May I have a personal One Shot with Harry? :) My name's Yzabelle (Is-uh-bell) xx
I'm not taking requests at the moment! xx
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Emily and Zayn One Shot
Emily and Zayn.
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I was on my way to visit my nan in hospital. She’s been very ill recently, forever in and out of hospital. She’s not my real nan of course, I’m adopted, but I still think of her as my real family, she is like my real family, she’s all I have left, I don’t know what I’d do withour her.
I entered the hospital and walked straight past reception. I knew what room she’d be in, she’s always in the same room. I reach the door and pushed it open, no one. That’s strange, they always bring her to this room. Always.
“Looking for your nan?” a voice asked from behind me.
I turned to come face to face with Dr. Hollington, smiling down at me like he always does, I nodded in reply.
“We’ve taken her into surgery.” he said through a false smile.
“Surgery?” I squeaked out.
I nodded my head and pulled the handle down, pushing the door open and walking in. I didn’t bother taaking in my surroundings, I sat down on one of the uncomfy brown chairs, next to a person but I didn’t look up to see them.
Surgery. Why didn’t they tell me? I hope it’s nothing too serious, well the Doctor did say she would be fine, but he might just be saying that. He can’t exactly come up to me and say ‘She’s in surgery, she will probably die’, no of course he couldn’t do that. But he could be thinking that…
“Hey.” a voice said from beside me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Hi.” I croaked out, not looking up from the legs of the table.
“Are you okay?” they asked.
I shook my head, then answered “Yes,” anyway.
“You look a little pale, do you want a drink?” they asked.
“No, thanks.” I shook my head and looked up to the person next to me.
He was gorgeous. He had nice tanned skin, jet black hair styled neatly into a quiff, dark brown eyes surrounded by long thin black eye lashes. He might possibly be the most handsome person I’ve ever seen, and he knows it.
“My friends fell off a wall.” he laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
I laughed a long and shook my head, Who would be stupid enough to fall off a wall? I thought.
“But that’s Louis for ya… I’m Zayn, by the way.”
“Emily.” I said, taking his extended hand in mine and shaking it, “My nans in surgery.”
“Oh, sorry… Nothing too serious I hope?” he said, concern filling his eyes.
I shook my head and smiled, “I don’t think so… The Doctors said she’d be fine.”
“Well that’s good then, you live round here?” he asked.
I nodded, “I guess you don’t? I’ve never seen you before.”
“No,” he shook his head, “Just visiting with a few friends.”
I sat and talked to Zayn for god knows how long, he asked me about my life here. My friends and family, which made quite an interesting story if I’m being honest. Then he told me about his life back home and the other four boys he’d come here with, they all sounded like great guys.
I must have been talking to Zayn for over two hours, but it only felt like five minutes. Dr. Hollington came into the room and smiled at me.
“Your nan’s awake, you can come and see her now.” he said then disappeared back round the door.
I stood up and turned to Zayn, who had just stood up aswell, “I should go see her then.” I said with a small smile.
“Yeah, Louis has probably been waiting for me for over an hour.” Zayn laughed.
I smiled and turned to go out, but getting no where as a hand was wrapped round my arm and pulled me back, “Emily wait,” Zayn said, “I’d love to see you again. I know, a hospitals not the best place to meet, but I’d love to be friends… Or more.” he muttered the last part but I still heard him.
I nodded, “Me too.” I said, definitely meaning the ‘or more’ bit. We swapped numbers and stopped again outside the waiting room door.
“Can we meet tomorrow?” Zayn asked.
“Sure, we can go out for lunch?” I suggested.
“It’s a date.” Zayn winked and headed off towards a boy in red trousers and a stripped top, that must be Louis.
I went into my nans room and sat across from her, on a soft chair near her bed. I made sure she was okay and she asked what I’d been up to today. So I told her all about Zayn and meeting him tomorrow. She nodded in approvel and told me to just ‘go for it’. So, that’s what I’m going to do…
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Bobi and Liam
Bobi and Liam.
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“So, ready to go shopping?” Liam asked, pulling me out of my house by my hand.
“I guess so.” I sighed, pulling the door shut as  he carried on pulling me.
I’m being forced to go shopping by my best friend Liam. I’d just been through a rather stressful break up and he was trying to cheer me up. I love him for trying, but I doubt it’s going to work, I’m just not my usual happy self.
“So where first?” he asked as we just reached the middle of town.
I shrugged, “I dunno.”
“You really don’t have to, I don’t want you spending your hard earned money on me.” I said.
“I want to, who’s better to spend it on than my bestfriend?” he replied, pushing the door open and walking in.
I sighed, knowing I wont win this argument so I shut up and followed him in. He went through the rails of clothes, holding things up and asking if I liked them. I said no to everything, even if I did like it, I really don’t want him spending his money on me.
“I know you like this.” he said holding a dress up, “I saw you looking at it before.” he smirked, looking proud of himself.
“No I wasn’t” I argued.
“Liar!” he laughed, “I’ll get this then.” he smiled and walked over to the counter.
He paid before I had chance to even catch up with him, I scowled at him as we walked out but he only smirked back.
“So, I guess you can wear this tonight.” he said shaking the bag.
“And where am I going tonight?” I asked.
“You’re coming to that movie premier with me and the boys.”
“Oh no I’m not!” I said, shaking my head like crazy.
“Yes you are, we’ve already organised it.”
“But I don’t want to.” I moaned, letting go of his hand and crossing my arms.
“Well you have to.” he smiled, “Come on, lets go get some food, then we can go get ready.”
I sighed but followed him anyway. I guess it would take my mind off the whole break up thing, and they guys always know how to make me laugh.
“Ready?” Liam asked as we were about to step out of the limo.
“Not really but let’s go!” I laughed.
Liam grabbed my hand as he pushed the door open. Suddenly the noise was deafening. Girls were screaming for the lead roles in the film, and for One Direction, it was absolutely crazy.
White flashes coming from every direction were blinding me, I hate having my picture took, but I guess I actually look quite nice tonight in my new dress, and I’d actually got make up on for a change.
Liam had to stop and do some autographs, get some pictures and answer some questions, but I didn’t mind waiting for him. Once all the boys were done we walked into the movie theatre and found our seats, which were quite near the front.
The film started not long after we’d sat down, but I didn’t really concentrate on it, I was more focused on Liams hand which was still holding mine. He wrapped his arm round my shoulder, but still kept our hands joined, then pulled me closer to him.
“Can I tell you something?” he asked.
“Sure.” I whispered back.
“I like you.” he said.
I frowned, confused, “Well yeah I like you too, that’s why we’re bestfriends.” I said and gave a quiet laugh.
“No, I mean as more than friends.” he replied, finally looking away from the movie and at me.
I opened my mouth to speak but couldn’t form any words. I’d always liked Liam as way more than a friend, that’s part of the reason my ex broke up with me. He thought I was completely in love with Liam, which I guess I am.
“R-Really?” I asked.
“Always have.” he said and gave a small smile.
“Well, I’ve liked you for ages too…” I said, not really sure what else I could say.
He smiled at me, “Well, now I don’t know what to say.” he said and laughed a little.
“Just kiss her and shut up!” Harry said leaning over and pushing Liam with a playful frown on his face, making Louis and Niall start giggling, but Zayn was too interested in the fight on the screen.
Liam looked over to me as if asking if he could, I slowly nodded my head and he leaned in. As our lips met the fireworks went off in my head. I never believed in stuff like that before, but now it’s actually happening it’s amazing. The butterflies in my stomach had grown to five times the size, and the electricity shooting through my body was crazy.
After what felt like a few seconds, but had to be about two minutes we pulled away and smiled at each other. I layed my head on his chest and turned to watch the film again.
I felt Liam move some of my hair out of the way and lean down. I could feel his breath on the side of my face and it left tingles where it touched.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
I looked up to him and nodded, “Of course,” then leaned in and kissed him again.
I never thought I’d say this, but my ex breaking up with me was the best thing to ever happen to me…
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Doran and Louis
Doran and Louis.
