ollicaldwellsimp · 9 days
I love how Fred is always doing housework while Olli stands there filming and Fred just smiles affectionately and keeps on his work
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ollicaldwellsimp · 11 days
(please take my uquiz) which f1 driver are you? (and maybe something you need to hear)
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ollicaldwellsimp · 20 days
Happy birthday to the love of my life, hope you have a good day
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Happy birthday Olli Caldwell, hope you get lots of cake and lots of kisses from the dane
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ollicaldwellsimp · 26 days
Today we mourn my obsession with a danish man and his british no longer roommate
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I havent posted about this when he first posted this because i needed time to heal, both mentally and physically
i would post more picture but my photo album is so full it would take forever and im tired so no more pictures from me :(
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ollicaldwellsimp · 26 days
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ollifred through the years farewell my favourite housemates (2023-2024)
featuring my fave olli photos on fred's ig
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ollicaldwellsimp · 1 month
So in case you dont follow Olli Caldwell (which you you should), he recently finished a month long cycling journey across europe, starting in Silverstone, Uk and finishing in Monza, Italy. All of this was to raise money to a charity to help with mental health
Now, me being absolutly insane about this man, I screenshoted every single one of his insta stories during this time and I have decided to post some of my favourites!
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The reason why I like them are in the ALTs
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This is what he posted when he arrived in Monza, very nice
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ollicaldwellsimp · 1 month
Woke up late, missed the f3 race and just managed to watch the end of the f2 race and
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ollicaldwellsimp · 2 months
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Im gonna do a bit of a rebrand here, not focus just on f2 and f3 but also other less talked about motorsports like elms and indynxt. Im not giving up on my junior girls and boys, just widening my horizons. I also think that i might start an insta and twitter account just around motorsports but idk, should i? I got school and an internship but i want to focus on this more :/ i also need time to learn names and sports but i promise to do my best :)
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ollicaldwellsimp · 2 months
I really want somebody to send me what fred vesti posts in his subscriber storys because no matter how much i love him, i refuse to give money to instagram. Like, what is so secretive that he had to hide it behind a paywall? Is he posting dick pics or is it just another running picture? I am so curious
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ollicaldwellsimp · 2 months
Im gonna do a bit of a rebrand here, not focus just on f2 and f3 but also other less talked about motorsports like elms and indynxt. Im not giving up on my junior girls and boys, just widening my horizons. I also think that i might start an insta and twitter account just around motorsports but idk, should i? I got school and an internship but i want to focus on this more :/ i also need time to learn names and sports but i promise to do my best :)
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
Watched my first ELMS race today, incredibly proud of the 37 cool racing car and the 25 APR car! Kinda sad to see watch happend to Vesti and the other 47 car crew but atleast i got a cadium (caldwell podium) and a flodium (fluxa podium) which i will very happilly take :)
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
People, all I want to see is men going vroom vroom in circles (and read some cute smau's or fics about them) without all the added 'dislike' from people.
Sure, I do have some drivers that I don't really have much an opinion about but you know what's so good? You don't have to hate on them. Yes, I get it's your blog and if you need to let out steam, fine but you know what you can do then? Not tag them! How surprising, I know! That exists.
And if somehow the driver you liked turned out to be an arse (which can happen), yes, you'll be upset and sad and angry, and I will delete all the things about them but I would not hate them all openly like that.
Why? because I know I can look at cute cats and gorgeous flowers instead.
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
Happy Waterloo day to those who celebrate! 50 years! 🎉🥳
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
So i didnt watch the f3 and f2 races as i was getting my beauty sleep so this was a pleasant suprise to wake up to
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ollicaldwellsimp · 3 months
Toxicity within Formula One
I usually never give my own opinions on anything Formula One related because I’m afraid of getting hate, but I am sick of it, and I will finally want my opinion heard.
For a sport that’s not as popular as any other sport in the world, there is so much toxicity and animosity between fans. Either fans of people on the same team or fans of people on different teams are going at each other for no reason and it mostly happens within Ferrari, Mercedes, and Red Bull. Lately, Mercedes has been infighting more than worrying about anything else.
