ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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Reblog to attract yourself a sugar daddy who care$ 😫😍💞
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
My favorite parts of sw (in no particular order)
Conversations with taxi drivers
Taking good care of my body
Splurging on stuff that makes me happy
Meeting interesting people (sometimes)
Playing a role, a fantasy
Figuring out what makes people tick
Getting paid in cash
Faking orgasms
Expanding my sexual horizon
Fantasizing about being a jet set hoe, one day
Wearing lingerie
Wtf moments
The rare client that hardly makes it feel like work
The flexibility
Other hoes ❤️
Least favorite
Old man dirty talk 🔫
Not being able to talk about my experiences with friends
Having to remember all the lies I make up
Experiencing unbelievable depths of male entitlement
Boring men
Smelly balls
Biting my tongue during conversation
Cold hotel rooms 😣
Having to “laugh” at bad jokes
The fear of being found out
Add yours!
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Self doubt? I don’t know her!
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
I’m really into the mildly slutty business casual look right now
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Don’t waste your youth working 50 hours a week just because a fuckboy can’t handle you doing sex work.
Dump his ass, get a degree, stack ya money, fuck a man who’s ganna pay you for your time.
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Pretty/Vanity Stuff & My Gold - Digging Friend
I met a girl in Hong Kong, I’d call her a ‘social climber’ as her advice was totally ruthless. It was disgustingly ruthless. She was some level 150 gold digger. She didn’t care either. Was blatant and frank. She’s 27 her mans 69.
Her whole aesthetic was ruthlessly using youth and beauty to get what I want and not being scared to use one man to get one upgrade (surgeries, uni paid) then move on the next :/ and just not be afraid to be ruthless.
Use one man then use what you get from him to upgrade to the next till you find yourself comfy. LMAOOO. Wendy Deng model 👀
‘Nothing a man gives you is ever enough. If he hasn’t married you it’s not enough !!’ Lol. So greedy 😭
I said ‘what about love?’ She said ‘love is for your mother! Not for men!’ whewwwwwww 😹
I do REALLY want to step up my beauty, vanity, body game tho…big time. I’m just so damn lazy but I need to commit to a vanity routine and a ‘look’
Obviously you can’t change your genetics or base look but I do want to put in ALOT more effort to be one of those people who look naturally flawless…
Not too sure what it’ll be💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾 but I’m giving myself 12 months to perfect my ‘look’
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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Reblog so you make enough money to cover your bills .
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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reblog to save a life.
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Beware girls
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Hoe Advice: If he’s recording it, he’s showing it other people. I have seen degrading videos and pictures of ex-wives, ex-girlfriends, baby mamas and one night stands.
If you didn’t know, now you do. Men use it as a badge of honor and if they need to prove their masculinity they will use it. Today, a man sent me a video of his ex model girlfriend drinking his semen. Now a woman’s logic is if you are no longer in a relationship, he will delete any evidence of you. Ladies, if your thought process is similar to this…bless your heart.
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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How to crop your photos for your SB profiles (not my pics)
Example 1: Use your hair. This draws attention to your hair, while hiding your face. It shows off an asset, and looks very authentic. This is also one of the most natural looking ways to crop a photo.
Example 2: Use your phone. This can be risky because someone who knows you would be able to possibly recognize you. However, it is the most affective and attractive.
Example 3: Partial crop. Cropping out the majority of your face, but leaving your lips and chin hide the most recognizable features of your face. Having the bottom half of your face left in the photo shows that you’re attractive, and still hides the majority of your face.
Example 4: Full crop. This is the least affective, but the most safe. It hides your entire face, leaving virtually no chance of being recognized. However, men won’t have even the slightest idea of what you look like, and this is usually off putting.
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
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A lesson that we can’t afford not to be taught.
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
How to Tinder
Okay gurl, if you’re sick of dicks at SA I got your back covered. There are several things you can do with Tinder. You can either swipe in your town or somewhere you’re soon planning to go.
