The Fear of Looming Failure
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(Sharda University, 2018)
Everybody these days has an opinion or an idea that they feel will change the world. Not all of them will be brought into the light – but some of them might be. A constant question I find myself asking is the ‘is it going to work?’ one. That is because viability is defined as; “the degree of chance that something will succeed.” (University, Cambridge, 2019). But being plagued with self-doubt the viability portion of being an entrepreneur ends up as the steepest part of the climb. That is why researching your idea is important!!!! ‘Will this work’, ‘how will this work’ and many more questions flood into view once you have set your idea into motion!
A lady that I had the pleasure of meeting and working with for four years, Extra Life.org, 4Ocean and many more are all examples of individuals that had an idea and made it into a viable venture. One has created a way to save the ocean; https://4ocean.com/
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(4Ocean, 2019)
Another is using gaming to generate millions of dollars for sick children; https://www.extra-life.org/ 
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and finally the beautiful and talented Laura Garcia has created a self-help blog 😊 [that I read constantly!!] Where she travels, explores and goes on adventures both outdoors and within herself - reminding us all to follow our hearts and to live our dreams everyday!! https://sunflowersandmangoes.com/
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(Garcia, Laura, 2019)
All these individuals have created viable ideas that when brought into the light have made this world a bit of a better place! At the end of the day after everything is said and done – if you have an idea; research, research, research! Because then your “degree of chance” (University, Cambridge, 2019) rises leaving you with a viable and possible world changing idea!!! 😊 Just like this tire recycling plant is doing; 
(EldanRecycling, 2017)
Kaitlyn Dye
YouTube. (2017, June 28). State of the art Tire Recycling Plant [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWyLzXHqJSs
(n.d.). (2019). In Cambridge University. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWyLzXHqJSs  
Laura Garcia. (Owner). (2019). Yellow Flower [Home screen image]. Retrieved from https://sunflowersandmangoes.com/
Extra Life. (Gaming). (2019). Timeline [Bottom of the About screen image]. Retieved from https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1306
4Ocean. (Conservation). (2019). About Us [Mission Statement]. Retrieved from https://4ocean.com/
Sharda University. (written by admin). (2018, June 6). Start, Plan, Target [Homescreen image]. Retrieved from https://www.sharda.ac.in/blog/entrepreneurship-development/
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Hops, Drops and Flops!
When starting up any business; thinking or as I like to call it brainstorming – requires a lot of effort. At first it seems scary, one of the articles I read said an entrepreneur needs to “create a detailed business plan…define realistic funding requirements…separate and formalise your business savings…be consistent…[and] seek professional advice” (SyndiGate Media Inc, 2019). Well alright…that doesn’t seem so bad, right?
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(Retrieved from https://rokiskis.popo.lt/files/2017/05/expectation_vs_reality.png)
Wrong – along with researching your ideas considerably; as seen below, according to another article some other To-Do’s & Not To-Do’s are:
·        Giving it a second thought
·        Not quitting your existing job
·        Gathering opinion’s from friends/family
·        Don’t obtain unnecessary financial expenses
·        Do find a Mentor
·        Not to compromise team building
·        To start networking with industry professionals
·        Not to share the whole idea
·        Making financial arrangements – personal  expenses & liabilities
·        Not forming or creating legal business entities
·        Doing  market research
·        Not spending money on seminars, consultations  & events
·        Validating  your idea
·        Don’t rent any office space, tool, software or  membership
·        Documenting everything as workable business ideas
·        Don’t make long-term financial investments
·        Creating your team
·        Don’t move to a new city
·        Working on project cost’s & sources of  funds
·        No new relationship’s 
(Jaiswal, Mukesh, 2018)
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(Retrieved from https://rokiskis.popo.lt/files/2017/05/expectation_vs_reality.png)
With all these things to do and so little time to do it in – scary is only the beginning of the feelings that start to emerge…YOU CAN USE THESE FEELINGS!!!!!! LET THE FEAR FUEL YOUR FIRE!!!!!! Take it from Walt Disney 😊  
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(Walt Disney. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ec/40/ec/ec40ec4711a604f64648189485d75a44.jpg )
Even though these days starting up a business seems like a daunting task. It may seem time consuming, costly and for the most part a very lonely venture – if you are doing it alone…but research makes perfect!! The more you research the more you will know!!
