oof-help · 4 years
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oof-help · 4 years
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davekat 2020: jokes on us they’re both disasters
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oof-help · 4 years
I love genuinely innocent “boys will be boys.” Just saw a guy come out of a frat house to poke a pair of jeans they’d left outside - they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed that, like twenty more boys came rushing out of the house going “YOOOOOOOOOO”
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oof-help · 4 years
PJO is, at its core, so intensely funny because the premise itself dunks on greek heroes so ruthlessly. the idea that modern demigods have all these powers that ancient demigods demonstrably didn't is so monumentally hilarious. perseus (original flavor) didn't need to decapitate medusa, he could've just turned around, closed his eyes, and guessed. if thalia can fry percy for losing capture the flag, perseus (original flavor) can summon lightning and blast medusa to smithereens, but, no. percy can make hurricanes at will, but theseus? theseus fucking sucks, man. he sucks. theseus is a bitch and he can't even explode a sink on accident. should've respected women more, theseus, you dumb bitch. bellerophon didn't need athena's stupid golden bridle to tame pegasus, bellerophon was a son of poseidon, all he needed to do was talk to the damn horse. the option is either ancient demigods didn't have these powers, or they did and just didn't use them, and i honestly don't know which one is funnier. either way it's a bunch of grownass heroes revered by history getting shown up by teenagers. i think heroes of olympus should've kept the, "the doors of death are open," plot but exclusively to resurrect dead greek heroes and dunk on them, can you imagine being theseus and your modern half-brother can blow up volcanoes and you can't. the crippling shame
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oof-help · 4 years
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I’m just going to leave this here…
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oof-help · 4 years
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here’s a bunch of screencap redraws i’ve done this week 😩
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oof-help · 5 years
It was 7:20 in the morning … a time of LOUDFUL laughing and its containment.
Sometimes I feel sorry for my neighbors, um … sometimes
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oof-help · 5 years
You know people are saying that Steven’s transformation was based on the fact that he felt older or stronger or whatever, but I have an alternative theory.
Rebecca basically confirmed that Steven’s pink state was a fight or flight response right?
And Steven started staying permanently pink while training with Jasper, understandably since she was attacking him on a regular basis as training, right?
One of the other symptoms of his pink state involved swelling up, right?
When animals feel threatened they puff themselves up to look bigger, or imitate other more intimidating animals.
What if the reason he looked like that is because his gem is reacting to the threat by trying to make him look more dangerous?
I could be wrong but i have to admit the thought of Buff Steven being like a cat poofing up made me laugh.
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oof-help · 5 years
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well color me pink!!!
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oof-help · 5 years
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oof-help · 5 years
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My master's true identity
Clark Newman
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oof-help · 5 years
Things I find soft in relationships :
Stealing clothes. The size doesn’t matter, the article of clothing doesn’t matter. Underwear, hoodies, shirts, pants, etc. That shit is sweet and soft
Sleepy morning kisses
Gentle kisses on the back of the neck during spooning
Helping to cook meals. 10/10 bonding
Mild PDA (small kisses, hand-holding, loving smiles, light flirting, etc)
Holding each other tight and close at night
Letting each other be as open as ever about anything
Going to the park and swinging on the swings
Taking a quiet walk side-by-side at sunset
Sitting close on porch steps and chatting
Cuddling on the couch with soft blankets and pillows, also a lot of snacks and a Disney movie
Bonding over similar interests
Shamelessly doing some talent or skill around the other (singing, dancing, drawing, etc)
Person a waking up early to prepare person b’s favorite breakfast
Helping with menstruation (such as buying pads/tampons and chocolate, running a hot bath, etc)
Reading books beside each other
Sharing smoothie/milkshake/froyo/etc
Helping with anxiety/depression/any mental or emotional issue really
I’ll probably add more along the way,,
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oof-help · 5 years
This chair is for the Gays only and yall know it
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oof-help · 5 years
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oof-help · 5 years
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oof-help · 5 years
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oof-help · 5 years
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UK contemporary sculptor known as Anna & the Willow creates nature-inspired sculptures made from rods of willow
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