Guy helping cosplayers fix their outfit when they need it
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if you’re a new tumblr user from tiktok or IG or something and only like posts and dont reblog them yeah people will think you’re a bot and block you but you will also make this website actively worse. they want “algorithmic” users like you, served recommended posts through likes, not people who just follow each other and respond to the direct chronological feed. there is a reason this website is still better than the rest, even with all its problems, do not ruin this
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ID: a sketchy two page comic of my tortoiseshell kittens, Maggie and Bunny.
From off panel, I hold my hands out to Maggie, who leans away
Me: Aw, Maggie doesn't wanna come up?
Maggie: Mother I am not a child.
Me: You're ten months old.
Maggie: I am a warrior.
Bunny pops up from behind her sister.
Bunny: I'm not! I'm baby <3
I scoop Bunny up while Maggie watches in shock and confusion.
Me: Aw, yes you are, Bunny. Who's my sweet baby?
Maggie flops on her back and shows her tummy. She has big blobby tears in her eyes.
Maggie: Mommy??? Betrayal?? You abandon your baby?? Your Darling Girl?? Your little Maggie-Pie?!?
End ID.
Maggie is a strong, independant kitten, so long as you never pay attention to anyone else, ever.
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YOU hate JK Rowling!
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Danse Macabre
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so we're all agreed that we're going back to circa 1990s leetspeak to fuck with the tagging system, right?
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In re: Apple Frakking Tumblr Over
OKAY So ever since the Tumblr announcement over Apple’s TOS for the app staying on the AppStore, I’ve been seeing so many posts spreading so much information AND misinformation.
If you haven’t seen the post, click here, but basically it boils down to Apple’s TOS for what Apps can and can’t exist on the AppStore are pretty damn draconian. Famously Discord had to disallow ios app users from entering Not Safe For Work/Mature servers. Discord also put in a work-around to this but I’ll get to that. Anyway, those TOS Apple’s put in place are now affecting tumblr.
Misinfo #1: Tumblr is deliberately making the app experience unusable - False
Tumblr is doing what Apple is telling them to do. Apple is the one making the iOS version of the app unusable. Not tumblr. Although their enforcement of Apple’s wants is rather obnoxious this isn’t tumblr’s fault. It’s Apple’s. Direct your ire to Apple, not tumblr, because this is directly their doing.
Misinfo #2: Tags have been ganked. - Well yes, but actually no.
It’s true tags are borped on the iOs app BUT!!! “Banned tags” work just fine in the web version of tumblr, or the Android app. All the tags I’ve seen in the “banned tags” lists going around work just fine on my phone (I have android) or on my laptop. THE TAGS ALSO WORK FINE ON THE BROWSER ON MY IPAD. That’s right, easy way to get around iOS shennangannery? Use the Tumblr website. It looks (and runs) just like the app. There are even other features on the website that aren’t on the app. So if you’re an iOS user frustrated by how the tumblr app now works, log in on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, literally any internet web browser, and boom bam. Your original tumblr experience is back. Original bugs and all. Screenshot below of my android phone, and the tumblr website being able to access “banned tags.” Also a screenshot of the post from the wip tumblr saying that experiences on Android and the website will not be affected.
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Misinfo #3: Tumblr’s doing nothing to combat the ultra-censorship on their iOS app - Maybe
In their post, staff said they’re working on a work-around. They left details pretty vague, as is staff’s wont, but they aren’t exactly out of options. This is where I get back to what Discord did when Apple did the same thing to them. Essentially you would have to go onto Discord on your laptop and allow access to not safe for work servers on iOS. It’s a setting only found in the laptop/desktop version of discord. (see screenshot for proof) I believe Tumblr is probably working on something similar. To allow users to have the original experience by going through the website. For now you still have the browsers on your phone. Also screenshotted, where staff said in their post they’re working on a workaround.
