OMGCP Big Bang 2019
209 posts
Welcome to this fic and art challenge for the Check, please! fandom.
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Another year, another successful bang! Thanks to all the authors, artists and betas who worked to bring us new content! 
You can find all the fics on our AO3 collection, browse the tag or this list.
Adam Birkholtz/Justin Oluransi
Anything to Get Close to You
by Regina_Writes art by catc10
Loving You Is Easy, And That’s Why I’m Afraid
by shadowfaerieammy art by ohshitty
Lucky Shot
by redneterp art by mpmi81
The Soulmates Lie
by McBangle art by Annapods
Derek Nurse/William Poindexter
Of Machines and Magic
by ForFutureReference art by misterstargazer
The Heart’s Arithmetic
by cuddlybader art by misterstargazer
what could i do (but follow your love)
by playedwright art by smhloudboy
Jack Zimmermann/Eric Bittle
Bitty’s Delivery Service
by itsybitsybitty art by amberultramarine
Flight Check
by edgarallanrose art by rub-a-dubb
I Can feel the Storm Inside You
by effyeahzimbits art by novva
i’ve seen the waters that make your eyes shine (and now i’m shining too)
by blushgon art by pretty-meris
Knowing me, knowing you
by emimix3 art by coline7373
Roman Holiday: Love and Possibilities
by WrathoftheStag art by isaacdoesart
The Greatest Thing
by 17piesinseptember art by jitterbit
What I want to feel, I want to feel it now
by Rabbit Runnah art by catc10
What the Water Gave Them
by suburbanmotel art by actualkon
Jack Zimmermann/Eric Bittle/Kent Parson
art by kvntparson
art by karin848
Firecracker - Kent Parson/Alexei Mashkov
by procrastinationfairy art by hellebarde
Fourteen Weddings and a Kerfuffle - Kent Parson/Jeff Troy
by missweber art by hellebarde
Let Us Roam the Night Together Singing - Chris Chow/Derek Nurse
by liminal_space_llc art by missweber
Surface - Alicia/Bob 
by xaara art by Karin848
when you weren’t looking - Denice Ford/Tony Tangredi/Connor Whisk
by my-king-and-your-lionheart art by shadowfaerieammy
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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My other art piece for the @omgcpbigbang2019 !
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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@omgcpbigbang2019 time! my partner wrote about some good fluffy PB&J with wings!
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Title: Surface
Author: xaara (AO3)/drink_up_dreamers (tumblr)
Artist: karin848
Rating: M
Pairings: Alicia & Jack, Alicia/Bob, Past Jack/Kent
Warnings: Jack’s overdose, implied underage relationship (Jack/Kent), anxiety, depression
Summary: Alicia, in the aftermath.
(also embedded in story)
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
What I want to feel, I want to feel it now
Title: What I want to feel, I want to feel it now
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Author: Rabbit Runnah (ao3)/doggernaut (Tumblr)
Artist: catc10 (Tumblr)
Eric Bittle knows the way his life is supposed to go: According to an old family curse, the love of his life will take one bite of his famous apple pie and fall madly in love with him. And they’ll live happily ever after.
There’s only one problem: Jack Zimmermann doesn’t like pie.
Artwork embedded in fic and on Tumblr.
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
What The Water Gave Them
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Link to fic: Ao3
Pairing: Jack Zimmermann/Eric Bittle Rating: Mature
Warnings: past homophobic attack, past overdose, therapy
Author’s name linked to their blog and/or Ao3 profile: Ao3/Tumblr
Link to or Embed of Artwork: Tumblr
Artist(s) name linked to their blog and/or Ao3 profile: Ao3/Tumblr
Summary:  When Bitty dreams, he dreams of water, of drowning, of going under for the second, third, fourth time. He dreams in vibrant colour. He dreams of fists and feet and bruises that bloom the colour of summer ripe berries on pale pale skin. Jack dreams in black and white. He dreams of snow, white landscapes of his youth. He dreams of vials and silver needles, silver skate blades. He dreams of water, too, but it’s frozen and unforgiving. When Jack dreams, he dreams of ice, above and below him. “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water,” Bitty says this odd thing in his soft, rounded drawl and Jack can’t help but smile. He always smiles when he’s around Bitty. “Yeah?” he says. “You believe that?” Bitty looks at him, eyes wide and clear and dark like the depths of an ocean Jack will never see, not in this lifetime. Jack’s water is slate grey, murky, Lakes Superior and Ontario, cold and unforgiving. Nothing like the warmth and kindness of Bitty at all. “Yeah,” Bitty says, voice gone rough like sand. “It’s what ties us together, you and me. It brought us together, here, and that’s the best kind of magic there is, sweetheart.”
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
Roman Holiday: Love and Possibilities
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Roman Holiday: Love and Possibilities
Story by WrathoftheStag (Tumblr | AO3) and Art by Isaacdoesart (Tumblr)
Rated: Teen and Up.
Parings:  Zimbits, minor Shitty x Lardo.
Warning: No archive warnings apply.  Brief drug use.
Summary: Prince Eric of Georgiana just wants to live his own life. While in Rome, he escapes palace life and meets reporter Jack Zimmermann. Jack shows Eric what life could be like, if only for a day. A Zimbits AU inspired by the 1953 movie Roman Holiday.
Link to Art;Link to Fic.  (Art also embedded in fic on AO3.)
