie Radke
“The only certainty is that we never know what tomorrow holds. We live for today, life is short, so let’s enjoy it together while we can.”- Jinxx
“Don’t be what you’re told to be. Follow your own path. Be your own person. Don’t get held down by everyone else.”- Danny Worsnop
“Follow your heart and chase your dreams until you catch them. Negative people who say you cant do something are only speaking for themselves.” -Jake Pitts
29. YouTube or Netflix: Both. 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson because I read a lot of Rick Riordan books when I was in elementary school.  31. When You Feel Accomplished: When I feel accomplished is when I’m standing up on my church stage singing with my choir with my dad. I truly feel at peace up there. All that hard work in practice paid off and made me more motivated to work hard for and pursue my musical dreams of becoming a freelance touring musician someday.  32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Neither, but I do know people that do love Star Wars.  33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Both 34. Handwriting or Typing: Typing because my handwriting is shit.  35. Velvet or Satin: Neither… give me plaids and flannels,  I can never have enough tbh!  36. Video Games or Movies: Movies  37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Own the dragon cause transportation and a cool pet lol!   38. Sunrise or sunset: Both are equally beautiful!  39. What’s your favorite song? It would either have to be Purified or The Sinner 40. Horror Movies yes or no: No, I’m more of an action movie junkie like my dad lol!  42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre since I did watch Wicked and loved it, can’t also wait to watch Hamilton soon!  43: Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? DC universe cause I would love to meet the heroes and villains irl tbh!  44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? Nah fam! Like I said they’re pretty exciting!  45. Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?: Into the future to see what my life would look like there!  46. What is, in your opinion, the most pointless/unnecessary thing ever invented? Meaningless rap and pop music that everyone else finds so easy on the ears tbh!  47. Favorite band/artist? Of Mice & Men, Memphis May Fire, Motionless In White, Black Veil Brides, to name a few, there’s a lot!!  48. If you could meet a Famous person that’s either Dead or Alive who would it be? I would have to say Austin Carlile because I love him and look up to him a lot!  49: How old were you when you had your first kiss? Never had it, school comes first according to my momma and pops, but for very good reason because I want to have my first kiss with a mini Austin Carlile! 
50: Favorite TV Show: None, I love music more than TV shows tbh!
I now tag @techteddyposts @alltimebecky @justbandstuffs @murderthemoment @myviolentdelight11 and @bandobbessedteenager 
Totally up to y’all if ya wanna do it! 
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ssimagines · 7 years ago
Reid’s Monster 3 || Spencer Reid
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 1854
Summary: Spencer Reid AU where Reid creates a Monster and JJ meets her. JJ learns about who you really are. 
Warnings: Halloween Oriented triggers, Frankenstein triggers, HALLOWEEN THEMES, scars, stitches
Long Note:  Just so you know I know halloween can be triggering, please don’t read if you have a problem with halloween or scars.
This is sorta based off an imagine series for Andy Biersack that I read two years ago and I would like to credit the author so thank you No-love-for-the-sick. This is a variation on your idea, but I am trying to put my own spin on it.
Will be a multi-parter all posted the days before Halloween in succession please enjoy and stay tuned. This is part two. I again didn’t write when I should have, so today there will be two again and I am extending the story past Halloween because it’s not done yet.
This is one of my favorite to write also sadly Spencer isn’t very Spencer like, but next part he will be for sure.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 4    Part 5     Part 6    Part 7    Epilogue
JJ stood in the doorway looking at the young doctor who held this strange girl in his arms.  She was completely shocked. There were a million things swirling around in her head, but none of them seemed to be able to find a way to exit her mouth, so she stood there staring at the couple.
Spencer stared back at JJ as your body continued to shake with sobs. You could feel JJ’s presence, but you didn’t care about her as you tried to control the tear that came from you.
Crying was a new experience for you and you had no idea why it had started or how to stop it. You let over you and over whelm your body. The word hurt came to mind, but you couldn’t really understand what it meant.  
