Organic Lifestyle Guy
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
Don't be Chopped Liver
This is about detoxing the body’s largest gland, the liver. Without a liver, a person cannot survive. It has a number of functions including, but not limited to: Detoxifying the blood to rid it of harmful substances (like toxins, drugs, alcohol, and more) Stores vitamins and iron Converts stored sugar to usable sugar when the body’s sugar levels fall below normal Produces bile, a substance needed to digest fats Breaks down hemoglobin as well as insulin and other hormones Destroys old red blood cells The liver performs so many vital functions, and as a result it is very prone to disease. Detox Your Liver With These 19 Super Foods 1. Beets and Carrots: Carrots are rich in Glutathione, a protein that helps detoxify the liver. Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene. Eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function. (Source) (Related CE Article: The Mother of All Antioxidants) 2. Tomatoes: They have abundant amounts of Glutathione (see article above) which again, are a great detoxifier for the liver. As a side effect, Lycopene in tomatoes will protect against breast, skin, and lung cancer. (Source) 3. Grapefruit: Another source of the liver cleansing glutathione. It’s also high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes and increase the natural cleansing process of the liver. 4. Spinach: Raw spinach is also a major source of glutathione, triggering the toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver. 5. Citrus Fruits: Lemons and limes contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which helps stimulate the liver and aids the synthesizing of toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. 6. Cabbage: The isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from cabbage’s glucosinolates provides liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. (Source) (Source) 7. Turmeric: Turmeric is the liver’s favorite spice and helps boost liver detox. It does this by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens. (Source) 8. Walnuts: Walnuts are a good source of glutathione, omega-3 fatty acids, and the amino acid arginine, which supports normal liver cleansing actions, especially when detoxifying ammonia. 9. Avocados: A nutrient-dense superfood, avocado helps the body produce glutathione. 10. Apples: They are high in pectin and other chemicals essential to cleansing and releasing toxins from the digestive tract. Apples make it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process. 11. Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are high in sulfur and glucosinolate, which forces the liver to release enzymes that block damage from environmental or dietary toxins. 12. Garlic: Garlic is loaded with sulphur, which activates liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that also aid in liver cleansing. 13. Dandelion: Dandelion root tea assists the liver in breaking down fats, producing amino acids, and generally ridding it of toxins. (Source) 14. Leafy Green Vegetables: Green veggies are extremely high in plant chlorophylls that absorb environmental toxins, increase bile production, and neutralize heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides, which lowers the burden on the liver. 15. Cruciferous Vegetables: Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase production of glucosinolate in your system, which helps flush out carcinogens and other toxins. 16. Asparagus: Asparagus is a great diuretic, helping in the cleansing process and sharing the detox load of the liver and kidneys. (Source) 17. Green Tea: Green tea is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function. 18. Olive Oil: Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, and flaxseed offer great support for the liver, providing the body with a liquid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. 19. Alternative Grains: Gluten rich grains such as wheat and rye increase the load on the liver’s detox function and enzyme production. Switch to alternative grains like quinoa, millet, and buckwheat.
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Celebrity Organic Baby Food “Honest Company” and “Earth’s Best” Organic Infant Formulas and Organic Toddler Formula Sued for False Claims of being “Organic”
Without seeing the specifics of the lawsuits to view which of the ingredients are at issue it is impossible to comment on the merits of these cases. However, those people who need to consume organic-only foods should be aware that as we have reported in the past, the National Organic Program, influenced heavily by a number of Big Food corporations in recent years, now permits numerous synthetic ingredients to be included under the “organic” label–in foods for adults, children and infants.
Jessica Alba’s Honest Company Sued Over Organic Infant Formula
ABC News
Jessica Alba’s The Honest Company has been hit with another lawsuit that criticizes the brand’s claims.
The nonprofit, politically active group Organic Consumers Association filed a lawsuit earlier this month with the Los Angeles Superior Court alleging that Honest violates the Organic Food Production Act of 1990 and the California Organic Products Act of 2003 by claiming its Premium Infant Formula is organic.
“The Honest Co. is falsely representing its Premium Infant Formula as ‘organic’ even though this product contains 11 synthetic substances prohibited under federal law in organic products. This is unacceptable.” -Katherine Paul, associate director of the Organic Consumers Association
A statement from The Honest Company read, “Our Organic Infant Formula is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration and meets all safety and nutritional standards. It is also certified USDA Organic by an independent third party, in strict accordance with the National Organic Program. We are confident this lawsuit will be dismissed." 
Organic Consumers Association is also suing Hain Celestial Group, alleging that company has "falsely labeled products” that include Earth’s Best organic infant formulas and organic toddler formula. That lawsuit, filed earlier this month in the District of Columbia’s Superior Court, alleges the company violates the D.C. Consumer Protection Procedures Act.
