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oldtowncrab 5 months ago
Big Robot with Big Weapon
What's ur favorite flavor of violence :3
assasination of political figures
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oldtowncrab 5 months ago
@10000-bugs-in-a-human-suit cut yours off
Opinion on peanits?
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oldtowncrab 5 months ago
As a supplement to the previous post, here is video of Iranian Ballistic missiles easily going through Israeli Air Defense
This is the true purpose of these strikes, to show to the Zionist entity that they are powerless to stop Iran and stop the destruction of their occupation
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oldtowncrab 5 months ago
I figured I should start doing some of my geopolitical/strategic content I would usually do on twitter to Tumblr
As such, here is my analysis of the recent Iranian operation
True Promise II
On October 1st 2024, Iran launched 200 ballistic, aero ballistic, and possibly hypersonic missiles at multiple targets within Occupied Palestine
The Iranians struck multiple Zionist Occupation airbases, gas platforms, and a main avenue very near to the headquarters of the Zionist intelligence service (responsible for the recent pager attacks) Mossad.
This is the results of their strikes on Nevatim airbase in southern Occupied Palestine, which houses the Zionists fleet of stealth F-35I aircraft, alongside Tanker and Radar equipped aircraft important to the Zionists ability to strike places as far away as Yemen or Iran
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The Yellow pins indicate visible Craters from the strikes of missiles, while the white pins indicate possible strikes obscured by clouds.
It is important to note the different accuracy ranges shown in these strikes, some impacts are directly on hangers, taxiways (roads for aircraft to move from hangars to the runway), and administrative buildings.
Other impacts show a far wider spread, landing in empty desert or away from any specific target.
This is not a result of these missiles failure or success, but of the use of two separate kinds of missiles
The first kind of missile used was the unguided ballistic missile Emad
A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a ballistic trajectory, this means it is shot vertically into the air and relies on gravity to bring it's trajectory back down to earth. Ballistic trajectories are like an arch going from the point where the missile is fired to where it hits the ground.
The Emad is unguided, which means it has no way to change its trajectory after it has been fired, because of this, it has a CEP (Circular Error Probability) of 30-50m, this means it is likely to fall within a circle 50 meters wide with its center as the target
Why use such an inaccurate missile? Because it doesn't need heavy guidance equipment, the Emad can mount a warhead weighing 900kg. Against a relatively sparse target such as an airbase, this likely still won't be effective. But against a denser target such as a power plant or urban this could be highly effective.
The Emad can also theoretically mount a nuclear warhead, which makes accuracy irrelevant, or a cluster munition, which saturates the target area in hundreds of smaller explosives that are highly effective against unarmored targets such as aircraft on the tarmac.
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The second missile used was the Guided Aero-Ballistic missile Kheybar-Shekan-2
An Aero-Ballistic missile is launched vertically, but uses a mixture of Aerodynamic Fins and Thrust Vectoring to lower the height of its trajectory and maneuver within the atmosphere.
By lowering its trajectory, this means it is able to delay detection by radar until it is closer to the target, and by maneuvering within the atmosphere, it is able to "dodge" interceptor missiles and enemy air defense.
This missile is responsible for many of the accurate strikes against hangars, taxiways, and administrative buildings mentioned previously, it is highly accurate with a CEP of 1-2m (it will hit within a circle the size of a grown adult laying down) and able to penetrate bunkers and hardened (armored) aircraft hangars.
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Operation True Promise II was, at its core, a warning to the Zionist regime to stop escalating its conflict and genocide against Lebanon, Iran, and the wider middle east.
The damage done here was a taste of what a full scale missile attack by Iran would look like, Iran has tens of thousands of missiles of every kind imaginable, from ballistic and Aero-Ballistic missiles shown here, to hypersonic missiles that are almost impossible for the zionist regime to intercept, and cruise missiles that can be massed in the hundreds against even single targets. Iran also has possibly hundreds of thousands of drones that could saturate Zionist air defenses and strike tens of thousands of smaller targets.
If the Zionist regime chooses escalation, it will face fire
Before I go, here is some close ups of the hits done
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oldtowncrab 5 months ago
@puppygirl-fagposting is this true and accurate and real and true and wholly accurate and correct to the reality of the situation and a fully realized interpretation that takes into account all the nuance and varied nature of the situation and right and correct and true and
Hello skinny tgirl. Lately you've been complaining that your tits aren't growing. In front of you is a plate of food.
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oldtowncrab 7 months ago
A Communist's Guide to the 2024 Election
Preface: I am not the ArchCommunist, my words are not gospel, critiquing every thing you see, or at least applying it to your own material situation is a healthy part of being an person.
With the recent disaster that was the 32nd National Convention of the CPUSA, in which the party decided in a dubiously legitimate vote that supporting the democrats to the hilt (resolution 5) was party policy, invited an "Israeli" "Communist" to speak after a Palestinian one canceled. And began the process of liquidating or silencing any chapters that didn't show complete loyalty to the zionist party line. (see this excellent article by members of the now liquidated Austin Chapter of the CPUSA for an example of how bad things have gotten). I think it might be useful to share some insights from a communist perspective on this election.