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“Doran is your bag packed?!” my mum shouted up to me.
I sighed, “Yes mum! Give me a minute!”
I’m going to this swimming tournament today, I don’t want to brag, but I’m really good, so of course I’ll win, that’s why they put me up for the race.
I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs to find my mum waiting by the car impatiently. I rolled my eyes at her and threw my bag in the trunk before sliding into the passengers seat next to her.
“Ready now?” my mum asked.
“Would I be sitting here if I wasn’t?” I asked, not being able to hold back my sarcasm.
I reached over and turned it up, smiling at my mum. Most people don’t believe me when I say this but, I used to be friends with Louis. Everyone thinks I’m making it up but I’m not that sad, I actually did know him, we were best friends for ages, but I don’t really see him much anymore, I hardly talk to him either.
We pulled up outside where the tournament was being held and I wandered into the changing rooms. I got changed into the swimming costume and wrapped my towel round me before walking out.
My mum was waiting for me by the rest of the swimmers, I went over to join them. We got told all the rules and stuff but I already know that practically by heart, so I didn’t need to listen. Instead I just looked around at the crowd.
“Are you ready to go?”
“What? Oh, yeah.” I said turning to smile at my mum.
I handed her my towel and went to stand where we start. I smiled politely to the other swimmers while we waited for it to start. And then it did, so I jumped in and started swimming.
“You were amazing!” a very familiar voice said from right behind me.
I spun round and looked at my old friend. He still looked the same, except his hair was shorter now. He still looked gorgeous.
“Thanks.” I said, smiling a little at Louis.
I had done quite well. Well, I came first anyway, which is great.
“I heard you were here today so I thought I’d come and watch.” Louis smiled.
“How’d you hear?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, I asked your mum if you were because I need to talk to you, and she said yes.” he admitted.
“Well, what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked slightly confused.
We haven’t spoken in months and he suddenly turns up wanting to talk? Also, hasn’t he heard of a phone or the internet?!
“Not here.” he said, pulling me away from the crowded area.
We walked a little further away from where everyone was running round, so it was just us two sitting at a little table.
“Well?” I asked.
Louis sighed and looked at me, then quickly looked down again, “Look, I wanted to tell you ages ago, but I never had the guts. But now the boys have finally talked me into it..They’re over there.” he nodded his head.
I turned round to see four boys stood not so far away smiling and waving at us, I ignored them and turned back to Louis, “What is it? Is it bad?”
“Depends in what way you look at it…” he replied.
“Louis!” I laughed, “What is it, your scaring me now.”
“I like you!” he said rather loudly, looking up into my brown eyes, “Actually, I love you, I always have, ever since we first met in the middle of town because you droped coffee on my foot. I love how you never sit still and you’re full of energy and that you never stop laughing at the stupidest things.” he sighed.
“But it’s fine. If you don’t like me back then I get it, I’ll just go.” he said, standing up to leave.
“Louis!” I said, more forcefully this time but I still laughed, I stood up and pushed him back with my hand so I was infront of him, “Louis, I like you too, I have for ages, I just never thought you’d like me back.”
“Really?” he asked, his face lighting up.
I nodded, “Really.”
He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I hate all the cliche romance stuff, but I hate to admit it’s all true, all of that fireworks, electricity, butterflies, I felt all of that right now with Louis.
He pulled back and looked into my eyes again, “Will you be my girlfriend, Doran?”
I smiled and bit my lip, nodding my head, “Yes!”
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Magda and Niall
Magda and Niall.
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Why is everything in my life awkward? Like now for instance, I’m sitting between my friend, Georgina, and her boyfriend, Niall, after yet another fight they’ve had. If they wanted to talk to each other they’d tell me and I’d have to send the message on, it’s so frustrating.
“You know what, I can’t be bothered with this anymore, I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m going home.” Georgina said, before getting up and storming out.
“Thought she’d never leave.” Niall sighed, spreading out more on the sofa.
You know how I said it was awkward before? Yeah, now it’s ten times worse! I don’t want to be sat alone in a room with my friends boyfriend, especially when I’ve fancied him since I first ever met him. Which I might ass, was before Georgina did, just saying.
“So, Magda, what should we talk about?” Niall asked, smiling over at me.
I shrugged as my reply and stared intently at the adverts on the screen, suddenly finding the speed of broadband very intreging.
“What?” I said, whipping my head round to look at him.
“Kiss.” he said again.
“And why would we do that?” I asked.
“Why not?” he shrugged, moving closer to me on the sofa.
“Niall, you go out with my best friend.” I said, moving back but behing stopped by the arm on the chair so I stood up.
Niall stood up too, “So? She wont know.” he smiled.
I’ve never seen this side of him before, and I’ve known him for years, he’d never cheat on anyway, not as far as I know anyway.
I back up but was once again stopped, this time by a wall, Niall now stood right infront of me, smiling his usual smile. He started moving closer, but for some reason I didn’t stop him. His lips came crashing down on mine and I found myself kissing him back.
Magda, what are you doing? Georginas your best friend! I kept thinking to myself, but I couldn’t seem to pull away. The feel of his lips on mine was the best thing ever, it’s like they fit together perfectly, like the missing pieces of a puzzel. And the butterflies in my stomach were having a party.
The kiss got more heated and more passionate. The longer it lasted the more guilty I felt, but I didn’t want to pull back. I’d been waiting for this for so long, for about a year actually.
“What’s this?!” now I pulled away.
I looked over to the doorway to see Georgina staring at us both wide eyed, mouth open. I didn’t know what to say, I can’t believe what I’d just done, and Niall? He doesn’t even look guilty!
“I… forgot my bag.” she said, but turned to run out the house again without picking it up.
Niall followed her out and I went and sat back on the sofa, feeling sick. I can’t believe what I’d done to my bestfriend. What if she hates me, and she never talks to me again, I couldn’t really blame her. I’d hate me too.
I sat on the sofa for what must have been two hours, thinking things over, thinking about how I can apologis to Georgina, anything I could do to make it up to her, but I couldn’t think of anything good enough.
Soon enough someone walked through the front door, followed by a second person. Georgina came and sat next to me on the sofa, folding her arms and leaning back, Niall followed her in and sat on the coffee table infront of us, smiling at us both.
“What is this?” I asked.
“Well, the arguement we were having earlier, it was because she found out I liked someone else…” Niall said, breaking off.
“And?” I asked.
He turned to Georgina, “I still like you, of course I do, but… I like both of you.” he said.
Me? He likes me? Well this is news, I’m not sure if it’s good or bad though, but I do still really like him…
“Well you need to choose Niall, or it’s not fair to both of us.” Georgina said.
“I know…but it’s hard.” he sighed.
“Well choose, we need to know.” she said.
“Do I have to choose now?” he asked.
“Yes Niall, it’s only fair.” she sighed.
“Well, if I had to choose now… Magda.”
I started at him wide eyed, me? He’d choose me? I didn’t even know he liked me like that, he’s very good at hiding these things. My mouth hung open and he gave me a weak smile.
“Fine.” Georgina sighed, standing up, she turned to me, “I don’t blame you Magda, we can still be friends…” she said, then turned and walked out.
“…You chose me?” I said turning to Niall.
“Yes…If you want to be my girlfriend that is.” he said, shyly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’d love to!” I said, jumping up and hugging him, a hugh smile playing across my face…
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Where do you get the adorable picures of Nialler because omfg they're flawless :)
Nialls flawless :') I find them mostly from my Main 1D Blog or on Twitter :')
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Laura-Stina and Harry One Shot!
Laura-Stina and Harry!
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I walked around my room, stuffing my phone, iPod and other things into my bag to go out. I have a photoshoot to do today and I'm running a little late already. I hopped down the stairs with my bag to meet my mum waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. We hurried out into the car and she didn't even wait for me to get my seatbelt on before she drove off.
I sang along to the music in the car on the way. I had brought my One Direction CD with me and forced it into the CD player, my mums not a very big fan, crazy I know. Halfway through singing out the chorus to Tell Me A Lie the music cut off. I looked around to see we'd arrived, just in time as well.
