[ Moved To Anatomical-heartt ]
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Multifandom! But mostly cute geeky boys, can’t help it I have a type :)
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Hi guys! Previously this was a side blog but I got fed up with that and moved to a primary blog, but under the same username! Please go follow me on the new account @anatomical-heartt
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Hi guys! Previously this was a side blog but I got fed up with that and moved to a primary blog, but under the same username! Please go follow me on the new account @anatomical-heartt
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Hi guys! Previously this was a side blog but I got fed up with that and moved to a primary blog, but under the same username! Please go follow me on the new account @anatomical-heartt
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Hi guys! Previously this was a side blog but I got fed up with that and moved to a primary blog, but under the same username! Please go follow me on the new account @anatomical-heartt
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
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Summary: Stan seems to forget about you after befriending Syd.
A/N: i, of course, feel in love with stanley barber so here we are. would also be open to requests for syd or dina. also i’m sorry if this is a little choppy, i had some trouble with it. 
Warnings: cussing
I let out a huff, staring at Stanley from my place in front of my locker. He was packing up, and rather quickly. Anxiety weighed on my chest, doubts rearing their way into my thoughts. I’d never been so nervous to talk to him before, despite harboring a crush on him for almost a year. After a moment longer of hyping myself up I finally began walking over to him.
“Hey, do you think you can hang out later?” I asked as soon as I was next to his locker, playing with my sleeves nervously.
“Ah, I don’t think so. I have plans after school,” he replied. I felt my face fall.
“Oh. Maybe next time then.”
“Totally,” he assured, giving me a smile. He moved to walk away before I quickly spoke up again.
“Is everything okay? I feel like I never see you anymore,” I questioned, forcing a chuckle. He turned back towards me.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, there’s just been a lot going on,” he explained.
“With Syd?” I asked hesitantly. His eyes widened for a moment, almost resembling a deer caught in headlights.
“Yeah,” he whispered, giving me an apologetic look. He looked over at the doors, obviously anxious to leave. 
“Talk to you later?” I offered.
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, love you!” He called out, running to the exit and out of my sight.
“Love you too,” I whispered, feeling disappointment swell in my chest. The sweet phrase used to make me blush and butterflies form in my stomach but now it only reminded me of how a relationship with Stan was beyond my reach. 
I began to walk out of the building, making my way home. Throughout the walk home I allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts. All I could think about was Stan. How much I missed him. How I so badly wished I could be his first priority like Syd was. How I’d had a crush on him for what felt like forever, and found his love unattainable, but she comes and has won his affection in a fraction of that time. 
Once I finally made it home I walked directly into my room, closing the door. I felt my body untense, finally allowed to be sad in the safety of my room. I dropped onto the edge of my bed.
I let out a sigh, letting my head falling into my hands. My mind drifted back to Stan. I couldn’t help but feel like he’d replaced me. As if I was some placeholder for someone better. Soon enough tears had began to slip down my cheeks. I let out a soft, “Fuck.” I sniffled, attempting to stifle sobs but being unsuccessful. My shoulders shook and I couldn’t help but think about was how pathetic I must’ve looked. 
I heard my door creak. “Hey.” I looked up, seeing Stan staring at me from the doorway. Concern was etched onto his features. I wiped at my cheeks harshly, trying to hide any evidence that I was crying even though it was far too late. “I knocked but no one answered,” he explained lamely, standing awkwardly. 
“Are you okay?” He whispered.
“What are you doing here? Didn’t you have plans with Syd?” I asked, ignoring his previous question.
“Y/n,” he started softly.
“I don’t want you missing out on hanging out with her because you feel like you have to comfort me or whatever. I know how much you like her,” I cut off, staring at the floor in front of me and wiping at my cheeks once again. He sat next to me and I could feel his gaze on me.
