onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Intertwined, when, covers and paint
Intertwined: Can you sing?When: Thoughts on Growing Up?Covers: Favorite songs at the moment?Paint: How much makeup do you wear?
Yes, i can, actually XD
Oh, well… Growing up is such a big topic to me today cause like, I’m almost going to college and all that stuff scares me a little aksjaj but man, I just have fantasies with like, my own apartment aksjaj
My favorite songs at the moment are all of the album Trench. I’m in love with that album
In a day-to-day basis, I don’t wear any makeup cause, you know, I wake up at 6am to go to school and I don’t have the patience to put anything on. Parties and going out with friends, a lot of makeup
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
I’m new to the jse community! I’m excited to meet people here! All I know is that there is a man boi name Chase who is D A D, A sharpie doctor high on coffee, a non-binary little ANGLE, silent old man, a depressed needy little asshat, and magic mike!! Hooray! Woohoo..aight bye
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Dodie Clark Themed Asks
Intertwined: Can you sing?
Absolutely Smitten: Describe a Crush
Life Lesson: Do you have any life advice?
Sick of Losing Soulmates: Do you have any heartbreak Stories?
When: Thoughts on Growing Up?
Ukulele: Can you play any instruments?
Covers: Favorite songs at the moment?
Fairy Lights: Describe your Aesthetic
Tea: What hot drinks do you like?
The 1975: Favorite Artists?
Hedy: Any Siblings/How’s your relationship with them?
Plants: How do you decorate your room
Snapchat: Favorite social media
Paint: How much makeup do you wear?
She: Sexuality?
An Awkward Duet: Best friends
My Face: Post a selfie
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Honestly if you’re female and you’re called for jury duty and during the elimination process you’re asked if you’ve ever had any adverse experience with a man (harrassment or rape or any other male violence) just fuckin lie and say no. Then vote that fucker guilty
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Reblog if I can send you random world-building facts from my WIP and you tell me one in return
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
You are a sweet, beautiful human being.
You deserve so many hugs and so much laughter.
You’re worth more than you realize.
Your smile lights up a room.
I believe in you.
I love you.
Thank you for being here.
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
I won some lil kid fairy wings at a work quiz today and I’m gonna put them on prim and see what happens and I literally can’t wait to get home I’m counting down the minutes
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
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Six of Crows character illustrations commissioned by Fox & Wit! These cards are some of the goodies included in their book themed subscription boxes.
I recently finished Six of Crows and I love it! Such a wonderfully engaging and exciting book (and a bit of a darker fantasy story, which I am super into). Looking forward to Crooked Kingdom.
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
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A simple but powerful message :)
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
I hear my mom shrieking downstairs, shouting up to me about “THE CATS! THE CATS!”
I run downstairs, thinking someone has died or something and see THIS:
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Look at the size of this lad. What an absolute unit.
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
The new Venom movie has a scene with intense flashing lights (the lab entry scene) and I received no warnings and had to leave (just for that scene) as I am epileptic!!! PLEASE share this since I’ve seen NO warnings being shared and this is very important and can prevent people from having seizures etc during the film.
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
um. fat people are allowed to be outside btw. fat people are allowed to wear clothes that do not completely flatter them. fat people are allowed to have their belly showing or wear clothes too small for them. fat people are allowed to exist in whatever they want and we dont have to constantly make ourselves look appealing + attractive. skinny people can wear lazy clothes and be called gorgeous but god forbid a fat person not put 100% into their fucking appearance every single day of their life
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
Hey my dumb bitch ass didnt recognize u for a sec and when I saw it rn if my art tagged as "friend art" I was like "????? Whomst???" Ajsjwje. Sorry
No worries dude :)
0 notes
onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
This is for @miloe inktober angst day four
Soren and Mari were on their way to the library to look for more books that would help them learn more control over their powers. They were laughing and horsing around when Mari shoved Soren hard and he fell back onto one of the demon portraits.
Mari held her breath, waiting for another spirit to appear the way they had the last time Soren and Mari had been down this hallway. She let out a sigh of relief when nothing happened and reached out to Soren.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to push you so hard.”
She froze when she saw Soren’s face. He was grinning, but in an unfriendly way. And his eyes had changed color. His eyes were icy white now, and they filled Mari with dread.