I jumped out the car and walked over and into the building, it was fairly small but it had a big photography room. The lady at the front desk told us where to go so we followed her instructions. When we entered the room people were setting the equipment up still, I guess their late getting ready too.
We'd passed a vending machine on the way here so I walked down the corridor towards it. I put my money in and grabbed the bottle of water once it'd fallen out, I turned to go back but walked straight into someones hard chest. I bounced back and looked up to see who it was.
His chocolate brown curls and emerald green eyes made him unmistakable, I'd just bumped into Harry Styles! Try not to fangirl, don't make an idiot out of yourself.
"Sorry, didn't mean to stand so close." he said in his husky voice.
"It's fine." I said and tried to walk around him but he stood in the way once again, "I'm Harry."
"Hi, Laura-Stina." I said.
"Interesting name." he commented.
"Thanks, look I'm kinda late." I said getting a little frustreated that he wouldn't move.
"Oh, okay, what are you doing here?" he asked.
"Modelling, but I've really gotta go." I said trying to get by him once again.
"Okay, well will you be eating lunch in the canteen?" he asked.
"Yes I guess so." I sighed.
"Cool, sit with me and my friends." he told me and moved aside.
"Yeah, maybe." I said and hurried off back to the room.
"Nice meeting you Laura-Stina!" he called after me, I rolled my eyes and gave a small giggle before opening the door and going inside.
"Where have you been?" my mum asked, taking my water and pushing me to get changed.
"I told you." I muttered but went into the changing rooms anyway.
I changed into many different outfits and did everything the staff told me to do, normally I'd enjoy it but today I just couldn't seem to get Harry out of my mind. Damn my celebrity crushes, I thought. Halfway though the session we all went for a half hour break and I headed down to the canteen.
Sitting at a table near the middle was Harry, and the rest of One Direction, I guess they're here doing a Photoshoot or something. I headed over to get food, deciding I'm not going to sit with them.
I looked around for a place to sit when a hand got placed on my shoulder, "Not going to run away from me are you?" they said and laughed, and I turned to see Harry smiling at me, showing his dimples.
"Er... No of course not." I said and gave a fake smiled.
"Come on then." he said and pulled me over to the table, sitting me down next to him and Louis.
He introduced me to everyone, like that was needed, then told them who I was. We sat and talked for a while and they are all actually really nice people, as far as teenage boys go anyway. We were sitting and telling each other a bit about ourselves when I looked down at my watch, I have five minutes left.
"Hey guys, it was nice to meet you but I've gotta go." I said standing up.
"I'll walk you back." Harry offered.
"It's only round the corner." I laughed and started walking.
"You might get lonely though, "he said appearing beside me.
"What's the real reason you wanted to walk with me?" I asked.
"Well, okay... I wanted to get your number, and I didn't want to ask infront of the guys." he said, blushing slightly.
"Why not?" I wondered out loud.
"Incase you said no, they'd never let me live it down." he said laughing now.
"Well...I guess you could have my number, seeing as you walked me all the way here." I joked.
I pulled my phone out and gave it to him, he typed his number into my phone while I put mine into his. I haded back his phone when I was done and smiled at him when he passed me mine.
"SexyCurls...Imaginative." I laughed, reading the name he'd put himself under.
"It's only the truth." he stated, "Well, I'll text you tonight and plan a date." he winked at me before walking off.
"And who says I want to date you?" I asked after him.
He turned back smiling, "Who wouldn't want to date this?" he said, motioning to himself.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the room, he did have a point...
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Becca and Niall
Becca and Niall.
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I layed on my sofa, the music channel playing on my TV, blasting out some song I didn’t recognise. Could Sundays get anymore boring? No, is the answer. I sighed as I rolled over to face the back of the sofa. May as well sleep for the day, I thought.
I closed my eyes, faintly hearing the front door open and close just above the music. I couldn’t be bothered to go see who it was, if they needed me they would have to come to me, which they did.
The living room door opened and the person walked over to the sofa, sitting on the floor. I rolled over to find the person facing the sofa, our eyes in line with each other. I smiled as I recognised those blue eyes, his blonde hair and his crooked smiled.
“Hey Nialler.” I sighed, not being able to look away from his eyes.
“Hey Beckler.” he joked so I just rolled my eyes at him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, still not bother to sit up so I stayed laying, facing him.
“Came to see if you were busy today.” he replied with a smile.
I laughed, he can be so dim sometimes, bless him, “I’m joking!” I said as I hit him round the head, only softly though.
“Oh right! Good.” he smiled.
“Why?” I asked, now sitting up.
He took the chance and stood up, sitting in the place my head had just vacated. He leaned back and propped his feet up on the coffee table and placed his hands behind his head.
“Make yourself at home.” I joked, but then did the same.
“I will.” he laughed, “So anyway…”
“Yeah, why have you come over?” I asked again.
He sat up properly again, placing his feet on the floor and rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and fiddling with his zip with the other.
“Er, well… I was wondering if you wanted to do something…”
“Like?” I asked.
“Er…Well there’s a carnival type thing with rides and food, and I was wondering if you wanted to go…with me.” he said, looking down at his feet shyly.
“Niall Horan, are you asking me out on a date?” I asked.
“No! Er, yes…If you wanted to that’s all…”
“Mmmm….” I said.
“I get it if you don’t.” I rushed and stood up.
I followed him and grabbed his arm, “I’m joking Niall, I’d love to.” I laughed.
“Really?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Of course!” I said and smiled at him.
“Want some candyfloss?” Niall asked as we walked around the carnival, hand in hand.
“When wouldn’t I?” I laughed and pulled him over.
I pulled my purse out and opened it, looking for the correct changed.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I heard Niall ask.
“Er…getting money?” I said, but it kind of came out as a question.
“No, I’m paying.” he stated and shut my purse again.
“No Niall-“
“This is a date, so I’m paying!” he said loudly, glaring at me playfully.
My eyes widened and I shoved the purse back into my pocket, “Okay, okay you win!” I said, “Not that I’m happy with this.” I mumbled.
We both brought large candyfloss’ and ate them while in the que for this cage ride. It spins round and goes up in the air and on it’s side while your only held in by a chain and the force…Not the best ride to go on after eating but oh well.
We went on every ride there was, ate from all of the food stalls and played on all of the games. Niall won a fish teddy, but insisted I had it because he thought it looked scary.
“So, I had fun.” Niall said as we walked home.
“Yeah me too, and so did Mr. Fishy.” I said, kissing the fish on it’s over sized lips.
“You’re calling it Mr. Fishy?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at me.
“And what’s wrong with that?” I asked.
“Nothing, nothing. I just think Mr. Horan sounds better.” he winked.
“Well, you do look alike.”
Niall stopped walked and let his mouth fall open, I winked at him and carried on walking, “That was mean!” he called, running up behind me and slinging his arm round my shoulder.
“Awh, sorry Nialler.” I said and pouted up at him.
“It’s fine.” he sighed.
We stopped as we reached my garden gate, “So, we should do something tomorrow too.” Niall said, showing off a huge grin.
“I’m down for that, what d’you have in mind?” I asked.
He tapped his nose, “Wait and see.” he winked at me.
He turned to leave so I turned and opened my garden gate, about to walk to the front door when someone grabbed my arm and spun me round. A pair of lips crashed into mine, sending shives down my spine and fireworks whizzing round my head. I kissed back and wrapped my arms round Nialls neck.
He pulled away and smiled at me before going to leave again, “See you tomorrow.” he said and kissed me on the cheek…
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can you PLEASE PLEASE write me an oneshot? :) please?
Requests aren't open yet, sorry :/ x
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Jessica 2 and Harry
Jessica and Harry!
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It’s winter and I’m going on holiday with my friends. I know, winter’s a weird time to go on holiday, but this is a different kind of holiday. We haven’t come here to go sunbathing and get a tan, we’ve come here to go skiing! I’m not the worlds best skier, actually, I’ve never been before in my life but you’ve gotta start somewhere right?