“Well first of all, I’m not into her. At least, not anymore. And second of all, and I’d never just abandon you, especially when you’re like this, to go hang out with someone else,” he explained. I stole a glance at his face, watching as realization washed over his features. “Except that’s exactly what I’ve been doing,” he whispered. His eyes met mine, they were shining with guilt. “I’ve been really shitty to you lately,” he stated. I began to shook my head. “No, don’t do that thing where you pretend I’m not being a dick when I totally am, you deserve better than this, babe.” His words cut off my attempt at denial. “I’m really sorry,” he whispered, his eyes meeting mine.
“I forgive you,” I whispered back. He let out a grin, his eyes lighting up. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I hesitated, surprised by his actions before hugging him back. We pulled away before I suddenly remembered what he had previously mentioned. “So, you don’t like Syd?” I questioned, attempting to sound casual.
“Yeah, we figured we’re better off as friends,” he explained, “and besides, I like someone else.” I felt myself deflate.
“Oh.” Once again my hopes were destroyed. “Who?”
He didn’t respond at first, simply staring at me, a small smile on his face. “You.” I felt my breath catch in my throat, my mind suddenly racing with thoughts. 
“You can’t joke around about that.”
“I’m not joking,” he replied. We held each other’s gaze before I glanced down at his lips. He leaned forward, capturing my lips with his. I smiled into it, almost in denial that it was actually happening. 
“I really, really like you,” he whispered, once we’d pulled away.
“I really, really, like you too, Stan.”
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
The Shepherd and the Sheep | s.b. x reader
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a/n: so i haven’t been able to write and complete a fic in over a year. the last time i posted a fic was nov 2019, and i never finished the series:( you bet your ass i cried when i set a goal for at least a 500 word fic and ended up editing and revising this story within a few days. i finally finished something and my heart is so full. please wish me luck as i slowly try to get my writing mojo back<3
words: 3703 (/500 !!!)
warnings: possible grammatical errors (unfortunately do not have the energy to revise it ten times over as i’d like to lol)
summary: y/n’s been in a relationship. stan hasn’t. it’s only right she uses their friday night shift at the bowling alley to pass on her best pickup line for his personal use, and it’s imperative she makes sure someone leaves that bowling alley with his number by the end of the night.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Anatomical-Heartt’s Masterlist!!
No smut fics! Just fluff (and angst in the future)
Peter Parker
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
IT (2017/2019)
Stanley Uris
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak (coming soon)
Stanley Barber (coming soon)
Star Wars
Din Djarin / Mandalorian (coming soon)
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Homecoming (or something like that...) Stanley Barber x Reader
To say you had a crush on Stanley Barber was an understatement. You fell in love with him the first day you met him. You went to visit the bowling alley with your friends, it just so happened that Stan worked there. It also happened to be the first time you’d ever talked to him. It was awkward as you’d only ever admired him from afar. You were in the middle of your fifth turn when you heard a cheesy yet classic song come on and you couldn’t resist. You finished your turn as the song neared it’s chorus and without hesitation started shamelessly singing and dancing to the lyrics: “I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night he’s gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero i'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life!Larger than life!” When the song finished you heard a small chuckle from behind the counter and realized that Stan had seen all of it. Your face turned a bright shade of red. Once your game finished you walked up to the counter and returned your shoes. “Hey, aren’t you the dancing girl?” You heard Stan say as he took your shoes from you. “Yeah,” you blush “not my finest moment. I’m Y/N.” You half chuckled. “It’s okay,” Stan smiled, “I do it too, especially when there’s no one around to see it!” He laughed. “Thanks, Stanley.” You replied with a small smile on your face. “No problem, see ya around?” “Sure thing.” And with that you left. That was three days ago. You hadn’t seen Stan since.
Tonight was the dance and all you could think about was impressing Stanley. You didn’t even know why because it wasn’t like you were going with him. He was going with Syd and D. You hated these things anyway. They were a social anxiety trap.
You stood in the mirror fixing your hair and makeup. You had on the “coolest” dress you could find. It was a long black dress with a slit up the left side and the sleeves hung off your shoulders elegantly. Your shoes consisted of your favorite black boots that you never went without. Taking one last look in the mirror you sighed and grabbed your purse as you headed out the door and off to the dance.