A statement from a Hain Celestial Group spokeswoman read, “Earth’s Best Organic infant formulas fully comply with the USDA’s National Organic Program standards. An independent organic certifier, acting as an agent for the USDA, has certified that the formulas qualify as organic under federal law. Contrary to [Organic Consumer Association’s] allegations, all the ingredients named in the lawsuit are approved for use today in organic infant formulas, and we are therefore confident that the court will dismiss this lawsuit.”
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Toxic Chemicals in Your Personal Care Products…
Regular in-the-know followers will be familiar with some of these toxic toiletries but there are a few surprises. Be sure to check out this slideshow before your next trip to the drugstore.  And share it with your family and friends!
The 10 Most Toxic Items on Drugstore Shelves
1. Tampons and Feminine Care Products
2. Mascara
3. Air Fresheners
4. Lipstick
5. Hand Sanitizer
6. Nail Polish
7. Kids’ Toys and Backpacks
8. Bottled Water and Canned Foods
9. Cleaning Products
10. OTC Meds and Vitamins*
Be sure to read the ingredients labels on OTC meds and vitamins.  Many contain unwanted preservatives and other synthetic additives–including Sodium Benzoate and Tartrazine (Yellow Dye #5) which can be very problematic for certain health conditions.
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Toxic Bras? Yeah, they exist.
We loved this Q&A about toxic underwear–despite the fact that the respondent neglected to discuss the new trend in formaldehyde and other risks like plasticized toxins in clothing of all sorts, underwear included–(and let’s not forget the other issue of fabric that touches our skin long-term that we have reported on frequently: toxins in our linens (sheets and bath towels, and the like).  Nonetheless, we liked her general advice as well as some links on important need-to-know issues for consumers who prefer to keep their risk-taking to more fun things and to skip taking risks on things like underwear. This is a quick and easy must-read that should really be passed on to your fellow females.  Really.
I just bought a new bra. Could it be toxic?
SOLUTIONS: It’s not always easy, but one can turn up lovely options made from natural fibers, especially if one doesn’t mind shopping online. I can’t vouch for these items myself, but you might start by looking here or here. Cotton bras are a great choice because they breathe well and are easy to wash; as always, go for organic cotton if you can, as conventional cotton is typically doused in pesticides and frequently grown from GMO seeds. Bamboo is another sustainable choice; it’s a quick-growing and renewable fiber, and in clothing it wicks moisture and breathes nicely…
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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UPDATE: Ongoing Lawsuits Over Feminine Products Containing Talc…J&J Ordered to Pay $55 Million in Damages in Talcum Powder Case
Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $55 million in talc-powder trial
Johnson & Johnson was ordered by a U.S. jury on Monday to pay $55 million to a woman who said that using the company’s talc-powder products for feminine hygiene caused her to develop ovarian cancer.
The verdict is the second straight trial loss for the company, which is facing approximately 1,200 lawsuits accusing it of not adequately warning consumers about its talc-based products’ cancer risks…
Plaintiff Gloria Ristesund said she used J&J’s talc-based powder products – which include the well-known Baby Powder and Shower to Shower Powder – on her genitals for decades. According to her lawyers, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had to undergo a hysterectomy and related surgeries.
The verdict follows a $72 million jury award from the same court in February to the family of a woman who died from ovarian cancer after years of using talc powder for feminine hygiene. Plaintiffs in talc litigation, which is concentrated in Missouri and New Jersey state courts, have accused J&J of failing for years to warn that talc was linked to an increased risk for ovarian cancer. 
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Nanoparticles Uncovered in Baby Formula
Disturbing news once again about what Big Food has been quietly offering up in the food supply.  The news of course didn’t come from the FDA, but from private organizations who paid the hefty costs of testing baby formulas only to discover that all six formulas tested contained undeclared, unlabeled nanoparticles. This is not only distressing because consumers are once again expected to shell out money without knowing what is in the food they are going to put inside their bodies, but it is especially disturbing given that these particular food items are intended to be fed to babies whose bodies are still developing.
Click on the title link below for more details. And then swing back and take a look at our brief (below) offering highlights about what the scientific research has indicated thus far about the potential problem of permitting nanoparticles in the food supply sans full safety assessments–as well as where one of the most popular nanoparticle food additives, titanium dioxide, can be found in U.S. foods.
Researchers find nanoparticles in 6 of 6 U.S. baby formulas tested
Food Safety News
Recent research has detected potentially harmful nanoparticles in six out of six popular infant formulas tested. Not surprisingly, this has triggered yet more concern about the safety of these engineered particles, which are added to some of the foods we eat.
The products tested were Gerber Good Start Gentle, Gerber Good Start Soothe, Enfamil, Similac Advance OptiGRO (liquid), Similac Advance OptiGRO (powder), and Well Beginnings Advantage.
Some big players are involved. Gerber is owned by Nestlé, Enfamil is owned by Mead Johnson, Similac is owned by Abbott Laboratories, and Well Beginnings is owned by Walgreens.