So anyway, here I am, walking through the snow in a small, and cold, town in France. I never thought France would be a place to go skiing, I always imaging it to be warm and a place for a summer holiday, but here I am in my big boots and my oversized coat keeping warm. I followed my two friends up to the front desk of where we were going to be staying.
“Hello, we’ve got a cabin booked under Smith.” Shanice said.
“Ah yes! Here’s the keys, we’ll get someone to show you the way.” the receptionist smiled.
We waited in the lobby by the warm fire for about five minutes before a middle aged man in uniform came over to us to lead us to where we will be staying for the next week.
“If you’ll follow me please, ladies.” he smiled politely, and even helped with some of our bags.
We followed him through the trees, following the long winding path. Well, actually I think it’s a road, the snow has been removed but it’s still a bit too icey to be used to drive on so I guess it’s safe to walk on, except the fact that I’ve had to grab onto one of my friends about eight times to prevent myself from falling on my bum.
We followed the man down a smaller path through the woods, it was only about a five minute walk from the lobby but with all the slipping and sliding we did it felt much much longer.
“Here we are.” he said, opening the door and entering the cabin to put the bags down. 
My two friends walked up the pathway and into the cabin but I stayed behind to admire it. The walls were made of a light brown log, the cabin looked small from the outside but I knew it’d be bigger on the inside. It had steps leading up with the little varander that was along the front of the cabin with a fence around it. Beams were going up from the fence to hold the roof in place which went from their to the front of the cabin, then it could support it’s own roof. The roof itself was a green colour but it looked good. Along the fence it had red tinsil weaved in and out of the panels making it look very Christmassy along with the snow on the roof and the ground.
A banging on one of the windows toar me away from my thoughts, I looked over at it to find Chloe waving at me to come inside. I did as she asked and walked along the pathway through the tiny front garden and up the stairs. I stopped at the door to take in the inside of the cabin.
It wasn’t really anything special. Two sofas and an arm chair were placed around a small coffee table on a very fluffy rug in the shape of a bear. The fire was lit to give it an even homlier feeling. To the right of the front door was a kitchen, all the basics with a small table.
I walked over to where Chloe was still standing by the window and smiled at her.
“Looks like Shanice has bagged the single room so you’re sharing with me bitch.” she said bumping my shoulder and laughing as she ran into the room I’d be sharing with her, probably to get the bed near the window, but I don’t really mind where I’ll be sleeping.
I followed her into the room and I was right, she had dumped all her stuff on the bed nearest the window.
“Mine!” she said, pointing to the window bed as she stuck her head round the bathroom door, with her toothbrush in her mouth.
“Figured.” I laughed, “Why brush your teeth now?” I asked.
She went back into the bathroom to get rid of the toothpaste so I placed my things on my bed, she came back into the room smiling and sat on her bed.
“I like brushing me teeth.” she said simply.
“Okay then.” I laughed, “So are we unpacking then eating, or eating then unpacking?” I asked.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m unpacking while I’m eating.” she stated and jumped up from the bed to go into the kitchen were Shanice had obviously already put the food.
“Good plan! Bring me something!” I shouted and got to work on the unpacking.
I finished my packing, and knowing Chloe she will not unpack her stuff so I started on hers too, half an hour after she left she came back in with a plate with a sandwhich on.
“For you.” she said in a posh voice, placing the plate on my bed.
“It took you half an hour to make a cheese sandwhich?” I asked.
“…Yes.” she said innocently, “Well…Maybe I got a bit distracted by the snow…”
“Why? What did you do?” I asked as I finished unpacking her stuff, with no help might I add.
“I built a snowman!” she shouted, “Come look!” she said, grabbing my hand to drag me out, I grabbed my sandwhich as we went and ate it as she pulled me to the front of the cabin.
“Erm, Chloe?” I said.
“Yes?” she asked, with a huge goofy smile.
“That snowman sucks.” I laughed at her.
“Yeah well…” she stuck her tongue out and went back inside.
She acts like she’s six, seriously. I finished my sandwhich and decided I didn’t want to sit around in the cabin on the first day of our holiday.
“I’m going for a walk!” I shouted, but no one replied, typical.
I shut the cabin door behind me and started off walking down the small path, further and further into the woods. I didn’t know where I was going, but I could always find a path and follow that to the front lobby so I wasn’t really worried.
Getting to the end of the path I found a beautiful river. It wasn’t frozen, the water was running silently along the river bed, a beautiful light blue colour. There was a wooden bridge leading to the other side and that’s when I noticed the boy. He was sitting the other side of the river, leaning against a tree writing in a little book. Me being the shy person I am decided not to go talk to him, what would I say?
I sat down against a tree and just watched the water running down the river. I was in a little world of my own, thinking about anything that popped into my head, which to be honest were some pretty random things.
“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing sitting alone?”
I jumped abouta foot high and held a hand to my heart, which was now beating so loud I’m surprised the stranger couldn’t hear it.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” they said.
They sat down next to me and I looked over to them. That’s when I realised it was the boy I saw sitting the other side of the river, I hadn’t even noticed him getting up. That’s also when I noticed that this was no normal stranged, this was Harry Styles! I noticed straight away, his curly chocolate brown hair and his emerald green eyes stood out a mile against the white surroundings.
“It’s fine.” I said quite confidently, hang on a minute, where’s this coming from?
“I’m Harry.” he smiled.
“I’m Jessica.” I said and shook the hand he had held out for me.
“So, why are you on your own?” he asked.
“Just felt like going for a walk, and I knew neither of my friends would come with me…What are you doing on your own?”
“Just wanted a bit of time to myself.” he said, tapping the little notepad, “Song ideas and such.” 
“Ah, right.” I smiled.
“So, who are you here with?” he asked me.
“Just two of my friends, you?” I replied smiling to myself as it finally sunk in that I was talking to Harry Styles.
“The lads.” he said, wait, does he mean the whole of One Direction are here?
“A lads holiday?” I laughed.
“Something like that… A girls holiday?” he said back.
“Something like that.” I mocked, winking at him.
“Well, want to come meet the guys? Then maybe we could come meet your friends and we could have a holiday together.” he suggested.
“That…actually sounds like a great idea.” I smiled.
“Well come on then.” he said.
He got up and held his hand out for me to take like a true gentleman. I followed him to his cabin and he pushed to door open as it apparently hadn’t been locked. Inside, sitting round the fire was the unmistakable band, One Direction.
“Hello boys, this is my new friend Jessica.” Harry smiled.
They all turned to face me and introduced themselves in turn, giving me a hug as they did.
“I thought we could go meet her two friends and kind of merge our holidays together?” Harry said.
“Sounds good.” Louis said, rubbing his hands together.
So I took the boys back to my cabin, after getting lost several times because we kept going down the wrong paths. But finally when we get there I let us all in and no one was around. The must still be in the bedrooms.
“Oh girls!” I called out as the boys sat around the room making themselves at home.
“What?” Shanice said, coming into the room.
“Go meet my new friends.” I said to her, motioning to the boys around the room, “Where’s Chloe?”
“In your room.” she said and went over to introduce herself.
“Chlooooeee.” I said as I opened the door to our bedroom.
I found her laying on her bed, fully clothed but asleep. How can she always be tired? I dragged myself over to her and shook her awake.
“Go away.” she said.
“Oh, so I guess you don’t want to meet One Direction, who are in our living room.” I said turning to leave, she was a big fan like I am.
“They are not here.” she said sitting up.
“Yes they are.” I replied, winking.
“…Really?!” she asked and shot out of bed and into the living room, her long red hair flowing behind her, I hope she doesn’t squeal.
I walked back into the living room to find her actually being really calm, which is a change for her. I walked over and sat with the boys. We talked for ages, and by the time I looked out the window it was pitch black.
“I think we should get going boys.”  Liam said, standing up and stretching.
“Yeah, we’ll see you girls tomorrow right?” Harry asked, looking straight at me when he said it.
“Of course.” I replied.
The boys left with plans to meet tomorrow after breakfast to go skiing together. We all went to our rooms and got ready for bed.