“Y/N, it’s okay,” Spencer whispered into your ear. He was rubbing soothing circles along your back. He gestured for JJ to approach the two of you. She did slowly taking small hesitant steps toward the man and your sobbing form.
Your head was buried in Spencer’s chest, and one of your hands was wrapped around his shirt. Through your hair you could see a sliver of the floor next to the bed. As you cried you saw shoes in the small sliver of floor.
Spencer’s hand started stroking your hair which calmed you down.
You sat staring at the shoes as your tears slowed and you were able to even out your breath. Spencer kept telling you it was going to be okay over and over again.  Eventually, your crying did stop and you looked up from you place burrowed in Spencer’s shirt.
Your eyes met his and you moved your hand to touch his cheek like he did to you all the time.
As the long sleeve of the sweater you were wearing fell back to reveal the scar that circled your wrist, a small gasp slipped out of JJ’s mouth. Your gaze snapped to her having completely forgotten that she was more than just shoes. Your hand returned to its place clenching Spencer’s shirt tighter this time causing a bit of pain in your swollen, healing wrist.
You made eye contact with JJ. The two of you held each other’s gaze unsure of what to do. You tilted your head as you looked over her face. Cautiously, you released your hold on Spencer’s shirt and reached to run your hand along the woman’s smooth face.
When you first saw your own reflection, you thought nothing of the scars that ran along your face. You were aware of the lack of stitches on Spencer’s face, but you also knew that he was different from you. This woman looked more like you with her softer features, but there was no stitches or scars on it.
JJ let your fingertips run along her face. She watched you as you curiously looked over her nearly flawless skin on her face. She took the time with you distracted to look over you.
You were wrapped in Spencer a little like a koala bear with your legs wrapped around his waist making it nearly impossible to see your torso. Because you were wearing shorts, JJ could see the stiches that adorned your legs. They were swollen and she knew that they had to be painful. Her eyes moved to your arms which were mostly covered. She couldn't see any of the stitches other than the one on your wrist of your hand extended towards her.
Her eyes finally looked over your face. Aside from the crude stitches that crossed your whole face at your eyes, you were beautiful. There were a few bruises on your nose and cheek bones, but they were more yellow than purple.  Your hair was tangled and messy, but it was still beautiful. That was something that JJ kept getting hung up on. You were so beautiful.
JJ met your eyes to see that you were just staring at her. Your hand had again returned to its spot curled around Spencer’s shirt. JJ’s gaze flashed briefly to look at Spencer who was just waiting for a reaction from her.
“Y/N,” you said slowly pointing to yourself. When you woke up the first night, Spencer spent a good thirty minutes pointing at you and telling your name. Spencer had done the same for him until you were able to remember both your names. Now here you were doing the same gesture to introduce yourself. Spencer laughed at your gesture, but you ignored it waiting for JJ to introduce herself.
JJ just stared at you confused. She wasn’t sure what to do, so she looked to Spencer in a panic. He just nodded to her so she very hesitantly introduced herself.
“JJ,” she said pointing to herself. A smile spread across your lips.
“JJ,” you said pointing to JJ before pointing at yourself again. “Y/N”- you pointed to Spencer- “Spencer.”
“Yes, princess,” Spencer said pressing a kiss to your temple. The smile on your face spread even wider. You unlatched yourself from Spencer and crawled across the bed. The two adults watched you bring something back. You situated yourself back down onto Spencer’s lap and faced JJ. You showed her the cat and the hat bool with a smile.
“Cat… and the… hat,” you said pointing to the words as you read them. You flipped to the first page and started reading the book. “The sun … did not SHINE.”
When you got to words that you had learned earlier, you got excited and practically yelled them causing Spencer to laugh. JJ watched you read in awe. She didn’t really understand what you wee, but you had to admit you reading was impressive.
It had been about two hours since you meet JJ. You had gotten tired, and Spencer had put you to bed. Now Spencer and JJ were in his kitchen. Spencer had offered to make them sandwiches because he couldn’t leave to go out to lunch like the two of them had planned. JJ had taken him up on his offer as she was very hungry. That lead them to where they were now eating his kitchen table.
