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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
The masculine connotation of a bow tie and the feminine connotation of a bow on the top of the head implies a nonbinary bow style placed directly over the nose
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
Ephemeral is the episode that completely turned me against Marinette. Her solution to finding out Chat Noir's identity is to gaslight the hell out of him, when all she had to do was approach him and explain the situation like a rational person. Then the episode has the gall to act like she was right all along when she browbeats Su-Han into submission even though he was 100% right. I actually said "You're f**king disgusting!" to Marinette when I watched that scene. Does that make me a bad person?
Fortunately, Marinette is a fictional character and can't get her feelings hurt from us refusing to think she's a flawless queen when she manipulates and gaslights her way around her love interest and friends. And, like, that's the thing; Marinette does this stuff more than once. Getting Cat Noir to reveal his identity, gaslighting Adrien about his dad and manipulating Alya into becoming the backup Guardian. These are all people Marinette should be able to just be honest with, (because, if not them, who can she be honest with?) and when she is faced with a make or break decision in their relationships, she chooses deception over honesty.
I think disliking when such a character is being glorified as a flawless, selfless and heroic person by a piece of media aimed at preschoolers is, mostly, a morally neutral act. Like, there are genuine, good, moral values behind finding such a thing abhorrent, but we can’t exactly help many people despite how we feel about this stupid cartoon. But, also, just because we can’t help real people outside of offering support to the members of the fandom this show actually hurts with its abuse apologia, it doesn’t mean we are harming anyone either.
Being a spiteful, little hater every once in a while is a right. To claim otherwise would be to act as some kind of a thought police and none of us here better be cops. As long as we don’t hurt real people over it, keep cussing at the screen when it shows you cuss-worthy shit.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
Ephemeral is the episode that completely turned me against Marinette. Her solution to finding out Chat Noir's identity is to gaslight the hell out of him, when all she had to do was approach him and explain the situation like a rational person. Then the episode has the gall to act like she was right all along when she browbeats Su-Han into submission even though he was 100% right. I actually said "You're f**king disgusting!" to Marinette when I watched that scene. Does that make me a bad person?
Fortunately, Marinette is a fictional character and can't get her feelings hurt from us refusing to think she's a flawless queen when she manipulates and gaslights her way around her love interest and friends. And, like, that's the thing; Marinette does this stuff more than once. Getting Cat Noir to reveal his identity, gaslighting Adrien about his dad and manipulating Alya into becoming the backup Guardian. These are all people Marinette should be able to just be honest with, (because, if not them, who can she be honest with?) and when she is faced with a make or break decision in their relationships, she chooses deception over honesty.
I think disliking when such a character is being glorified as a flawless, selfless and heroic person by a piece of media aimed at preschoolers is, mostly, a morally neutral act. Like, there are genuine, good, moral values behind finding such a thing abhorrent, but we can’t exactly help many people despite how we feel about this stupid cartoon. But, also, just because we can’t help real people outside of offering support to the members of the fandom this show actually hurts with its abuse apologia, it doesn’t mean we are harming anyone either.
Being a spiteful, little hater every once in a while is a right. To claim otherwise would be to act as some kind of a thought police and none of us here better be cops. As long as we don’t hurt real people over it, keep cussing at the screen when it shows you cuss-worthy shit.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
Every Latino in that room should have gotten up and left after Emilia Perez won one Oscar.
It's a shame that a movie like this won just one award. And it's an even bigger shame that its actors and director think they're honoring us by telling this story, when in reality they're not only disrespecting our Latino history and culture, but they're silencing us again, like first world countries always do when they think they're "helping" us. In reality they're only helping themselves feel better by "showing our reality." Pathetic.
The Oscars are shameless and pathetic.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
Just saw this idea on another platform soooo AU where if you say I love you to someone who isn’t your soulmate, you forget them:
Aemond: so you are craven as well as a traitor
Lucerys: UGH I’ve had enough of this!! I love you!
Aemond and Lucerys: *stare at each other*
Lucerys: I love you!
Lucerys: I love you??
Lucerys: Oh gods please no, I love you, Aemond.
Aemond: *facepalm*
Floris: *facepalm*
Storm’s End soldiers: *facepalm*
Borros Baratheon: get out
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
Alya and Adrien got salted on for BASIC shit when Lila was introduced but Marinette and Felix having been acting foolish frequently with no consequences to acting like that and yet their fans love the hell out of them.
Marinettes allowed to stalk and harass people frequently cuz shes so in love with Adrien. Shes allowed to frequently sideline Chat and keep him out of plans and hand out miraculous like candy cuz shes the guardian and can do whatever. She can tell someone her identity but Chat cant.