“I would be fangirling, but I’m way too tired!” Chloe said, slumping into bed.
“How can you be tired?” I asked, but got no reply as she was already asleep.
I shook my head and sighed. I closed my eyes expecting to not be able to sleep but I fell alseep straight away.
I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. Guess we forgot to shut the curtains last night…Last night, we met One Direction! I’m not normally a morning person but remembering we were seeing them again today made me jump out of bed to get ready.
I pulled on some skinny jeans, a thick jumped and all the necessities  to keep warm in the snow. I shook Chloe awake, with protests from her until she remembered One Direction and she shot out of bed much like I did. In the kitchen Shanice had already made us breakfast, it’s great to have a mother of the group, it means me and Chloe don’t really have to do anything!
“Thanks mummy!” I joked as I sat down to eat.
She rolled her eyes but carried on eating. Not long before we were supposed to meet the boys for skiing Chloe finally emerged from our bedroom, dressed very nicely I might add.
“Oooh, who are you trying to impress?” I winked as she ate her now cold toast.
“No one.” she said, blushing.
“Oh really?! Well I think you’ve got the hots for a certain blonde Irish man.” I laughed.
“Oh yeah! Well I think you’ve got the hots for a certain cocky curly haired man!” she shot back, cutting my laughter short.
“Do not!” I lied.
“Um hmm, of course.” she winked…She knew me too well.
We set off to meet the boys at the lobby, where we’d get the lift to go up the hill to ski! We walked the short way, Chloe not looking where she was going and falling over…twice… But eventually we did get there, and there they all were waiting for us with all their hottness.
“Here they are!” Louis shouted, opening his arms wide.
We joined them and started getting on our skis then split up into twos to get on the ski lift. I went with Harry much to my excitement, Shanice went with Zayn, Liam with Louis and Chloe made sure she went with Niall.
I sat chatting with Harry on the lift, trying my best not to make a fool of myself and hopefully achieving. At the end of the life we jumped down, luckily this wasn’t one of those where you jump down and immediately start off down the slope, so we waited for the others to get here. First Louis and Liam came, then Chloe and Niall and lastly Zayn and Shanice rolled in.
“Ready to ski then?” Harry asked.
“YES!” Louis shouted and then he practically jumped down the slope and started skiing, he was actually quite good.
“Coming then?” Harry asked once he’d stopped laughing at Louis.
“Well, I’ve never skied before…” I said unsure.
By now everyone else had gone and attempted the slope, Chloe, Niall and Liam all having fell over already.
“I’ll be with you, there’s nothing to worry about.” he said, taking my hand and heading towards the slope.
He was right, there really was nothing to worry about, it wasn’t too hard and I only fell over three times! Much to Harrys amusement who didn’t fall over once! Show off…
We reached the bottom where everyone was waiting for us and laughing at something Louis had just said.
“So are we going again?” I asked, eager to have another go.
“You guys can, I’m hungry.” Niall said, taking off his skis.
“Me too.” Chloe said, and took off hers, along with Louis and Liam.
They all went off for food so that just left the four of us. We went up to the top of the slope and rode down again, this time I only fell once, but that was actually Harrys fault as he skidded and fell into me! We had two more goes before we called it a day and headed back to our cabin. The others were already inside and all sitting round the fire so we went a joined them.
After talking and eating for about an hour everyone was kind of bored, so Louis being his sly self suggested a game of truth and dare which everyone agreed to. Louis went first and was dared to run round the cabin naked, which he did! Luckily it was dare so none of us had to see his ..*hem hem* area.
Next was Chloe who was dared to kiss Niall! Which she did saying it wasn’t even the first time they kissed! Well she has some explaining to do.
“Harry your go!” Louis shouted, “Truth…or dare.” he said slowly, eyeing Harry.
“Erm…I think I’ll go with dare.” he said bravely.
“Kiss Jessica!” Louis said.
“I knew you’d say that! But it’s okay, I’ve been wanting to do it since I met her.” he said…he what?!
I looked up and him and he was smiling at me, I hadn’t even realised how close we were sitting. He leaned forward and so did I, our lips met and it was like someone set a bomb off inside of me! The butterflies in my stomach were indredible. Harry pulled away too quickly for my liking but I smiled up and him as he watched me, also smiling.
“Aww! Look at the little lovebirds sharing a romantic look!” I heard Louis coo, loudly may I add.
The game of Truth and Dare carried on and that’s how the rest of this holiday went. Skiing, stupid games, Louis nudity, and somethings Harrys, and me and Harry kissing whenever we got the chance, but sadly both our holidays came to an end.
“We’ll keep in touch…right?” I asked Harry as we said our last goodbye.
“Of course we will!” he said and pulled me into a hug.
A car horn hooted and Niall shouted, “Come on we have to go! We’ll see the girls soon!”
Harry pulled out of the hug and place his lips on mine for one last kiss, “We’ve got to record an album, look out for a song called ‘One Thing’ because it’s about you.” he winked before getting into the car an driving off.
Aww…Harry Styles wrote a song about me! This has been the best girls holiday I could have ever wished for…
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Briana 2 and Louis
Briana and Louis.
Briana and Louis
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*Ring Ring* I heard my phone ring and ran like a ninja from the hallway to my bedroom to retrieve it.
“Hello?” I panted.
“Brianna are you ok?” I could hear Chloe’s familiar voice giggling on the other end.
“Yup, just out of breathe.”
“Why, what have you been doing?”
“Nothing I just ran from the hallway to get it.”
“You say ‘from the hallway’ as if you ran a marathon!”
“It felt like it,” I laughed, Chloe joined in the laughter, “so, anyway, what’s up?”
“Well you know it’s Summer and..”
“Chloe,” I said in a disapproving tone, “I already told you I don’t want to go to the beach with you.”
“Chloeeeeee…” I whined, knowing it was no use. She was going to talk me into it.
“Briannaaaaa…” Chloe copied me, “You don’t even have to flirt with anyone. You can just lie there and sunbathe, just do your thing, you don’t have to do anything but come with me.”
“Right, fine,” I sighed and gave up, “But you have to come pick me up.”
“Deal!” Chloe giggled and hung up without telling me a time. I texted her reminding her that I sort of needed to know when she was coming by. 
The best advantage of having a seventeen year old best friend..? She has a licence. I know, I know, that sounds like I’m using her - but I’m not. We’ve been best friends since I was ten, four years ago, and she only just got her licence two months ago when she turned seventeen. 
Anyways, I walked over to my swimwear drawer and pulled out my jack wills two piece, the pink&white stripy one, and began dressing into it. I then pulled a thin material dress on and some sandals. 
‘I’ll be there in ten minutes’ Chloe texted back. I knew by ten minutes she actually meant more like two, so I grabbed a bag and stuffed in some lipgloss, my ipod and money, and stuck some sunglasses on. I ran down the stairs, grabbed my keys from the counter, shoved them in my bag and walked out the door just to see Chloe come speeding down the road. I locked up the house and bounded over to her red beetle and climbed in. 
“Honey, you’re looking tanned,” Chloe tilted down her yellow sunglasses to look at my legs, “Have you already been to the beach without me?”
I stuck out my tongue at her, “No,” I smiled, “I’m naturally tanned.”
“Just checking,” Chloe pushed her sunglasses back up, “Buckle up.”
Chloe slammed her foot down on accelerate before I managed to get my seat belt on, and I slid into the door. 
“Chloe,” I complained as I clicked the the seat belt into place. Chloe made a sort of ‘tsk’ sound of dissatisfaction at me, as if I was the one at fault and not her.
It didn’t take long to get to the beach. From my house it was only a ten minute walk, so in the car it took us about three. Chloe nearly caused several crashes on the way and had to swerve round two cars just to park on the sea front. It was a sunny August day, so there where a lot of people out and barely any car spaces, so basically everyone was racing to get to one. We got lucky and Chloe managed to pull into the spot before any one else even saw it - she has eyes like a hawk.
“Right,” Chloe smiled and clambered out of her car, “Let’s roll.”