Friends of the Earth commissioned the independent laboratory studies with a nanotechnology research facility at Arizona State University. Researchers collected samples from retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the research was to learn more about the presence of engineered nanomaterials in popular baby formulas.
On a broader level, the goal was “to inspire greater public scrutiny, industry accountability and government regulation of nanotechnology, particularly in the food sector…”
Nanoparticle Food Additive Titanium Dioxide 
  Excerpt from: The Food Hacker’s Handbook A Guide to Breaking the Processed Foods and Additives Addiction
Titanium Dioxide is a nanoparticle white pigment (officially classified as a food additive as opposed to a food dye) and is present in processed foods common on grocery shelves, as well as in fast food and conventional restaurant foods. Frequently unlabeled in U.S. foods (though nanoparticles are required to be labeled in EU countries) this additive is used as a white pigment food coloring for processed foods such as skim milk, white cheese, yogurt, frosting/frosted foods, icing, candies, snack foods, mayonnaise, salad dressings, powdered sugar, marshmallows, pudding, breakfast toaster pastries, and non-diary coffee creamer, among many others.  It is also commonly used in medicines and toothpaste.    
Scientists are still determining the health safety and potential health hazards of nanoparticles in food.  According to the professional organization American Society of Safety Engineers (the guide has since been removed from their website) ingested nanoparticles can be absorbed through small nodules in intestinal tissue (Peyer’s Plaques) that are part of the immune defense system. If nanoparticles enter the digestive system and proceed into the bloodstream, they can potentially move throughout the body and cause damage. Additionally, the Society concludes that “Nanoparticles may also accumulate in certain organs, disrupt and impair biological, structural and metabolic processes and weaken the immune system.” 
Animals studies have demonstrated that nanoparticle ingestion changes the structure of the lining of the intestinal walls. Among other potential problems, such structural changes hold the potential for over-absorption of harmful compounds. Additionally, research has indicated there are potential adverse health effects of nanoparticles on respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and studies of manufactured nanoparticles have demonstrated toxic properties.  Among other health-related issues researchers are studying the potential link between Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles in food and an increased risk for inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and colitis. 
And finally, a recent study funded by the National Science Foundation and published by the American Chemical Society found that nanomaterials in food and drinks can interfere with digestive cells, changing the normal organization and decreasing the number of microvilli (finger-like projections on the cells that help us digest food). What this means essentially is that in humans, if such an effect occurs as food and drinks pass through the gastrointestinal tract, these nanomaterials could lead to poor digestion or diarrhea.
“FDA’s approach to regulating nanotechnology allows engineered nanomaterials to enter the food supply as GRAS substances without FDA’s knowledge…
Because GRAS notification is voluntary and companies are not required to identify nanomaterials in their GRAS substances,
FDA has no way of knowing the full extent to which engineered nanomaterials have entered the U.S. food supply as part of GRAS substances.”
~U.S. GAO 2010 Report: FDA Should Strengthen Its Oversight of Food Ingredients Determined to Be Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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It Turns Out that Honey Bees are Sucking Up Pesticides All Over the Place
OK, it looks like we are all responsible for helping to keep these guys from dying off.  It’s not just Big Ag…Homeowners and landscapers need to start using DIY solutions and safer chemicals to manage against wasps, mosquitos and other nuisance pests.
  “…bees in our study were exposed to a far wider range of chemicals than we expected.  The sheer numbers of pesticides we found in pollen samples were astonishing.“
"Agricultural chemicals are only part of the problem. Homeowners and urban landscapes are big contributors, even when hives are directly adjacent to crop fields.”
- Dr. Christian Krupke, professor of entomology, coauthor of study
Honeybees pick up pesticides from non-crop plants, too
Researchers at Purdue University tracked the pollen sources and pesticide levels of honeybees over the course of 16 weeks. Samples taken from their hives revealed pollen foraged from 30 plant families. The samples contained residues of pesticides from nine chemical classes, including neonicotinoids – a pesticide implicated in colony collapse disorder…
In addition to neonicotinoids, researchers found significant traces of pyrethroids, an insecticide commonly used by homeowners to battle wasps, mosquitos and other nuisance pests.
Increasingly, studies point to a combination of disease, pesticides and habitat fragmentation as the reason for the continued decline in honeybee numbers.
Journal source: Long, E. & Krupke, C.  Non-cultivated plants present a season-long route of pesticide exposure for honey bees.  Nature Communications, 7, Article number: 11629, 2016.   