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All this to say, you guys need to stop freaking out. Yes, tumblr is broken, tumblr’s been broken for a hot minute, but you know what? This latest censorship dirge is not tumblr’s fault. It’s apples. And there are workarounds, pretty piss easy workarounds like using your browser instead of your app. It’s not even that much more difficult. I know this is frustrating, but being reactionary and spreading misinformation isn’t going to do anything but harm people who are looking for solutions.
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A Growing List of Banned Tags
This is my second go at making this blog. The first time, I got shadowbanned immediately for writing a post with these words on it, so I’m going to have to link to a google doc instead.
You can find my current list HERE
If you’d like to contribute tags you’ve found, please send it via an ask or submission so I can double check and add it to the list.
EDIT: Right now many of these are only banned on IOS, but that really doesn’t make it better
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Union Real Talk for a mo.
My coworker broke her foot today because of an unsafe wobbly cart combined with a poorly maintained ramp.
Our union rep (when contacted) came over and had a quick less than 10min chat with the supervisor. After that chat?
1. My coworker was given admin time to go get X-rays as opposed to needing to use sick time.
2. The Union rep helped her successfully fill out the worker's comp forms so she doesn't have to pay for it
3. They're getting rid of that cart
4. All carts are being re-routed to the front entrance until the ramp is fixed
5. She's going to work at home for the next month while her foot heals.
Without a union present? Maybe #5 would have happened, but the rest? Doubtful
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A new mode of production arises out of the newly networked masses.
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support asexual men
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Soup for friends……
it's cold out there, reblog to give a trans man a cup of soump
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NASA created retro travel posters for different locations in our solar system in hopes of inspiring young people to imagine a future where common space travel is a possibility. 
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At this point, I’ve learned it’s actually cheaper to shop and cook for a community than it is for an individual or even a family unit to do so.
This last year learning how to batch cook massive amounts of food for the communities I’m a part of has shown me how aggressively cheap it is both to eat plant-based and feed a large sum of people.
One of my favorite stories is a recipe I kinda winged with my mutual aid group in Tx. We served 75 bowls of lentil soup over rice and it only cost us $4 to make that quantity of food. Literally, the cost per bowl was like $.06 to make and so much of the produce was donated.
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Like, let that sink in. We fed 75 people for $4. How much do we spend on groceries for ourselves or families on a monthly basis?
All of yesterday, a comrade and I cooked 60 hearty bowls of a Spicy Split Pea Soup and Pinto-Potato Chili. We wanted to meal prep together but fucked around and made enough to feed 8 other comrades and have a ton to distribute to the unhoused community in our city. In each container is 2 cups of soup/chili over 2 cups cooked rice. That means one box is gonna be 2 meals cuz leftovers.
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Currently, the project I’m trying to make a reality is a Plant Based Community Kitchen. The vision is to build a small menu of recipes, no more than 10, that all incorporate 2 base grains/legumes/starchy vegetables.
To bulk-buy ingredients that are paid for by donation to batch cook in a meal-prep style so that there is a variety of dishes that can be made in batches that can feed a comrade, college student, family of 4 up to a week’s worth of meals for dirty cheap.
We’d have volunteers come cook and help deliver and distribute, hoping to save comrades money, battle food insecurity, help feed more consistently the unhoused, and build the communal structures that allows us less reliance on money/capitalism to meet our collective needs.
For instance in my city, these are some numbers/costs from a restaurant supply store nearby and template recipe I made to estimate yield and price.
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This basic ass template recipe at these prices would allow me to make 900 meals for under $100.
If 10 comrades threw in $20 once, this kitchen would be funded for months, and cook enough to food to feed people consistently for long periods of time, and have a variety of flavors and meals all combating food insecurity, food deserts, and food swamps.
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don’t get me wrong, im SO excited that people are discovering their genders and coming out as trans, but GOD so many of y’all are coming out as not-cis and then stopping there and not learning anything about the community.
like yall will come out and then continue to be just as transphobic as cis people? like you do NO research on the trans community, no talking to other trans people, then say transphobic shit and use “im [x] so i can’t be transphobic 😌”
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