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Let Us Roam the Night Together Singing
Fic by liminal_space_llc (AO3)
Art by missweber (Tumblr)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing(s): Chris “Chowder” Chow/Derek “Nursey” Nurse
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Chris and Derek are ecstatic in their new relationship, but when Bitty burns the Couch and robs Chris of his goalie luck, they’ll have to find a way to bring his luck back so he can stay on the team. Meanwhile, their weekend together begins to go awry when they discover Jenny and Mandy are not the only ones haunting the Haus.
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Title: The Heart’s Arithmetic 
Author: overmorrows (AO3) / cuddlybader (tumblr)
Artist: misterstargazer
Pairing: Dex/Nursey
Rating: Teen
Warnings: homophobia, mentions of suicide, mental illness, foster care
Summary: Dex has been afraid for as long as he can remember. He’s been afraid of parents, foster parents, teammates, friends, but mostly of himself. Maybe it’s time to change that.
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
Of Machines and Magic
Relationships: Derek Nurse/William Poindexter
Rated: M
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Author: ForFutureReference
Artist: @misterstargazer
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
Knowing me, Knowing you
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Fic by emimix3 (AO3|Tumblr)
Art by coline7373 (Tumblr)
Rated T
Pairing Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romantic Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Growing Up, Difficult Decisions, Growing Apart, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Families of Choice, Trope Subversion/Inversion
Summary It was only at thirteen, locked up overnight in a supply closet, with, as his only company, the name in black ink on his wrist, that Dicky realised why he didn’t want to meet his soulmate yet. Because he never will want to.
Art on Tumblr - Fic on AO3
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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i’ve seen the waters that make your eyes shine (and now i’m shining too)
Fic by blushgon (previously blushadora) AO3
Art by pretty-meris 
Rating: Teen 
Pairing: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Summary: Bitty has always dreamed of being a professional Pokémon trainer and has struggled to simply get back on his feet after being kicked out by his parents. Jack has always been expected to follow the footsteps of his father, the greatest Pikachu trainer of all time. When unexpected circumstances bring Bitty to a training camp for the Falconers, chaos ensues. As Bitty tries to find his footing with the Falconers, he also has to juggle his budding feelings for the team captain and his fears of not belonging. Will Bitty survive his crash course on being a professional Pokémon trainer? Or will life throw other plans his way?
‘i’ve seen the waters’ : art on tumblr and fic on AO3
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
Anything to Be Close to You
Fic: Anything to Be Close to You | Art
Author: Regina_Writes
Artist: catc10
Rated: Explicit
Pairings: Ransom/ Holster, Ransom/ Holster/ Original Characters
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Summary: 5 times Ransom and Holster have sex with other people, and one time it’s just them.
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
The Soulmates Lie
Author: McBangle
Artist: Annapods
Pairing: Adam “Holster” Birkholtz/Justin “Ransom” Oluransi
Rating: Mature
No archive warnings apply
Summary: The day Justin met Adam, he knew they’d be something special together. A great d-man pair. Close friends. But not soulmates.
But after four years of trying and failing to find his soulmate – and feeling surprisingly okay with that despite what every romcom tells him life is supposed to be like for the unmatched – he comes up with the perfect plan. All he and Adam have to do is move to another city together, let everyone else assume they’re soulmates, and voila! No more awkward questions, no more endless search for a soulmate he’ll probably never meet, just two bros hanging together for the rest of their lives.
What could possibly go wrong?
Read the fic!
Listen to the podfic remix!
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
The Greatest Thing
A Zimbits Fic | Read the Fic | View the Art
Author: writingonpostcards (AO3) / 17piesinseptember (tumblr) Artist: jitterbit (tumblr) Rating: Teen & Up Pairings: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, background Shitty Knight/Larissa “Lardo” Duan Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Bitty and Jack meet at a party and hit it off, but when Bitty finds out Jack is Jack Zimmermann, captain of the Providence Falconers, he doubts anything will happen between them. Jack proves him wrong, but the reality of dating an NHL player during playoff season puts pressure on their new relationship. 
“How’d you even meet that guy?” Shitty asks him. “Um. Oh well, you know how it goes,” Bitty says in what he hopes is a breezy tone. “One minute you’re kissing an attractive guy at a costume party and then a few mornings later you see that same face on the side of a bus, only without the cat ears.”
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Title: Lucky Shot
Author: redneterp 
Artist:  mpmi81
Pairing: Justin (Ransom) / Adam (Holster)
Rating: Teen
No archive warnings apply
Summary:   Justin has booked the biggest job of his career to date, as the 1st AD for a new streaming series about a college hockey team. On his first day he meets Adam, and they instantly click as friends and coworkers. Will they be up to all of the stresses and unexpected challenges of the shoot? And has Justin found his best bro for life, or maybe something more?
Story and art on AO3
Art on Tumblr
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omgcpbigbang2019 · 5 years ago
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Title: I Can feel the Storm Inside You
Author: effyeahzimbits [tumblr] [ao3]
Artist: novva [tumblr]
Pairing(s): Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Adam “Holster” Birkholtz/Justin “Ransom” Oluransi
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Summary: Life is going good for Eric Bittle. It’s summer, he has an exciting new job with the Providence Falconers, he’s in a club celebrating with his friends, and he currently has a Canadian Adonis grinding up against his ass. Life is good.
Until said Canadian Adonis flees the morning after some mind-blowing sex, leaving behind a rubbish note. Bitty tries hard to forget about him and his huge, pert ass and focus on his new job, but then Canadian Adonis and the Falc’s grumpy, anti-social captain turn out to be one and the same. And Bitty really couldn’t forget about that huge, pert ass.
Fic + Art on ao3
Art on tumblr
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