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Sunnies for My Sunshines .. I live on these beautiful living vitamin D , micronutrient drenched bioavailable Greens , Perfect protein... They are Happy Sunflower Sprouts , because looking at them , and snacking on them makes me feel happy.. ☀️😍 Micro Greens are like little stem cells that purify the blood , and oxygenates the cells... Here's a few more facts to feast on.. 1. Sunflower greens offer one of the most balanced forms of a complete plant protein around. They provide all the essential amino acids and help to repair muscle tissue while supporting the enzymes of the body to do their jobs as well. 2. Sprouted sunflower greens, known as microgreens, also contain up to 100 times the enzymes of regular, full-grown greens. This means your body can more easily assimilate important phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. 3. Sunflower greens are full of folate (folic acid), and B complex, vital nutrients for pregnant women and a developing baby. 4. High levels of antioxidants in sunflower greens can aid in heart health, slow aging, and support cellular recovery. High levels of vitamins C, E, and selenium can even reduce high blood pressure and improve arterial health. 5. Sunflower greens are packed with nutrition and have very low calories, so they are a perfect food for those who want to lose weight. 6. Sunflower greens contain lecithin which help to break down fatty acids in the body. 7. They also contain vitamins A, D, and E as well as important minerals including calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium. 8. Eating sunflower seeds or greens helps to boost your reproductive health by providing the body with ample zinc. Zinc also works with over 300 enzymes in the body to keep things running smoothly. 9. Sunflower greens are incredible for boosting immunity. Leafy green sprouts, especially those of the sunflower variety are essential to creating innate lymphoid cells (ILC) important immunity-boosting cells found in the lining of the digestive system that help to keep our gut bacteria healthy. Many people realize by now that gut health is the primary form of fighting disease and foreign invaders in the body. 10. Sunflower sprouts are full of essential fatty acids that are needed to make a plant burst out of its seed shell. Start sprouting to receive up to 900% more nutrition from your food. 11. All sprouts, including sunflower sprouts are full of chlorophyll – the same substance which makes plants turn green. In human beings, this one constituent keeps our blood healthy, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, revitalizes tissues, and balances pH levels in the body. Super Easy to grow.. #plantlife #dnaactivations #sprouts #livingfood
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Apple cider vinegar: weight loss booster, all-purpose cleaner, upset stomach-fixer. A popular kitchen staple, apple cider vinegar (ACV) dates back to ancient times. It’s said to have been used by Hippocrates as a health tonic and by American soldiers to combat indigestion, pneumonia and scurvy. Apple Cider Vinegar as a all purpose cleaner recipe, times may have changed just a bit, ACV is still a versatile, well-known item in many homes. One of the most popular and highest-rated varieties is from Bragg. Or, you can even make your own variety at home with this recipe for Home Made Apple Cider Vinegar. There are tons of ways to incorporate ACV into your daily routine, as you’ll see below and in the comments from Facebook fans (near the end of the post). One of the most popular ways to add ACV to your diet, specifically, is by making a tea or other drink. For example, check out this recipe for homemade Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar Ginger Spice Drink or look below for the perfect drink recipe for new users of apple cider vinegar. Check out all of the awesome and creative ways to add the benefits of apple cider vinegar to your life, and let us know if you have any other creative uses! Top 20 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar: Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Use #ACV in place of balsamic vinegar in salad dressing. (See below for an awesome salad dressing recipe!) 2 Add to your morning smoothie, but be careful—it has a pretty strong taste, so add a little to begin. 3 Use it as a facial toner. 4 DIY Apple Cider Vinegar All-Purpose Cleaner: 1 part water, 1 part ACV, 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix in a spray bottle. 5 Helps with upset stomach—holds antibiotic properties and pectin which soothe the stomach. Try this “Digestion Mocktail” with ACV and ginger. (Ginger is also known for its stomach-soothing properties. Learn more here.) 6Stop cats from biting cords around the house—rub a bit on a cotton ball and onto the cord every 4-5 days. 7 Use ACV in your bath. Add ½- 1 cup to your bath water along with Epsom salts and lavender essential oil for a relaxing and detoxifying bath. 8 I like using apple cider vinegar to get rid of hiccups—the sour taste of a straight teaspoon can stop hiccups. 9 Clear a stuffy nose by mixing a teaspoon in a glass of water and drinking. 10 Make a fruit fly trap—Put a thin layer of ACV in a cup with a drop of dish soap. Set it out on the counter and the fruit flies will (hopefully) fly in and get stuck. 11 Get rid of cat urine smell—add it to the laundry when you wash the clothing, blanket, etc. 12 Get rid of bad breath—add ½ Tablespoon to a cup of water, and gargle for 10 seconds at a time until the cup is empty. 13 Use apple cider vinegar to soothe a sore throat. Mix 1/4 cup ACV with 1/4 cup of warm water and gargle every hour. 14 Beat exercise exhaustion—lactic acid buildup in the body causes fatigue, while the amino acids in ACV act as an antidote. Add a tablespoon to a glass of water after a workout. 15 Fight yeast infections—add 1 ½ cup to a bathtub of water and soak for 20 minutes. 