“Don’t be sorry,” Soren took her hand and straightened, “If not for you, it would have been ages before I could walk around again.”
Mari tried to pull away from who ever was in Soren, but he wouldn’t let go. Even when she tried pushing away with her powers, the only effect was for him to look slightly squeamish.
“One of them, are you?” The tone in Soren’s voice changed. It had been a lazy, faked friendly kind of tone before, but know that he knew what Mari was, everything about him turned hostile.
“Let me go,” Mari whimpered. She had only met one demon who had been hostile towards her, but Soren had been there to protect her. So had her ancestor, but he hadn’t shown himself to either of them since the first time.
Soren pulled on Mari’s hand, slamming her into the wall. He held out his other hand and an icicle materialized. Mari started thrashing when she saw the icicle. She knew instinctively that it wouldn’t go away until one of them was dead.
“Soren stop!”
His hand loosened over her wrist. Mari took the opportunity and wrenched away from Soren, pushing with her power as well.
Soren staggered back, almost tripping. While he regained his balance, Mari tried to solidify her power into a weapon, the way she had been practicing.
“That hurt, little girl.” There was anger in his voice now.
Mari was scared. She had fought before, but never against someone with powers. And never against Soren. But she was also angry. Soren was her friend, her best friend. And she wasn’t going to let some demon take him away from her.
“I’m not sorry,” Mari’s voice shook. “Not to you, anyway.”
Soren raised an eyebrow, “You aren’t sorry to me?” He repeated skeptically, “Does that mean you are sorry to this boy? Who is also a demon?”
Mari tightened her grip on the staff. She could tell that her last blow had caused some damage to Soren’s body. If this ended quickly, it wouldn’t be anything to worry about. But Mari had a feeling that even if it did end quickly, there would still be worse injuries.
Soren threw an icicle at Mari, grazing her arm. Blood spray followed the ice, splattering the hall behind her. The sight of her blood reminded Mari of something.
“Soren is more than a demon.” Mari almost growled, “Soren is mine.”
She ran towards Soren, using her power to pull him as well. He struck out at her, nicking under her chin.
Mari threw Soren to the ground and pinned him there. She wrested the icicle away from Soren and used it to wound him.
Sorry, Soren
Then she placed a hand covered in her blood over it.
“Soren is mine.” Mark started pushing her power into their blood, pushing the demon out of Soren. “I won’t let you take him.”
Soren tried to buck her off, but the demon in him was weak to her powers. Mari could tell the moment the demon left Soren when his eyes changed back to brown and he stopped looking sick.
Mari collapsed in exhaustion. She still wasn’t used to using her powers so much all at once. But she didn’t care. Soren was back. He was holding her and running his fingers through her hair like he had the first time they had been here.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
Mari shrugged. “Don’t be, it doesn’t really hurt anymore.” She was falling asleep quickly. “And like I said, you’re mine. I won’t let anyone take you from me.”
Soren looked at Mari. He still felt guilty for hurting her, even if he wasn’t in control. But he understood what she meant.
“And you’re mine, Mari.”
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onegunfairy-blog · 6 years
This is for @miloe inktober angst and shenanigans day three
“I don’t think this is a good idea Autumn,” Kei was reluctantly letting Autumn drag him along to go exploring the lands around his family lands.
“You’re still healing and Raizo said raids are more frequent now.”
Autumn shot an annoyed look over her shoulder at him, “Shut up, it’s a great idea. You should know the lands you’re protecting, right?”
Kei opened his mouth to say that he would much rather explore on his own, or with a larger group, but snapped it shut and pulled Autumn to a stop when he heard footsteps.
Kei started to pull Autumn behind him to protect her, but someone was already grabbing her and tearing her away from Kei.
Kei had already lost Autumn once, and she was still healing from that time, he would do anything to make sure she didn’t have to go through that again.
Kei lunged towards Autumn, but two other strangers grabbed him by the arms and yanked him back. He stumbled backwards into a tree, grunting on impact.
The attacker on his left punched him in the stomach and kneed him in the head, knocking him onto the ground. Kei rolled out of the way of the next blow and got to his feet.
Kei could hear Autumn screaming his name behind him.
I have to protect her
Kei knew it was a bad idea to turn even as he did so, but he was desperate to get to Autumn. But he was too late.
He turned just in time to see Autumn disappear into a shadow with the attacker.
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