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one-dumb-hazel · 4 months ago
I want to chew on him so fuckign badly
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one-dumb-hazel · 6 months ago
LOA, the cheat code to REALITY SHIFTING explained
this is the way it works: reality is a malleable construct, it is subject to change, never set in stone, and dependent on your mindset. your imagination creates your reality. at its very core, that is what LOA says, that your reality (3D) is created by your imagination (4D).
we are always manifesting, whether consciously or unconsciously, we are constantly creating our reality. and we each have our own. we all exist in our own little bubble and yes, they overlap and we can exchange and interact with each other, but no one controls your bubble, and you don't control anyone else's. the way other people act, interact, treat each other, etc. is based on your assumptions (conscious or unconscious). now i don't have all the answers; yes, truly bad and awful things happen to people and i would never say to someone who has, for example, been kidnapped "well you manifested it!" no, that's insane and not at all the point. wr can't always pinpoint the specifics of our reality and why awful things happened and even if we can, dwelling on it isn't productive. the past doesn't matter, the longer you stay there, the more power you give it. i don't care if you've been trying to shift for twenty years, stand up! all that exists is now. the point is that you can create the life you want to see by starting with your mindset and your imagination.
shifting and manifestation are the same damn thing. same thing. you manifesting a brand new car is you shifting to a reality in which that exists, you shifting to hogwarts is manifesting that you would do so. so if you can ever think back to a time when you manifested something in your life, either consciously (being sure you were gonna ace a test, or come into some money, or whatever) or unconsciously (a passing thought you didn't think much of but ended up coming true), you shifted. congratulations! shifting in and of itself is such an easy and inherent thing that we as human beings do.
look at your screen.
okay, now look at your hand.
your awareness CHANGED! yay! that's shifting! at its very core, it's just about awareness. how does this tie into LOA?
shifting is a change in awareness and we make small changes in awareness (shifts) all the time. what are you aware of in this moment right now? you are aware of yourself in this reality, right? the way your clothes feel on your body, how hungry, tired, thirsty you are, what you have to do tomorrow, or did yesterday, these experiences make up your awareness and your reality (thats why it is actually helpful to act as ur dr self), and therefore that is where you reside. but if you change your awareness, you change your reality. and i cannot stress this enough; its this easy: 1. change mindset to be aware of dr. 2. reside in that mindset, of your dr self. 3. with this change in mindset, your reality will change around you.
now how you make this change in mindset to be aware of your dr self is up to you. whether it be a method, or simply deciding that your there and going about your day or anything in between, it doesn't matter. all that matters is, a change in awareness/your mindset is happening.
you are never going to your dr; your dr already exists in your mind, and when you become aware of that, your reality will literally change around you since your mindset did. your dr always exists NOW; your world will literally change around you when you stay steadfast in that assumption. if you take anything away from that post, take away THAT.
when you dwell on the fact that your awareness has not changed, then you don't understand the point and your awareness will not change. it all starts and ends in the mind; looking for your surroundings to change is implying that they haven't. your 4D reality is always going to be more important than what is around you. ALWAYS.
On emotions, doubts, and rules:
there are concerns from people saying that they have lots of doubts or fears and they're letting their emotions get the better of them and they therefore feel like they'll never shift.
we are not our emotions; you can shift in any emotional state. you can shift angry, sad, depressed, confused, whatever. that doesn't matter unless you give power to it and assume it matters (see? LOA again). the same goes for doubts as the same goes for "feeling." i know a lot of people say feeling is the secret, and yes, knowing you are in your dr is so important but don't let this consume you and don't give it more importance than it has. when people say feeling is the secret they just mean not giving a misplaced sense of importance to the 3D and knowing that what they want is already theirs.
this also goes to rules. stop with the obsessive rule following because the more rules you set up for yourself, the harder you are making the conditions for you to be successful because you feel if one thing is off, then that is why you "failed." if you want to do certain things to shift, that's fine but never make the mistake of believing you have to.
you are never lying to yourself about being in your DR if you understand the law of assumption correctly. can you imagine yourself there? okay that's it and it's done. being able to see yourself in your imagination isn't a lie; it would only be a lie if you were reliant on the 3D. you can be obsessed over your dr, but do not be desperate for it, because desperation implies a lack. it is so simple; think of something you have now that you cherish, a pet, a stuffed animal, your computer, whatever. you can be obsessed over said thing, but you're not desperate for it, you already have it.
one last little analogy that i know has been used several times within this community: your mind is a ship, and your reality is the waters in which you navigate. your conscious mind is the captain, your subconscious mind the crew workers. you can go anywhere in the world you want with your ship and crew workers but to do so you need to tell the crew workers where to go; if you're confused, they're confused and you end up traveling in circles. but at the end of the day, they're always just following orders. you are the only one responsible for YOU shifting. no one else can do it for you, because you are the captain. YOU are in control; how you chose to execute that control determines where you end up.
your subconscious/the universe/the law, whatever you wanna call it, is not a being of morality or questions, it obeys in the way you assume it will. we as a society are taught to define limits to life; we are told certain things aren't achievable for the masses, that you have to have luck, and hard work and even then nothing is promised but death and taxes. so we internalize these things and this is how we live our lives but this isn't inherently true. all possibilities exist within your imagination, and that's where the real work gets done, the 3D reality you see around you is the least important and most malleable part of existence. SO, that being said, you command your ship. if you tell your workers (the universe/ subconscious/whatever tf you wanna call it) that i am in my dr, then the ship will steer in that direction, no questions asked. you embody your dr self in your imagination then you are them and there is no other option. BUT, when you start questioning this, changing your mind, deciding your 3D has authority, etc. your workers get confused, and they start steering the ship back. you must stay the course. seeing it this way really simplified it for me because it's just making a choice; deciding where you are, and remaining vigilant and uncompromising in that choice. if you are in your dr, damn it you are in your dr and that. is. it. do not look to the horizons for your destination, you are already there, remove yourself from the "end goal" of it showing up in the 3D because if you are truly aware in your dr, it already has, right?
reality has no limits, because reality is the mind and if you can imagine it, you can literally live it. the limitations that exist are self-inflicted and enforced but you have the key and only you can release yourself. no one can do that for you; you can read a hundred thousand posts about LOA and shifting but unless you implement it, nothing in your life will change. it's literally a cheat code to life, by realizing that life comes from you and not at you, you hold all the power.
call me slim shady for the way im backkkk, i LOVE this post yeyeye i saw this a little time ago on reddit @sea_many_5001, all credits to them!
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
Been vibing with the name hazel
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Made a qrow version UwU
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
CLOVER SIMPS GET UR FOOD !! from the root beer joke lol , 2% root beer and the rest is just Vodka . He thinks he’s slick but he forgot the bottle is behind him
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Evil James edit I made ! Plus screenshot I used UwU
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
Ironwood doodles
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
❄️💛Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite 💛❄️
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Freezerburn Yang x Weiss ship aesthetic
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Werewolf!clover edit !
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Made an edit of my oc and qrow !
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Doesn’t seem like this post went through, I really hated how qrow turned out in vol 8 so I drew this lol
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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We ironqrow shippers are gonna suffer this volume
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Had the urge to draw qrow with a ponytail , this took me 40 mins lol
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Original vs my edit
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Day 4 of the oc x canon ship week ! Prompt was past present and future !
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
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Day 3of the oc x canon ship week ! I love the “fria is James mom” theory
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one-dumb-hazel · 4 years ago
First 2 of the oc x canon ship week ! Qrow and iris had a baby UwU
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