16Create shiny, untangled and dandruff-free hair by adding 1/3 cup ACV to 4 cups of water and pour over your hair after shampooing. Leave on for a few seconds and rinse with cold water. Soothe sunburn with ACV 17 Use it as a teeth whitener by gargling with it every morning. The vinegar helps remove stains and kill bacteria in the mouth and gums. 18 Soothe sunburn with apple cider vinegar by massaging into the affected area. 19 Get rid of acne—mix one part ACV to 3-4 parts water. Apply to skin with a cotton pad, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse. Repeat three times a day. 20 Wart removal—place a cotton pad soaked in ACV on top, and secure it with a bandage. Leave on overnight, repeating for a week. 20+ More Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar... When we asked our Facebook fans how they like to use apple cider vinegar, we got tons of comments! Many of them were about drinking it in the morning with a glass of water. Our fans simply loved all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Highlights of the top uses include: 21A Tblsp each morning along with a Tblsp of blackstrap molasses in some warm water. seems to help with my allergies and I am hoping lowering my cholesteral. The molasses is for the iron and other good stuff. Also helps with the taste ~ Jeanne Giesen L. 22I love to make "buttermilk" by souring my rice milk to make yummy stuff like Cornbread or biscuits (Gluten Free and Dairy Free). ~ Amy O.H. 23Mixed with sparking water; very refreshing and good for the liver ~ Louise F. 24I have a multitude of uses for this product. I use it to fight fleas on my doggie, using it diluted with water as a final leave in rinse. I put a few drops in her water, fleas hate it. I add a few drops to my bottled water that I take to the gym as a fat burner and it also seems to enhance the taste of the water, encouraging me to drink more. I sprinkle it over my foods, to get rid of the chicken smell of chicken and enhance the flavors of other foods. I use the regular distilled vinegar as a toner, it is a little less expensive. ~ Carol Z. 25I use it to rinse my dreads. It works great to clean your scalp and remove build up ~ Alysha C. 26I take mine twice a day with distilled water honey and cayenne pepper. I use it my salad dressings. I use it for a hair rinse and a facial toner. ~ Robin B. 27Two tablespoons every morning and evening when I feel an UTI coming on. ~ Angie C. 28Marinate my steak with it. ~ Rick B. 29This makes my home made tomato juice really tangy every morning! YUM ~ Kay B. 30I use it with my cucumbers and onions (with some mayo)...makes a great cucumber salad! ~ Audra P. 31In water with a packet of stevia each day and a T to a cup of chamomile tea water as a rinse for my hair following a rinse of 1 T baking soda to 1 cup of water. No need of shampoo... ~ Jaime L. 32I use it in my smoothies.... ~ Jo Ann G. 33I mix it with honey for a sore throat ~ Georgia L. 34I LOVE this stuff!! I put a cap ful into my raw rice before cooking and its nice and fluffy. No vinegar taste!! ~ Jody W. 35Allergies, sinus infection & woman issues! ~ Sarah M. 36To stop hiccups.... One capful usually works ~ Carroll S. 37Anywhere it calls for vinegar ~ Patricia F. 38On sunburns to help them heal faster and as a hair/ scalp rinse to make it shinier and more manageable and control dandruff. It also helps with indigestion and just tastes delicious on salads and in soups. My mom started us using it as the home-remefy treatment choice for nearly every ailment. ~ Diane C. 39It is a great hair detangler, facial toner, internal cleanser, fruit and vege wash, salad spritz.....I love this stuff! ~ Mandy E. 40When I am coming down with a cold or when I have leg cramps I rub it straight on my legs and within a few mins the cramping has calmed down. ~ Marleen I.
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is acidic, it creates an unwanted environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. When the body is overly acidic, the body takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium can run dangerously low and cause damage that can go undetected for years, until it reaches unhealthy levels, causing acidosis.
Most of us are already consuming enough acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats and sugar. Since the body is constantly generating acidic waste products from the metabolism, those waste products need to be neutralized or excreted in some way. In order to neutralize the constant acid generation, we need to supply the body with more alkaline foods.
Consider the health problems caused by mild acidosis (poor pH balance):
* Inflamed sensitive gums, cavities * Immune deficiency * Sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck * Respiratory problems, shortness of breath, coughing * Yeast fungal overgrowth * Low energy and chronic fatigue * Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and reduction in oxygen * Heart problems, arrhythmias, increased heart rate * Weight gain, obesity and diabetes * Bladder and kidney infections * Accelerated free radical damage * Premature aging * Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea * Osteoporosis, weak brittle bones, hip fractures, bone spurs * Headaches, confusion, sleepiness * Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup * Allergies, acne
Doesn’t the body adjust pH on its own?
Yes it can, but it does so at a price. The normal pH for all tissues and fluids in the body, except the stomach is alkaline. With the exception of blood, all of the body systems have a wide pH range, in part so they can shift to maintain the blood pH, which must be maintained at the very narrow margin of 7.35 to 7.45. For example, if the system becomes too acidic, the blood will take alkaline forming elements from the digestive enzyme system of the small intestine. This now creates a less than optimal environment for proper digestion. So while the body can adjust pH on its own, it does so at a price to other systems in the body, which can lead to additional health problems.
