meme witch
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25//super fly//gemini; orange ya glad to see me? i'm walkin' talkin' cartoon w some colorful wonky art & the nichest of memes. have fun, be safe, drop out & smoke weed kids 👌
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
orangemoth · 6 years ago
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William Adolphe Bouguereau’s Psyche and Cupid (details)
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
Since it’s aro awareness week and black history month this seems like a fitting time to shout out and express my appreciation to the black aros making history. 
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Moses Sumney
Moses Sumney is perhaps the most public and well known aro person out there. He create a whole album (yes! a whole album) titled Aromanticism that was released in 2017. Not only is the album stunningly gorgeous it features very aro lines such as “Am I vital/ If my heart is idle/ Am I doomed?“ and “If lovelessness is godlessness/ Will you cast me to the wayside?”
He has a deeply anti-opression and anti-capitalist perspective that informs and is informed by his aromanticism. 
“I think that romance is very obviously a political tool, and a capitalist device. I’ve even thought recently, it’s quite good for the economy: the amount people spend on weddings and gifts. Also, [romance] just can’t be separated from a patriarchal structure — like the idea that in a homosexual couple, one person is the masculine, and the other is the feminine. Ultimately we keep going back to those two figures on the wedding cake as the archetype, even for alternative relationships.“ (
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Michaela Coel
Michaela Coel is a writer, actor, poet and director. She wrote and stars in Chewing Gum, acted in an episode of Black Mirror and plays the lead character in Black Earth Rising. 
She came out as aro on twitter in 2017. She hasn’t talked about it much since then but it looks like she learned about aromanticism through Moses Sumney. 
Here’s a quote of her talking about seeing his concert. 
“He’s a beautiful artist and I’ve read some interviews of his about romanticism and capitalism, and it was really refreshing to see views that I share but are also very taboo. Just about what exactly is romance, aside from lust and love, what is this other thing and do I really have that? It’s nice that there’s this guy out there who makes those albums.“(
There’s not much aro history out there, but these black aros are paving a path for the future. 
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
r k*lly was indicted on that and was arrested but there was this whole big thing that happened and he ended up being arrested but charges were dropped bc of smth to do w search warrants and then later he was found not guilty of child p*rnography this whole situation was a mess im not v. good at explaining the arrest and trial but look it up he got away w this shit and it was sick
What a mess,,,,, I really want to know what parents allowed that perv around their kids like?????
There was even a whole Boondocks episode just straight calling him out this was completely preventable and I feel so bad for the lives he's hurt
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
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Indie Game Spotlight: Frontier Story
Ready to fulfill your farming dreams? This week’s Indie Game Spotlight, Frontier Story, created by @jmw327, has captured our hearts this week with their latest farming sim. Frontier Story is about exploring a new world and its mysteries, while befriending the townsfolk, building your farm, and raising some adorable animals!
@jmw327, the solo developer handling the code, art, and game design of Frontier Story, took a moment to speak about the indie game scene and how to start getting into it!
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What are some major influences to the game?
Harvest Moon 64 (my first Harvest Moon game) is an obvious one, but also the many worlds of the Legend of Zelda series, and the quirkiness of Earthbound, amongst other things. But not just video games! I read a lot as a child, so I think that had a huge influence on my preference for storytelling in games! And of course there are a lot of amazing people in my life who inspired me creatively and in other ways!
How do the farming mechanics work in Frontier Story?
The mechanics will have a lot of similarities of course to the Harvest Moon series, but with some twists of my own! I especially want animals to play a large role in the game, aside from just being tools to make money. So in addition to having them feeling more alive, hopefully almost like a virtual pet, some of them will have unique abilities which will help you in managing your farm if you treat them well! An example of this is a slime-like creature called a Droplet, which produces water!
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How did you get into developing games?
It was something I had a desire to do for a while, and then last year I guess I just figured it was time to stop just thinking about doing it, and do it! I already had some programming experience, so I started learning art and trying to pick up the basics of game development just through trial and error.
What does your day-to-day look like for creating Frontier Story?
After all other life obligations are taken care of, I generally put most of my free time towards working on some aspect of the game. A nice part about doing both art and coding is I can create a more relaxing pace I think by switching between the two roles often.
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What’s some advice you could give to anyone looking to get into the indie game scene?
Just start creating whatever it is that you want to create! There is a lot of advice on the internet on how to go about creating a game, but I think experimenting is essential when starting anything new. There are a lot of ways to do things, but I think it’s most important to find the one that works for you and your goals. Understanding what you want to get out of making your game is essential!
Want to know when Frontier Story is ready for release? Make sure to follow @jmw327 for game dev updates and more BTS content!
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
I was real good friends w a girl who had a SUPER religious family n when I'd spent the night on weekends they'd take me to their service.......which was held in a mall movie theater
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
florida men r too damn horny I even got hit on at gdamn cracker barrel like i know I'm gorgeous but don't even BREATHE at me 💅
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
......did they really just charge r Kelly now bc I vividly remember when he peed on that poor little girl ages ago WHY THE WAIT
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
Lowe's veg & herb planters or free sneaky salad bar? thanks for the strawberry dudes
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
Look at this fucking thing I feel cursed being in the same lot as it
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
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This was a hit on twitter, so: My cat. Enjoy her.
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
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Befriend Frog
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
New song!
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
Hooooooooollly shit this was a FUCKING DAY, i experienced the most tender kindness but also my mom was handcuffed and forced to a hospital so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Here's to tomorrow??
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
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Sometimes i save little gems and forget about them
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
Seeing moss in any context fills me with a deep, primal sense of love and contentment.
Love is stored in the moss…
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orangemoth · 6 years ago
bite the vampire first to establish dominance
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