When you reached the gym you saw Stanley quirkily dancing while Syd and D just laughed. You couldn’t help but to admire how goofy he was. He was one of the sweetest boys you’d ever met and he was pretty funny too. He always made you smile. Even when you didn’t want to. You waved to him but he didn’t notice. To say that didn’t make your heart ache was a lie. After a few minutes of trying to find your friends you decided it was no use and headed to the punch table. One of your friends came stumbling in drunk. “Heyyyyy Y/N...” “what’s up?!” You asked inquisitively while trying to make sure they didn’t spill punch down the front of you. “We’re ditching you and heading to a party at Brads house..s-Sorry!” They hiccuped as they galloped out of the gym stumbling through people on the way. So now what. Stanley has no idea you like him so you can’t just go hang out with him and your former friend group kicked you out. You should’ve never came.
You rushed for the doors and found yourself crying in the bathroom. You neglected to notice that there was other people in there two of which happened to be Syd and D. You didn’t really hang out with them much but you knew them enough for them to know you weren’t okay. “Hey, Y/N..what’s wrong?” D asked concerned. “Nothing, tonight’s just been awful. My so called friends kicked me out of the group and Stan doesn’t even know I exist. I should’ve never came tonight.” You said through more tears. Syd giggled a little. “You like Stan?” She asked. “A little...” you blushed. “How about you come hangout with us tonight.” D chimed in. You nodded your head and sniffled as you smoothed out your dress and linked arms with D and Syd.
“Hey girls I thought I los-oh! Having a little girl trouble are we?” Stan raised and eyebrow. Syd rolled her eyes. He looked you up and down. “Y/N you look great!” He smiled but it quickly turned to a frown when he noticed the mascara running down your face. “Are you okay?” He asked sincerely. “I will be.” You smiled. Stan nodded. “Would you maybe want to dance? With me?” Stan asked you reaching his hand out. You hesitated for a second until Syd and D pushed you forward with a wicked smirk on their face. “She would love to.” They said one unison.
You followed Stan out to the dance floor. He looked so adorable in his blue suit. He wasn’t like everyone else and that’s what you loved about him. He danced almost as awkwardly as you which made you laugh. A slow song came on and you felt Stan wrap one of his arms around your waist. You blushed a little and put your arms around his neck. He brought his free hand up to your cheek and gently rubbed away the mascara stains with his thumb. You smiled and leaned in to his palm at the gesture. “You know I never thought you’d like a guy like me.” He stated. “Someone as beautiful as you never falls for someone like me.” He continued. “Stanley, I’ve loved you for years. I was just to scared to say anything.”
Before he could even reply you felt his lips on yours. He was soft, gentle, warm and felt like home. When you pulled apart to gasp for air, you caught a glimpse of Syd and D giving you a big thumbs up. You smiled and buried your face in Stans chest. He turned around to see what caused you to do it and chuckled when he saw Syd and D.
“I could get used to this.” He said only audible enough for you to hear him, as he placed a kiss on your head and the two of you swayed to the music.
A/N: oh my goodness. This is my first Stanley Barber fic and also my first time writing in a while so it was rough. I hope I did it justice. I know it’s really cheesy but I’m in a fluff mood tonight. Also I might be over dramatic but I’d give my life for Stanley. Xx - K
This was requested by the lovely @graceirxland 💖
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Changes and Choices | Stanley Barber X Reader
English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes. 
Request: omg can you PLEASEEE do a stanley imagine where the girl really likes him but she feels like stan still caught up on syd and maybe they’re high one night and they somehow get into crushes and they describing them in every positive way possible but then is just like “but they don’t like me.” and he convinces her to tell him. and when she’s tells him he kisses her and says sum cheesy like “it’s always been you” or something??
A/N: Okay so, there are mentions of the homecoming in this fic and I should let you know that Syd didn’t give Brad that mind-blowing experience. He doesn’t even show up at the dance. She danced the night out with Dina and that was it :)
Characters: Stanley/fem!reader. Sydney and Dina are mentioned.