No matter what the venture – research – research – research!! Because at the end of the day. Only you can stop you! 😊 Take it from the guys that created Angry Birds {https://www.angrybirds.com/} that persistence pays off!
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(Retrieved from https:// cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*4yTZK_DOWbAZL2ZPzSz2tw.png)
Everyone still needs some motivation at times! The video posted below might help!!
(YouTube, 2019)
Kaitlyn Dye
My startup recipes: Dos and dont's before jumping on the entrepreneurial bandwagon. (2018, August 12). Yourstory.in. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/apps/doc/A550188718/STND?u=ko_acd_shc&sid=STND&xid=fd88c4bb
5 investment dos and don'ts for young entrepreneurs (2019). . Cape Town: SyndiGate Media Inc. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/docview/2176885874?accountid=3455
YouTube. (2019, April 19). Forager: The Bittersweet Story of Mariano Cavallero [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XMh44VB7t0&feature=youtu.
Google Images. (2019). Reality vs. Expectation [Your Plan Section]. Retrieved from https://rokiskis.popo.lt/files/2017/05/expectation_vs_reality.png
Google Images. (2019). Reality vs. Expectation [Reality Section]. Retrieved from https://rokiskis.popo.lt/files/2017/05/expectation_vs_reality.png
Google Images. (2019). Walt Disney [Mickey Mouse Quote]. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ec/40/ec/ec40ec4711a604f64648189485d75a44.jpg
Google Images. (2019). Angry Birds [Time-line]. Retrieved from https:// cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*4yTZK_DOWbAZL2ZPzSz2tw.png
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Tips & tricks – When is about your business, you want always to have everything under control and everything going the way you want it to. I would say that even when you already have a previous plan and have almost everything ready before starting, it is very important to understand that even when you think you might be ready for any inconvenience, the trouble and the issues are always ahead. I would highly recommend to above all, be patient. The patience is a quality that you got to develop in order to run your own business since the results are usually uncontrollable.
On the other hand, I also want to clarify how the importance of a purpose can define the success of the failure of your business.  With a purpose, you will know how to deal with any problem that your company can face because you will know why you keep pushing to success and why you have not given up in with the previous issues. I consider that having a purpose to run your business will give a proper meaning to your goals and with your patience you will overcome any obstacle.
A company that I consider that can summarize these concepts is Google, the biggest searcher of the internet was founded with the main purpose of “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” (Google.org, 2019) . I believe that the way this company was created is a perfect example of how a purpose can lead your company to the greatest success. Just like Google, I think any business or entrepreneurship idea must have a purpose to succeed and accomplish all its goals.
(Google.org, 2019)
Any questions or opinions? Do not hesitate to comment under this post any opinion or inquiry about this topic!
Google.org. (2019, January 1). We accelerate the progress of innovative nonprofits by connecting them to the best of Google. Retrieved from Google: https://www.google.org/our-work/
Sergio Chacon
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Keep going – Now that you have already started and some things are following the expected results, we are going to talk about the importance of building and maintain your business running. Personally, I think that the business’s profit at this point is might not be very high because of the recent start of it and the initial troubles that the project is facing. Although, I also consider that what you should care the most about is to maintain even when the processes, the employees, the office(s), the production and all regarding your company is not perfectly working as you would like it to,  if the business still working it will soon get better and you will also be able to learn of each mistake and ways to fix it.
The perfectionism, as its definition says, is the necessity of modify the ideas or projects at their maximum point based on their performance or looks (Sussex Publishers, 2019). I consider myself a perfectionist person since some many times I find myself overthinking or feeling overstressed just because I have not enough time or resources to accomplish any task or assignment in a better way. I think that the problem with the perfectionism in a person is the delay of a task that might not be perfect, but meanwhile, it can be used and improved later.    