Start by knowing your pH
pH testing is important because it allows an individual to get a numeric representation of the current level of acidification in their body. A healthy average pH reading will range anywhere from 6.75 to 7.25. The optimal pH numeric reading is 7.36. To learn more about ph testing check references at end of article.
You can’t tell if food is acidic or alkaline by taste alone
For example, many people think of lemons as acidic, while it is classified as an acidic fruit, it is actually an alkaline forming food. During the proceyss of digestion the acids are oxidized into carbon dioxide and water, therefore they do not create an acid condition in the system.
Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium are the main alkalizing minerals. Foods that are high in this minerals are considered alkaline forming food. Most foods have both acid and alkaline minerals in them. If acidic minerals are greater in concentration than that food is considered acidic and vice versa.
The body has limits
The body has limits for how much it can compensate for acid imbalance. Therefore food intake plays a critical role in maintaining the acid-alkaline balance. Many diseases and general malaise are the result of the body’s attempt to rebalance the internal environment.
Generally speaking, if the diet includes too many acid forming foods, such as high amounts of meats, grains, dairy, sugars, the body becomes more acidic. If you eat too many alkaline producing foods such as greens, fruits, sea vegetables the body can become too alkaline. Balance is key.
How does your body respond to specific foods?
It’s important to realize that the way your body responds to various foods depends on your dominant constitutional type. If your dominant type is oxidative then fruits and vegetables move the body to the more acid side, while proteins make your body more alkaline. If however you are more dominant to the autonomic system (ANS) then proteins cause your body to become more acidic and fruits and vegetables shift the body to a more alkaline environment.
How to improve your alkalinity
1. Check your pH regularly 2. Drink plenty of water (alkaline water when possible) 3. Remove acidic foods 4. Replace a traditional lunch with a large green salad. 5. Use lettuce leaves and collard greens as wraps. 6. Try not to consume processed foods 7. Eliminate soda, sugars and coffee. Replace them with herbal tea, herbal coffee and green drinks 8. Replace dairy milks with coconut or almond milk 9. Add green juices or smoothies to your diet
What you eat matters
Improving pH levels may require a little more thought, but you’ll appreciate the rewards of your efforts as you begin to feel more energetic and vibrant and your overall health improves.
There is no question about it, what you eat has a direct impact on your overall health. It was Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute who said, “The food you eat can be either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
References: myhealthmaven.comUnderstanding pH Acidosis The Alkaline Diet: Is There Evidence That an Alkaline pH Diet Benefits Health? Diet, evolution and aging–the pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet. Minerals and Disease; Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995; Joseph D. Campbell
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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The average person is exposed to over 200 toxic chemicals by 9 am everyday. Live Toxic Free Lifetime Wholesale Membership for only $29.99. #vegan #toxicfreeliving #organic #OrganicRadioshow #organicgirksnetwork #organiclifelifestyleguy #alkalize #organiclifestylegirl #cleanliving
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
Support for the adrenals, and adaptogens
Adaptogen herbs are one of the most important groups of herbs to take into the 21st century. Adaptogens not only increase the resistance to the adverse effects of long-term stress yet the majority are also a tonic, immune-stimulating and increase general sense of well-being. A multitude of other actions also exist for individual adaptogenic herbs. Other herbal medicines which combine very well with the adaptogenic herbs in treating stress include the adrenal tonics Rehmannia and Licorice and herbs which enhance cognition such as Bacopa, Rosemary, Gotu kola and Schisandra. All the nervine herbs, particularly the nervine tonics, also combine favorably. Research into Adaptogenic Herbs Research into adaptogenic herbs has been in progress for many years. It was initiated by the Russians and was taken so seriously that, in the 1960's, the study of adaptogens became a field of biomedical research in its own right. There were two streams of research that lead to this: firstly the routine screening of plants for biologically active substances and secondly research into the effects of stress. By 1984 Russian scientists had published in excess of 1,500 pharmacological and clinical studies on adaptogenic herbs. Later research carried out in Germany and Japan demonstrated similar findings to that of Russians. This research into the adaptogenic properties of plant continues today and there remains little doubt that adaptogens increase an organism's adaptation to stress and have a normalizing influence on our philosophy . Defining Adaptogenic The term adaptogen was first defined by Lazarev, a Russian pharmacologist, in 1947. He defined "adaptogens" as agents which help an organism to counteract any adverse effects of a physical, chemical or biological stressor by generating nonspecific resistance. In many studies adaptogens have been shown to: * Increase physical and mental stamina and performance * Protect against the effects of radiation * Reduce the side effects of chemotherapeutic drugs * Reduce the incidence of infection * Increase resistance to chemical carcinogens Herbs with well-established adaptogenic activity are: * * Chinese/Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) * Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) * Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) * Withania (Withania somnifera) * Ashwagandha * Eleuthero * Licorice When to use Adaptogenic Herbs Adaptogenic herbs may be used as the treatment or as part of the treatment for the following: * * Stress * Exposure to stressors such as high altitude, intensive training etc * Chronic illness * Debility * Convalescence * Chemotherapy * Radiation therapy * To increase physical and mental performance 
Because of their effects on the body's capacity to deal with stress, coupled with their tonic activity, these herbs can be used in a huge number of conditions and situations. The particular adaptogens we use in each formulation will depend largely on the other actions attributed to each of these herbs as well as their energetics. 