Word Count: 3260 words.
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It’s a crazy thing to think that small different things that happen in your daily routine can affect your life completely - such as being late to go somewhere or eat something other than what you’re used to. Everything has an impact in your life. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) knew that quite well.
The girl had always been a person who seemed to prefer the fictionary world more than the one she actually lived in. That is just a nice way of saying that she would rather read thousands of books than socialize with people her age - especially when she was in school. She just didn’t feel comfortable in crowds; taking away from her the chance to live what others considered a “normal” high school experience. Parties, an enormous group of friends. These kind of things.
Honestly, (Y/N) didn’t mind that much. Her family, however, wanted her to be as normal as a girl her age could be - not wanting her to miss this experience and regret it in future years. That was why (Y/N) had basically been forced to attend the homecoming that year.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
cassian and jesse
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asdfghj let’s just pretend hux isn’t high ranking and doesn’t know what poe looks like
You, Poe, Finn, and Rey were currently on your way to Canto Bight for a mission. The First Order thought they were being inconspicuous and set up a restaurant with a hidden room where they would plan new projects.
 In order to get the intel on the projects, Finn and Rey were going to sneak into the room and get data on it. While you and Poe had to distract Hux, the “security guard” of the place. 
Poe had hoped to be paired with Rey this mission. Not that he had feelings for her. But because he had feelings for you. Being with you would cause his feelings for you to grow more and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
Poe finally landed the ship in a secluded area and turned to Finn 
“Okay once you and Rey get the data, just give us a signal then Y/n and I will find a way to quickly get out of there” 
You and Poe were the first to head to the “restaurant” and left Rey and Finn to do their part of the mission. Poe offered you his arm and you gently held on to it. You didn’t want to admit this but you were nervous for this mission. You were about to head into a building filled with First Order supporters, of course you were nervous. Poe could sense your nervousness as you kept squeezing his arm. 
Poe whispered to you “Are you okay? You seem-”
“I’m not scared. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me” you said while giving a reassuring smile
Poe could tell you were lying and decided to just hold your hand, his heart beating rapidly. He began looking around for Hux to distract himself from his feelings. 
Quietly he said “Okay I don’t know where he is right now. But if you see him just tell-” 
You elbowed Poe as you realized the man he was just talking about was right next to him. You panicked when you saw Hux and began yelling a fake conversation. 
“Oh you’re so right babe! This is where we had our first date! I thought it was another place!”
Poe glared at you. It wasn’t part of the plan to pretend that the two of you were dating. But it was clear Hux overheard. So now, here you two were pretending you were in a relationship. 
Continuing the fake conversation he said “Jesse I’ve been telling you that the whole time”. You furrowed your brows because of the fake name he gave you. 
In order to get Hux’s attention, Poe bumps into him. It was clear Hux was annoyed. 
Poe just blurted out “Oh I’m sorry. I was just talking to my girlfriend. Wait no- fiancé  I wasn’t looking at where I was walking”. He was surprised he said that and just nervously smiled at you.
Your eyes went wide. He called you his fiancé. It felt real and genuine. You began to blush. Poe noticed and smiled.
Hux, not wanting to cause a scene right away, just said “Fiancé? Congratulations you two”. Hux was suspicious and began to question you two.
 “So when did you two meet?”
 You said “Not too long ago-” and at the same time Poe answered “Actually we’ve known each other since we were little” 
You and Poe looked at each other wide eyed. Poe took a deep breathe and you just laughed. 
“Actually what Cassian means is that we’ve known of each other since we were little. But we never really talked. And then we saw each other three years ago when I went back to our home planet and he took me on a trip to Canto Bight”
Poe cut you off “Yeah it’s why we’re here. To celebrate the engagement”
Hux just nodded. You and Poe couldn’t tell if he was believing your fake story. He just asked “That’s lovely. So where’s the ring?”.
Not knowing what to do Poe takes his mother’s ring out and says “It’s right here actually. Jesse isn’t wearing it because her fingers are fat”.
