oldflcme · 4 years
idk why but i feel super formate lazy tonight but i have hella muse so ,,, sry for the unformatted responses 
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oldflcme · 4 years
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NOTHING makes cade smile like seeing the people around him smiling, happy, thriving, and declan was no exception. ❝ i guess if you put it that way ❞ cade pouts at his friends frown before his eyes roll at the inevitable. ❝ course that’s what it is, ❞ he tuts with a shake of his head, laughing. ❝ well, maybe that’ll be the next adventure. if i survive this one. ❞ cade’s tongue darts out to lick his lips, realizing he hadn’t eaten in a few hours. ❝ can i have a cookie right now ? i’m starved. ❞
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HE FEELS SUCCESSFUL , which he usually does after trying to convince someone to come on an adventure with him. “ you’re gonna survive this one , dramatic ass. ” declan laughs , tossing a bag of cookies at his friend with a silent nod. “ besides , i’ve gone on tons of way more dangerous adventures , and i’m not dead. i have a few scars , sure , but i’m alive and well ! so , you probably , definitely have nothing to worry about. i’ll keep you safe. ”
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oldflcme · 4 years
closed for @andfluorescent​​ ( cordelia ) 
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ace wasn’t a super sentimental kinda guy , but he felt like it was needed to be at least friendly with harlow’s sister. they got along fine , but as he danced into uncharted islands with the girl , he sought guidance and , for some reason , he decided to turn to cordelia. he’s honestly not sure why , but as she approaches to the casual hang out spot near the now closed barrier , he feels remotely at ease. “ hey. ” he speaks simply , not sure how to start off a conversation that says hey i kinda like your sister. “ uh –– did you go to the ball ? i didn’t see you. ”
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oldflcme · 4 years
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the sun was shining, the air was crisp, and acel was in an exceptionally good mood. it felt like spring, it felt like love, and he was thriving. his attitude couldn’t possibly be soured as he propped against the garden wall, gazing at the clouds. noticing the other a wide smiled grew upon his lips. “it’s a good day to be alive, no?” he asked pulling down his sunglasses, “especially when i get to gaze upon someone as lovely as you.” 
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she’s in a BAD mood –– she can’t visit her mom , she can’t get a new dress to wear from her closet back home , and her second favorite mirror chipped. it was a bad day for ember grimhilde , so she was nearly stomping around outside , finding things to take her anger out on. and then , of course , sunshine in the form of a person chooses today to talk to her. “ i’m way out of your league. ” ember snips , crossing her arms over her chest. “ and even if i wasn’t , that was LAME. get a better line and then try again. ”
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oldflcme · 4 years
                              when i look at my life and
                                                 all of my             crimes
                                                      you’re the only thing that i think i got
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oldflcme · 4 years
hey hello , like this for a starter !
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oldflcme · 4 years
the rest of my replies are gonna come tomorrow , i’m super tired for whatever reason & i gotta be up early anyway <3 
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oldflcme · 4 years
sfterglows‌ ––––– declan & maddox.
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with a cocked eyebrow, maddox finally turns to really face the male, the slightest smirk planted on his lips. ❝ you heard me, ❞ he reaffirms with a small nod. ❝ i believe you stumbled upon me. but you sure look like the right guy to help pick up the pace at this ball. ❞ he states, glancing around as if he ACTUALLY cared about being caught. ❝ i wanna have some fun, and see some of these people squirm. brought some of my mom’s transformation potion. what about you, got any good tricks up your sleeve ? ❞
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DECLAN HAD A LARGE GRIN plastered on his face. he really shouldn’t be so excited about this , but he just couldn’t help himself. ❛ WELL , maybe you’re right about that , but i wouldn’t have stumbled upon you if you weren’t standing here doing nothing ! ❜ he chuckles gently. ❛ transformation potion. ❜ he repeats , eyebrows raising in curiosity. ❛ COOL. what do they transform into ? ❜ he asks curiously , wondering suddenly if he was mixing up in a little too much evil. ❛ for the record , i don’t wanna . . . hurt anyone. just have a little fun. i’m an adventurer , not malicious. ❜    
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oldflcme · 4 years
rcsula‌ ––––– astrid & max.
