Books and Quiet
416 posts
Adelaide Robinson || Librarian || Submissive . “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ~Charles W. Eliot
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
A warm smile spread over his face, and he chuckled at her comment. “So I’ve been told. Although, I mean what I say. But… I think you might be the first person that has thought that about me since I got into this city. You should’ve seen me in Ragusa. You might not even recognize me between who I was there and who I am here.”
Carlo listened to her explanation and then he let out a huff. “Whew, if that’s not a story then I don’t know what is. Honestly, the history of the city sounds like something I would’ve read about in a novel. Something nice and dramatic, with all sorts of twists, turns, drama, death, and conflict.” If he was being honest, he was pretty glad that he’d missed all of that. Granted, he knew things like this happened, he knew people who had done plenty of questionable things, but having missed the Verona drama of the past was a relief. “Were you here for any of that?”
Letting out a sigh he shrugged and let out a nervous laugh. “It’s just that… I don’t know… I don’t feel like I did anything terribly important. Even you did more than I did that night, i think. What’s throwing a few punches, and pushing people around?”
Adelaide took another bite of her food, as it really was delicious and she wanted to make sure that Carlo knew she appreciated what he’d done. But his warm smile and his comment had her looking over at him with a curious smile of her own. “Oh really? What was Ragusa Carlo like in that case?” She settled into the couch to hear his stories, wincing slightly as she brushed against her burned legs. 
It honestly did sound like a novel when talked about that way. In fact, she had read novels that were similar. But having lived through it, it didn’t feel so much like it. “I was here for some of it, although i was fairly young so I wasn’t as aware. Then of course, I was sent away to boarding school so I missed a lot of the escalation of the violence in the previous years. And...and I was in the city for the last violent attack. Not in the club itself, of course. But my friend Aubrey had been there a few nights before. Luckily, that night she was too tired so she decided not to go.” Adelaide rarely let herself think about what the alternative might have been had Aubrey made a different decision. 
It was easier to switch back to focusing on Carlo himself and what he did. “You helped your brother when he needed it to save someone important to him. You protected her when she didn’t feel capable of helping herself. Just because you managed it by throwing punches doesn’t change the intention and the effect.”
Closer || Adelaide & Carlo
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
It was, perhaps, an embarrassing or foolish reaction, but Mae felt both relieved and very happy that she wouldn’t be the only person in a fairly new, arranged claim. It made her feel like less of a freak. “Oh - my claim was arranged too! I didn’t even meet Wolfgang until a few days before the ceremony,” she said, dropping her voice a little. “The family is really very welcoming.” As long as you don’t break the rules, but Adelaide seemed like the sort of person who could very easily follow all the Romano family guidelines. “Have you met many of the other Romanos?”
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“Oh really? And is it - are you happy?” Adelaide couldn’t stop the question that came to her first, just knowing that there was another submissive who had joined the family in that same way she was potentially about to. She didn’t doubt they were welcoming, not with the people she had already met. But she was more worried about what the future would hold for after. She couldn’t stop herself from brightening slightly at the question. “Only Carlo, but he’s become such a good friend already! We share a love of books and we have such wonderful conversations.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
“I don’t think anyone can blame you for not knowing who people are when they’re in masks,” Tommi offered, nudging her shoulder with his own. He lifted his mask, “Tommi Romano,” the Dominant offered, “and as part of the family hosting this event tonight it would be my pleasure to get you a drink of our finest that we have to offer tonight.” He extended his arm, “if I may.”
Adelaide offered him a small curtsey as he introduced himself. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Tommi. My name is Adelaide Robinson.” She gratefully took his arm, happy to have any kind of guidance in this event. “Thank you, Sir, I appreciate that. I’ve only met a few other Romanos, but so far you’ve all proven to be quite the gentlemen.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Mark sidled up beside the woman and walked slowly beside her.  He could sense some nervous vibes from her; he could get it though since everything was so exciting!  “Hell yea, everything is so pretty–pretty beautiful!” he chuckled.  “I’m fantastic!  Everyone’s been so nice and this place is so cool!  Imagine living in a place like this.  It’s like… if you live at a museum or something!”
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Adelaide had to chuckle at his sheer enthusiasm. “I’ve been admiring some of the art on their wall. I think the last time I saw some of these artists was in a museum so you aren’t wrong. Was there something in particular that caught your attention?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Exiting the building, Bella didn’t expect the sudden gust of wind nor the way that it would carry off her scarf. “No! You have to be kidding me.” She tried to chase it down the road as best as she could in heels.
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Adelaide turned at the sound of the shouting and caught sight of the scarf just in tie to reach out and grab hold of it. “Oh! Is this yours miss?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
“I do like a surprise here and there, yet I hardly ever am. If you want to take that as a challenge, you’re more than welcome.” Rafe smirked and took another sip of his liquor, draining the glass. There wasn’t enough right now. He gestured to a waiter walking by. “Another scotch, please.” He’d ordered from the same person before, so he wasn’t worried they’d get his request wrong.