You glare at Poe and he realizes what he says. Poe shakes his head “No I- I mean the ring is too small for her fingers. So I’m holding on to it for now”. Poe looks at you to see if you were offended. But instead he sees you laughing at what he was saying.
Hux notices someone calling him from the back and excuses himself. Afraid Rey and Finn had been caught you and Poe follow him, ready to save the two. 
You and Poe walk to the back near a door where you are able to see Hux and a First Order member talking. 
Realizing the two weren’t talking about Rey or Finn you whisper “I don’t think they got caught. He would’ve known we were with them by now”. Just then Hux turns to see you two staring. You quickly turn to Poe "Kriff he saw us.”. 
Not knowing what to do, you grab Poe’s face and passionately kiss him. Hux walks to you two and coughs to let you two know he was there. 
Poe pulls away and says “I’m sorry we were just-”. 
“Canoodling!” You blurt out, still shocked at what just happened. 
Poe smiles “Yep canoodling. Thats what I also call making out”. 
Hux just stares at you two and says “I get it. You two are newly engaged. Congratulations again” and walked away. 
You and Poe just stood there quietly, not sure what to say. 
Not wanting to make his feelings for you obvious, Poe says “Okay that was just to keep our cover. That was quick professional thinking right there.”. 
You were blushing and just nodded, “Yeah quick and professional”. 
Poe reaches his hand out to shake yours “Commander L/n”
You shake his hand and say “Commander Dameron”.
Luckily you spot Finn telling you it’s time to go. You grab Poe’s arm and walk towards the ship. 
On the way back to base Poe couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened. He hoped the mission had taken longer so he could call you his fiancé. So he could tell you he loved you without compromising your friendship. You did the same thing, thinking about the kiss you two shared. You shake your head at the thought, It was just for the mission It wasn’t real. But another part of you wanted to believe it meant something and that you two really loved each other.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
You should write something with Poe and an innocent reader who isn't very experienced, where he gives her her first kiss? I think that'd be so cute ❣️
This is super fast-paced but I hope you like it! I tried to keep the overall personality of the reader consistent with my other Poe fics, but made her shyer
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Your knuckles were covered in black grease, while his were turned white by the grip of his steering, but that didn’t stop Poe for reaching for your hands the moment his feet hit the ground. He had just completed a successful, but horrifying fly test. 
“You really ought to be more careful, Poe,” you gasped, still catching your breath from the highs and lows of watching him fly your newly fixed X-Wing. The initial damage didn’t look good for the ship, but you promised Poe you would do whatever you could to revive her. His first test flight was full of dangerous stunts, which was painful to watch but reassuring for your mechanical ability.
“Has anyone ever told you that you are the single greatest mechanic in the galaxy?” He chuckled, admiring the redness of your cheeks. “Y/N, that was the smoothest ship I’ve ever flown. Stop being so humble.” Your blushing grew harder and you laughed as your head dropped to hide the embarrassment and nervousness. His hand slipped to the bottom of your chin and lifted, stealing your attention from the ground. You had never been so close to anyone especially like this, and the fact that it was Poe, who you had been in love with for months was intimidating. “I’m serious. I just really appreciate all that you do.” 
“I… Uhm, I appreciate you too,” you nearly choked on your own words.
“Not just for being a stellar mechanic,” he smirked. You tried to shake your head in confusion but was still in the grasp of his hand. 
“What do you mean?” The heat of embarrassment cooled from your cheeks as you focused on figuring out where he was taking the conversation.
“I mean that I want to kiss you, Y/N.” 
The blushing, heat, and embarrassment flooded back, and your heart skipped a beat with your breath being cut short. A short laugh mixed with a cough escaped from you as you attempted to squirm away from him, but his hands were still holding tightly to yours. “Poe… “
“Can I? I don’t want to pressure you,” he said. You raised an eyebrow at him, and he continued. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I just really like you and I know you don’t really do the whole relationship thing.”
Your giggles cut him off, and his smug look fell to a fearful shame. “Poe, you can kiss me.” His expression changed once more, this time to a joyful smile. 