several  hours  later  …
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       max  had  only  asked  astrid  out  hours  ago  ,  but  he  was  so  ecstatic  that  she  had  said  yes  .  the  last  time  he  had  gone  to  a  dance  was  back  in  high  school  &  with  roxanne  .  so  it  was  fair  to  say  that  maximilian  was  a  bit  nervous  as  he  stood  outside  of  the  ball  waiting  for  astrid  .  if  his  dad  saw  him  now  in  a  pair  of  jeans  &  a  plaid  shirt  -  for  a  ball  -  he  knew  he  would  get  scolded  .  it  didn’t  exactly  help  when  astrid  arrived  .  “  god  ,  you  look  ——-   ”  he  could  not  help  but  stare  at  the  blonde  as  she  approached  ;  mainly  because  she  was  drop  dead  gorgeous  ,  but  also  because  max  felt  SEVERELY under  dressed  .  “  stunning  .  ”  he  was  trying  really  hard  to  not  let  his  thoughts  get  the  best  of  him  .  “  you  sure  you  still  want  to  go  in  there  with  me  ?  i’m  not  —  i  don’t  look  as  good  as  you  .  like  …  i  don’t  look  like  i  would  be  your  date  .  ”
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it really was typical max fashion to ask her with as short notice as her did , though the ball wasn’t until the evening , she was going into it thinking she was going alone. the only true change that was made was accessories , her previous necklace how replaced with the one that max got her , and it matched perfectly. she approaches the ball , wondering if max would prefer her in something girlier , a dress , or maybe dressed down more ? but she was already committed to the suit , light pink waves pulled back so the necklace was on full display. she’s already blushing. ❛ thank you. you look handsome as ever. ❜ she compliments before her nose crinkles , nodding her head.  ❛ yes , i’m sure ! you don’t look underdressed. , you look perfectly like max , and i wouldn’t want to go in there with anyone else dressed any other way. ❜
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oldflcme · 4 years
devctions‌ ––––– astrid & camile. 
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“oh,” camile said softening, “well i can’t blame you for staring then. it is a custom piece and very beautiful.” she said straightening it out, “my mother made it for me.” she stated, letting it be known that her mother was the designer because some auradon folk didn’t think she was much of one. “your outfit is nice as well. i enjoy the color and it fits you well.”
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IN TRUTH , astrid was pretty good at getting along with just about anyone , and she didn’t really care if they were from the isle. considering her moms background of being misjudged , she wasn’t quick to do as suck. ❛ i can tell that it’s custom , it must’ve taken hours. ❜ she’s looking at the dress again , admiring the girls mothers work. ❛ i didn’t know your mother was a designer. if you visit soon , you’ll have to let her know i send my regards. i wish i was that talented ––– i’m not quite there yet. ❜ she’s rambling slightly , and then she smiles , running a hand down her suit. ❛ thank you , i don’t really loved dresses on me , so –– suit. ❜ and the color was a perfectly fitting ice blue. ❛ are you enjoying the ball ? ❜
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oldflcme · 4 years
ironcrwned‌ ––––– ember & cassie.
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          CASSIE SMILES AT THE GIRL’S actions, shaking her head at the curtsy. “oh, exactly. and i feel like there would have been a handful of BRAWLS by now if we were back home,” she comments with a warm smile. she follows the other girl with no hesitation, glad that she was able to find someone she knows so quickly at the ball. “it’s going good. and nope! no date, so you get me all to yourself.”
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❛ MAYBE THIS PLACE isn’t so bad. ❜ her mom told her it was a good idea , after all –– though her mothers intentions were anything was embers best interest. ❛ perfect , i need someone to spend some time with. although , i’m surprised you don’t have a date. ❜ he grins gently , sipping from her cup. ❛ wonder if anything wild is gonna happen tonight. what’dya think ? ❜
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oldflcme · 4 years
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monster among men - 5 seconds of summer ↳ favourite songs 10/?
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oldflcme · 4 years
hellllo babes so i start work remotely today , but really more so tomorrow so i need to get my working space cleaned up. that said , i might not be super active until later tonight but i’ll be here via ims if you wanna chat / plot !
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oldflcme · 5 years
ironcrwned‌ ––––– declan & xavier.
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          XAVIER HAS ALMOST A DREAMY look on his face as he listens to his friend ramble. it’s cute, but the thought alone causes the blush in his cheeks to only increase. “oh, but a ball is such an auradon way of greeting people.” xavier says with a smile, trying to distract himself from the thought of dex being cute. he hopes that dex doesn’t see the flush of his cheeks, but it only worsens as his hands go to his shoulders. “it’s alright, if you can’t walk out of here, i got you,” he says with a laugh. he doesn’t know what to expect from dex, probably something about how he was going to go dance with someone, but he doesn’t expect that someone to be himself. for some reason, it takes him a moment to realize what declan is exactly asking him. xavier feels his heart rate speed up at the question. he’s nervous, but he’s also calm at the same time because it’s dex. “ye- yeah,” he says with a smile at his friend. “i’d love to,” he offers his friend his hand so they could go dancing, but he’s very much aware of his nerves. 
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IF IT WASN’T FOR THE SPIKED PUNCH , declan may not be acting so bold. it was easy for him to flirt with people , but it wasn’t easy for him to express his actual emotions. especially not to xavier , who he held so closely in his heart as his best friend. ❛ WELL , you’re not wrong. it is very ... auradon...ian. ❜ a chuckle leaves his lips , his eyes darting around the people-packed ballroom. ❛ you really do always take care of me , xavi. ❜ his words are coated with affection , genuinely in awe at the kindness of his friend. his eyes catch the soft pink hue of his cheeks and his heart is racing , hoping that the answer will be yes. sure , he could find someone else to dance with. sure , he could find someone else to leave with ––– suggestive or not , but he didn’t want to do any of that. he was content right here , with xavier. ❛ yeah ? ❜ he’s smiling , nearly beaming when he says yes , taking his hand and leading them to part of the dance floor. dex picks a less crowded , less in the crowd area for them to dance. ❛ i’m not that great at dancing. just so you know. i might step on your feet a little. ❜ 
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oldflcme · 5 years
sfterglows‌ ––––– ember & skylar.