You’ve got(and I’m not generalizing the fans. I’m calling out all the toxic ones. So, when I say fans, I meant the highly toxic people who be smirch others names and hype up their own favorite)
Russell fans calling Hamilton washed Indic occasionally saying racist things about him
Hamilton fans discrediting Georgia’s achievements and he will never be as good as Hamilton(also the people who are stuck on Abu Dhabi 2021)
Carlos fans making fun of Georges crash and saying the rudest things about Hamilton just because of a decision to not keep Carlos with the occasional racism
Charles fans doing the exact same thing Carlos fans are doing, but on a little bit lighter level because I haven’t really seen Charles fans being as rude to Lewis as Carlos fans
Max fans they are on top of the world and absolutely nothing can touch them and being toxic overall
I don’t really see a lot of Checo fans, but the ones I have seen are always overshadowed by the max fans, but they are still toxic
Alex fans hating on Logan just because he’s not as good as Alex
Logan fans are pretty chill, but with what happened yesterday, they aren’t as chill as you think. There is no reason that they should be sending hate, and death threats to Alex because of a decision that was not his.
Fernando fans are pretty chill usually when I look at the comment section of Aston Martin. Unless it comes down to the LGBTQ. The amount of hate towards the LGBTQ under Aston Martin’s post by both stroll fans and Alonso fans is disgusting.
Stroll fans usually don’t do anything except try to defend their favorite person, but I can assure you that they are not innocent just because you rarely see them being toxic. The whole thing with Bianca proved that, but I’m pretty sure that it was mostly just people who usually don’t like Stroll taking the chance to be misogynistic instead of criticizing her like everyone else was doing
Yuki fans just calling Daniel washed and saying that he should give his seat up to Liam
Daniel fans infantilizing Yuki, occasionally being racist, making fun of things he cannot control, and just being overall terrible people towards Yuki
And that’s not even all of it because then there’s the fighting of other teams still going on. And the overall hatred of Alpine for some reason.
Now, I can’t say much for the fans of Kick, Alpine, and Haas. I scroll through their comment sections and it’s usually people criticizing the team itself for their crappy cars or crappy pitstop. I don’t follow Haas so I don’t know how their comment section is like.
Of course, there are toxic people within those three team, fandom too, but go to their comment section, it’s mostly wholesome. Still toxic occasionally, but way more wholesome, Mercedes, Ferrari, and Red Bulls
I didn’t forget about McLaren, but they seem to actually be moderating their comment sections
I’m aware of how toxic Instagram is, but it’s not just on Instagram. It’s on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, I’m not calling Twitter X.
I know this is probably just going to get me hated on, and I’m probably yapping about nothing, but I feel like people take things way too seriously.
This is a sport. Meant for enjoyment and entertainment. I understand that not everyone is going to get along, and that there’s always going to be toxic people, but some of those same toxic people get upset when people are toxic towards their favorite.
This is probably all sounding like absolute Yapanese right now and I’m sorry if I haven’t properly got my point across. I’ll fix this in the morning when I’m more clear minded, but I wanted to point out just how toxic this fandom is. It’s more toxic than any other fandom I’ve been in except for K-pop 
These are screenshots of responses to a comment on RB’s post about Yuki actually being in P7 after Alonso got a penalty. The comment said let’s not hate on Daniel because he will pick it back up. This is only a taste of what I mean.
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I can’t even go back to Ferrari to screenshot comments and explain what I mean and I’m not going to Red Bulls page for that either because seeing the comments make me sick. But this is what I mean. And these are the tame ones.
Formula One fans need to realize that these boys are not toys. They are not just entertainment. They are human beings with feelings who make mistakes just like everyone else does. They do, say, and act very stupidly, sometimes, but that does not warrant some of the stuff that is said to them. They do not deserve death threats, and hate just for crashing and being afraid for their life.
They are not toys. They are human beings. Just like you and me and they deserve respect because they put their lives on the line to do with their love and entertain their fans.
Speaking of fans while I’m at it. Respect the privacy of the drivers. Someone filming George Russell while he’s using the year or not and posting it on TikTok is not okay and should never ever be considered okay
Here are some comments from George’s post where he’s apologizing for crashing and saying that he’s going to try to do better
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