“Are you sure?”
“Ye-” before you could finish, his lips were on yours softly at first, but he soon shifted to a more passionate and meaningful tone. Everyone cherishes their first kiss, but you may have gotten the best ‘first kiss’ in the galaxy. Months of slow and casual flirting and overwhelming romantic tension lead up to this moment, and it was just as perfect as you had imagined. He pulled away but kept his face near to yours. “Am I as good as a kisser as I am a mechanic?” 
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “Am I as good ‘a kisser as I am a pilot?” 
“Even better. However, I don’t have much to compare.” 
“Oh geez, I forgot. I took your first kiss, huh?” 
“Yeah,” you sighed, feeling a small wave of shame. 
“Good, don’t go kissing other boys,” he joked, before planting another kiss on your lips
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
Peter Parker-First kisses
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Plot: Peter Parker’s and yours first, or five, first kisses.
Warnings: drug use, tiny bit of angst (nothing important), extreme fluff.
The first time he kissed you was in kindergarten. Peter and you had just met, you two being little kids with chubby cheeks and small feet. He was that kind of child who gets along with every other, and you were no exception. Since you were neighbours and your mother was good friends with May, you went to kindergarten together. One day, you were sitting in the play yard when Peter sat beside you, his little hands empty and his cheeks tear stained. He hugged his small knees and hid his face in them, as if he wanted to disappear.
“What’s the matter?” you asked him, your mouth full of sandwich.
“Flash took my lunch” Peter mumbled, his voice shaky. You looked back to see the kid laughing with his ‘friends’, in his mouth the cookies that May had prepared for him with so much love.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
teen!Stanley Uris x reader
warnings: richie tozier makes sex joke for a minute bc hes richie tozier
a/n: hesnotdeadhesnotdeadhesnotdead idkwhatyouretalkingabout
prompt: anonymous: “Can you write a fluffy teen!Stanley Uris imagine please? Maybe while they are at the clubhouse. Nothing specific. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just miss my boy :)”
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You and Stan didn’t get enough alone time. The Losers were always two paces behind you. It was like they had nothing better to do than play follow the leader. Well, I guess that’s been a fact since the beginning of it all. Old habits die hard.
But today was pretty rainy, meaning nobody’s parents would let them outside. Bill for obvious reasons, Bev because her weird-ass dad, Eddie because his weird-ass mom, Richie because last time he went out in the rain he tracked mud all over the house, Mike because he had chores on the farm, and Ben because no one else was allowed out. Stan and you weren’t exactly permitted to go out, but this was the perfect time to do so.
You grabbed your rainboots, coat, and umbrella, and made a run for it. Lucky for you, your mom was working today. Stan’s plan was the same. You’d agreed to meet at the clubhouse at noon, not a minute later.
When you got there, Stan still wasn’t there. But you’d gotten there early, so you decided to check on the tarps you’d laid at the beginning of the spring season. Perfect for keeping the place dry. You sat on a milk crate and checked your watch. 12:03pm. Stan was never late. You heard leaves crunching and pulled a pocket knife.
“Relax, it’s just me.” He smiled. You took a deep breath and shoved the knife back in your pocket.
“I thought you were the one that said ‘and not a minute later.’” You mocked your boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “Come here.” Stan wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer for a kiss. You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was just too cute no matter what he did. “Now let’s get out of the rain.” The two of you put your umbrellas away and climbed down the ladder, him first so he could assist you on your way down. He wanted to be a gentleman.
“Can you turn on the lantern light?” You asked as you headed for the can of shower caps. It was a rule that you had to wear your respective shower cap, nobody elses. What was the punishment? You can’t even remember. Maybe you’re banned from the hammock for a few days? You dug out Stan’s and your own and tossed them on the hammock.
“I brought snacks.” He threw his bag on the caps and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. “What do you got?”
“Well, my mom made babka the other day, so there’s that. And I made cheese and crackers because it’s all I know how to make. Oh, except for PB and J. Which I also brought.” He jokingly bragged.