While this is an guide on the election, this is not an guide on who to vote for. Vote for anyone you would like, no candidate or party in the running has the will or ability to change the course of the American Hegemon over the next 10-20 years. In fact I think Kamala deserves to win if only for the hilarity of a 90's Soviet style palace coup going entirely successfully in the US.
Instead I would like to direct this posts focus to a rather dangerous argument I've seen a lot of "progressives" and even communists use to justify voting for the democrats. This argument goes something like this, "While the Genocide of the Palestinian People is bad, we should still vote blue because of X domestic issue (insert whatever you would like)" to put it more simply, it's arguing that the Hegemonic Entities "foreign" policy should be ignored because domestic issues are "More Important".
The reason this argument is dangerous isn't just because it's immoral (although it is to an disgusting degree), but because it's purposefully dishonest. The American Entity runs off of the exploitation of the global south, it's prosperity, however limited and decreasing for the majority of its population it may be, exists because of this system of exploitation. It is impossible to separate the foriegn and domestic policies of the entity, or anyone within it, because of this fact.
You can not separate or mitigate the Genocide in Palestine, or the exploitation of the Global South from issues at home when that home is built on that very same Genocide and exploitation. This isn't because of moral duty, or even because of privilege, this is because that structure of imperialism has reached its point of terminal and unavoidable decline, and the moment that system collapses abroad is the moment that system will come to the US in full force.
When that happens the Democratic Leadership will be right there to put the boot on our heads, and all the moralizing about harm reduction will have only served to silence comrades and impede successful organizations.
The real guide to the 2024 election is to look past it and beyond it, the election will come and it will go, but good, local organizing with your community will remain.
@ytiesad @fresh-cup-of-antimatter
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oldtowncrab 8 months ago
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This is my message to all those "Vote Blue no Matter Who" types that come crawling out of the woodworks every 4 years.
Why should people keep listening to you when you have done nothing for us, why should we listen to your demands that we vote for the next senile genocidal member of the elite when you can't even keep us afloat.
How many empty promises will you keep throwing at us, how many times will you bitterly insult and blame us for your election failures. How many times will you gleefully watch people suffer and say "should've voted for X candidate".
It's all so tiring hearing it over and over every 4 years.
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oldtowncrab 8 months ago
Liberalism truly is by far the most pathetic, self defeating Ideology on this Earth
Biden has done nothing to ensure any of the items on this list (except 12). He refused to pack the court, he refused to codify roe, his student debt forgiveness was peanuts even before it was ripped to shred by the court he still refuses to pack. Where's that green new deal? The police are better armed and bolder then ever. Texas puts up razor wire on the border and fucking prevents BP from removing it, what does Biden do? He bends the knee and "compromises" (gives up entirely) on protecting migrants.
Biden has been extremely enthusiastic funding the genocide in Gaza and Banderite Nazis in Ukraine however, never the political will to put up even the meekest defense of any progressive position. Zero condemnations for bastards murdering Palestinian-Americans but endless police crackdowns on student protesters.
You talk of privilege, yours bleeds through deeply while you bemoan the lost of an American democracy that's never been present for vast swathes of this country. While you demand people vote for the party who has so gleefully put the knife through our backs and the boot on our head so many times before.
You truly have no plan beyond the election, no contingency if Biden surfers the most predictable loss in American history. You will sit around for the next four years, berating the "radical left" while you demand we stop any organizing that isn't in service of supporting the next genocidal maniac candidate.
In 20 years a lifetime of service to the ruling class will leave you with nothing but bitterness and the ashes of a fallen empire you tried your hardest to support. You can tell me then just how much this sham election matters.
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I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.
People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".
These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.
If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.
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oldtowncrab 9 months ago
Liberals are actually fucking Tumors sucking the life out of any possible positive movement in this country.
Remember in 2020 when half the fucking country was up in arms against the police, when every major urban area was the site of riots or protests demanding that the boot be lifted off of our heads.
These fuckers demanded then that we stop any independent organizing and throw our weight behind biden, they pulled out all the fucking excuses they're using now, and in the end?
Biden won, the BLM movement dissipated, and the Cops were given more funding, more freedom, and valuable experience to crush us with, the boot on our heads got heavier, and the police didn't for a second see any major consequences for their actions.
Instead they were deployed on mass by these same fucking Democrat "saviors" to crush the Pro-Palestine movement, they used toys bought with Democrat money and tactics developed during 2020, and your savior biden sat back and cheered them on
Project 2025 is a fucking marketing scheme for policies that biden has already willingly set the groundwork for, it will go through no matter who is in fucking office. Democrat or Republican, Biden or Trump, it will go through with the full approval, implicit or explicit, of both parties.
And where will these blue no matter who fucks be then?, spewing the same propaganda bullshit they been spewing for the last decade.
If you actually care about the future of this country, then every second you spend supporting biden and the democrats is wasted time we do not have.
Organize with your community, build a network, prepare for the situation to worsen, prepare for a Kinetic response by the government like we have seen so many times already. To do anything less is to have already surrendered to the boot on your neck.
To do anything less is to have condemned yourself to be erased from history.
via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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oldtowncrab 10 months ago
1. If you can play accordian I'm gonna need a video immediately
1. There is about a 70% chance that if I'm playing a game it's old and obscure
2. I've failed to write a sci fi story three times in a row
3. I know people to tag on this post
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 馃 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I鈥檓 real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I鈥檓 pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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