Rafe chuckled. “Whatever I want? Adelaide, be careful with what you say.” He would be lying if thoughts weren’t drifting into his mind at her words. “I’m glad you’re here with me tonight.” He supplied, removing his hand from his pocket and taking her free hand in his own. He intertwined their fingers and looked at her. “There’s a lot of rooms in this house. I was thinking that you could take the Master and I’d take another room until you’re comfortable enough with me staying in there with you.” 
“Perhaps if you’re not surprised, you’re not giving yourself the right opportunities. I find myself pleasantly surprised all the time.” She didn’t think she would be able to surprise him much if he was as adept as he said he was, but there was something intriguing in the possibility. 
Adelaide was normally adept conversationally, but every time she felt like she was starting to get her feet under her, he would throw her another curve ball. From suggestive to sincere to plans for the life she still barely felt she could imagine. “Are you sure? I would think you’d want to set up the room however would suit you best. You should be comfortable as well and I don’t need much.” There was something too strange for her in the idea of him sitting in some random side bedroom waiting on her word. 
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Rafe tipped his head to study Adelaide as he figured out how to answer her question. He’d been referring to his encounter with Alexei, but he also was slightly referring to the other people he’d spoken to. “Yes. Call it a control issue. I like to know the sense of a conversation. The road it’s moving along, if you will.” He took a healthy sip of his drink, enjoying the perfect burn. 
“No, my darling. If you want to stay, we can.” Rafe reached out and used his free hand to gently cup Adelaide’s face. “We’ll have someone move everything. No need to worry.” He dropped his hand and slipped it into his pocket. “I’m excited for us to start this next part of our journey. I hope you’ll help me make our house a home.”
Perhaps it was the mask, which meant he could only sort of see her expression, but she looked up at him with more confidence than she had shown the rest of the evening. “I could understand needing that kind of control in your professional life. But do you never want any surprises in your personal life? Surrounded by friends and family and you still need to know exactly how it’s all going to go? What happens if you do get surprised?”
But then he was cupping her face and all of that confidence faded in surprise at the gentle and personal touch, one of the first between them and she hadn’t been expecting it. It took her a moment to pull her thoughts back together so she could respond to his comment, swallowing hard. “Whatever you want. I can be flexible.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Mae didn’t know Rafe very well - actually, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to pick him out of the crowd tonight, but it was better than moping about her own issues. “It’s lovely to meet you too. How do you and Rafe know each other?” She wasn’t involved in the family gossip, really, though she was quite sure she would have heard anything important.
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There was no way to get around a question like that. And since they were supposedly moving in together soon, she needed to be better about being honest. “Oh well. Our families actually arranged a claim for us, so its more that our respective parents knew each other. But he seems kind, so I’m sure it will be fine.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Eros shook his head. “Nah, you’re not keeping me from anything. Honestly, I’m just here to score some food and some booze. I’ll be outta here before the nobles get too tipsy. Thanks though! Had to borrow some stuff to look fancy enough for this place.” He grinned. “You don’t really seem like you enjoy this kinda thing. What brings you here? Obligation? You don’t have to answer if that’s too nosy.” 
The grin and the conversation reminded her of her downstairs neighbor and she found herself relaxing. “Wherever you borrowed it from it suits you amazingly. I’d never have guessed if you hadn’t told me.” The question had her biting her lip before reminding herself that it wasn’t proper. “In all honesty, I’d rather be home reading. But I’ve recently gotten involved with Rafe Romano, so I needed to be here to support him. I just don’t know who all I’m meeting of his family considering everyone is in masks.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Rafe… The name sounded familiar and Carlisle could only guess it was a Romano, though she couldn’t be sure. “Not sure I know Rafe, but I’m sure he’s lovely.” She offered with a small smile. As soon as the question turned to her, though, she lit up and her eyes found Arden. “I’m here with my fiancé, Arden Romano. That handsome man standing over there.” She gave him a small wave before turning back to the other woman, “Though the jealousy doesn’t hurt. Just gets me more business.”
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“Oh! You’re the fiance who needed to be rescued!” She was instantly more animated in her response. A moment later, she realized how her impulsive comment probably sounded, and she bit her lip. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. Carlo is a good friend of mine and he came to visit me when I was recovering from the riots, and he told me about what he and his brother did to help you. He kept trying to pretend it wasn’t anything to be impressed by. Does Arden suffer from the same problem?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Tommi couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the startled reaction.  “Goodness it’s been awhile since I’ve caused someone to jump quite like that.  Are you alright?  I was just wondering if you’d like a drink? I noticed you didn’t have anything in your hands.”