“Very nice,” You put his cap on him, “and for drinks?” You put on your own cap and rifled through the bag.
“Pop cans,” He presented as you pulled them out of the bag, “and a thermos of chocolate milk.” He added. “I will not have you chugging the whole thing again, it’s the last bit of chocolate milk in my house.” Stan crossed his arms, remembering his disappointment from before.
“Sorry, it was just really good, y’know?” You pouted. “Are you still mad?”
“I couldn’t stay mad at you.” He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. “Unless you take my chocolate milk again.”
“Oh, come on.” You pulled away and laughed. “Give me a break, it was only once.”
“Yeah, I’m just giving you a hard time.” He kissed your forehead and you shook your head. The rain pattered on the tarp, which you tried to mimic. Then you decided to turn on the radio. You checked what CD’s were in there and pressed play. Breed by Nirvana started playing.
“Oh, yeah.” You turned it up.
“Oh, no.” Stan sat down on the hammock and watched you attempting to air guitar. Watching you sing and dance along to the music did make him happy though. The way your hair flew around and the way you got into the music. He couldn’t even notice the rain. “You spend way too much time with Richie.” He commented.
“Please, I’m the one that got him into Nirv—‘I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, care, care if it’s old...” You tried to argue, but the music took over you.
“Will you please turn it down and eat with me before I drink all the chocolate milk.” Stan pulled the thermos out and you froze.
“You wouldn’t.” Your eyes widened.
“Watch me.” He opened it up and started chugging.
“Stanley Uris!” You stomped and jumped on top of him. Some of the chocolate milk dripped down his chin.
“Okay, okay, you got me. Remind me never to use chocolate milk as a bargaining chip ever again.” He handed it to you and you crawled off him and to his side.
“I take it very, very seriously.” You took a sip. “So, how about we eat over there,” you pointed, “and use the chest as a table.” You closed up the thermos.
“Fine. But I’d like to cuddle on the hammock for a little while. Richie and Eddie are always hogging it.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
“Ten minutes?” You asked.
“Ten minutes.” He hummed and you laid your head on his chest. But it was a lot longer than ten minutes. You both fell asleep and woke up to Richie and Eddie poking your faces.
“Okay, good. They’re still alive.” Eddie stopped poking you, but Richie wouldn’t quit poking your boyfriend.
“Cut it out!” Stan swatted his hand away. Richie backed up and crossed his arms.
“So, what are you two losers doing here? Come here alone often? To bone?” Richie started pestering you with questions.
“Shut up, Richie, they’re not having sex. It’d be gross to do it here. There’s too much dirt.” Eddie rambled while you and Stan exchanged some very annoyed looks.
“Aw, wait, so we’re not gonna bone?” Richie frowned.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled. You and Stan got up from the hammock and adjusted your appearances.
“Well,” you clapped your hands, “we’re gonna leave. You kids have fun.” You grabbed your things and Stan grabbed the food. The pair of you climbed the ladder and noticed it wasn’t raining anymore. “What time is it?”
“3:25. Wanna go eat at the park?” He asked.
“Okie doke.” You shrugged and took his hand, leading the way.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
I mean I am JUST saying get ready for all the Sydney fics I am going to write when IANOWT drops
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
‘Did you do something new with your hair?’ With mando please? Cause I think it’s be funny to ask on account of the helmet haha
I’m not gonna lie, I actually laughed out loud at this prompt, so I hope you enjoy!
Mandalorian Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The Mandalorian was a man of few words, often skipping over conversation entirely if it could be avoided. You’d learned that much quickly after he had taken you in, claiming he could use a partner with your skills. You weren’t sure what skills he was referring to considering that you were an average fighter at best, didn’t possess an extensive background of being a bounty hunter, and had no real special talents. Part of you wondered if he kept you around for the company, that maybe he’d grown lonely after so much time spent in solitude, or if he just wanted someone to help take care of the small green Child. You figured it was the latter, but you weren’t going to argue with him
He’d taken you in after you’d attempted to handle a bounty on your own, and quickly found yourself in over your head. At first you were frustrated; annoyed that he had gotten the bounty over you, mad at yourself for needing help, but mostly scared because it mean that you wouldn’t be allowed back in the guild. It had been your last chance to prove yourself and you’d blown it. 
