Skyrim sideblog, baby!
79 posts
I have adventures in a moderately-modded version of Skyrim; check it out.
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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Pictured: A Khajiit desperately trying to save their friend from a tragic fall, a Khajiit enjoying a stroll through the market, a Khajiit quietly getting dressed to not wake the sleeping person in the room, and a Khajiit appraising the value of a necklace.
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
just-a-small-town-queer replied to your post “listening to the word “neravarine” be pronounced in ESO has destroyed…”
How is it pronounced in eso?
the best way i can describe the pronunciation in ESO is “nare uh VARE in” which is not at all how i imagined it sounding in my head?
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
hi! a question is based off my zero understanding of tes metaphysics: what if the towers are holding the next kalpa up and when they fall the next kalpa will literally squish the current kalpa like a pancake so basically the entirety of mundus (or the aurbis?) looks like a stack or pancakes with the upper most being supported by toothpicks (the towers) and also continents other than tamriel could just be mountains from the last kalpa sticking through like in zeldas windwaker when the ocean rose
this is possibly one of the best TES theory asks i’ve ever gotten. ever. like i really think this one is just superb. tamriel as a multi-tiered cake and alduin is a cat who’s about to ruin lorkhan’s wedding 
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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After years of research into the subject, our team of experts have finally come back with definitive results. This is the smuggest a Khajiit can possibly look:
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
emperor uriel septim: Fate destines that I will die down here. And so I must.
the blades, in charge of keeping him alive: please stop saying that
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
Replaying your favorite vido game and getting to your least favorite part again
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
Varona: "my wife"
Me: *instantly healed*
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playing elder scrolls online today with @oshitskyrim​ and we came across these two married lesbians as part of the main quest for morrowind!! it was so nice to see honestly i love them and hope they have an amazing life together. 🧡💖💜
their names (left to right) are shiralas and varona beloren!
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
this lore quiz is the perfect way to determine your amount of elder scrolls brain rot
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
“The line "a hoplite who Pelinal loved well" in the book The Song of Pelinal, Book III was originally "a hoplite who Pelinal often shared a tent with at night." It was changed as to not state Pelinal's sexuality, due to the player character Hero of Kvatch taking Pelinal's title, and in a sense "becoming" him.”
HOK is gay and so is everyone who plays Oblivion; I don’t make the rules.
who was the former emperor that could nut so hard he decapitated his enemies and who was the gay cyborg from the future? also who was that monkey who fucked shit up (not as important as the nutting emperor and gay cyborg but still interesting)
Reman Cyrodiil, Pelinal Whitestrake, and Monkey-Prophet Marukh. in that order. this has been: tes lore
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
Reblog if the man on the left is just as beautiful as the one on the right.
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“M'aiq has heard that the people of Skyrim are better looking than the ones in Cyrodiil. He has no opinion on the matter. All people are beautiful to him.”
–M'aiq, mentioning one of the more notable graphical improvements of Skyrim.
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
Oh I just started ESO- I'm Sachspanner and my character is Jo'rafa. Hmu?
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
What she says: I’m fine
What she means: Why are Khajiit always reduced to jokes about skooma and thievery? They have an incredibly interesting culture, history, and origin stretching from the whispering of the First Secret to Masser and Secunda to the modern day Elsweyr (which is now split into its original two states of Anequina and Pelletine and ruled by the Aldmeri Dominion), complete with their own religion, rituals, foods, art, and architecture. And don’t get started on how weird their morphology is (the freaking phases of the moon determine if you’re just a normal fucking housecat, an anthropomorphic cat, or one of several other forms) and how it’s tied into their religion and selection of leadership (When the moons eclipse, their new “Mane” is born). The Khajiit are a fascinating and unique race in both the TES universe and fantasy in general and they deserve better than to be reduced to a stupid meme just because Skyrim didn’t feature them in much detail
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
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oshitskyrim · 5 years ago
Okay- practise runs suggest this is feasible but I need to be quicker. It's going to be an unarmed speedrun.
I've never speedran anything.
Charity stream incoming
Hey so I've done unarmed runs in the past, and have some time off work coming up so wanted to try and raise some money for the Centre For Social Justice.
If you would be interested in watching a stream, or helping me raise money by spreading the word, please rb.
The stream is likely to be in the next couple of weeks; will let you know when I know.
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