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Olivia Norman 12/3/18 Project 3 Statement
For Project 3, “RE-SITE-ING / RE-SIGHTING / RECITING”, I decided to capture my favorite place, my three seasons room. My family is very close, and to us this a very special place. We enjoy nothing more than spending time doing nothing together, and usually we are relaxing in this room. Whether it is watching tv, playing a game, eating, or simply talking, spending time together in this room is our favorite past time. In my three seasons room, the windows are big allowing lots of natural light to be let in. But in this room, my family and I have made it very cozy but still allowing the views to be appreciated. I captured multiple images of my mother grandma and I passing time together all-day during Thanksgiving Break. From coffee, to wine, you can see the hours pass in the composition symbolizing the hours and hours we spend together. The use of collaging for this piece allowed me to capture movement in my mother and grandma, as well as allow me to recreate the space how I would like to present it. My three seasons room will always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of countless beautiful memories with my family.
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Project 3 Proposal 3
For this piece, I would take hundred of photographs of my backyard back home. I would include my dog in some. I would capture the beautiful scenery of the trees covered with snow to create a mystical space. I would focus on making the deck look very realistic by the way I organize the photographs of the wood planks and the lines, but keep the trees looking surreal. The photos would be taken throughoout the day to capture different lightings and tones. The piece would be mounted on a white poster board to compliment the white snow and purity of the space. I would have my friend on the swing set that we used to play with when we were younger, creating nostalgic feel. I would use my creativity to try to reconstruct the space different of how one sees it through their eye, placing things in different locations.
THis piece would aim to convey nostalgia and a “white christmas”. For me, snow makes me want to be cuddled up with loved ones with hot chocolate by the fire, with no responsibilities. I would aim to convey the worry free feeling of the space in this piece. I would make the whites very clear and bright to symbolize the purity. My dog would compliment the snow and the background with her pure white coat, allowing her to become part of the space. She would be captured happy and playing in the snow, with some action shots to show the playfulness. THis would be complimented with my best friend on the swing, further pushing the playfulness of the space showing both my dog and her having fun.
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Project 3 Proposal 2
Since I will be home next week, I want to make this project of my favorite view from home, my family. My mother and my grandma have been my best friends all through life, and we have shared countless memories. Of all the places we have traveled to, my favorite place to see them remains the same. I love to see them laughing and chatting awaiting for me in the Kitchen bar. Here they enjoy their wine, while we all chat and eat Skinny Pop. Many images of this space will be shot to make the bar look very long and my family to be seen in their emotions. Images of them would be of laughing, drinking, and eating, our favorite pasttimes. I would also shoot my hands reaching in the popcorn bag to show the viewer they can be in this space too, by creating the illusion that perhaps those are their hands, because my face will not be photographed.
This sight has always been extremely pleasant to me. Coming home and knowing I can just sit and catch up with my loved ones keeps me going, and I am longily awaiting to be reunited with them. The piece would be warm toned to convey the warm happy feeling one gets when they are with those that they are truly 100% comfortable with.I would want the audience to feel as comfortable in this space as I would by focusing on the happy emotions of my family and all the food being shared, creating a fun enviorment
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Project 3 Proposal 1
For this piece I would take hundreds of photographs of my desk back home at different times of the day. I would construct an unnormal view showing the sides and front of my desk as well as many photographs of the windows that are my view. The windows will be shot to make a progression from sunrise to sunset showing the changes in the enviorment outside my window, but I am still at my desk creating art. The pictures of my desk would not only include my desk but different pages of my art journal or even maybe a progression of me creating a new piece. These would be mounted on a white poster board and put together there to create my piece.
My art desk is a sanctuary, and somewhere I would flee to whenever I experienced distress ack home. Now, I think of it as a special place I can not wait to return to. The big windows allow for so much light to come in, creating a very bright space, literally and metaphorically. I would want this piece to convey the time passing as I spend hours creating, and make the audience be intrigued by the space. The use of also showing both sides, top and front of desk will create a surreal view along with the windows to intrigue the viewer as well. This pieces overall mood would be happy yet focused in this space of creating
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Project 1 Final Images and Artist Statement
Every human has a place that they go to escape the chaos of everyday life, whether it is literal space or an activity. For Project 1, Surrounded, Enveloped, Besieged, my work is aimed to convey the sensation of feeling free in nature. I believe that the most beautiful things in this world are natural, and I feel that I am my truest self in my natural environment, outside. To escape my chaos, I set out to the mountains or anywhere that I can be surrounded by leaves and natural colors. Specifically, the colors of Fall leaves convey a positive emotion, and the warm tones allows the audience to feel welcome into the space I have created with my photographs. The model in the shots is interacting with the nature, not worried about posing. I utilized the model to communicate the feeling of carelessness in the space, with dynamic posing and avoiding “stiff” poses, she allows the audience to want to join the space and enjoy it themselves. The contrast of the different colors in the space, all being highly saturated, in contrast to being monochromatic compliments the carefree nature of the model allowing for this project to convey the positive emotion I was aiming for.
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Project 2 Proposal 3
In this project, each of the 5 images would have a very different composition. I would use some of my vinyls/ones from thrift store and use them to base my shoot on. I would have different models to match the different artists I was using. I would have the album cover either held in front of or edited on top of the artist in a way to interact with the model. The model’s face would be consistently covered however varying which album cover. I would try to match the composition of the album cover with my composition for the shot. The album covers would be used to create an illusion of the artist being there. The artists I listen to represent me in my taste of music and style.
My piece would aim to convey the feeling of admiring an artist so much you aim to be them. Pop culture is such a big part of our society causing teens to view these artists as role models even when they know nothing about them. I aim to learn about the artists I listen to, to understand their music more. One of my favorite artists, Amy Winehouse, speaks about all her troubles in her work, and I would love to use one of her albums covers for this project. I would make the composition dynamic with all the things going on. The piece would convey a love for the music and the arts, and the idealization of celebrities by others. The color aesthetic would be unique throughout the 5 shots, because they would match with the album covers.
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Project 2 Proposal 2
The composition of this project would include multiple models in some shots, and just one in another. The other models would be dressed in clothes that is typical in our American society, and one in patterned fun clothing. The model dressed uniquely would have her face painted as a sugar skull from Día de Los Muertos. In the shots with multiple models, I would have the one always standing out, perhaps sitting when others are standing. In one image I would have all the other models facing the one. The images would not show any of the other models’ faces, only the one with face paint. I even am debating taking out the whole sugar skull face paint idea and keeping her painted with white face paint to symbolize how others see me. The model would be posed in a manner that looks upset, with shoulders slumped and appearing shy.
This project would aim to convey my struggle looking very American but being from a very culturally diverse background. With a mother from El Salvador and a father who is British but born in Nigeria, my family always prides themselves on their diversity and cultural acceptance. Every time I meet someone new, they are shocked to hear my background and always say “But you look so white” or “You don’t look Hispanic”. Society expects people from different ethnicities to look a certain way but so many people do not look like their stereotype. I would aim for this project to challenge people to not assume race from skin, and to convey a feeling of frustration with today’s society.
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