As well as being adaptogenic, tonic and immune stimulating it is also cardiotonic and hypotensive with clinical trials reporting favorable outcomes in the treatment of cardiac problems. Further clinical studies have also demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of liver and kidney disease. 

Ashwagandha-Withania somnifera: 

Unlike most other adaptogens is slightly sedative rather than stimulating. It might be the most appropriate adaptogens to use in a person who is very hyped-up and finding it impossible to relax and slow down. 


Panax ginseng in particular, is quite stimulating and warming. For long-term use it is probably best suited to older people, although it can certainly be used in the short-term for adults of any age as well as for adolescents. In some individuals it can increase anxiety and irritability so needs to be used cautiously in these situations. Similar effects from Siberian ginseng, although infrequently and with less severity. Panax also has the potential to increase blood pressure. 

Panax ginseng, Siberian ginseng and Astragalus are contraindicated in acute infection. However, can be used with adaptogen/tonic herbs in the wake of an acute infection to ensure a full recovery. Recommended Herbs for Improving Immune Response

IMM Formula

Imm Formula contains both astragalus and echinacea, both adaptogens which stimulate your immune system to work better at defending it against foreign invaders and boosts your adrenal glands.
 Ashwagandha  (Adaptogen) Ashwagandha is an adaptogen herb that increases the bodies vital energy and overall health and longevity. 
ADR Formula

Adr Formula aids the adrenal glands, which control and regulate the bodies self-defense mechanism against stress, a reaction to any stimulus which upsets normal functioning and disturbs mental or physical health. The adrenal glands generate the energy needed to perform strenuous tasks, deal with emotional crises, and fight infections.

Milk Thistle (Liver Health) Milk thistle is composed of silymarin which works directly on the liver to increase its effectiveness. When your liver is not functioning properly it can not remove the toxins from your body and they build up and it effects your immune system causing conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic illnesses.
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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10 Hacks to Make Food Cheesy without Adding Cheese
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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A new study indicates that a chemical commonly found in hand soap might be harmful to muscle activity. Photo via Flickr user Lauratitian Take a look at the bottle of antibacterial hand soap in your bathroom. Chances are good that a particular chemical is listed among its ingredients: triclosan. The antibacterial substance, which was first developed in the 1960s to prevent bacterial infections in hospitals, has since been incorporated into everything from hand soaps to toothpastes to mouthwashes. Manufacturers see it as a marketing bonus, increasing consumer confidence that a particular product kills harmful bacteria. Even some household products—such as kitchen utensils, toys and bedding—include triclosan. In recent years, though, research has shed light on a number of problems with employing triclosan so widely. Studies have shown that the chemical can disrupt the endocrine systems of several different animals, binding to receptor sites in the body, which prevents the thyroid hormone from functioning normally. Additionally, triclosan penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream more easily than previously thought, and has turned up everywhere from aquatic environments to human breast milk in troubling quantities. To this list of concerns, add one more: A new paper, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates that triclosan impairs muscle function in both animals and humans. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of California, Davis, found that the chemical hinders human muscle contractions at the cellular level and inhibits normal muscle functioning in both fish and mice. “Triclosan is found in virtually everyone’s home and is pervasive in the environment,” said lead author Isaac Pessah. “These findings provide strong evidence that the chemical is of concern to both human and environmental health.” In the first phase of the study, the researchers exposed individual human muscle cells, both from the heart and typical skeletal muscles, to concentrations of triclosan similar to what our bodies experience in everyday life. Then, they used electrical stimulation to cause the muscle cells to contract. Normally, electrical stimulations prompts an immediate muscle contraction—a mechanism that is responsible for the entirety of our muscle activity. In the isolated cells, though, exposure to triclosan disrupted communication between two proteins crucial for proper muscle functioning, causing failure in both the heart and skeletal muscle cells. The research team also tested the effects of the chemical on two types of live animals—mice and fathead minnows. In the mice, heart muscle function was reduced by as much as 25 percent after exposure to a single dose of triclosan, and grip strength was reduced by as much as 18 percent. The minnows were used in the experiment to mimic the effect of triclosan in marine environments. After being exposed to concentrations of triclosan equivalent to those found in the wild for 7 days, the minnows were significantly worse swimmers than minnows that hadn’t been exposed to triclosan, and were less effective in swimming tests that simulated the the act of evading a predator. Using studies with animals to make assumptions about human health is always dicey, but the researchers say the fact that triclosan produced similar results in widely varying conditions with different animals—and the troubling effects of the chemical on human heart cells in test tubes—are causes for concern. ”The effects of triclosan on cardiac function were really dramatic,” said co-author Nipavan Chiamvimonvat. “Although triclosan is not regulated as a drug, this compound acts like a potent cardiac depressant in our models.” He speculates that in some cases, triclosan may be responsible for exacerbating heart problems in patients with an underlying condition. Additionally, the FDA has declared that there is no evidence that using antibacterial soaps with triclosan confers any more health benefits than simply washing with conventional soap and water, and the agency is currently conducting a risk assessment for the chemical. ”Triclosan can be useful in some instances, however it has become a ubiquitous ‘value added’ marketing factor that actually could be more harmful than helpful,” said study co-author Bruce Hammock. “At the very least, our findings call for a dramatic reduction in its use
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
Relief from inflammation ...