One of the companies I consider that are an example of how perseverance overcomes perfection is Apple. Founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple Inc, 2019), I consider that Apple is a company that completely changed the perception of the computers and mobile devices like any other company. Even when the company was facing a huge competitor like Microsoft, I truly believe that Apple focused its efforts in the authenticity of its products and in the constant improvement of them, which leaded it to be the company that it is nowadays.
(Apple Inc, 2019) 
Any questions or opinions? Do not hesitate to comment under this post any opinion or inquiry about this topic!
Apple Inc. (2019, January 1). Apple About. Retrieved from Apple: https://www.apple.com/
Sussex Publishers. (2019, January 1). Perfectionism. Retrieved from PsychologyToday : https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/basics/perfectionism
Sergio Chacon
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Get Ready
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Warming up – I do consider that this is one of the most important parts of the process, since at this point the future entrepreneur is supposed to create and design all her/his ideas in order to get a “game” plan once the project has started. The importance of a business plan can be seen in different articles, and they explain how the proper plan helps to focus and recognize all the necessary steps to succeed (Meßmer, 2016) which is an explanation that I can not agree more with because the fact that you are able to know the steps you are going to follow during the next months or years, is a clear advantage for the growth of your company or business.
Otherwise, I think that this plan must also contain the dates or approximates to the days that each step will take place, this way, the plan will have a place in time and is not going to be more than a list without limits on time. Therefore, having deadlines in any business plan will lead you to accomplish your own goals on the dates you set and keep track of your success all the time.
A company that I truly admire is SpaceX founded by the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, I strongly admire this company and Elon Musk because I consider most of their success is based on the previous planning and refocusing they implement in each project. SpaceX is a company that construct and launch advanced spaceships and rockets with the main purpose of enabling people to live in other planets. This company wants to change the world commercializing the traveling to the space, our moon or even other planets! The company is right now focused on create rockets with the ability of leave the Earth but at the same time the ability to land like any airplane.
(SpaceX, 2019)
Any questions or opinions? Do not hesitate to comment under this post any opinion or inquiry about this topic!
Meßmer, R. (2016, June 15). 4 reasons why a business plan is important. Retrieved from iAfrikan: https://www.iafrikan.com/2016/06/15/4-reasons-why-a-business-plan-is-important/
SpaceX. (2019, January 1). SpaceX About. Retrieved from SpaceX : https://www.spacex.com
Sergio Chacon 
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Being the Boss
Entrepreneurship – Personally when I hear this one word I find myself feeling extremely overwhelmed and anxious; it also does not help that according to one article I read the definition of entrepreneurship goes like this; “Entrepreneurship means to create a profit-bearing business.” (Romaisa Abdul Razzak, 2019). Kind of a high bar for an individual that would like to bring their ideas to life, no?
According to that same article; “However, this concise definition does not reflect the hard work that goes into being an entrepreneur. Individuals choose to build their career based on their own terms and instincts.” (Romaisa Abdul Razzak, 2019), which is more along the lines of what I personally feel entrepreneurship is. In my opinion being an entrepreneur means you are the boss! You have created a good/service which appeals to a variety of consumers that did not previously exist whether it is a profit/non-profit organization. “Even though the aim is to create a sustainable and profitable business, entrepreneurs change the world through their ideas.” (Romaisa Abdul Razzak, 2019).
One of my favorite examples of how I view entrepreneurs and two guys that are currently changing the world with their idea is the 4Ocean movement which is aimed at removing the plastic and garbage currently residing in our oceans!! Creating jewelry from the things they remove from the ocean, helping to clean up some of the mess we are leaving behind and helping marine wildlife as well – all from one person’s simple idea that did not exist before!
(4Ocean, 2019).
4Ocean. (2019). Retrieved from 4Ocean: https://4ocean.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk4aWoum-4gIV07rACh2yOws-EAAYASAAEgI8ZfD_BwE
What is entrepreneurship? (2019, April 29). Express Tribune [Karachi, Pakistan]. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/apps/doc/A583886789/STND?u=ko_acd_shc&sid=STND&xid=5d8752f8
Kaitlyn Dye 
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