on-brand-bitch · 8 hours
Literally scheduling time in my day to just listen to your wavs. Been queueing them up all week waiting for my alone time, I’m genuinely more excited to listen to them than I am for the inevitable orgasm I’ll have about it. Just hoping I’ll make it through all the new ones before I blow it 🥰🥰🥰
oh my god this is so incredibly hot 🥵
I hope they exceed your expectations ♡
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on-brand-bitch · 5 days
I wrote out all the transcripts to the recent wavs where I talk but I should go back to bed now sjsksk I was just really bored
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on-brand-bitch · 5 days
another discord request, sick talkie with some coughing
minors DNI xx
contains: talking (stuffy nose), sniffling, sneezing, hitching, coughing (honestly not that much as I seem to cough more when I'm not recording lol)
length: 1:46
"I know I get really sneezy when I have a cold but this is (heh) ridiculous"
huh-heh-ETXHUUU! hih'CHIIH! huh'CHIEW! at'CHIEW!
sniffle "oh, gross, ew" sniffle
coughing, sniffles and groaning
"ugh, my nose is.. isss still (still) itches" (wavering)
hitches "soooo itchy" groan
coughing, sniffling wetly
heuhueh huuihhh "thought I was gonna sneeze agaihaheh"
hih heh (really wet sounding) AHH'SHIEW! ATCHXEW! HAH'TCHUU!
(turned to the side) TCHOO! at'CHIEW! ap'CHIEW! huh'CHuu! (devolves into a groan)
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on-brand-bitch · 5 days
cold denial talkie (discord request)
minors DNI xx
contains: talking (stuffy nose), sneezing, sniffling, illness denial, holdbacks (attempted lol, I low-key pinched the sneeze)
length: 1:51
"what do mean I "sound sick"? this is how I always sound" (in the least convincing voice possible)
"heh.. no, my nose doesn't itch at all-" (wavering)
sniffling, groans
"I'm fine, I'm fine." sniff "ah, just ah, allergies or something- heh hhhh no! no, I'm nooooot gonna sneeze again-" (wavering)
"heh... heheheeh... s-see? n-no sne-heee-ze heh I'm not" (pinches a sneeze) "I didn't sneeze!"
"I'm fine!" groans, sniffles "I'm not sick, I swear! I dooon't huh-have hav-t-hah to snee- sneeze heh heh"
(hitching breaths) hih'TCHIEEW! (stifled x3) mm'CHW! mmCHW! CHIEW! (not stifled) heh'CHIEW! hah'TCHIEEW!
sniffling and groaning
"I'm fine."
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
someone so fed up with sneezing over and over again, not being able to catch a break, feeling absolutely exhausted. so much so that they're starting to get upset and emotional. their eyes welling up, tears trickling down their cheeks, and their nose running even more now with the crying. poor sneezy thing.
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
it's only the middle of the day but I'm ready to take cold medicine and be unconscious
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
sick snz fits
minors DNI xx
contains: sneezes (all covered- full, half stifled, fully stifled), an attempt at talking, sniffles
length: 0:58
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
absolutely destroying a tissue
minors DNI xx
contains: sniffling, buildups, sneezing into a tissue (mix of full, half stifled, stifled)
length: 0:38
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
snz and snz and snz and snz and-
minors DNI xx
contains: sneezes like so fucking many holy shit & sniffles (mixture of covered full snz, half stifled, fully stifled)
length: 1:35
I cut out coughing to bring you just the sneezes
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on-brand-bitch · 6 days
I was watching a comedy YouTube creator I like and she made a video about being childish and started it by
acting out someone holding a tissue to her nose and telling her to blow
blowing her nose
the other person saying "good girl"
the fuck
I think my soul left my body
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on-brand-bitch · 7 days
wet cold sneezes
minors DNI xx
contains: sniffling, wet sneezes (covered and semi stifled for the last one)
length: 0:21
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on-brand-bitch · 7 days
snotty snz
minors DNI xx
contains: snotty sounding sneezes (covered) & sniffles, me drowning in snot
length: 0:30
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on-brand-bitch · 7 days
"i don't feel very well"
minors DNI xx
contains: talking, sneezing (full and half stifled)
length: 0:27
"I don't feel very heh heh- heeeh-"
hah'TCHIEEW! snf CHIEW! (half stifled x2) CHIEEEW! CHIEEEW!
sniffling "I don't (I don't) feel very well" sniffle
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on-brand-bitch · 7 days
sick talkie sneezy
minors DNI xx
contents: talking, sneezing fits, sniffles (the sneezes are mostly half stifled but I don't do a very good job of it lol)
length: 2:04
"I've been heh- heh- so sn-sneezy" (wavering)
breath hitching
(pressing a tissue to my nose) heh'TCHIEW! heh'CHIEW! huh'CHIEWW! (stifling x1) huh'CHU! Heh'TCHIEW!
wet sniffles and groans
"ugh, snee-sneezing almost constantlyheheh" (breath hitching)
(sneezing into tissues and they start to get rapid) hah'TCHIEEW! 'TCHIIEW! TCH'HUH! TCHIEW! CHIEW! CHUU!
wet sniffles and groans
"oh no, not agai-hehheh"
(all half stifled) h'TCHIEEW! CHIEWWW!huh CHUU! CHIEW! huh'CHIEW!
aggressive sniffle and more wet sniffles
"I doesn't (doesn't) stop" wet sniffles
hehuhehuh "I'm gonna sneeze agaihaheh"
(rapid fit with barely a breath in between sneezes) Heh'TCHIEW! TCHIEW! CHUU! CHUU! CHUUU! CHUUU! CHUU! CHUU! CHUU! CHIEWWW!
"ugh, fuck." sniffle "oh, fuck." groans "I'm a mess."
sneezing myself dizzy for the 282829th time
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on-brand-bitch · 8 days
be honest, would you sit next to me?
minors DNI xx
contents: mostly sniffles and sick sneezing with some talking and coughing (like spending a real-time 3 and a half minutes with me)
ALSO-- these are so messy and wet I basically had to half or fully stifle them all into a tissue and then eventually my hands because I destroyed all the tissues I had in my lap sjsksks
length: 3:32
the premise of this audio is a work of fiction. I actually am sick but I have no intention of getting anyone else sick lol
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on-brand-bitch · 9 days
I'm sick and can't stop sneezing so you know what that means (more wavs)
calling in sick (minors DNI xx)
contains: attempted talking, mostly sneezing fits
length: 1:02
do you think my boss will let me take the day off?
"I, um, I can't come i-hih-in to work toddddday" (wavering a lot)
(strong sneezes half stifled into a tissue) ASH'IEWW! IS'HUUU hah-E'TCHUUU! ESSSHHHU!
sniffle, groan, sniffle
"ugh I can't (I can't) come (come) in to" (wavering the whole time)
really wet sniffles "ugh, into work today" sniffle "um" sniffle "I'm sick"
(that caption is a joke- of course they will sjsksk)
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on-brand-bitch · 10 days
due to popular demand (it's me, i was demanding) here is the snz server for discord! this is NOT specific to any fandoms or any specific kind of content just a place for all us snz fuckers to hang out and chat and share content of all types in one convenient place! COME JOIN ME OR I WILL CRY I DID A LOT OF WORK FOR THIS LMAO.
oh and feel free to reblog this, share with other snz fuckers, etc etc
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