Felix is allowed to pester Adrien about shit he had no control over and then try and get his friends akumatized for no reason. Then he finds out his aunt (ADRIENS MOM) is in the basement but says nothing, he also doesnt tell him what Gabriel is nor that theyre senti beings..he only frees Kagami cuz ??? Whatever ig. Hes allowed to selfishly sell out the kwami and no one bats an eye.
But Alya understandably questions Marinettes intentions about Lila (cuz Marinette literally ONLY cared abt Lila cuz she was after Adrien and then just decided to get extra with it.) And suddenly Alyas a bad friend who would bully Marinette ?? Really? Fuck off.
Adrien says to 'take the high road' cuz obviously trying to outwardly call Lila out isnt work and suddenly hes a push over and a doormat and he doesn't deserve his miraculous or Marinette??? Be fucking fr. Yall piss me OFFFF.
At least Adrien and Alyas behavior came from a place of caring. While your faves have been consistently selfish and wild with their behaviors.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 1 day ago
sometimes I wonder how y'all are obsessed with specific characters and I'm like "why them" but then I remember that sometimes its literally not your choice you just look at them wrong and all of a sudden they're taking up your every thought forever
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
Miraculous Lifeswap Origins Part. 3
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Fun fact, this took 5 and a half hours. I am not good at comics yet.
Adrien isn't prone to stumbling normally but when the prettiest girl he's ever seen crashes (literally) into him, his little cat brain just fries itself.
Start - Previous
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
I think the fan reaction to "Werepapas", specifically that scene with the broken rings, proves that Adrien's fans don't actually see him as a person, just an object or Marinette's accessory.
I don't like Adrien at all. I've made that very clear. But when I saw that scene, I was still overcome with sympathy for him. I found it so utterly disgusting that his romantic partner was willing to kill him to defeat an enemy. She didn't call for backup, she didn't try every other option first, and she wasn't even sure she could bring him back (see "Ladybug"), but she gambled with his life anyway. This scene made me feel so bad for Adrien that I temporarily forgot how much I dislike him, and I just wanted to see him get as far away from Marinette as possible.
Yet it seems like all the actual fans of the show, even of Adrien specifically, didn't feel that same way. They didn't think there was anything wrong with what Ladybug did. And maybe this is because some of them blindly accept whatever the show feeds them, and since the show doesn't portray what she did as wrong, they don't see it as wrong. But I also think the fact that they weren't disgusted on Adrien's behalf proves that they simply don't care about Adrien as a person, just as an accessory to Marinette.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
Seeing Maribug stans calling people that criticize Marinette for her season 5-6 behavior manipulated by Lila. Weird af.
Like, they go on and on about Lila akumatized people that close to Marinette to turn them and audience against Mari. Last time I checked Lila ain't the one fleeing from dates without explanation, or breaking someone else prosthetic (accident sure, still did it), or the one acting like Karen to people because his bf doesn't want to crash girls time, or I wish I make this shit up, the one gambling on her so life like it some pg rating Russian Roulette.
She did all that on her own. No one manipulated her doing it. Lila doesn't make Marinette do anything outside fighting Akuma in season 6. Let alone at season 5. And no, Gabriel doesn't manipulated her either. He's dead. She's the one decided to paint him as hero and honoring his wish to remembered fondly by Adrien even when Werepapas show us he always have been shitty Dad. She did it despite seeing him crying in white room torture chamber.
Lila akumatized people around Marinette because Maribug just couldn't be asked for being considerate to other people for once. She keep doing stuff her way and it ended up hurting someone. Then she easily forgiven? Yeah, no wonder people pissed off.
Maybe they should cut off what they're taking because clearly it mess with their brain.
People sure WISH Marinette was just manipulated with all the shit she's doing so bad it's making them look stupid.
Just cause Lila's evil doesn't mean she's suddenly omnipotent. If this were an attempt to get everyone even the audience to turn on Marinette, it sure ain't working when no one in-universe is even mad at Marinette. Lila was more effective before she got the butterfly. She couldn't get anyone to turn on Marinette/Ladybug, not even the girl whose legs she broke.
Just cause Marinette's actions happen to align with Gabriel's wishes doesn't mean she's being manipulated. Word for word, he only told her to remind Adrien of the good times. That does not include ditching him on dates or stalking his friends or breaking their legs or gambling his life breaking his amoks... How is Gabriel manipulating that?
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug, or as I like to call it, "Baby's First Ship of Theseus Paradox".
The more canon assassinates the characters, the harder it is to watch. How many times can you make a character do something that feels wildly out of character before you bow and just say, "okay, I guess this is who they are and all those good moments were the out of character ones." How many times can the power of love fail before you give up hope? (Three. My answer is three apparently.)