Now you were an outlaw, more or less, along with the Mandalorian, moving from place to place and keeping your adopted baby safe. It was an odd nomadic lifestyle, but you quickly fell into it, and if you were being honest with yourself, you loved it, you loved get to be with your weird little adopted family, the one who had grown to love more than anything else in the galaxy.
But anyways, back to the Mandalorian, the man that somehow saved your hide and stolen your heart (even if he didn’t know that yet). When you had first joined him he had spoken maybe a total of five words a day to you, keeping everything short and brief. Part of you wondered if he actually detested you, but he showed you how much he cared for you in other ways. Why would he even have bothered to keep you around at all if he didn’t like you? 
He always made sure you had clean clothes, clean bedding, a hot warm meal whenever you were hungry, and whatever you could ever desire. It was almost like he could read your mind, and you didn’t have to ask for something before it somehow happened to appear. One time you’d spotted a necklace you liked at the market you were passing through, admiring it for a only a brief moment; that evening you’d found it lying on your pillow, waiting just for you. You hadn’t taken it off since.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
“Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?” with Mando! Maybe something super fluffy and soft?
“One day, my sweet boy, we’re going to live somewhere beautiful. It’s going to have a big yard, maybe in a forest somewhere, somewhere surrounded by trees and lakes and flowers,” you said softly as you poured more soap into the big wooden bucket you were sitting in front of, “and you’re going to be able to play with all the children that live nearby. We’re not going to have to hide away all the time. Just you, me, and Din.”
The Child next to you cooed happily, standing up and looking into the bucket, his big eyes wide with curiosity. You smiled at him fondly, reaching over and gently petting his big ears. You grabbed one of Din’s shirts, holding it up to the light and examining the various stains all over it - mostly old blood, most of which luckily wasn’t his. The Child tried to mimic your actions, grabbing a shirt and tossing it into the bucket and looking to you for approval.
“Very good,” you told him and he grinned at you. You put the one who had grabbed and tossed it in, soaking it thoroughly and making sure it was getting coated in the soap mixture you had concocted. Grabbing Din’s other shirts, you repeated your actions, letting the child help you as much as he could.
“Now we just leave them and wait,” you stood and stretched, grabbing the small creature and picking him up, giving the top of his little head a kiss, “why don’t we go and bake something?”
He looked at you, but ended up yawning, resting his head against your shoulder, “alright, alright, how about nap time for you? We can bake something afterwards…maybe we can even make those cookies Din loves so much…even if he won’t admit it.”
The Child seemed to nod slightly and took him back inside the Razor Crest, heading to his makeshift little room and placing him in the small bed that Din had crafted for him. He fell asleep as soon as you placed the blanket over him, the lightest of snores coming out of his little mouth, “goodnight for now.”
Walking away, you sighed contently to yourself, deciding to go back outside and sit in the light, trying to soak it all up before the end of the day. You checked on the shirts and pants that you had already washed and hung out to dry, proud of your handiwork when you realized that they were good as new. Holding one, you held it to your chest, almost as if hugging it and giving a good sniff; even though it had been washed, Din’s smell clung to it. It was already familiar, and made you feel safe, even if he wasn’t there.
You folded the shirt and tossed it into the clean basket to bring back inside later before sitting down next to a tree, leaning against the thick trunk. A large shadow suddenly loomed over and you looked up to find yourself face to face with your favorite Mandalorian.
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oldanatomical-heartt · 5 years ago
prompts? fluffy? yes of course! mando x reader + little spoon
had a hard time deciding who would be the little spoon because i feel like mando would love that shit
You had turned away from him in your sleep, facing the wall, the sheets cling to the slope of your shoulder and shadows fall into the pretty curve of your waist. Your hairs messed over the pillow and the shadows of your closed lashes kiss the soft hill of your cheek.
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