“Have you brought the beach towels?” I looked at her, hoping she had so that I didn’t have to lie on the gritty sand.
“Yes,” Chloe nodded, “They’re in the boot.”
“Brill,” I smiled and retrieved a towel for myself.
“So you can just lie on the beach and soak up the sun, like a loner, and I’ll have fun.”
“Thanks, I will,” I smirked at her attempt at talking me into chatting up boys.
Chloe sighed, “So whereabouts are you going to be?”
I scanned the beach and looked for an empty spot. I saw one at the bottom of the stone steps by a family with four children, “Over there,” I pointed to the spot and hoped no one would take it. 
“Right, I’ll be in the water near him,” Chloe pointed to a blonde boy who was splashing around with his taller brunette mate.
“Good luck,” I winked at her and walked off over to the spot.
I lay the towel down on the spot of sand, removed my dress, and lay down on my back on top of the towel. For a few minutes I lay there soaking up the sun, letting the warmth radiate through my skin, but eventually I got bored and pulled my ipod out of my bag and stuck one earbud in, to hear my favourite song - another world by one direction - playing on full volume. It made me jump when I stuck the earbud in my ear.
 I took off my sunglasses when I realised the sun wasn’t all that perturbing, and looking over to Chloe, who already had her tongue stuck down blondies throat. I clicked my tongue in dissapprovement and smiled in slight amazement at how she just had this natural ability of charming boys. After four years it still somewhat surprised me how quickly she could wrap them round her finger and get them to do just about anything. I laughed when a wave hit the two of them and they both slipped and went crashing and tumbling through the water until they washed up on the sand on top of one another and continued kissing. 
  I looked to the side of me and fumbled through my bag for my phone to check the time, and when I turned back an older boy had placed himself beside me. I scanned him, focusing mostly on his outfit - a stripy blue and white top, cream chinos and brown toms. He head brunette hair that lazily flopped to one side, and striking blue eyes with flecks of green, with long black eyelashes framing them. His skin was tanned, his body toned, and he had this cheeky little smile…
“Hello,” he said with a cute little accent.
“Hi,” I looked at him with wonder in my eyes, confused as to why he was speaking to me.
“So how’s your day going,” he smirked and winked at me.
“It’s ok,” I turned away from him and looked over at Chloe, “yours?”
“It’s getting better,” he laughed.
“Is that so?” I didn’t turn to look at him as I spoke, just continued looking forwards.
“Yeah,” he nodded and followed my gaze to look at Chloe, “Looks like my friends scored.”
“That’s your friend?” I jerked my head quickly to look at him.
“Yeah, that’s Niall, one of my best mates,” he furrowed his eyebrows, “Why?”
“Because him and my best friend are sharing saliva..” I laughed.
“Oh,” he laughed too, “So, do you have a boyfriend?”
“No,” I smiled and shook my head, which made my ponytail flick side to side, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“No, but I’d like one,” I knew he was flirting. It didn’t really bother me, because he was actually quite cute. It was just sort of strange that we’d only just met.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“I’m Louis Tomlinson,” he smiled as if he was like a celebrity or something, “Who are you?”
“I’m Brianna,” I bit my lip.
“Well, Brianna,” Louis smiled, “Would you like to go and get some ice-cream or something?”
“Is this like a date… or something?” I smirked at how I’d sort of copied his sentence.
“Only if you want it to be,” he stood up and held out his hand to help me up. Once I was standing, he didn’t let go, but entwined his fingers with mine.
“I think it could be, if you want it to be I mean,” I started the sentence confident but then realised I might sound a bit pushy…
“I’d like that,” Louis nodded. 
 The whole day was great. We went out for ice-cream, I met his three other best friends - Zayn, Louis and Harry (Niall was still snogging Chloe on the beach), and at the end of the day he walked me home and kissed me on my doorstep. All in all, I was glad I had agreed to the whole beach event with Chloe. At ten o clock, whilst I was lying in bed trying to sleep, I got a text from Louis. ‘Good night boo-bear, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ And when I asked him where we were going, he replied ‘I don’t care, along as I’m with you’. I must remember to go along with everything Chloe suggests from now on! 
Written by my friend! http://kiss-me-at-the-beach.tumblr.com/
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Katie and Niall
Katie and Niall.
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Another day doing the job that I loved, I know, not many people can say they love their job and mean it, but I really do! My friends mum runs a cafe and they have live music their and my job is to play, I also get free food and drinks so I definitely can’t complain.
I got up onto the mini stage and started strumming away on my guitar, getting lost in the music and completely forgetting I was infront of people, that was until someone spoke up and interrupted my playing.
“Erm, can I do a song?” the person asked.
“Sure.” I smiled, looking up at the boy.
He had very blonde hair, and the most sparkling blue eyes I’ve ever seen, his whole face was completely mesmorizing and I found it hard to even look away. I got up of my stool and went to get off the stage.
“Wait, can you play?” he smiled.
He asked me if I knew a couple of songs and when we found one we both knew I started to play. The boys que to start singing came and when he opened his mouth I was completely blown away. His voice was angelic, I loved the way it just flowed, like he wasn’t even trying, if I thought he was mesmorizing before I’ve got a problem now.
I managed to finish the song without screwing up because of his voice, I set my guitar on the floor and went over to a table for my break, only to be followed by the boy.
“You’re a great player.” he commented as he sat down.
“Thanks, you’re a really good singer.” I replied with a shy smile.
“Thanks, but I could be better.” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don’t see how.” I laughed.
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Katie, and yours?” I asked.
“I’m Niall.” he replied with a smile, showing off a set of crooked teeth, but somehow it made him even better looking.
“You don’t sound like your from around here.” I commented, taking a sip of the hot chocolate my friends mum brought me.
“I’m not, I’m from Ireland.” he smiled.
“Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there!” I said, “So what are you doing way over here in Canada?”
“Oh, I just came with a few friends for…buisness purposes.”
“Oh, okay.” I said, deciding to drop the subject.
I sat and talked to Niall for the whole of my break, and when I went back on stage he sang a few songs and even played a guitar along with me, he really was perfect. And I can’t believe I’m saying that about someone I just met…
When my shift was finished Niall offered to walk me home, which I greatly accepted, I really want to share as much time with him as possible and get to know him even better.
We walked and talked. Talked about our lives, our familys, friends, schools and about the cafe. He told me about his friends that he’d come over here with and also that he’s in a band! He even offered for me to go listen to them sometime which I obviously agreed to.
We got to my house and I was kind of sad to say goodbye, I wasn’t sure when I’d see Niall again, if ever considering he lives in England.
“Do you have a number? I’ll text you, we can meet up before I go home.” he asked as we stood on my doorstep.
“I’d love that! Here.” I said and handed him my phone.
He typed his number in and I did the same with his phone, “I’ll call you tomorrow, you can meet the boys.” he smiled and headed off down the road.
I walked inside my face hurting from the size of my smile but I just couldn’t get it to go away, and honestly I didn’t want it to.
“How was work honey?” my mum called from the living room.
“It was absolutely amazing.” I sighed as I went upstairs to bed…
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Kayles and Niall
Kayles and Niall!
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I sat in the park, leaning against my favourite tree, looking out over the pond. It was summer so the ducks were swimming around like they always do when the sun is out. I sat up against a tree with my drawing pad, doodling whatever came into my mind. I do this a lot, I’d rather sit outside and draw than be stuck in my bedroom alone and bored.
I’d been sitting here for about an hour when my phone rang in my pocket, no one ever rings me. I pulled it out and saw my friends caller ID.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Kayles!” she screeched into the phone.
“What do you want?” I asked, not meaning to sound as rude as I did.
“Why?” I sighed, I loved her and everything, but sometimes I just like to be on my own.
“Because, I think you’ll like them! And I’ve told them about you, they want to meet you, especially the blonde one!” this is the point where if we were talking in person she’d wink at me.
“Annie I can’t see you, I can’t see the blonde one.” I laughed.
“Well when you get here you will! There’s only one blonde one!” she said as if it was obvious.