Reasons to add anti-inflammatory ginger root to your diet ASAP: Relieves headaches & pain – There’s no reason to subject yourself to risky over the counter painkillers when you have a simple headache. Ginger is also great at reducing the pain of menstrual cramps, injuries and muscle pain – it’s been shown to work even better than drugs! Fights cancer – New research indicates that ginger may be effective at treating breast cancer and that it can kill cancer cells. Prevents viruses – Ginger is anti-viral and can help keep you from getting sick. Helps digestion & reduces bloating – I love to drink ginger tea after meals because it contains compounds that aid digestion, which keeps away bloating. Soothes an upset stomach & prevents motion sickness – Several studies have found that ginger is effective at relieving nausea and vomiting. That’s why your mom probably gave you ginger ale when you had an upset stomach as a child – it’s a tried and true remedy. Do you know someone who needs some anti-inflammation and pain relief in their life? Please share this post and video!
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organicguylifestyle-blog · 9 years ago
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I use Mason jars for just about everything from #fermenting foods to storing #organicpressedjuice They aren’t just for canning foods, lately I have been making a great way to pack a go-to salad for lunch! These 5 mason jar salads will be just what you need to kick your lunch (and health) up a notch. Note : Use only #organicproduce #MasonJarSalads The first thing you need to know is how to pack a mason jar salad:
1) Bottom – wet ingredients (aka. salad dressing)
2) Heavy ingredients that hold up well next to wet ingredients – nuts, beans, seeds, corn, cucumber, celery, radishes, etc.
3) Lighter ingredients like quinoa, tomato, avocado, fruit, etc.
4) Accent items like raisins, dried cranberries, dates, etc.
5) Leafy greens – pack them in! You want most of your mason jar to be packed full of leafy greens, herbs, and sprouts. This is the last ingredient that goes on top, so that when you turn the mason jar upside down (into a bowl, that is), you will have a bed of salad greens and all the fixings and salad dressing poured on top! This brilliant idea has been circulating for a few years now, but they have become increasingly popular, especially with more people becoming health-conscious. Below are my 5 top picks for healthy mason jar salads you can bring on the go, so you won’t be tempted by anything lurking in fast food restaurants or the cafeteria at work or school. 1 – Tropical Mango Greens 1. Dressing – blend 1 mango, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1 tbsp. chive, pinch of cumin and cayenne 2. Cucumber and celery, diced 3. Diced mango 4. Chopped dates 5. Arugula and red leaf lettuce – Apple Walnut Harvest Salad
1. Dressing – whisk 2 tsp. cold-pressed hemp oil, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. almond butter, 1 tsp. maple syrup
2. Walnuts, celery and radish (all diced)
3. Diced apple
4. Chopped dates
5. Romaine and mixed leafy greens #3 – Mexican Fiesta Salad
1. Dressing – blend 2 tbsp. soaked sunflower seeds, 1 tsp. chili powder, 1 tbsp. lime juice, 1 pitted date
2. Black beans or if you don’t eat beans (like myself), just use raw corn off the cob (always choose organic!)
3. Tomato and avocado
4. Zucchini mushroom taco “meat”
5. Mixed baby greens and arugula #4 – Fresh Summer Salad
1. Dressing – 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. fresh rosemary, 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
2. Diced cucumber, celery and yellow vidalia onion
3. Shredded carrots and beets
4. Sunflower seeds and hemp seeds
5. Arugula and spinach #5 – Fruit-tastic Freshener Salad
1. Dressing – blend 1 mango, 1/4 red pepper, and 3 large basil leaves
2. Cucumber and celery, diced
3. Fruit of choice (I used blueberries, mango, papaya and strawberries)
4. Chopped dates and dried (unsweetened) cranberries
5. Butter-leaf lettuce and mixed baby romaine 5 – Fruit-tastic Freshener Salad 1. Dressing – blend 1 mango, 1/4 red pepper, and 3 large basil leaves 2. Cucumber and celery, diced 3. Fruit of choice (I used blueberries, mango, papaya and strawberries) 4. Chopped dates and dried (unsweetened) cranberries 5. Butter-leaf lettuce and mixed baby romaine
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