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
can I just say that i genuinely don’t understand the sentiment that Lila is somehow manipulating the audience to hate Marinette
i might make a bigger post on this later, and im sorry for this sentiment, but ill just say this now, unless this show is gonna turn into a psychological horror where the characters realize they’re on a show being watched by people, that is such a ridiculous statement
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
can I just say that i genuinely don’t understand the sentiment that Lila is somehow manipulating the audience to hate Marinette
i might make a bigger post on this later, and im sorry for this sentiment, but ill just say this now, unless this show is gonna turn into a psychological horror where the characters realize they’re on a show being watched by people, that is such a ridiculous statement
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
Adrien finding out that everyone in his immediate circle knew about Gabriel and knew about him being a senti-being and STILL chose to withhold that information to 'protect' him would devast him but in a way thats not surprising- hes devasted because hes not surprised..hes been experiencing this type of coddling all his life.
Hes not allowed to go to school cuz what if something happens? Hes not allowed to know any of the miraculous crap that Ladybug does cuz..what if something happens? He cant know Ladybugs identity cuz what if he gets akumatized (Not Ladybug, never Ladybug shes perfect..she knows everything, he doesn't.) And now?
Why is it easier for people who claim to love him, to lie to him so easily in the fake pretense of protecting him..as if they dont trust him to control his own emotions as if he hasnt been dealing with Akumas as long as Ladybug, has if he hasnt been taught to school his emotions since he was young! The people closest to him dont care about him- not entirely, because they like him better if hes blissfully unaware.
Natalie, Kagami, Felix, Marinette and Plagg have FAILED Adrien and he needs to be angry about it. He deserves to be angry about it cuz these people have claimed to care about him more than Gabriel and they are doing exactly what hes done all his life.
(Plagg has no reason to keep this from Adrien his HOLDER. He shouldnt have this stupid little loyalty to Ladybug. He shouldve called her out the minute she let her guard down cuz Gabriel seemed slightly apologetic, this isnt fair to Adrien.)
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
PLAGG AND TIKKI CONVO: Happens right after the events of the London Special are fixed and Marinette and the Kwami can go back to sleep.
Plagg could be called a lot of things; A loose canon, childish, mean, chaotic..all of those things that would be expected from a god of destruction. 
But what he wasn't was disloyal. Never in all his years of having holders did he once thing of abandoning them..leaving them in the dust as soon as he got the chance- in fact he was happy to form bonds with his holders..meant they'd wield his power more efficiently, meant theyd have someone in their corner if no one else was. 
This didn't change when he met Adrien, not even a little bit..because he was the youngest holder hes had, the kindest soul to own the ring- Plagg was his and he was Plaggs and he cared for the kid more than he cared to admit. Maybe thats why it hurt him everytime Adrien felt as if Chat wasn't needed or wanted..it devasted him to see his holder so defeated- so upset that he'd willingly give up the one freedom he had. 
Plagg hated seeing him like that..maybe the breaking point was something he deemed as the..Cat Walker incident. He regretted encouraging Adrien to act like anyone but himself but..it was the only way he'd get the kid to willingly take the miraculous back..it was no surprise Ladybug was so head over heels for that version- completely fumbling at every turn because she loved Adrien..well, loved the perfecr version anyways. 
That left a nasty taste in the kwamis mouth whenever he came to that conclusion- like processed cheese it left his face scrunching..didnt like it one little bit, but he'd keep them to himself- he could offer Marinette some grace..she was the same age as his holder after all, he could swallow down his annoyance whenever she brushed off Chat just to head out a kwami like a cheese on a fire sale..he could brush past her fumbling over herself whenever she put Adrien on this pedastal that showed she liked him as he was on the commercials..maybe there was something more to her feelings, maybe she did geniunely love his holder- maybe he was beginning to see that, so he never opened his mouth. 
Which is why it was so staggering..so confusing when Ladybug broke his and Tikkis unification in order to give Gabriel Agreste the benefit of doubt- after everything, after that man constantly dismissed and brushed off Adriens feelings until only recently- he couldn't yell fast enough. 
“No! Don't trust him!”  
Plagg near shrieked in objection just as he was pulled from the ring because no matter the sob story that Gabriel uttered out, he was still the same man that neglected his holder..still the same man thay terrorized all of Paris and the kwami- his friends. 
And Ladybug let her guard slip, allowed him to make that wish. 
Ladybug found out Adriens father was Hawkmoth or Monarch..whatever name thag fiend gave himself, she found out..and she agreed to lie to Adrien about it- agreed to keep him in the dark. 
Plagg could only flash back to Cat Walker..could only think back to the times Adrien wanted to give him up because he was kept in the dark one too many times and this was way worse than that- Ladybug was agreeing to lie about his father..lie to all of Paris and claim Gabriel as a hero..the same man that refused to spend time with Adrien until he was practically on his death bed. 