I only swipe foreigners in my own town because locals are cheap af and gross. Or sometimes I swipe in another city or country. You need a subscription for it or some sort of app which might work as well.
1. Create a fake Facebook account and if you’re an iPhone user you have to go to settings and logout from your account on Facebook to make Tinder pick up the new account. It’s very easy for anyone to look you up on FB with your real name and school etc.
2. Don’t forget to erase your name off whatsapp settings if you’ll give your phone number. Better have a hoe number.
3. Put a pretty portrait pic, fun pics and a casual body shot so he can’t ask for more, write down an equal school name to your school. Say if you’re an Ivy League babe don’t write your own schools name but name a different Ivy League school that offers same or similar degree. In case someone irl catches your profile you may just say that they must have stolen your photos. Have a fun witty statement that guys can comment on. Don’t list down your interests it makes pretty dull conversations. I always go with a movie quote which makes me look like a fun, sexy and a dominant girl. Domination is important I’ll tell you why.
4. When you match it can go few ways. If you send the first message (I think it’s better since it allows you to lead the conversation) say something out of the ordinary. Like, “Hi, Bob, how’s Monday treating you so far?” Always use his name! If he sends the first don’t fall in the trap of “hi how are you?” Say something else, something interesting. Thank him for the like and move on.
5. Show interest and ask questions one after another. And always be like “Oh, wow cool!” And ask follow ups. You want to find out: his domain, his position at job and how does he spend his money. Ask him what does he like to do for fun, favorite vacation spots etc.
6. If he’s visiting your city try and find out: 1. Does he visit regularly? 2. Does he have friends here (lone wolfs are the most desperate) 3. Which are does he stay? 4. Which hotel? 5. Is he there for business or pleasure? 6. Which part of town or restaurant is his favorite? 💰💸👌🏻
7. At this point you should be more or less able to determine if he’s a SD material or not. Be likable and exploit the fact that he doesn’t have a prejudice on you like SA guys do. You can either keep freestyling or flat out say what you’re interested in. Ask him what he’s looking for on Tinder then take it from there. Some guys will know what it is and be on board. Some guys will have no idea and want to learn and some guys will not be interested.
I personally make a mistake by wasting too much time on 2nd category. If he wants to learn Google is his best friend. Don’t tutor him because most of the time these guys won’t offer anything good. Let him know that your time is money and you’re no tutor.
So far I met 2 POTs and they both seem like very nice guys and we click. Hopefully I’ll be tindering more next week and let you know if any other POTs come out.
Last but not the least, be aware: 1. Guys love to start a company and call themselves a CEO. Check if it’s legit. 2. Guys love showing off with all expenses paid business trips like wtf. My POT does that too and it annoys me to no end. Yet I cringe and laugh it off and tease him a bit. But I know he’s well off enough to throw a jet set party for his friends, so… Look for details! 3. All SB rules apply! No nudes no time for time wasters. Watch for red flags. 4. Take his phone number and look him up. Be safe. It’s actually a little safer because from his name and work/school info you can easily reach to his FB. Although some guys use fake accounts because they’re married etc.
Once you land a good SD let me know so we can celebrate!! 👑💰💸🍾
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ohsugarsugarsugar · 5 years
Right now, I’m sifting through 50+ applications for a new entry-level position. Here’s some advice from the person who will actually be looking at your CV/resume and cover letter:
‘You must include a cover letter’ does not mean ‘write a single line about why you want this position’. If you can’t be bothered to write at least one actual paragraphs about why you want this job, I can’t be bothered to read your CV.
Don’t bother including a list of your interests if all you can think of is ‘socialising with friends’ and ‘listening to music’. Everyone likes those things. Unless you can explain why the stuff you do enriches you as a person and a candidate (e.g. playing an instrument or a sport shows dedication and discipline) then I honestly don’t care how you spend your time. I won’t be looking at your CV thinking ‘huh, they haven’t included their interests, they must have none’, I’m just looking for what you have included.