“Do I need to ask or are you going to explain what just happened?” JJ said in between bites. Spencer sighed and wiped his mouth. This sandwich returned to his plate as he thought of where to start.
“That’s Y/N,” he said. His tone was somber making everything seem serious. Spencer was worried that JJ would be mad at him or disappointed.
“Well, I got that,” JJ said laughing a little to lighten the mood. She wanted him to know that he wasn’t in trouble. “She really likes to introduce herself, doesn’t she?”
After you had finished Cat and the Hat you had introduced yourself again before getting another book. You did that at least three more times.  
Spencer chuckled and nodded.
“Yeah, she does,” he said.” I think I am to blame for that one. When she woke up the first time, I spent nearly an hour on introductions thinking she didn’t understand me.”
There was a moment of Silence as Spencer reminisced about that first moment with you. JJ was waiting for him to continue, but she soon realized she would have to prompt him to get the answers she wanted.
“What is she, Spence?” JJ asked.
“Well, she’s human if that’s what you are asking,” He said looking at the blonde across from him. “She just wasn’t exactly born. I created her.”
Spencer gave JJ a moment to really understand what he had said.
“What do you mean ‘you created her’?” JJ said hesitantly. She wasn’t sure that she actually wanted the answer to his.
“I made her,” Spencer said. “I don’t really know how to explain, but in a way that you won’t think I’m crazy, but there was a lot of science and rituals involved in the process.”
“Why did you ‘create her’?”
Spencer took a deep breath. This was the one question he actually didn’t want to talk about. It wasn’t logical that of all things the most logical one was the one he was scared of, but it was the one that he knew he would get the most crap for.
“Well,” Spencer started hesitantly. JJ listened without making a sound. “I guess I was just tired of waiting. In less than three years, I’ll be 40, and I don’t really have time to wait around and hope for the right person to come along. About a year ago, I was rereading Frankenstein at Halloween when I started to think of how feasible it actually was. I started to do researching it, and before long I was in really deep in all these ways of raising the dead. A lot of the stories were all about the dangers of a person not coming back the same, but I figured since I didn’t want to bring someone back, but to make someone new that that would not really be a problem.”
JJ was beyond confused. He had done all of this just to find someone to love him. For years, the team had teased him about not having anyone, but she didn’t realize that it actually bugged him. She knew that Reid wanted a family, but she never would have thought that he would go this far.
JJ looked to the hallway that lead to the bedroom where you were sleeping. Spencer tried to get a read on how JJ was feeling. The way she sat and the look on her face were one of worry. There was no disgust or anger. For that, Spencer was glad.
“And the stitches?” JJ finally spoke.
“Well, that’s pretty simple,” Spencer shrugged as he spoke. “All the piece of her haven’t healed together yet.”
“How did you get the pieces of her Spencer?” JJ was scared of this answer. She knew that she would not like it.
“From dead bodies,” he said cringing a little. It sounded way worse that it should. “I only took from unclaimed bodies at morgues and crematoriums. I tried to take one from a funeral home. It was something that no one would ever notice, but the embalming process ruined it.”
JJ laughed. She was grossed out, but the way that spencer was talking about it made it better. The two of them work to stop serial killers and other criminals, so death wasn’t that odd of a thing to hear about. This though was really weird.
“Maybe, we should come up with a different back story for her,” JJ said. “I don’t think you should tell people what you just told me.”
“It’s really weird, isn’t it?” Spencer asked. JJ just nodded, but that caused the two of them to start laughing. “Thank you for not running. I don’t really know what I would’ve done if you walked out.”
“I really don’t know why I’m not running,” JJ said. “So, let’s come up with a better backstory for Y/N.”
Spencer just nodded as the duo started bouncing ideas off each other.