“Sorry. I’m fine. I suppose I’m just a little nervous - there’s so many people here and its hard to recognize any of them.” She tried to smile self deprecatingly at herself, but she felt her stomach twist at having that weak moment so blatantly called out. “Sure, a drink would be nice. Where should I get it?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
“It’s alright sweetheart, I just asked if you could pass me one of those napkins please,” Tru explained softly as she held her fingers dotted with cream.  Wiping her hand clean she smiled, “That’s the problem with finger food, if you don’t realise what you are eating in time it can go everywhere.”
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The easy request settled Adelaide down as she passed the napkin to her. The comment did more to relax her as she smiled in a friendly manner. “True, but it is hard to complain as it is usually so delicious. I haven’t actually tried anything yet, but it looks amazing.”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Mae was not the most outgoing of people, but she thought she understood very well what the other girl felt at the moment. Even having been here with the Romanos for close to a year, she didn’t like being left alone at an event. Not that being with Wolfgang was much better, because it was still awkward, but she found it a little easier. “Who did you come with? I can help you look for him if you’d like. I’m Mae.”
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There was something about the way she phrased the question that made it a little easier to answer. Plus it was nice to have someone else introduce themselves first so she felt a little bit more grounded. “It’s nice to meet you Mae, I’m Adelaide. I came with Rafe tonight.” 
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
“Homie!  Dude, no need to apologize!” Mark reassured as he scooted beside the girl.  He wasn’t sure who she was underneath the mask, so he made a point to go over and guess.  If he was right, he reunited with a friend!  If he was wrong, then he made a new friend!  “You okay, dawg?”
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Dawg? Adelaide didn’t think people said that outside of bad American movies. But he had said it with the complete confidence of someone who either genuinely did this regularly or had seriously committed to his character for the night. “Oh, yes, I’m fine. Just admiring how beautiful everything here is. How are you?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Drew glanced down at his watch, his eyes widening in surprise at just how much time has passed. “Indeed!” he said, giving her a bright smile. He fished his phone out of his pocket and opened up a new contact screen before handing it over. “I’ll send you a text so you have my number as well.”
“Ok! Great!” Adelaide quickly typed in her phone number along with her name - Adelaide Robinson - and the note ‘Coffee shop librarian’ so he would remember who she was later. “There you are. Text me whenever you can. I look forward to hearing from you. Bye!” readjusting her bag on her shoulder, she gave him a small wave as she walked out and back towards her next chore. 
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
“Ah, well you pull it off beautifully. And you’re very lucky to have such a friend.” Carlisle continued, pleased to see that whatever had been worrying the other woman seemed to be slipping away. Even if only for the moment. ”Adelaide, what a lovely name. And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Are you here with anyone tonight?” 
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“I really am, and I’ll be sure to pass along your compliments.” She nodded at the question. “Yes, I’m here with Rafe.” It seemed a simple enough statement and she needed to get used to saying it. “Are you here with anyone, or just here to show off how incredible your fashion sense is so the rest of us can be jealous?”
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oldadelaideblog · 5 years ago
Rafe nodded as Adelaide spoke. “I’m glad to hear it. If anyone treats you poorly, please let me know. I want everyone to treat you with the respect you deserve.” He stated as he stopped them near one of the many open bars. “I’ve been well, darling. Thank you for asking. Every conversation has gone as I expected it to.” The words made him remember the red mark on his face and he looked to the bartender to hide his frown. “A scotch and a glass of Viognier.” He’d made sure the bar was stocked with the wine since he knew the submissive enjoyed it. 
When they had their drinks in hand, Rafe turned his attention more fully to Adelaide. She deserved that much. He’d almost tried to kiss Alexei mere minutes ago and the encounter had him simmering inside. “How much longer before I can take you to your home to rest? I’m sure you’re exhausted by now. We move into the new house next week, so I’m sure you have more packing to do unless you’d like me to hire some people to finish it for you?”
Adelaide couldn’t resist asking, “As you expected it to?” It was such a strange choice of phrase for what was supposed to be a party. Especially as it didn’t sound like he had enjoyed having his expectations met. There was something else going on here, but she couldn’t be sure what it was. Still, as he ordered the drink for her, she found herself flattered. After one meeting, he had remembered the wine she had gotten and was able to order it for her. Whatever her misgivings, he clearly paid attention to her and her comfort. 
Still, the abrupt turn of conversation surprised her. “Oh, if you want to leave, we can. I’m not sure if I met everyone I was supposed to since it’s hard to know who I did meet,” she smiled weakly as she said that. “But I can finish packing on my own. It’s mostly just books and some clothes. I might need some help transitioning it from one place to the other, but that only needs to be at the last minute.”
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