She and Natalie couldn't say they loved Adrien more than Gabriel after this. 
They just couldn't!
“Sugar cube..this isn't right.” 
Plaggs mumble was uncharacteristically quiet- staring down at the black ring on Marinettes desk, his whiskers twitching. The young girl was fast asleep along side the other kwami but him and Tikki remained wide awake. “I..know but-” 
Bright green eyes quickly flicked towards Tikki who seemed just as perplexed as him, “But? But what? Adriens dad is-was- Hawkmoth! And we're gonna just lie? This..this has bad idea written all over it!” He exclaimed, his little arms flailing as he gestured around. 
“This is hard for Marinette but shes trying to do what she thinks is right..its a really hard choice.”
Tikki's response caused him to huff pointedly- eyes squinting. 
“You know this decision sucks worse than..than Casu Marzu!- Dont give me that look, trust me, that cheese is super bad! Believe me!” Plagg exclaimed- only to quickly quiet himself down when he realized it wasn't just the two of them in a secluded area but an entire room full of Kwami and one sleeping girl. Tikki on the other hand just gave him a sideways glance..buzzing around- even after all these centuries of being by her side he still found it hard to read her thoughts every now and again but he knew she was just as conflicted but..like him, she was protective and loyal to her holder. 
“Well even if it..sucks like whatever that is, Marinette made the call..and its not our job to overstep. Trust me, it'll only do more good to tell him.” 
“And what if he finds out from someone else?”
“I dunno! Ladybugs been super careless lately!”
“Watch it.”
Bright green eyes narrowed into slits upon hearing Tikkis warning tone which just caused Plagg to scoff in response..small arms crossing over his chest as he glanced around. “Adrien must be confused..angry, upset..and..and alone.” He mumbled, voice dropping low as his ears slowly flattened to his round head. 
“I can't let him be lied to like this..not after almost losing him so many times. This? If the kid found out by some third party..he'd- well I can't even say what'll happen cuz thats not a future I wanna live through, its not right.” Plagg continued, putting emphasize on the last word..he knew Marinette loved Adrien, that was obvious but..she didn't love him enough to break the news and maybe the course of action he was planning on taking would only complicate things further but his holder came first and he'd do his best to enforce that. 
“..Im gonna tell him.”
Plagg stated- voice far more level and firm than usual..steadfast in his decision and he watched as the red and black polka dotted kwami whirled on him in shock. “You can't-!” 
Her shrill shriek caused a small chorus of 'Shhh's to be mumbled from various corners in the pink room while Marinette just mumbled in protest to herself on her bed above them..the mattress creaking as she turned over. 
Tikki froze for a moment, blinking repeatedly before in a quieter tone, she spoke; “You can't tell Adrien about another holders identity.” She hissed out which just caused him to huff, rolling his eyes. 
“Well duh! I can't say a name..but I can say exactly what happened. If Marinette won't, I will.” The black kwami stated, “You didn't see how that guy treated the kid..always brushing him off as if hes some expired, processed cheese! Him and that assistant of his..they kept Nooroo and Dusuu for who knows how long, using them to terrorize Paris. They never put his needs before their own..especially Gabriel..I..” 
This is probably the most serious Plagg has spoken in ages and by all the gods did he hate it but the mistreatment of his holder had him fired up! Tikkis brow furrowed as she watched him but Plagg paid no heed as he continued. 
“If I don't tell Adrien..and he ever found out by some other person who won't bother giving him a shoulder to cry on..I don't think he'll be move on from that.” He continued with a solemn shake of his head. 
“Thats if he ever found out! You could..what if this wreck the balance of our holders?” Tikki pressed, gesturing towards Marinettes sleeping form.
“The balance as been wrecked for a while, sugar cube.” He stated, floating towards ring that sat on Marinettes desk, scooping it up in his tiny paws as he lifted it from the wooden surface while Tikki just watched with growing frustration.
“Im telling him and if you or Marinette try and stop me, Ill be on you like holes in swiss cheese.” 
His statement was final- he wasn't backing down from this and Tikki could only scowl..he knew she wasn't exactly mad at him after he wasn't exhibiting new behavior, but he knew this situation wasn't any easier on her either..even so, he didn't waver. 
“If you do this..youll divide them like never before.” Tikki pointed out as if it was a warning and Plagg's ear just twitched in acknowledgement as he floated towards the sun roof. 
“It won't be me that did it.” 
Was the only sentence he uttered before he whisked away into the nighr- not bothering to give Marinette a farewell..he was sure Tikki would relay the message back to her anyway but he couldn't be worried that now.��
He had a holder to reunit with.
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
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ohitsababydragon13 · 2 days ago
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Purity Politics
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