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rainbowgroups · 8 years ago
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🏁🏁           !𝔹𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕤 𝕒 𝕄𝕚𝕒𝕞𝕚 𝕞𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕠𝕤¡ Man if the streets in southern Florida could talk, the stories would be infinite. Especially recently, with street racing on the rise again. Highest it’s been since the mid-90′s and twice as criminal, since crews have been popping up around the city pulling off massive thefts. Most of these crews have fallen apart, or have started to lay low since the increase in law enforcement presence. Amidst all the chaos of the growing underground of street racing, the quiet presence of criminal racing crews that have garnered an increasing interest by not only police but F.B.I, there is one group that seems to be solidifying by the day. A crew filled with drivers of unparalleled skill, who are fearless in the face of any challenge, thrive on pure adrenaline and survive through loyalty and trust. They do have some weaknesses though, ones that law enforcement intend to exploit. They’ve only really formed about a month ago, so they’re still growing and recruiting.With someone on their ass around every curve, it’s time for them to put the petal to the metal in, the fast lane.
18+ IS PREFERRED but it’s not required for this verse, just keep in mind that if you ARE under 18 you need to be forthcoming with that information for legal reasons regarding smut, seriously, don’t be a dick
TRY TO TAG TRIGGERS i understand that you’re human and sometimes you forget or you didn’t think it needed to be tagged, but if you’re asked to tag something, please just be considerate and tag it, and if you’re asking someone to tag a trigger don’t be a dick about it
OOC CONFLICT IS BAD while ic conflict is super encouraged, please for the love of all things great and beautiful don’t start drama. if you find yourself having an issue with someone please handle it with maturity, compassion, and patience. once again don’t be a dick if you start some shit you WILL BE REMOVED from the verse
THIS VERSE IS BASED ON FAST AND FURIOUS however, if you’ve never seen the films don’t fret my friend, it is not even remotely necessary! there will, undoubtly, be a decent number of people in this group that have seen the movies so if you have any questions, just ask!
NO DUPLICATE FC’S unless it has been discussed and worked out between the muns before hand
PLEASE TRY AND INTERACT WITH EVERYONE this is the perfect group for every single character to forge connections to every other character because this is intended to be a group that will grow and evolve into something of a family, so making connections will help with the overall dynamic of the verse and the crew! 
HUMAN FC’S ONLY no supernatural beings/creatures and no animated fc’s, sorry
BE AS ACTIVE AS YOU CAN try your best but don’t stress over it, honestly rp is a hobby and therefore it is understandable if it isn’t/can’t be your top priority
PLEASE TRACK v. the fast lane for all ic things and v. tfl for all ooc things including starter/plot/relationship calls
TAG BIOS WITH the tags v. tflbios and rainbowgroups
MUN NAME & AGE: what would you like to be called and how old are you NAME: character’s name FACE CLAIM: character’s fc AGE: how old are they TYPE OF CAR: include as many details as possible, including but not limited to, make, model, modifications and paintjob, feel free to provide pictures if you can! POSITION: what is your character’s role within the crew, checkout the masterlist here [ xx ] keep in mind there can and should be more than one position that your character can fill but just put their MAIN position here! SHORT BIO: be as detailed as you’d like but don’t feel the need to really hardcore flesh this bit out yet, you’re more than welcome to wait to do that until you officially post their bio in the tag!
CHAMELEON @cleptxs LUDIVINE BACCAY hailee steinfeld BIO | written by hannah
FAST TALKER @magnvss​ MAGNUS BANE harry shum jr BIO | written by jana
TECH SUPPORT @heartguided ALEC LIGHTWOOD matt daddario BIO | written by clary
DEMOLITION @orcnge​ REESE ‘ALANI jason momoa BIO | written by Jana
DISTRACTION @deadgcrl KATHERINE PIERCE nina dobrev BIO | written by cheese
MECHANIC @pulledfromhell DEAN WINCHESTER jensen ackles BIO | written by clary
MECHANIC @brandedskin TODD RAVENSDALE andy biersack BIO | written by grayson
INDIE RACER @frankthxtank FRANK DOMINGUEZ** zoe saldana BIO | written by jana
**undercover cop
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