Started copying my photos folder from my old PC to the cloud yesterday. I had to keep it going through the night, and it stopped at some point during the night.
I had to restart it this morning at about 10am, and it's still going. I guess it will take until midnight. But I want to make sure it's completely uploaded to the cloud this time before I got to sleep.
I didn't really do much else today. I was extremely tired all day long. Maybe because of the bike ride I took yesterday? After about 2 weeks of not really being active that was pretty exhausting.
It snowed today, which I always love!
I have been watching the latest CR episode. Not quite finished yet.
And I took a short walk to keep my resolution to leave my apartment once every day.
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Cobwebs is good right. Spiders mean that the computer's ecosystem is healthy right.
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Is anyone else so dysfunctional that you have to count things as you put them away? I am not categorising this as OCD. It is more like a promise. I promise myself I will put away 10 things. Then, I put away those 10 things. If I’m lucky I put away 10 more things.
I got up to 47 things this round.
I am building up to other chores on this very toasty Sunday afternoon.
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I slept so long today, which was great.
Rewatched some of the concert I watched with my parents on New Year's Eve.
Managed to get the book returned that my friends gave me for Christmas but that I already have. That was easier than I thought.
Took the bicycle to the city centre to do some grocery shopping and meet my parents for coffee. The sun was shining, too, which was great.
Got some new calendars and notebooks for the new year.
Back home I started copying my huge photo folder to pcloud. It's still going ...
I also watched Shop around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart. I couldn't wait to see him in another movie. And this one is so delightful.
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We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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Day 30
big christmas cookie baking at my best friends
Time: ~ 4h
Media: a spotify christmas playlist
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Day 29
did the dishes and aired out the flat
Time: ~ 30min
Media: local Radio Station
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Day 28
decorated my office, cleaned the terrace of the fallenleaves from my landlords bamboo/big grass plant, tidied up my bedroom
Time: ~1h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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Day 27
did the dishes, let the dishwasher run, aired out the flat, tidied up and vacuumed the hallway
Time: ~ 1,5h
Media: local Radio Station
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Day 26
decorated a bit more, finished the present for a colleague that will be leaving my company this week
Time: ~2h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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Day 25
aired out the flat, went through the rest of my stuff and collected everything I plan to sell at the flea markets next year, put up two of the light decorations
Time: ~1h
Media: local Radio Station
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Day 24
tidied up the living room, got out the first of the christmas decorations, watered/changed the water of my plants
Time: 2h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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Day 23
aired out the flat, went shopping and realized that one of my favourite shops will close at the end of the year, but got a good deal on some metal baskets I can use for my tea and spices, had nice cake and (surprisingly strongly alcoholic) mulled wine at a café (don't worry, I did not drive, I took the bus)
Time: 5h
Media: local Radio Station
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Day 22
tidied up the bathroom, checked all the plants for dead leaves, saw that one had flowered!
Time: 2h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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Day 21
aired out the flat, went through my books to see which ones I will sell
Time: 2h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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Day 20
Did the dishes, tidied up the living room, did some bullet journalling
Time: 1,5h
Media: personal YouTube Playlist
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