“Fine I guess…Where are you?” I asked, shutting my pad and shoving it in my bag before standing up.
“At my house!” she said and hung up, well bye then.
I took the short walk to Annies house slowly, not really wanting to meet her new friends, who knows who she’s met now, she gets new friends every week! When I reached her front door I knocked timidly and waited for her to answer. The door swung open about a minute later to reveal my short brown haired friend.
“Hey! Come in, come in.” she smiled and pulled me in by the strap on my bag.
I followed her into the living room, her still holding onto my bag strap, where she pushed me down onto the sofa, “This is my best friend, Kayles. Kayles, this is Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall!”
I looked around at the five hottest boys I’ve ever seen, the blonde one was Niall and he was absolutely gorgeous! “Hi,” I said quietly and gave a small wave, yeah I waved that’s how awkward I am!
“Hi!” they all said at the same time and I think my heart stopped beating for a minute.
We all got talking and that’s when Niall came and sat next to me, “Hello, I’m Niall, in case you didn’t remember.” he laughed and adorable laugh, he also had the most amazing Irish accent I’ve ever heard before in my life.
“Yeah I remembered, hi.” I waved again…Again!
He laughed, oh great now he’s laughing at me, “I like your little awkward wave, it reminds me of…me.” he said and laughed again, this time I joined in with him.
“Nice to know we have something in common.” I said through giggles.
I chatted to Niall for a while longer, completely forgetting about the others until Annie started shaking me from behind.
“What?” I asked turning to look at her.
“We’re going to get some food, you two coming?” she asked, giving me a knowing look to say, ‘oh I know you fancy blondie.’
“Yeah I’m starving!” I said jumping up, “I haven’t eaten in like two hours!”
“I feel the same way!” I heard Niall laugh from behind me.
“So where’re we eating?” Louis asked as we left the house.
“Nandos!” me and another voice yelled at the same time, I looked round to see Niall smiling at me.
“You have good taste in chicken restaurants.” Niall said, trying to sound posh and serious at the same time and failing epically.
“As do you.” I said copying his posh accent.
We walked to Nandos and sat around a table once we got there, I was sitting next to Niall and we continued our convesation from earlier. When our food came we me and Niall stopped talking so we could eat.
“I had fun with you today.” Niall said as we left the restaurant.
“Yeah me too, I love food.” I laughed.
“Same, so how about we come back here tomorrow, just the two of us though?” he said shyly.
“Like…A date?” I asked.
“Yeah, only if you want it to be though! It can be just as friends if you want.” he stuttered.
“A date sounds fun.” I told him honestly.
“Great!” he said, showing a big smiled, “Should we meet here at say, two?”
“Two?! I’m gonna be hungry before then! Make it one.” I laughed.
“Good point, okay one it is.” he said.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow then, for our date.” I said, pulling him into a big hug before walking back home…
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Can you make some more Niall horan one shots? Not even with a name just put (y/n) they are really good please do Niall horan ones pleasee
I have more Niall ones to post! I'll do some now :) x
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follow me back sweety? love you tumblogs
Can't follow back from this blog, sorry.
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Hannah and Harry
Hannah and Harry!
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I carried on walking along the big stone bridge with my mum and dad either side of me.
“So, this holidays not been as bad as you thought it would be, eh?” My dad nudged me in the rib with his elbow and smiled a dopey smile.
I didn’t really know how to say ‘actually, it’s been terrible’ in a nice way, so I just smiled and said, “It’s been ok.”
My mum seemed to realise I wasn’t being serious, and gave me a sort of ‘be nice’ look. I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets and coughed. 
I looked at them strangely and walked over to the wall of the bridge and propped my elbows up on it, watching as the deep, dark water rippled and rolled, lapping at the edges of the river bank. A tall boy sat in the mud at the rivers edge, fiddling with his curly brown hair. He tilted his head upwards and looked at me, the brightness of the fairy lights made his eyes prominent, a deep green that captured me. I looked at him curiously and wondering why there were fresh tears rolling down his pale cheeks.
“Hannah, are you coming?” My Mum turned and shouted. I hadn’t realised how far away they’d gotten.
“Can I stay here? I’ll meet you back at the hotel later…”
“Ok, have you got your phone on you?”
“Yes,” I nodded and patted my back pocket. My mum nodded and continued to walk on with my dad.
 Every now and then I glanced at the boy, not wanting to stare incase he thought I was some kind of stalker or something. I wanted to go and sit with him and make everything ok, for some reason I had the strange urge just to hold him and try and stop his tears. Maybe he’s the kind of person that just gives off that kind of feel… 
 I looked at his as he pulled out a necklace from his pocket, observed it for a few moments, then chucked it into the water, like something off of ‘Titanic.’ That action made the urge to ask what’s wrong even stronger, so I finally gave in and walked off down the bridge to try and find a way to get down to where he was. Just a bit further up from where I had been standing there was a break in the wall, but nothing leading down to the grass. Nevertheless, I squeezed through the gap and very, very slowly shuffled along the tiny little shelf that jutted out from underneath the bridge and clung to the wall, afraid of falling into the icy water. I kept turning to see if the boy was staring at me, but thankfully he hadn’t noticed the ninja like moves I was pulling just to talk to him. Eventually I got close enough above the ground to jump and land on a soft patch of muddy grass, but covered my new lace white shirt in dirt. Brilliant…
I stood and nearly slipped into the river as I did so, “crap,” I mumbled.
I heard a very low and adorable chuckle coming from the boy, who had now turned and angled himself towards me, “Are you ok?” he smiled slightly.
“I could ask you the same thing,” I looked at him, wondering what could possibly be wrong.
“I’ve been better,” he nodded and sniffled.
“What’s wrong?” I walked over and took a seat on the rock beside him.
He didn’t answer for a while, just looked at the spot in the river where he’d thrown the necklace, “What’s usually wrong with a boy?”
“A girl,” I replied.
“Exactly,” he nodded.
“So… what’s this girl done?” I bit my lip.
“The basics, really,” He flipped his hair and pulled his knees up to his chest, then crossed his arms and balanced them on top, “Lied, cheated.”
“Oh, harsh,” I nodded and looked awkwardly at the floor, “You wanna tell me about it?”
“What do you want to know,” he looked at me.
“Well,” I paused and looked up at the stars, “start with her name.”
“Laura,” his voice cracked as he said her name.
“Tell me about her.”
“She’s beautiful,” he sighed, “Long blonde hair, tanned skin, bright blue eyes… and she had the cutest little laugh.”
I was beginning to feel quite self-conscious, “she sounds pretty.”
“Beautiful,” he corrected me.
“So what happened with her?”
“Two weeks ago I got on the plane to Amsterdam, and she was there to see me off. She texted me every day, called every two or three, and we kept in touch. Then two hours ago I got sent a picture of her snogging my best friend Adam. Apparently it wasn’t the first time, they haven’t been able to keep there hands of each other since I left,” he sniffled and wiped another tear from his cheek, “then when I called her to ask if she had anything to tell me, she asked me what I was implying, so I asked her straight up if she was cheating on me and she denied the whole thing. I don’t think she knows I have a picture of it…”
“What are you…” I started then reassembled the sentence in my head, “When you get home, what are you going to do about it?”
“I was thinking about confronting her.. sorting it out?” he looked at me as if he needed my permission or something, as if it was my choice whether or not he should do that, “but I’ve decided I don’t really want to speak to her.
 I guess I’m just going to have to forget her and just… move on with my life.”
“Sounds like a good plan,” I nodded and wondered if I’d just said that because I was interested in him.
 Simultaneously we both looked up at the stars. I liked sitting here with this boy, even though he was depressed and we were talking about something that was making him upset, it was still quite nice to converse with someone other than my parents for just once on this damn holiday. I sighed, knowing I was starting to develop a crush on him, although I’d never have a chance because he was so in love with Laura.
“What’s your name?” He spoke, his voice low but soft and sweet.
“Hannah,” I smiled.
“I’m Harry,” he held out his hand for me to shake. When my hand met his a slight shock, sort of an electric feel, surged through my body. Harrys eyes shimmered a tiny bit when we both let go of each others hands.