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❝ oh, definitely, whoever would do such a rebellious thing ? ❞ skylar teases back, smiling down at her friend. she was itching for trouble in the perfectly set ballroom, something to give the ball a bit more life. ❝ i couldn’t ever forget that fun fact about you, em. but since you haven’t admired yourself in almost five whole minutes, allow me. you look, absolutely stunning, as always ❞ she praises with a smile. ❝ and you dress up damn well. hm, yeah i’m hoping something will pick up then it really will be fun. well, i got the pleasure of finally hitting that pirate girl, eden, my brother dated. ❞
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SHE CAN’T HELP BUT GIGGLE , a soft smile across her features. moments like this showed that ember wasn’t all that bad , it just took the right person. ❛ definitely not us , we’re innocent isle kids. nothings to see here. definitely doesn’t in my purse besides essential purse items. ❜ she laughs again , before a wide grin replaces the smaller one that was on pink-tinted lips.  ❛ i mean , you’re right , but you also look breathtaking , just wanted to point that out. ❜ just because ember was full of herself doesn’t mean she couldn’t return a compliment.  ❛ i love dressing up and isn’t this dress just gorgeous ? my mom had it made for me. ❜ she always felt the best when she felt like she was pleasing her mother.  ❛ hm . . . eden. ❜ she runs the name through my head , nodding softly.  ❛ yes , yes , i see. surprised you didn’t get kicked out ! god , you’re a fucking badass and i love you. she hit you back ? ❜ eyes scan her friends face for any type of injury , thankful she seems to finds none. 
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oldflcme · 5 years
xxofspacesxx‌ ––––– ember & aldrich. 
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— “well i like to think it comes from me owning a bar and knowing how to throw a kickass party.” he said as he put his flask away and took some of the punch. “I like to prepared. I figured this royals don’t know how to throw a good party, babe.” he said drinking from his cup.
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❛ PROBABLY. ❜ she responds simply , watching him as he takes some of the punch that she just spiked. ❛ well , you’d be right there , babe. ❜ a soft laugh leaves her lips at the repeating pet name , running a hand through her hair. ❛ then again , maybe i’m underestimating some of these royals. i feel like some of them have a little evil in them , ya know ? ❜
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oldflcme · 5 years
sfterglows‌ ––––– acelin & harlow.
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usually, she’s much more discreet about how often she’s eyeing acelin, but tonight with him dressed like THAT harlow doesn’t even mind if he catches her drooling staring. her lips curl up at his compliment and she can feel her heart pound, ❝ you look incredible, ace ❞ she tells him like it’s a middle school comeback. ❝ well, you’re my lucky son of a bitch then. but, i don’t know, i think i’m luckier. ❞ she finally does what she would have last time and cups his face in her hand gently. ❝ there’s gonna be a LOT of people there, ace. ❞ her voice is just barely above that of a whisper. ❝ promise you’ll keep me safe from them ? ❞ harlow’s face is filled with concern, something most wouldn’t get the pleasure of seeing, but it’s acelin. he’s her safe place. at his touch, she squeezes his hand with hopes that it’ll stop the shaking and follows closely beside him. ❝ oh please ❞ she scoffs, flustered by his words. ❝ i’m definitely not out of your league. if anything, you’re out of mine, your highness. ❞
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HAD IT BEEN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE , acelin would be in jeans , a plain t-shirt , and a leather jacket with all intentions of walking right past the guards. however , he had harlow by his side , and that meant he wanted to look his best , and he was actually glad he decided to go the extra mile. ❛ think that’s impossible , but okay. ❜ he teases gently , genuinely feeling like he was the luckiest guy who was going to be at this damn ball. ❛ promise. ❜ the words are spoken gently , hands holding her close to him almost as reassurance. ❛ we can always leave if it’s too much. go fuck around in the woods or something. everyone’s gonna be busy. ❜ he offers , realizing that it sounds a bit forward , which causes a laugh to brim from his stomach. ❛ full disclosure , i’m not being suggestive. ❜ he adds , still laughing softly. ❛ but yeah , just let me know. you being safe is my top priority so if you feel , you know , dragony , we’ll definitely head out. ❜ and he was fine with it , too , concerned only with being with harlow regardless of where they are. ❛ oh , please yourself. impossible. i’m a lowlife , messy haired , frosaken half-god and you are literally the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen in my life , so . . . ❜ he realizes quickly how sappy he sounds , but he doesn’t even care. ❛ you ready ? ❜   
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