Even if you apply online, I can see the filename you used for your CV. Filenames that don’t include YOUR name are annoying. Filenames like ‘CV - media’ tell me that you’ve got several CVs you send off depending on the kind of job advertised and that you probably didn’t tailor it for this position. ‘[Full name] CV’ is best.
USE. A. PDF. All the meta information, including how long you worked on it, when you created it, times, etc, is right there in a Word doc. PDFs are far more professional looking and clean and mean that I can’t make any (unconscious or not) decisions about you based on information about the file.
I don’t care what the duties in your previous unrelated jobs were unless you can tell me why they’re useful to this job. If you worked in a shop, and you’re applying for an office job which involves talking to lots of people, don’t give me a list of stuff you did, write a sentence about how much you enjoyed working in a team to help everyone you interacted with and did your best to make them leave the shop with a smile. I want to know what makes you happy in a job, because I want you to be happy within the job I’m advertising.
Does the application pack say who you’ll be reporting to? Can you find their name on the company website? Address your application to them. It’s super easy and shows that you give enough of a shit to google something. 95% of people don’t do this.
Tell me who you are. Tell me what makes you want to get up in the morning and go to work and feel fulfilled. Tell me what you’re looking for, not just what you think I’m looking for.
I will skim your CV. If you have a bunch of bullet points, make every one of them count. Make the first one the best one. If it’s not interesting to you, it’s probably not interesting to me. I’m overworked and tired. Make my job easy.
“I work well in a team or individually” okay cool, you and everyone else. If the job means you’ll be part of a big team, talk about how much you love teamwork and how collaborating with people is the best way to solve problems. If the job requires lots of independence, talk about how you are great at taking direction and running with it, and how you have the confidence to follow your own ideas and seek out the insight of others when necessary. I am profoundly uninterested in cookie-cutter statements. I want to know how you actually work, not how a teacher once told you you should work.
For an entry-level role, tell me how you’re looking forward to growing and developing and learning as much as you can. I will hire genuine enthusiasm and drive over cherry-picked skills any day. You can teach someone to use Excel, but you can’t teach someone to give a shit. It makes a real difference.
This is my advice for small, independent orgs like charities, etc. We usually don’t go through agencies, and the person reading through the applications is usually the person who will manage you, so it helps if you can give them a real sense of who you are and how you’ll grab hold of that entry level position and give it all you’ve got. This stuff might not apply to big companies with actual HR departments - it’s up to you to figure out the culture and what they’re looking for and mirror it. Do they use buzzwords? Use the same buzzwords! Do they write in a friendly, informal way? Do the same! And remember, 95% of job hunting (beyond who you know and flat-out nepotism, ugh) is luck. If you keep getting rejected, it’s not because you suck. You might just need a different approach, or it might just take the right pair of eyes landing on your CV.
And if you get rejected, it’s worthwhile asking why. You’ve already been rejected, the worst has already happened, there’s really nothing bad that can come out of you asking them for some constructive feedback (politely, informally, “if it isn’t too much trouble”). Pretty much all of us have been hopeless jobseekers at one point or another. We know it’s shitty and hard and soul-crushing. Friendliness goes a long way. Even if it’s just one line like “your cover letter wasn’t inspiring" at least you know where to start.
And seriously, if you have any friends that do any kind of hiring or have any involvement with that side of things, ask them to look at your CV with a big red pen and brutal honesty. I do this all the time, and the most important thing I do is making it so their CV doesn’t read exactly like that of every other person who took the same ‘how-to-get-a-job’ class in school. If your CV has a paragraph that starts with something like ‘I am a highly motivated and punctual individual who–’ then oh my god I AM ALREADY ASLEEP.
Addendum: Stop sending me rude messages about this post, jesus christ. I DID NOT INVENT CAPITALISM OR THE TORTUROUS HELLSCAPE THAT IS THE JOB MARKET CULTURE. I GET PAID LIKE SHIT. I’M JUST AN EXHAUSTED MANAGER TRYING HER BEST. and i mean if you can’t take honest advice without complaining about how it’s phrased then boy howdy do i have some bad news for you about the big, mean world of jobhunting…
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