“When do you go home?” I said, remembering what he’d said before.
“On Thursday.”
“But tomorrow!” I shouted, then realised how needy it had sounded.
“Yeah,” he nodded and smirked, obviously amused at my horrified expression.
“Oh,” I looked at the floor, slightly upset that I wouldn’t be able to spend more time with Harry. 
“So… you wanna go do something?” Harry said.
“What did you have in mind?” 
“Well, there’s an arcade not too far away if you wanna go there,” Harry stood up and offered his hand to help me up. Again, when our hands met, I felt the electric jolt. As we both walked up the big grass hill towards the arcade, Harry angled his arm in a strange way at his side, which I then realised meant he wanted me to link arms with him. I hooked my arm through his and, as we walked, I sort of felt like a princess - walking down the stone cobbled streets arm in arm with a well-dressed boy - it was very romantic.
We played a lot of games, and i mean a lot. We spent the most time and money on pacman, I game I couldn’t find anywhere in America, atleast not the original, proper one. 
“You’re really good at this,” I laughed as Harry guided the little noisy ‘waka-waka’ maker around, eating all the little circles and avoiding the ghosts.
“Practice makes perfect,” he had his tongue stuck out with concentration.
I smiled and stood beside him, just observing how good he was.
“You must have spent a lot of time playing this.”
“Hmm,” he nodded.
After about the tenth play of his, he finally let me have a go, and honest to god it was embarrassing how bad I was compared to him. I could hear him chuckling to himself, hovering behind me.
“Here, let me help you,” he side, and came up close behind me. So close my shoulders were pressed into his chest. His arms came round the front of me, and he placed his hands over mine on the control stick. With his help I was a lot better…
I could feel Harry’s heart beating. I actually, or we actually, did pretty well on pacman. We only played once together until decided to get something to eat.
“So, what shall we get?” Harry smiled.
“Do you reckon they have hotdogs?” My stomach grumbled hungrily right on cue.
“I think there’s a stall over there…” Harry pointed to the pier that jutted out right over the sandy beach.
“Then what are we waiting for?” I laughed, grabbed his hand, and dragged him off towards the hotdog stand, “two please,” I smiled.
 As the guy handed us our hotdogs I pulled out my purse reedy to pay, but Harry pushed my hand away and handed his own money to the guy.
“I got it,” Harry smiled.
   Harry and I scoffed down our hotdogs quite quickly. I giggled at his hamster cheeks, then laughed even more when I realised mine might look the same. I looked at Harry and he looked back at me for about three seconds, but then turned his head and looked away. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering if he was crying again or something and maybe didn’t want me to see, but then he put his fingers in mine and gently tugged me over to a stall that had a small crowd of people surrounding it.
“What is this?” I mumbled through a mouthful of hotdog. Harry had finished his.
“It’s a sort of.. sport I think,” Harry shouted over the hum of people talking, “You get to jump off the pier. Do you want to do it?”
“But it’s dark!” I shouted as Harry pulled me into the crowd, the atmosphere got louder and louder and it was harder to hear each other.
“It’s totally safe, look,” Harry pointed to the lighting that was shining down onto the waves, “and there are lifeguards surrounding the area in little boats… I think we should do it.”
“Um… I don’t know,” I hesitated and shoved the last piece of hotdog bun into my mouth.
“Are you chicken?” Harry started doing wing-flapping motions.
“No, but I’ve just eaten…”
“Excuses!” Harry smiled and pulled me over to the guy in charge, “We’d like to have a go,” he said, making my mind up for me.
“How much is it, first?” I bit my lip in anxiety.
“It’s free,” the man said with a strong accent.
“Free?” my jaw dropped.
“Yes, it’s a… ten o clock. It is free from nine till eleven when we close,” he nodded and folded his arms.
 I was secretly hoping he’d say something like a thousand dollars, or euro as they use here, and then we wouldn’t be able to do it.
“Brilliant!” Harry smiled, starting to get on my nerves. He was dead set to throw himself off a pier into the ocean and I.. I was very reluctant, “come on then babe,” and with that I was on board. The minute he called me babe I was pretty much okay with whatever he suggested we do. Damn his charming good looks…
 We had to walk through a mini gate and then were guided by a worker to the end of the pier. There was a wide diving board type thing with banisters for you to hold onto on either side that stretched out from the end of the pier, I suppose that was what we would be jumping off. Before we could even step foot on it, we had to hand the worker our shoes, any jewellery, mobile phones or other electrical’s, money and anything we didn’t want to come with us. We also had to put some ridiculous orange floating devices on our arms.
“Ok, you can go now,” the man beside us said and patted me on the back.
 I shuddered and looked at the black sea that stretched out so far into the distance I couldn’t see the other side. To be honest, I couldn’t really tell the difference between the sea and the sky. 
“I’m having second thoughts,” I bit my lip and stopped still.
“I’ll hold your hand the whole way,” Harry kissed me on the cheek, “You only live once.”
“Yeah well I think I’m about to have a heart attack so either way…”
“You’ll be fine,” Harry interrupted me, “Come on.”
  Harry gently led me about six eighths of the way to the end of the board, then looked at me and smiled, “you ready?”
I nodded, and we took another two steps forward until our toes touched the end of the board.
“Three,” I started.
“Two,” Harry continued.
“One!’ We both leaped into the air and I screamed, gripping Harrys hand so tight it’s a wonder i didn’t rip it off.
 The whole thing was  a rush. It was a strange feeling, holding someones hand under water. I’m not really sure how long we were under there, but I do know that, even though it looked dark from above, I could see everything so clearly under water. Harry and I both had our eyes open. I have to admit that we did let go of each others hands, but only so we didn’t sink to the bottom. I’m not sure why, but we both stayed under water, using our arms to keep us floating perfectly in the middle. We both just stared at each other, focusing on each others eyes, and the next thing I knew we were both kissing each other. I didn’t even know that was possible to do under water. Soon enough we had to come up for air. I don’t know why, but when we did I was sort of angry.
“Whatever happened to being so upset over Laura?” I blurted out. Harry looked taken aback, shocked at my sort of insult.
“I found someone I liked more,” Harry smiled sweetly, “but why are you upset?”
“I’m confused,” I said, having to spit out some water when my head dunked under. Must remember to paddle, keep yourself floating woman!
“About what?” Harry kicked his feet under the water so that he was now floating on his back. He slowly began to push himself back to shore. I did the same. 
“What.. what’s going on with us?” I said.
“Hannah, I met you an hour ago,” Harry said.
“I know,” I continued to kick my feet, “but you like me, right? And I like you?”
“So you want to be my girlfriend?” Harry assumed, “That’s fine with me.”
“Well that’s great, but what happens when you find someone as great as me?” I said, “And then you go jumping off a pier with her, and you kiss her under water, and I’ll be left back in America whilst you’re in a foreign country with her.”
“That won’t happen though!” Harry said.
I realised how close we were to the shore and got off my back and stood on the soft sand. The water was only up to my hips.
“How can you be sure of that?” A tear escaped my eye. I couldn’t believe how worked up I was getting or how stupid I sounded, seriously.
“It’s not like I left Laura for you… she cheated on me, we met because of that, you shoal deb happy about this. I didn’t leave her, she cheated on me, I found you because of that. Do you really think that I would leave you?”
“What about calling her beautiful and that stuff!” I shouted.
“I said she was beautiful,” Harry said and moved closer to me, “I didn’t say she was perfect.”
  He put his hands under my jaw and pressed his lips to mine, or crushed them more like. It was as if he was using the kiss to prove to me he wasn’t lying. I could hear ‘whoops!’ and cheers coming from the pier above us - I hadn’t forgotten the huge crowd who had mostly likely seen everything.
“Hannah,” Harry whispered, “Come back to England with me.”
“Why?” I whispered and continued to kiss him.
“Because,” he pulled away, “then I can marry you… is that proof enough?”
This was wrote by my friend Jessica! Follow her she’s awesome!
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